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Discord (Midnight Saints MC Book 2)

Page 11

by Iris Sweetwater

  “Nope, and don’t even think about checking out. You hang in there and you get better. We need you back in the fight.”

  “I ain't checking out anytime soon, I promise,” he said. He closed his eyes again.

  “You just rest and get better.” The Prez patted his good arm. “I’ll be outside when you’re ready to go. Take your time.”

  “Kara . . .”

  “Hush you, save your breath.”

  “Shut up,” he managed. “Let me say this.” He paused and spoke in broken whispers. “Kara, I know . . .” He paused. “I know there’s . . .” Another pause. “There’s nothing there.”

  I didn’t interrupt. I could tell he was struggling.

  “There between us. Anymore. Is there?”

  “No, Eric. No, there isn’t.” I was fucking crying like a baby. This was not the way I wanted to be sure, not the way I wanted to tell him, but I didn’t have the heart to lie to him right now.

  “Thought so.” He paused. “It’s just like a . . . like a familiar . . . song.” He said, “Your part’s over.”

  “Eric, this can wait till you can speak.”

  “No. I got to say this now. I’m letting you go.” He paused and swallowed. “I see what you could have with Tony. I want you to be happy. I think he’s the one. Who could make you. Happy.”

  “What? That is ridiculous. You don’t know what you are talking about,” I protested. I wanted to scream and hit him right now, but he was doing it when he knew I couldn't. What an ass, making me cry over him like this.

  “Tony is a good man. He clearly cares deeply about you. He can protect you, from your father.”

  “Why are you saying goodbye? You’re not dying, you fucking fool. I won’t let you die.”

  “Oh, stop it.” He closed his eyes for a moment.


  “He has feelings for you. He wouldn’t have punched me if he didn’t.”

  “He’s stubborn and will never admit that.”

  “He will. He will. In time.”

  “That seems to be the verdict. I just don’t know if I want to sit around waiting for him to figure it out. To wait for him to admit it.”

  “You’ll be sorry. If you don’t.”

  “Okay, if I agree, will you stop talking now?”

  He nodded.

  “Then I agree to give Tony time, but don’t expect me to just sit around and wait for him.”

  Eric went silent. The monitors were still working, so he must have just drifted off to sleep. I sat in the chair and watched him sleep as my mind mulled over what he had said. Why was it so obvious to everyone but the two people involved? Why was Tony fighting these feelings everyone saw?

  I was still pondering this when my cell phone rang.

  “Get it. I need to sleep,” Eric said.

  “I’ll come back and check in on you, so don’t you die on me, you bastard.” I answered the phone. “Hello?”

  “Kara, It’s Reagen.”

  “Hey, are you okay? You sound upset.”

  “I am upset. I’m terrified.”

  “Talk to me.”

  “Jacob just sent the Midnight Saints a threat. I’m so scared, Kara. He said he’s going to kill anyone who tries to get between us.”

  “Wait, how did he send the message? He’s fucking dead!”

  “I thought so. I don’t know how he did it. He fucking called Tony.” She was losing it, and I was confused as fuck. Was this what our little witch boy predicted? This fucker still alive? “He left a blow-up doll that looked like you at the bar. He even marked it up. He hung it from a tree and put a message on it to all who were protecting me.”

  “Wow, that’s bold. What is Tony doing about it?”

  “He’s sending a crew out now. He and Seth are gone. They left the sentries to protect me, but they wanted to go meet him. Kara, I have a bad feeling either they are going to die or that this is what he wanted, to leave me without Seth.”

  “Well, don’t worry, the Midnight Saints and the Crypt Keepers won’t let him get near you. I’m at the hospital. I’ll be there as soon as I can be. I won’t fucking let anything happen either. Where are you?”

  “At the clubhouse. In Seth’s room. Hiding in his closet.”

  “Are you alone there?”

  “No, there are Saints and Keepers around.”


  “Kara, he said he’d kill anyone who got in his way. I won’t be the cause of these people’s deaths. And not yours either. He wants you too.”

