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Discovered: The Dark Angel Chronicles

Page 3

by Serenity Rayne

  Day in and day out, everything remains the same. Go to work, heal as many people as possible before coming home to panic all over again about the upcoming Mate Trials. All these years all I ever hoped for was to one day be found worthy.

  Every year I fight to resist the darkness within me. Every year I strive to be better than the year before. I’ve watched my friends come and go, most of the females quit working to raise their babies. As happy as I am for everyone else, I have to be honest with myself, I envy the joy my friends get to experience when they find their mates. Laughing to myself, I think about all my nieces and nephews I get to play the crazy aunt for. At least I get to play with the little ones and fill a tiny bit of the void in my heart.

  Joscelyn returns from her break and deposits a heaven-sent coffee before me drawing me out of my inner monologue. “Thanks, sweetie!” I say, picking up the cup and taking a much-needed sip of caffeine.

  The sweet caramel flavor lingers on my tongue as I look from my notes then over at the computer. My eyes scan over the roster of the patients in our wing, making sure there’s nothing that I hadn’t checked up on. Everyone here is stable for the most part, minus the two that are slowly dying. Most of the people here Joscelyn or I can heal almost instantly, but we are not allowed to completely heal anyone. Free will can be a bitch at times.

  “Anytime, babe! What are besties for, right?” Joscelyn says with a radiant smile. Her sun-kissed skin seems to have a glow about it. The freckles on her cheeks stand out a little darker and the green in her eyes a bit brighter. It's now that I notice that she’s holding an orange juice and not her normal coffee.

  Arching a brow, I motion to her stomach with my coffee, tilting it in her direction. “Something I need to know about?” A smile creeps across her lips as her cheeks flush. She whips her head away from me, and my eyes widen. My heart stutters just before it picks up from the surge of adrenaline.

  “No way!!” I practically scream as I close the distance between us and hug her tightly to me.

  “Shhh … We haven’t said anything to anyone yet. It's still too early to let everyone know.” Her joy is contagious as we stand there hugging and crying together. Gently I tighten my grip around her and hold her carefully against me. I press my lips to her cheek, so excited she’s been blessed with a baby so soon into her union. If I am truly being honest with myself, I can’t wait to have children of my own. For now, I can deal with being the crazy overprotective auntie.

  “I can’t believe it! In four months you’re having a baby!” I hug her again, making sure not to squeeze.

  “Crazy emotional females,” a deep husky tone says from beside us as he steals my coffee cup out of my hand.

  Quickly I release Joscelyn and push her behind me to protect her. I come face to face with a handsome male that radiates darkness and malice. He appears to be of Middle Eastern or Mediterranean descent, chocolate-brown eyes, dark brown almost black hair, and muscular. If he wasn’t being such a dick, he’d be very attractive.

  “Please give me back my coffee,” I extend my hand out to him; the raven tattoo on my lower forearm catches his attention. Black wisps rise up off the wings of my raven in response to his proximity, as if it’s attracted to him. My eyes move from studying my raven to the interesting man before me.

  “You’re too nice to be like me,” he says with his eyes narrowed. His free hand comes up to push his sleeve up his thickly muscled forearm to expose a raven like mine. While I stare at his raven, he switches hands that hold my coffee, and he takes a sip. Slowly I raise my eyes and look at the way his lips caress my coffee cup lid. Is it wrong that I want to feel those lips on mine? One second I’m upset he took my coffee, the next I want to be the coffee. Am I finally losing my mind?

  “Name’s Cyrus,” he says with one of those bad-boy smirks that makes you wonder if you want to kiss him or punch him. He watches me intently before offering me my coffee back.

  “Thana.” I take my cup back and look at it briefly. By the time I look back up again, he’s gone. The mystery of who has been stealing my coffee has been officially solved. Quickly, I turn and check Joscelyn over, making sure she and her new cargo are safe.

  “I’m okay, Thana, maybe you need to report this encounter to our boss?” Joscelyn looks down the hallway to Raphael’s door.

