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Discord (Midnight Saints MC Book 2)

Page 8

by Iris Sweetwater

  And for once, it was a good thing.

  Chapter 11


  I took Reagen back to the coffee shop. Draco was the barista again. “Hey, if it’s not Reagen and her friend. Still want me to curse that guy’s friends for you?”


  “Here’s my list.” He handed me a folded piece of paper.

  “If you don’t really do this, Seth is going to come here and break your fingers,” I explained

  “No, he won’t,” Reagen protested. “I won’t let him do that. I’ll withhold sex if he does. Not that I can have sex with him anyway, I’m pregnant.”

  “You can fuck while you’re pregnant. Who told you, you can’t?”

  “I can do it,” Draco said.

  I read over his list. None of them would actually prevent Jacob or anyone from coming after us. They were all temporary things. I needed a more permanent solution. “Give me Seth’s money, none of these stupid curses will work.”

  “Sure they will.”

  “Not for what we need.”

  “Well, tell me what you need.”

  I thought about it. I knew if he killed anyone, the karma would come back on him. Draco didn’t deserve that shit. So, what would help us? Maybe if we knew something, if we knew if someone was coming.

  “We need to know if someone is after her.” I pointed to Reagen. “If anyone who allied with this guy is specifically gunning for her. Is that something you can do?”

  “Yeah, that’s something doable. My break is in fifteen,” he said ominously.

  And that’s how we ended up in his fucking car, watching him carve ruins into his arm and go into a trance.

  “What the fuck?” Reagen whispered and I slapped at her. She needed to shut up and let him concentrate if it was real, and either way, it was a fucking show.

  “I feel evil. An unfinished business. Anger. I feel it coming for both of you.”

  I scoffed. “Yeah, we have a whole MC after us.”

  “No,” he said loud and clear. “There’s only one man.”

  I looked at Reagen as she instantly closed off. Fuck. This was bad.

  I told Tony fucking everything, and he took it in stride. He didn't call us crazy, at least. I let Reagen go deal with her emotions. This wasn't good for the baby. Soon, though, the subject changed, and we were back to figuring out how the fuck we were going to get along.


  “So, dual leadership. We need to figure out what that means,” I said. “Care for a beer?” I grabbed two from the fridge, and after knocking off the caps, I handed her one.

  “I never turn down a beer,” Kara said with a smile.

  “So, what’s the plan for dealing with your old man?”

  “We stand our ground, we don’t attack, but if he attacks us, then we defend with everything we’ve got and the Crypt Keepers have our backs.”

  “Yeah, how did you get the Crypt Keepers to agree to have our backs?”

  “I know their Enforcer. He was my high school boyfriend. He got me a meeting with his Prez, and all I had to do was convince them that the rumors were true, that my father was the double crosser they heard he was, and they were all too happy to help. We’ll see what really happens when shit goes down.”

  “Yeah, I guess we will. So are you and the ex still hot and heavy?”

  “He wants to be, but no, I guess not.”

  “You know everyone expects us to fuck.”

  “Yeah, well, I’m not the kind of girl who does what everyone expects.”

  Funny how she wasn’t denying the fucking part, though. Most girls would even if it was a bold-faced lie. The bitch had balls anyway. “Yeah, well, I’m not the kind of guy who does either, but hey, it might be fun.”

  “We should capture a Shadow Order, torture them for information. Cut off their body parts and leave them burning on their doorstep.”

  “Yeah? Which parts?”

  “The cock and maybe a few fingers.”

  “Wow, Kara, I didn’t picture you to be so aggressive. Brutal.”

  “Then clearly you don’t know me.”

  “No, clearly I don’t. Tell me more. I might just like this alliance after all, especially if you give in to the screwing.”

  “Oh, go fuck yourself, Tony,” she said but laughed. I smiled. I was wearing on her.

  “We need scouts,” I said, changing the subject. “Do you think the Crypt Keepers would provide us with some?”

  “That wasn’t the arrangement I made with them, but maybe I can ask.”