  “He’s not going to attack the clubhouse. He wouldn’t be that stupid. Reagen, listen to me, no one is dying today. Stay in the closet, I’m on my way.” I tried to reassure her, but she was so shaken up and crying hysterically.

  I left Eric. I didn't fucking want to, but I needed to. She needed me.

  I told the Prez what was up, and he and two guys rode with me. There was no sign of the Blue Diablos anywhere, so by the time we arrived and entered the building and I made my way to Seth’s room, I was convinced it was just a scare tactic. “If he was coming, he’d be here by now.”

  “He said he’s going to be down one more member and this time they aren’t going to get it wrong. Seth is a dead man and that he’d be wise to give me up or there won’t be a single Saint or their bitch left alive.”

  “Your man is one of the toughest guys I know. They won’t be able to take him down easily. As for killing the rest of the club, he can try, but aside from blowing up the clubhouse while we’re all gathered, he’ll never get the rest of us.”

  “You don’t know him like I do. He’s capable of anything. Plus, he used to be a Saint, so he knows where the clubhouse is.”

  “Then we move. We get everyone out and we go to the Crypt Keepers’ clubhouse. They don’t know where that one is. I’m one half of the Prezs, so I can order everyone out of the clubhouse if I need to. We can hit the road. We’re not as easy to pick off on the open road. That’s what we’ll do, if they actually come, we’ll hit the road. If they burn down the clubhouse, it’s just a building and replaceable things. But our members are dropping like flies, and we can’t afford to lose anyone else. I’ll call Tony and fill him in on the plan.”

  I called Tony, but he didn’t answer. I didn’t like that, it worried me, but I didn’t dare tell Reagen that I couldn’t get ahold of him. After hanging up, I called an emergency meeting with everyone at the clubhouse.

  “Listen up, we’ve been threatened. The Blue Diablos have threatened to kill the rest of us, but we’re not going to let that happen. If they come, I want this place cleared out. If they attack the clubhouse, I want them to only destroy a building and replaceable stuff. I want every soul out of here. Hit the road and don’t stop moving until you reach the lake.

  “You can come to our clubhouse,” the Crypt Keeper Prez offered. “We’ll give you sanctuary.”

  “What about the wounded? They can’t ride,” Mom asked.

  “Someone has to drive the truck with them piled in the back. In fact, the wounded should leave now. Take the truck further up into the mountains.”

  “Alright, people, let’s get the wounded loaded into the truck!” Mom called. We women were going to do this. We were going to get everyone the fuck out and to safety. That way, the men could take that fucker out and not worry about us.

  It took an hour to get everyone loaded and the truck on the road. I was really beginning to think the Blue Diablos were bluffing, but then Crypt Keeper scouts reported seeing them on the road leading to the clubhouse. A mixed group of Keepers and Saints took off on their Harleys to meet them and cut them off. Everyone else prepared to ride after the truck, further into the mountain. Reagen didn’t have her own bike, and Seth wasn’t likely to get back in time to grab her, so she’d be riding with me. I would grab Mom’s bike since she was the one driving the truck. We were some of the last to leave, and by the time we reached Mom’s bike, the Blue Diablos were pulling into the yard. We jumped on the bike and rode out like a bat out o
f hell, with a Blue Diablos hot on our tail.

  “That’s Jacob following us. He’s not going to stop,” Reagen screamed over the roar of the engine.

  “Don’t worry, I know these woods like the back of my hand. Just hold on tight. With a little luck, we’ll get him to crash his bike, then the Saints and Keepers will take him out. And if not, we’ll fucking hide until Tony comes. He knows these woods too. He’ll find us.”

  I got off the road and followed a hiking trail instead. Jacob was right behind me. I could feel Reagen shaking behind me.

  How that motherfucker survived, I had no idea. Part of me was ready to believe in the supernatural.

  “Stay calm or you’ll fall off,” I warned. I took a sharp left on the trail, hoping he wouldn’t see it in time and crash into the tree, but he did see it and turned. I kept driving. I cursed myself for going off-road. We were probably now too far from the rest of the Saints and Keepers. If Jacob had a gun, it was all over, and I suspected he did. I had to get us back on the road. Problem was, I was no longer sure where the road was, so we just kept going down the trail.