  Nodding, I turn and head down the hall reluctantly. I still feel rather self-conscious after Raphael having seen my wings. Come to think of it, things have been a little more awkward than usual. I do a double check of my appearance in the reflection of his office window before I knock.

  Why suddenly do I care what I look like before entering his office? I feel like such an idiot for feeling nervous about being around him. I’ve worked with Raphael for countless lifetimes, and up until Azrael made me expose my wings, everything was fine. Now I feel on edge when I’m in his presence, like an unseen force is pulling me towards him. I honestly don’t understand it, nor do I want to ponder it much longer. Lost in my inner monologue, apparently, I don’t notice Raphael open his office door.

  “Are you okay? You look distraught?” Raphael places his large hand on my lower back and shuffles me into his office, guiding me to a nearby chair. The warmth of his hand seems to penetrate straight to my soul. Why does it feel different? He’s always concerned about my wellbeing, nothing out of the ordinary right? He walks past me to go sit behind his desk again.

  Shaking my head, I set my coffee cup down and pull my hair out of its bun and run my fingers through its silken length, trying to soothe myself. “A dark nephilim I’ve never seen before took my coffee, sipped from it and then disappeared. It shook me up a bit.” I raise my gaze to meet Raphael’s. His eyes are glowing golden, and I feel drawn to him immediately. Those pools of liquid gold captivate me, almost mesmerizing me. What in the creator's name is wrong with me? Why am I feeling this way?

  Raphael seems as lost in my gaze as I do in his. He shakes his head, then extends his hand, and my coffee cup flies through the air to him. He focuses on the cup for a moment before gritting his teeth. “Damn Cyrus. Don’t worry about him. His father wants him to take over as the head reaper for the hospital,” Raphael says with great finality.

  Immediately he throws my coffee into his garbage can as if its very presence sickens him. Thankfully, he has his own coffee pot in his office. Skillfully, he makes my coffee exactly how I like it. I’m drawn to the way his back flexes with every movement, the striations of the corded muscles of his forearms. What in the world is wrong with me? I’ve always had a crush on him, but this is getting to the point of obsession. Every movement he makes I watch closely, studying his muscle movements. I know the Mate Trials are soon, and my time near him more than likely will come to a close.

  Until now, I didn’t realize that Raphael paid so much attention to how I like my coffee. Then again, he’s been my guardian for as long as I can remember. Grinning, Raphael offers me a new cup of coffee. I can’t help but laugh a little bit at how sweet and thoughtful he is being. “You didn’t have to make me a new coffee Raphael, thank you for your kindness.” I smile as I look up at him before taking a sip of the coffee he gave me. A pleased moan escapes my lips at how wonderful and perfect the coffee tastes.

  Raphael’s breath hitches, and I can’t help but blush at his reaction. “I should get back to work.” I stand slowly and glance from him to the door. A gentle smile crosses my lips still touched by Raphael’s thoughtfulness. “My break is almost over.” My eyes drift back to the door again then back over to Raphael, I really don’t want to leave his presence, but I know I need to get back to work.

  Raphael bites his bottom lip as he looks at me, walks towards the door, and opens it for me. “Cyrus touching your coffee bothered you. I felt compelled to give you a new one.” A slow smile crosses his lips as he hesitantly reaches up to tuck one of my wayward locks of hair behind my ear. His eyes are focused on his own movements as he admires his handy work.

  “Have a great rest of your shift, Thana.
If you need anything, you know how to find me.” His voice is husky and breathless at the same time. He still hasn’t released my hair yet, and we stand still for several moments before he realizes what he's doing. His hand shoots up to cup the back of his neck and he cracks a goofy smile, blushing furiously.

  I can’t help but giggle at his actions. I bounce up on my tippy toes to kiss his cheek softly. My lips tingle, almost like static electricity charged his skin and mine. “Thank you for being so thoughtful Raphael.” I hurry out of the room but can’t resist looking back over my shoulder to Raphael, who is touching his cheek where I kissed him. I guess the static must have gotten him too. Damn carpets strike again, I guess.

  Maybe there's hope for me yet. A mixed-breed may actually be able to find love at some point. I’m still anxious about the Mate Trials, but at least I know not all hope is lost. After all, if I can make an archangel blush, I might just stand a chance.

