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Discord (Midnight Saints MC Book 2)

Page 1

by Iris Sweetwater


  Midnight Saints MC

  Iris Sweetwater



  Available now from Iris Sweetwater

  Keep In Contact With Iris

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19



  Midnight Saints MC #2

  Iris Sweetwater

  Available now from Iris Sweetwater

  Series: Midnight Saints MC


  Series: The Clans with Elizabeth Knox


  The Trade



  Love is War







  Series: Quarter Kings MC with Kasandra Sheckles


  Coming Soon from Iris Sweetwater

  The Clans with Elizabeth Knox



  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are all products of the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblances to persons, organizations, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.

  Discord. Copyright © 2020 by Iris Sweetwater. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the author, except in the case of brief “s used in articles or reviews. For information, contact Iris. Sweetwater.

  Cover design by Charli Childs, Cosmic Letterz Cover Design

  Editing by Courtney Lynn Rose, Knox Publishing

  Formatting by Erin Osborne, Knox Publishing

  Proofreading by Jackie Ziegler, Knox Publishing

  Created with Vellum

  Keep In Contact With Iris



  Chapter 1


  The lake was beautiful this time of year. I always loved how the summer sun reflected off the water as if beckoning people into it. There were boats and jet skis darting across its cool surface.

  Swimmers in the shallow ends, kids on rafts and various silly floating animals. Or old-fashioned rings. Peals of laughter filled the air. The smell of barbecue smoke mixed with sunscreen hit my nose as well as the dust from the open road. People enjoyed the parks barbecue pits as they cooked hot dogs, hamburgers, and various other meats and goodies. It made my stomach growl.

  Food had to wait. Everything had to wait. A lot was riding on this meeting.

  If I hadn’t had a meeting to get to, I would have stopped to enjoy the lake and the park more, but there would be time for that later, after I stopped this fucking war my father had started.

  I walked through the park and no one paid me any mind. Around here, people were used to seeing bikers. Four biker clubs ruled these parts. Almost everyone around here knew of or had a family member or two who was a part of one club or another.

  The park was crowded today. There were children and dogs playing and people sunbathing on the lake’s beach. It was the middle of the afternoon on a hot summer day.

  I had forgotten what it was like to just lay on a towel at the beach all day, getting gorgeously tanned. I had avoided large crowded places because I was too afraid of endangering innocent lives should Maxum attack. Though would he really attack a place like this?

  Besides, everyone knew the lake was Crypt Keepers domain, and so far, they were staying neutral in this war no matter what fake loyalty nonsense they were spewing at the new Prez of the Midnight Saints. It was something I was hoping to change during my meeting with the Prez, Vice Prez, and their Enforcer, a man I knew well.

  I had one shot at this. I had to convince the Prez of the Crypt Keepers that my father not only double crossed the Midnight Saints, but that he double crossed me long ago and that I was ready to step up and be a leader— to be the Prez of the Midnight Saints.

  I had a lot of obstacles. For one, no woman had ever been Prez of a biker club around here before. In our society, women were whores. We were eye candy and kept for sex. Most men didn’t like us to have brains of our own, so it was time to prove that ideal was old fashioned and outdated. I expected a fight, but I wasn’t afraid, and I wasn’t about to back down.

  I was Maxum’s daughter, after all.

  His own flesh and blood.

  And his cruel treatment of me had prepared me for this fight. My hatred of him fueled my desire, my drive, my need to take over what was once his, and I was determined not to stop till I did.

  It didn’t take me long to spot the man sitting on a picnic table, smoking a cigarette. Eric’s long, dirty blond hair hung down his back. He had grown it out since I last saw him and let his natural color come back. I was surprised it would at all considering how many times we dyed it wacky colors from cheap boxes late at night for something to do while we were pretending to be a couple.

  Or maybe we were one.

  But that was the past.

  He was dressed in a rock band t-shirt and a black leather vest. A black bandana was wrapped around his hair, and he wore sunglasses over his eyes.

  He was one menacing looking dude, but I knew better— I knew the softer side of him.

  There was a time not so long ago that I would have blown off this meeting with his Prez to jump his bones and let him blow my mind, but that time had passed, and this meeting was of the utmost importance. I had to get the Crypt Keepers to back the Midnight Saints, or we were all dead.

  He flicked his cigarette butt when he saw me. “You gonna stomp it out, or are you planning to set the damn park on fire?” He didn’t answer as he hopped off the picnic table and I followed him to a patch of trees with low hanging branches. It was their spot where they could keep an eye on the park, and it was a secluded spot. They could drop someone back there and no one would find the body for hours.