  Every time I looked back, Jacob was right behind me. He was a skilled biker, I had to give him that credit. He rode these trails like a pro. Of course, that was bad for us.

  We came off the trail and back on the road, and suddenly there was a row of bikes in front of us, blocking our path. They surrounded my bike quickly. Guns drawn. Jacob got off his bike, came over, and grabbed Reagen by the hair. He pulled her off the bike and threw her to the ground. Someone else grabbed me and threw me to the ground. Our hands were bound behind our backs, we were blindfolded, and gags were stuffed in our mouths.

  There was no use in fighting this many men. Our saviors would have to come wherever they took us after we were fucking beat. I would have to find a way to be strong.

  I would have to remember all these fuckers would be sorry because Seth and Tony wouldn’t just execute on sight. They would die a slow death for taking the wrong bitches.

  I was placed on a bike and we were taken down the road. There hadn’t been time to scream, it had all happened so fast. I heard the pop pop of guns as they blasted their way through with us as their captives.

  I was kicking myself. What a fool. I had made one wrong move, and now Reagen and I might both die because of it. I just prayed the majority of the club had gotten out of range of the gun fight. If they lived, then there was a chance for revenge. Where the hell was Tony and Seth when we needed them?

  Hopefully, they would soon realize it was all a diversion and come for us.

  The popping sounds stopped and we were racing down the highway, getting further and further from our club’s territory.

  We were hauled inside some property I didn't know, and I made not a sound as they started beating us, kicking us, and tearing our clothes.

  Reagen was crying and I remained silent. I waited for the right moment to act. I knew she was terrified, that this could ruin her, but I couldn't comfort her if this was going to fucking work. I needed to not piss the wrong one off at the wrong time. I needed to survive long enough to save not just myself but Reagen and her unborn child.

  I'd never forgive myself if this undead asshole got what he wanted.

  Finally, as Reagen curled up in the corner, her belly in her hands in a protective cradle, we were left alone with Jacob.

  He spit on us before saying anything, and all I did was shut my eyes so the spray didn't get there.

  It landed on my chin and I made no move to wipe it off.

  "Ya'll bitches are so fucking stupid, just like those assholes you've been whoring your asses out to. Even my own fucking MC. But I can tell you now, you know why?"

  He leaned down, like we were children, looking at us so condescendingly. Damn, I hated this prick. How did he ever get into any MC at all?

  "I scared the shit out of you looking like a dead guy, didn't I?" I tried to hide my reaction, Reagen turning to look at him like he was insane. "The whole time it was both of us fucking you up, Reagen. I'm James." He started cackling like some comic book super villain, and I knew then he was fucking nuts.

  These two fuckers had been playing the twin card this whole time. It made sense, and yet it didn't. I couldn't believe two men so evil were in this world.

  "I don't have anything to do with this," I said, my lip quivering. I could be a good actress when I needed to, especially when it came to assholes. I had gotten so many men to fuck me and protect me, to think I loved them. This would be easy, especially with the fact this fucker was crazy. Certifiably so. "I just wanted to protect her unborn baby."

  I nodded over to Reagen as I broke into tears. "Please, just let me go, and you can keep her. Please, let me live. I'll go into hiding. You'll never see me again and neither will the Saints."

  I knew one of two things would happen— he’d either want Reagen so bad he’d let me go, or my begging would make him want to fuck with me first. Either way, I would win. I had no gun anymore, nothing he knew of on me, but that was why I always, always had insurance in my boot.

  "Ooohhh, I like it when they beg," he said, coming up to me, his tongue flicking out like I might be some tasty treat. He gets right up to me, his tongue in my face, and that's when I pull it out, slicing open his mouth so he goes back screaming.

  I go to Reagen and pull her up. "Get up! Get up! We're getting out."

  Chapter 16


  “We’re idiots! Fucking assholes! Seth, go back and get your girl. Hide her. It’s all been a trick.”

  No one was after us, not here, not anywhere near us. All I could think about was the fucking clubhouse. Seth took off like a bat out of hell. I couldn't blame him. I didn't know if we should try to still do something to the Diablos while we were out or go back home.