  I return to the desk and sit next to Joscelyn, going over the night's admissions charts. She looks me over from head to toe and cants her head to the side. “Someone is smiling, what did director mc hottie have to say for himself?” Joscelyn gives me a knowing grin and I blush furiously in response.

  Rolling my eyes, I hold the mug Raphael lent me tightly. “He said not to worry about Cyrus, more than likely he’s just here pestering all of the single females. His dad wants him to take over being the head reaper.” An audible sigh escapes my lips as I stare down at my coffee. I really need to get over my crush. Hopefully I’ll be chosen, and I can stop pining for someone so unattainable.

  “Ah, makes sense, I guess. He still didn’t have to be rude and take your coffee,” Joscelyn says as she looks from me back down our hallway. Our usual night staff is checking the rooms, so there’s nothing out of the ordinary.

  “True, but you know how guys are. They like to do dumb shit to get a girl’s attention,” I say shrugging my shoulders as I finish the last of my coffee.

  “Who did what dumb shit?” Mark says as he comes around the corner. A brilliant smile is plastered to his face, and he waves a square white envelope at us.

  I squeal, knowing full well that’s his invitation to the Mate Trials. Mark seems just as excited as I am about getting to go. “Unlike you, beautiful, I only get one mate, you missy can end up with a half dozen,” he says on a giggle, teasing the hell out of me. Jumping up from my seat I run over and hug my favorite work hubby. “I’m so excited for you! We get to go together!” In our excitement I completely forget to address his question as I try to hug the stuffing out of him.

  “Whoa settle down Thana! Three days ago, you were dreading the trials and now you’re excited? What changed?” He looks down to me with a knowing smile as I jump up and down unable to control my enthusiasm.

  “Several things …” I hop up and sit on the desk at the nurses’ station.

  “You’re going to be there with me.” I smile and make a heart with my hands. “Secondly, there’s two archangels as well as other high-ranking angels that have to attend this time.” I raise my eyebrows and point my thumb over my shoulder down the hall to Raphael’s office.

  “Thirdly, it’s extremely rare that a female walks away without at least one mate.” I open my arms wide. “I may not be alone anymore.” I’ve spent the last ten years alone since Joscelyn found her mates, to be honest it sucks.

  “Thana that still doesn’t answer what’s changed,” Mark says, crossing his arms over his broad chest. He has that Superman sexiness to him, dark hair light eyes and muscles for days.

  Shaking my head, I lean back, putting my hands behind me and tilt my head back closing my eyes. “I just have a very good feeling the trials may not be as bad as I thought.” I think about the way certain males have been looking at me lately, and my skin tingles and heats.

  “What naughty thought just crossed your mind Thana.” Raphael’s voice is soft, breathy, and as sweet as honey and warms my insides instantly.

  Hearing him so close to me, I launch myself off the desk, almost falling flat on my face. My heart pounds and I pant hard as I try to catch my breath. When I look up, his eyes are wide. He seems almost frightened at my unfortunate landing. “Are you okay?” He reaches for me but draws his hand back quickly as if I’m on fire. He’s at war with himself, and I can see it as his brows furrow, pinching in the center.

  “I’m fine—just embarrassed,” I say quickly as I stand up and adjust my scrubs.

  Forcing a smile, I look at everyone before heading down the hall to double check my patients. Room by room I work around the ward, poking my head in and making sure everyone has what they need. Something needs to distract me from the nerves that are starting to build up. The minutes tick by like hours, dragging slower with every tick of the clock. There’s only so many times I can pace the hallway until I have to head back to the nurses’ station. Thankfully, by the time I wander my way back only the morning nurse is there waiting for me to give her report. Avoidance level—expert ...

  Summer Solstice- The Mate Trials

  At least tonight I can take comfort in the fact my work hubby, Mark will be with me as well as Joscelyn. “Thana, I’m serious!” he says, being dramatic as he runs the flat iron through my hair.

  “I swear it won’t be weird if you end up being my mate.” I look him in the eyes using the reflection of the mirror. Raising my eyebrows, I try to convey just how serious I am about the weird factor being zero.