  “Kara, daughter of Maxum, the asshole causing a load of shit to go down. You got a lot of guts, girl. Eric here said you wanted to talk, so talk,” Jax, the Prez of the Crypt Keepers, said, stepping out. He had his hands raised to show me he had no intention of harming me, though I wouldn’t blame him if he wanted to.

  We had a past as well.

  Not the romantic kind, but the kind that ended in me leaving with a tattoo still on me that says I belonged to their club.

  “I felt you needed to know the truth of the matter, because we could use your help.”


  “The Midnight Saints. They don’t know it yet, but I’m joining their ranks. I’m tired of this shit my father is doing, and clearly I’m not getting anywhere hiding on the sidelines. He’s coming after me anyway, so I need an MC, and as the heir to the old Prez of the Midnight Saints, I say that makes it my birthright to take over. But in order to do that, I need to bring something huge to the table, and that’s where you come i
n. I need to show the Midnight Saints that I got you to back us up.”

  “First, you need to convince me to agree to back the Midnight Saints up. Convince me those rumors are true,” Jax said.

  “You heard the Midnight Saints were attacked. The Shadow Order came to our bar, and they shot Devon in the back of the head. They thought he was Tony, who was the VP. Well, my father ordered the shooting. He also broke into our warehouse and he broke into my house. He also attacked the charity ride— tried to steal the money they earned. He put a gun to the Enforcer and tried to choke a woman to death, a woman who happened to be a friend of mine. But when he broke into my house, that was the last straw for me. I knew I had to act after that.”

  “Okay, but why should we help you in your bloody war? You still haven’t convinced me why we need to get involved. We want Maxum dead. We already agreed with Tony, now the Prez of the Midnight Saints, to help bring Maxum down, but what you’re asking from us is more than that. So, I’m asking you— why?”

  “The Midnight Saints didn’t start this war. I know that’s what you’ve heard. Maxum started this war. Our own Prez turned on us, double crossed us, and now he’s got every other biker club after us, except you. I know and I respect that you want to stay out of it, but sooner or later, he’s going to make you choose sides. We won’t survive without your help, he knows this. The Midnight Saints are pissed, but we don’t want war, not like this, and we need help to end it. You have the power, you have the numbers that would help us. Problem is, the Shadow Order and the Blue Diablos don’t care what we want. They’re going to act, and when they do, I need some reassurances that the Midnight Saints can count on the Crypt Keepers to have our backs.”

  “What do we get in return?” Jax asked, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.

  “I thought you were out,” Eric spoke up. “Didn’t we help you get away from all that?” He had gone through a lot to make sure I was out for good and off the grid, or at least off my father’s grid. I tried not to show that I felt bad because I had to be a leader right now, but I owed Eric a lot for that time in our lives, even if my father found me eventually anyway.

  “Yeah, well, the operative word is ‘were’. I’m being pulled back in whether I like it or not, with all my father’s bullshit. He broke into my house. I’m not going to put up with that shit, so yeah, I’m back and if I have to pick a side and prove my loyalty to stay alive, fine, I choose to be with the Midnight Saints. No, I choose to run the Midnight Saints, and I’m here to offer you a deal. You can come to the bar on a new “Friend of the MC” night on Thursdays. Get your discount on our whores and booze, plus I want to offer you a full ally contract, if you agree to be there when shit goes down. In return, we’ll be there for you if shit goes down.”

  “Does Tony know you’re taking over?” the Prez asked, scratching his chin thoughtfully.

  “Not yet,” I admitted. “I wanted to seal this alliance for them first. If I can do this, then I’ll have a leg to stand on when I go there. So, what do you say? I ain't got all day,” I protested when they all looked around between themselves.

  “Alright, we agree,” Jax said. “This should be amusing to watch.”

  “Pleasure doing business with you, boys.”

  “I’ll walk you back to your bike. It’s not safe for you around here.”

  I looked at him with a mix of annoyance and fondness. He had always been this way and probably always would be, even if we were over. “Eric, have you forgotten that I can take care of myself?”

  “I know you are a tough bitch, but you’re a target, so shut your mouth and let me walk you back to your bike.”

  “Fine. If you can keep up.” I turned on my heel and headed across the park.

  “You know, I never got to tell you, I’m proud of you,” he said, catching up to me.

  “What the hell for?”

  “For finally having the balls to stand up to your father.”

  “Oh, I plan to do more than that. It’s time I show him what I really think of him.”

  “Of that, I have no doubt. I’m also proud of you for having the balls to take over the Midnight Saints. Not many girls would even consider attempting that.”