  “I just figured if we send our men, they’ll be recognized as our men. But if we send Keepers, well then, they won’t know they’re reporting to us. It’s a good thing you did for the Midnight Saints, and we’re grateful to you. I know we didn’t seem that way at first.”

  “Why, Tony, I never took you as a big softie.”

  “I’m not,” I protested. “The way I see it, it benefits everyone and the less in-house fighting, the stronger we’ll be.”

  “Now that, I can agree with.”

  “So, we’re finally on the same page. That’s a good thing.”

  She took a drink of her beer. We were finally getting somewhere. "I was also thinking, he hit us where it hurts, we need to do the same. What is the one thing most precious to him?” I gawked at her. She couldn’t mean what I think she means, could she?

  “You can’t mean—”

  “Yeah, I mean the church.”

  “But that’s God’s house. You wouldn’t, Kara. Don’t mess with that. Leave the church alone. He fucked them over too by not being an honest person.”

  “Then what would you suggest we do?”

  “Lie low, wait for him to attack, then we defend, like you said before. Want another beer?” I asked when I noticed hers was empty.

  “Sure.” I got up and went to get two more beers. “So, your room or mine?” I asked.

  “Yeah right!” She laughed. “Don’t fuck up a good thing, Tony. We were getting somewhere here.”

  “Yeah ,I know. I was kidding,” I lied. I handed her the beer and sat back down. She didn’t seem to be in the mood to flirt, so I knew I had my work cut out for me if I planned to get her to flirt, let alone sleep with me. I didn’t want to admit, but ever since she came storming in here, I saw her in a different light, a sexier light, and after my wet dreams about her, there was no mistaking my feelings. I just wasn’t sure she shared those feelings and she was making it clear she didn’t, or was she just protesting? I couldn’t read her, which frustrated me. She wasn’t the slut I expected.

  “What’s on your mind?” she asked.


  “Your wheels are turning.”

  “Yeah, I have a lot on my mind.”

  “Yeah, we both do.”

  I glanced down to make sure I wasn’t popping a boner. I didn’t want to give away my thoughts entirely.

  “What are you doing?” she laughed, catching me looking.

  “I thought I had spilled something on my pants.”

  “You were checking to see if you had a boner.” She laughed. “Well? I can’t tell, do you?”


  “Well, that’s disappointing.” She chugged her beer. “I guess we’ll have to see what we can do about that.”

  “I thought you weren’t interested.”

  “Drink your beer,” she said, finishing hers. “Get me another one.”

  “Maybe we should go for something stronger.”

  “What do you have?”

  “Tequila, whiskey, vodka.”

  “Ooh, vodka.”

  “Bottle or shot glass?”

  “You want to see me get drunk? Just open the bottle. Then, we’ll see where the night goes.”

  I got the bottle and opened it, and after taking a swig, I handed it to her. She took a swig and handed it back. We passed the bottle back and forth a few times. Then she took off her top and threw it at me. I could feel my shaft waking up. Every inch of her flesh was
inked, but that didn’t take away the hotness of her body. Suddenly, I wanted her like I hadn’t wanted another woman. I took the bottle from her, took another swig, and moved closer.

  “Drunk yet?”

  “No. You?”


  “Well, then let’s keep drinking.” She snatched the bottle and as she sucked on the neck, she reached out and grabbed me by the crotch. I responded with eagerness as my member moved within my pants. “Does little Tony want to come out and play?”

  “Uh, little Tony?” She groped me again and I moaned. She giggled. She was enjoying having me by the balls. “I’m going to make you pay for that,” I hissed.

  “Ooh, what are you going to do?”

  “Get on your knees, bitch, and I’ll show you.”

  “I have a better idea.” She grabbed me by the shirt and dragged me down the hall to the room she had claimed as hers. She shoved me inside and shut the door. I took another swig of vodka, then I pulled off my shirt since she was already topless.