  “Besides, it could be awesome! You already know all my favorite things. And we have the same taste in guys,” We share a good laugh at our own expense. It’s nice having a wingman that also appreciates the male form as much as I do.

  “Seriously, Mark, what are the odds?” I continue to stare at him, and a series of expressions cross over his face before he settles on concerned.

  “I just don’t want to lose my best friend,” he says on a sigh as he finishes the last section of hair. Gently, he runs the comb through from root to tip then sprays the finishing spray to keep my hair from frizzing.

  “Oh, please!” I stand up and lightly slap his shoulder. “As if! You’re stuck with me one way or another. No one can replace my work hubby!”

  Finally, a genuine smile crosses his lips before he pulls me in for a bone-crushing hug. “Want to fly there together?” He walks towards my balcony.

  “Hahaha, very funny, you know I can’t fly till after I find my mate.” Rolling my eyes at him, I turn to follow him outside.

  Mark smirks at me and opens his arms wide. “I’ll carry you one last time.” There’s a sadness in his voice as I close the distance between us.

  Gently, I wrap my arms around his neck as he scoops me up like I weigh nothing. I marvel at how white his feathers are in comparison to mine. Yet, they don’t hold the same shimmer that Raphael’s do. He launches us up and into the night sky. The full moon behind us would almost make this romantic if I thought of Mark as someone other than a friend. The lights of the city twinkle like multi-colored stars below us.

  Almost an hour later, we arrive at our destination and say our goodbyes. In the distance, there's a woman being led to the marble pedestal by Gabriel. She’s smiling and waving as she passes everyone. It’s now that I notice the hundreds of males surrounding the pedestal. My initial excitement almost immediately turns to fear.

  I remember back to the facts of our species. One female is born for every ten or more males. Those odds are staggering if you’re a guy, the odds are always against you. Most females end up with two or more mates, so it’s kind of a win for us. I think I’d like two, maybe three. That sounds like a good number. What if I get six like that one woman did? I shudder. They said she was blessed. Can you imagine all the issues there!

  Caught up in my musing, I jump when a hand grips my elbow, and I hold in the scream that wants to escape. I’m ready to yell at the person that scared me until I notice it's Michael, the highest of the high. Immediately I drop to my knees before him. “Please forgive my reaction. I didn’t kno
w it was you, your holiness.”

  His index finger comes to rest under my chin, and he forces me to raise my eyes to meet his. If Adonis and Thor had a love child, it would be Michael. “I’ve heard a great many things about you, Thana. We are blessed to have you in our ranks.” His smile never leaves his lips as he speaks to me.

  Honestly, I think this is the first time a man has rendered me speechless. “Thank you, your holiness,” I say. I shuffle on my knees and try to keep my voice steady, but I can’t bring myself hold his gaze.

  Michael shakes his head and offers me both of his hands. “Come with me; we must finish getting you ready for your special night.” A smirk plays upon his thick lips. “I have it on good authority—” he points up, and my eyes widen “—you will find your mate tonight. And to be a bit of a pain, I know who they are!” He full-on belly laughs at my expense.

  “Not cool, your holiness, not cool,” I say as I take his offered hands and stand up.

  He leads me around the outskirts of what I have now dubbed sausage-fest to a tent in the back. My friend Joscelyn is there picking out dresses for the remaining two females. “I’ve saved the best for last, Thana,” Michael says as he hands me off to my best friend. “Gabriel and I will escort you to the pedestal, don’t leave the tent without us.”

  All I can do is nod at Michael before he ushers the other two females out. Jocelyn and I stare at each other, shocked that two of the highest-ranking archangels will be my escorts. “Girl, I don’t know what’s going on, but that’s scary and exciting at the same time,” Joscelyn says as she pulls out a strapless golden shimmering gown which I slip on.

  My eyes widen in wonder as the dress conforms to my every curve. The back is open to my hips, and I wonder exactly how this dress will stay on me. “It's beautiful. I don’t deserve to wear something this expensive,” I say sadly, looking down at the beautiful dress.


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