  “I haven’t done it yet. Plus, you and I both know the word ‘girl’ is ridiculous paired with me.” I smirk.

  “No, but you’re going to, and they’ll be better off for it.”

  “It won’t be easy, and Tony is not going to like me barging in and taking over, especially after the last time he came to me and I flipped him off. I was pissed, but then my father fucking broke into my house to come after me. Now, I want more than justice. I want his fucking head on a fucking spike, and I’m going to take down every last fucking traitor who helped him attack the Midnight Saints. Tony and I can get over our differences. Hell, we might even like each other in the end.”

  I probably shouldn’t have put it that way to Eric. The bleeding heart never did get over us.

  “You don’t plan to be his lady, do you? ‘Cause, well, now that the Keepers and Saints are allies, I was hoping you and I could give us another shot.”

  “Eric, we were just dumb kids.”


  “So, we’re grown ass adults now, and I don’t have time for romance shit right now. I’m trying to deal with my father and stop a fucking war.”

  “Who said anything about romance shit?” He pulled me to him, wrapped his arms around me, and cupped my breasts with one hand while his other slid over my tight pants between my legs. “I know a place we can go where no one will see us,” he whispered in my ear. My body screamed ‘hell yeah’, but I knew I had to keep my head in the game, and as much as I wanted Eric to screw my brains out, I couldn’t give in . . . not yet.

  Reluctantly, I peeled his hand away and took a step out of reach.

  “Not now,” I said, my body still tingling from his touch. I took that moment to look around at all the people enjoying the sunshine.

  They were oblivious to the fact that a war was coming.

  He paused, not hiding his disappointment or the boner he had given himself when he groped me. “Thursday night, then, at the bar. I don’t need a discounted whore, I want you. You say we’re over, that we were just kids, I’m asking for a chance to prove we can be more now.”

  “Eric, I’ve got a lot on my plate right now. Believe it or not, fucking is the last thing on my mind. If I stop to fuck, someone could get hurt, or worse. I have to prove myself and fucking isn’t the way to do that right now. As for the bar on Thursday, I might make an appearance, if I’m not too busy.”

  “Well, if you do, I’ll buy the first round, and then we can go in the bathroom and fuck for old times’ sake.”

  “You’re not listening.” I threw up my hands and marched away. He ran after me.

  “I’m listening. You got four days between now and Thursday to deal with your shit. Then, on Thursday, we can fuck. There will be plenty of guys around to watch our backs for fifteen minutes.”

  “Won’t they be too busy screwing the whores?” I didn’t want to admit I was worried, but we had already been attacked once at the bar. It was a public place, easy access. Of course, with two biker clubs together in one night, not even the Shadow Order would dare attack. The Crypt Keepers would have the numbers.

  “No promises, okay?” We reached my bike and I straddled it. I couldn’t help but arch my back and tease him a little. He licked his lips. It did remind me of old times, which made me both reminisce and fill with regrets at the way I had used him.

  Eric was a good guy, a great fuck, and an even better boyfriend. And even though I had told him at the time it was pretend for my safety, he had still done his damnedest to tie me down.

  He almost succeeded.

  “Get your sexy ass out of here before I can’t control myself.”

  “Bye, Eric!” I whipped out my cell phone, an indication I was done talking to him. He lingered for a moment.

  “See ya around, Kara.” I watched his sweet
ass walk across the park till I couldn’t see it any longer. Then I made my call. My decision was made. I was done being afraid. Done hiding in the shadows. It was time to prove myself to my father.

  He turned his back on the Midnight Saints, so it was the perfect chance to get in, take over, and show him that his little girl wasn’t just a worthless whore but also a smart bitch who could run the baddest MC around. All those defectors would come crawling back.

  I would send a message to my father and the Blue Diablos. I would find that asshole who beat the shit out of my friend, and I would make him pay. First, I had to prove myself and take over the Midnight Saints and I knew that would be easier said than done. Tony was the new Prez, and after our last encounter, I guessed he didn’t like me much. I would have to find a way to fix that.

  Or just show him I could be just as much of a badass as any of his men. Whichever worked.

  Chapter 2


  I needed someone on the inside, and I heard my friend Reagen was back in with the Midnight Saints, being protected by the Enforcer, Seth. She could be my eyes and ears. I knew Tony didn’t trust her yet, but Seth did, and I’m sure she had Seth wrapped around her little finger, so she was the perfect choice.

  It was her or Bonnie, and Bonnie was a blabbermouth. I knew Reagen wouldn’t say anything, not if I threatened her safe place in the MC. I didn’t want to resort to that, but I would if I had to. I had to play all my cards just right if I wanted to be Prez.


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