  “You can do anything you want because I won’t remember it in the morning.” She grabbed me by my pants and started unbuckling my belt. Then, she pulled the belt free and threw it across the room. It hit a lamp and broke the bulb, throwing the room into darkness. We both laughed and used our other senses. At some point, I dropped the bottle and we moved to the bed. By then, I was full-on hard and ready to fuck her, but she had other plans. She pushed me down on the bed, kneeled between my legs, and sucked me dry. Her mouth felt incredible and I regretted the fact I probably wouldn’t remember it in the morning.

  Chapter 12


  I woke to find Tony naked in my bed. I was naked. “Oh no, did we fuck?” I asked out loud.

  “Yeah, I think we did,” Tony said. “Oh, my fucking head.”

  “What happened last night?”

  “Fuck if I remember. We were talking about what to do about your asshole of a father and then we were drinking. I think we started drinking vodka.”

  “Vodka!” I slapped my forehead. “Of course ,it was vodka, that’s the only reason I slept with you. We don’t tell anyone.” I was already getting out of bed. I pulled the sheet and tried to wrap it around myself, but Tony pulled it away.

  “Bitch, I’ve seen your body a million times. If you recall, you kind of like to show it off.”

  “Yeah, I do.” I grinned. Then I walked around the room, gathering my things. I tossed him his clothes.

  “Well, now you can’t tell me my cock will never come near your pussy,” he teased. I threw my boot at him.

  Someone knocked on the door. “Tony!” I grabbed my pillow and whacked him. “Get the fuck out of my bed.”

  “Hey, Kara, you in there? It’s Eric. I need to talk to you.”

  “Eric, that your ex?”

  Well, fuck. “Yeah.”

  “Oh, this should be fun.” Before I could stop him, Tony got up and went to answer the door. He cracked it and hid his naked body behind the door. “What the fuck do you want?” he demanded.

  “I need to speak to Kara.”

  “She’s busy at the moment. Come back later.” Tony shut the door and then stood there. A second later, Eric knocked again.

  “Kara! I need to talk to you.”

  Tony opened the door again, this time all the way, which revealed he was naked.

  “Like I said, what the fuck do you want?”

  “What the fuck, Kara?” Eric growled and then turned on his heel.

  “Eric! Tony, put your fucking clothes on.” I grabbed a shirt, pulled on my pants, and ran after Eric. He didn’t deserve this. This is exactly what I was worried about with him. I wasn’t good enough to keep a man like him. I might have thought what Tony did was funny any other time, but not with Eric.

  “You’re sleeping with Tony now?”

  “Who I fuck isn’t your concern. We’re not together, Eric.” There I went again, being this bitch to push him away. It was a game, and he needed the truth, not a game. What was wrong with me? I was fucking broken, that’s what.

  “Are you with him now?”

  “No. I don’t know. We were talking and drinking vodka and the next thing I knew, I woke up naked and Tony was in my bed and he was naked, and we figured we fucked, but we’re not together. We just work together. He and I would never work as a couple.”

  “I just saved your ass, saved his too. I got the Crypt Keepers to back up the Midnight Saints. Now, I’m not saying you owe me sex or anything, but . . . why him?”

  That was a good fucking question. I hadn’t had time to analyze it yet, so I went back to blaming the vodka and my idiocy. “Because he was there.” I shrugged. “Because of the vodka. You know how I get when I get vodka in me. Look, come to the bar Thursday, buy me a drink, and we’ll see where the night takes us. I’m not promising anything, but I’m not with anyone, so anything can happen.” I owed him that much.

  “Fair enough.”

  “Why did you come to my room? Did you have something you wanted to talk about?”

  “It’s not important now. See ya around, Kara.” He got on his bike and rode away. I went to get coffee and donuts. All the guys were staring at me, and when Tony walked in, they whooped and hollered. Austin and Seth patted Tony on the arm. So much for not telling anyone. It wasn’t going to do any good.

  “Told you!” Austin laughed.

  “We were drunk on vodka. I can’t even remember what happened,” Tony said.

  “Well, next time don’t get so drunk,” Austin teased.