  My cell phone beeped, telling me I had a message. I hadn’t heard it ring.

  “Tony, it’s Kara. As you know, the Blue Diablos have made a threat against us. I think the best course of action is to abandon the clubhouse and take to the open highway. They can’t take us all out if we’re moving targets spread out. We’ll reconvene at the lake. I need to ask the Crypt Keepers for one more big favor. We opened our clubhouse to them, we need to ask for sanctuary at theirs. Wherever you are, I hope you’re keeping Seth safe. I’ve got Reagen. I won’t let her out of my sight. Tell Seth I’ll keep her safe. Till we meet again, stay safe, please, for me.”

  “Oh shit!” I said as I automatically replayed the message. Fuck, I was going to lose her when she was finally ready to have me. I knew shit like that wouldn’t work. The Diablos had our traitors. They knew the area as well as she did, and I knew Kara, she would stay back and wait till the injured and innocent were safe, just like I would.

  “What?” Austin asked.

  “The Blue Diablos are attacking the clubhouse. That jackass is after Seth and his girl. It was real, just a diversion.”

  “How long ago did that message come in?” he demanded.

  “An hour ago. They should have all made it to the lake by now unless they got the girls, which is possible. If he's really alive, he knows the mountains and woods same as Kara. Fuck!” I roared. “Let’s go, this will have to wait.”

  We jumped on our bikes and headed for the lake. Once everyone was there, we took roll call.

  “Where is Reagen?” Seth demanded, still looking around for her in a panic.

  “She was with Kara. Is Kara not here? Has anyone seen Kara? Jed, you’re in charge till we get back.” I gathered a large army with Midnight Saints and Crypt Keepers and we headed for the bar where the Blue Diablos frequented. We would get the location of their clubhouse even if we had to kill to get it.

  Hell, I’d kill if anyone touched a hair on Kara’s head. And if I ever got her back, I wasn't going to be such a pussy about what I felt anymore.

  “Fuck, I’m sorry for all the things I said about you and your girl,” I growled to Seth, sweat dripping down from my forehead with worry.

“Kara?” he asked. All I could do was nod.

  We arrived at the bar and there were bikes parked outside. We slashed all the tires and then, to be sure the trucks didn’t belong to them as well, we slashed all the tires in the parking lot. Then we entered the bar.

  Several members of the Blue Diablos jumped to their feet, weapons drawn.

  “We don’t want to have to kill anyone, we just want our women back, so who is going to be the brave soul who tells us where the clubhouse is?” Seth asked.

  “She wasn’t your woman. You stole her from us. First, you beat the shit out of her, and then you steal her and rape her. You Midnight Saints think you can do whatever the hell you want, well, not anymore.”

  Seth grabbed him by the shirt and stared him in the face.

  “Listen here, you punk ass. I never stole her or raped her, and we’re not the ones who beat the shit out of her. She showed up on our doorstep beaten half to death. I love Reagen, and she’s carrying my child. Jacob is the one who beat her, and now he’s going to kill her and our baby if you don’t help us find her.” He let go of the man’s shirt. "Come on, you used to be Saints. Saints don’t condone beating up women.”

  “Neither do Diablos. If what you say is true, then I hope you get to her in time. There’s a junkyard to the north, behind that you’ll find a large house. Jacob always said you guys kidnapped, raped, and beat her. That’s what he told everyone. He said he rescued her from you once before. We believed him, we didn’t know any better, but I see it in your face, you’re a man looking for the woman he loves. Go, find her.”

  “One more thing. Tell Maxum the Midnight Saints want to talk. Tell him Kara is the Prez.” With that, we walked out and headed for the junkyard, and I didn't have to say shit. That was good because I was so fucked up, I couldn't think straight.

  Jacob had a reason to beat up Reagen and keep her around for a bit, but Kara? She was dead. I knew it. Seth knew it. And thank fuck he kept his mouth shut about it.

  We arrived in time to see two women stumbling out, both bloody and one half carrying the other, but they were alive.


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