  “We did come up with a plan before we got drunk. We need to empty out the warehouse. Sell what we can. Then we’re going to use the money we make from the sales, the money the bar made from Friends of the MC, and the money we found from Maxum as bait to lure Maxum to it. He won’t be able to resist trying to steal it from us. When he does, we’ll be waiting to pummel his ass.”

  “Alright, you heard him boys, time to empty out the warehouse.”

  “Top ranks upgrade their bikes first. Once everyone has what they want, we’ll sell the rest,” Seth suggested.

  “Sounds like a good plan,” I agreed, trying to ignore the way they all kept looking at me, probably wondering what I was like in bed. Tony didn’t even fucking remember, and I was their Prez now too. Hopefully, they weren’t dumb enough to ask. Low on men or not, I’d fuck them up for it. “Also offer parts to the top ranks of the Crypt Keepers.”

  “You got it, Prez,” Austin said, and I couldn’t tell if he was trying to be an ass and mock me. I narrowed my eyes at him so he knew I was watching him.

  We spent the day working on our bikes and emptying the warehouse.

  It took a few days to sell the leftover parts and everything else inside the warehouse, but we made a small killing.

  I took Reagen with me back to the coffeehouse to meet with Draco, but he wasn’t there. The barista said he hadn’t been heard from or seen in a few days.

  “Shit. Do you think someone got to him?” Reagen asked, fear in her eyes.

  “If they did, that means this place is being watched and we better call Seth and Tony.” I grabbed my phone. I didn’t want to admit a need for help or any weakness, but no way could the two of us, one of us being pregnant, fight an army of Diablos. Part of me was tempted to call Eric as well. I knew he would come in a moment, but I didn’t want to use him anymore. If we were ever going to have a real shot, I had to stop doing that.

  I pulled out my phone and dialed Tony, ignoring the odd feeling of relief and maybe something more when he picked up the phone. “Tony, Draco is missing. Can you and Seth come and escort us back? I fear this place is being watched. I think someone saw us come in here one of the times we did, and I’m afraid to leave with Reagen without an escort.”

  “Yeah, sit tight, go hide in the bathroom. We’ll be there in ten. Don’t come out of the bathroom till I call you.”

  I grabbed Reagen’s hand and we made for the bathroom. There was a lock on the door, so I threw the dead
bolt and then we crouched down out of view of the window. “Don’t worry, they’ll be here,” I told Reagen and showed her I had my gun with me. No way would I go anywhere without it after all these years of hiding from my own damn father. “Well, so much for getting someone cursed.”

  “It was a dumb idea anyway,” Reagen said, trying to stay strong.

  “Tony didn’t think so.”

  “He didn’t think so because it was your idea. Come on, Kara, Tony is smitten by you, everyone can see it but you.”

  We heard a motorcycle engine cut off outside the window and then footsteps. We stopped talking and held our breaths. There were all kinds of banging noises coming from outside. Then, a hiss and a pop and another and another. Four hisses, four pops. I realized it was the tires of our bikes. Someone out there knew we were here and they were fucking up our bikes to make sure we couldn’t get away.

  Then we heard a scuffle, the sound of a gunshot, and the thud of a body hitting the wall. We smothered our mouths to keep from screaming. More bike engines, another gunshot, and then more of a scuffle.

  I pulled my gun out, crawling to the door, ready to go out there and help. No way could I leave them alone in this when I was Prez now too. But then Reagen pulled me down.

  “What the fuck, Kara? If they didn’t kill you, then Tony would.”

  Then a siren was heard in the distance, slowly getting louder. My cell began to ring. “Get out here quick!” Tony shouted. We ran out of the bathroom, out of the shop, and jumped on the back of their bikes. There was no time to grab helmets or to find a way to get our bikes out of there. Shit, there went my new bike, and it was evidence, technically. Maybe Tony had a clean-up crew who could help, but that wasn’t the priority.

  We sped out of there. We ducked down an alley as a police car whizzed by. “You two are never to go to that coffee shop again, do you hear me?”


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