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Discovered: The Dark Angel Chronicles

Page 6

by Serenity Rayne

  I freeze, watching him with rapt attention. His well-placed kiss causes my core to clench and engorge wanting to be filled. He raises an eyebrow as if asking permission to continue; I nod my head yes. His eyebrow arches up as he continues traveling south. Wet kisses caress my flesh, igniting nerve endings I didn’t know even existed.

  Gripping the sheets, I throw my head back, moaning as his lips contact my wet folds. A groan of appreciation escapes his lips, and his tongue slowly laps at my wet depths. My breaths come quickly in pants as a new sensation moves over me in slow, delicious waves. It's almost hit or miss with where his tongue hits my sensitive areas.

  “Tell him what feels good beloved, it's how we all will learn you.” Raphael’s voice echoes in my head, coaxing me out of my shell.

  As soon as that delicious coiling feeling starts again, I grip Gage’s hair holding him in place between my legs. “Right there … Don’t stop …” I say between pants. Gage squeezes my ass holding me firmly in place. My body starts to move of its own volition as I try to grind myself on his face chasing the feeling.

  Gage must sense something because, without warning, he slides up my body and slips his length deep within me. The minute he bottoms out, I detonate around him; my core pulses around his length as he moves—each stroke drawing out the liquid heat that’s unfurling deep within me. I cry out my orgasm holding onto him for dear life. “That’s it, baby, give it all to me. You’re so beautiful when you come undone.” A thick, raspy voice fills my head as Gage succumbs to his own powerful orgasm pulsing his release in time with mine.

  My eyes widen as I manage to realize I just heard Gage for the first time. We stare deeply into each other's eyes, afraid to move. “I just heard you,” I say out loud as I caress his cheeks, searching his eyes, hoping to hear him again.

  “You did?” he asks, looking almost as excited as he did the night I met him.

  “Yes, I did,” I say, crying tears of joy and pulling him down for a sweet kiss.

  We lie in bed for what seems like hours talking the only way we’re able to. We’ve learned so much about each other over the last few hours. A hesitant knock sounds at the door, and I know it's Raphael because of the bond. “Come in, Raph!” I yell, and Gage makes a face, probably wondering how I know.

  “Sorry to disturb you two, but Michael has reminded me that the bonded ball is tonight, and all of the new bonds are expected.” He shrugs his shoulders. I can feel he really doesn’t want us to leave until all the bonds are in place.

  “If we are expected to go, then we must go,” I say as I look between Gage and Raphael. “I’ve finally elevated my standings to be allowed to have mates. I really don’t wish to piss off the powers that be by not showing up.” Both men nod at me, and Raphael offers me his hands.

  I look back at Gage and quickly kiss his lips before allowing Raphael to help me out of bed. He walks me across the room to the walk-in closet and opens the door for me. One entire side of the closet is filled with dresses and shoes. “Pick whatever you wish to wear for tonight. Keep in mind that tonight you are allowed and expected to keep your wings on display as a mated female.” He beams with pride as he looks at me.

  My fingertips brushing along the silken fabric. Tonight, I will be introduced as a mate to an archangel. There hasn’t been an archangel that took a mate since before I was born. Gentle hands rest on my bare hips; slowly, I turn to look over my shoulder. Christian stands there smiling, his cheeks flushed a beautiful rosy color. “Came to be my fashion advisor?” I say playfully to him before spinning in his arms to face him. For once, I’m not shy or ashamed of my body. On the other hand, Christian is still trying to be respectful and keep his eyes trained on mine.

  He clears his throat before speaking. “Yes, I have.” His short answer betrays the strain in his voice. Raphael, recognizing the strain of his bond-mate, offers me a soft cotton robe to slip on. Once covered, Christian breaths easily then moves deeper into the closet, looking over the selection.

  “Something blue would do nicely if you want my opinion?” Christian says as he holds out two different ornate blue gowns. One gown is a deep royal blue with an empire waist, and the other is a silver-blue with a fancy embroidered waist.

  I reach out to the silver-blue gown and take it from Christian. I look over the patterns sewn into the fabric. “I’ll wear this one for tonight.” I smile, tracing the patterns before I look up at my mates. Three out of four mates are in the bedroom awaiting my decision.

  “Where’s Cyrus?” Even though the thought of him in the family scares me, he’s still my mate.

  “He left a while ago, something about his dad needing to see him,” Raphael says, looking disappointed.

  “Oh … Okay, if he’s not back in time, we’ll just meet him there,” I say, trying to be cheerful. Raphael and Gage can sense my false bravado. Christian smiles back at me, happy that I am happy. The guys each kiss me gently.

  Christian and Gage leave the room, but Raphael hangs back for a moment, his eyes searching mine. “I know you feel how I really feel.” I look down and away from him. “I don’t know how to handle Cyrus. He’s Azrael’s son, for Pete's sake!” I say as my voice hits a few octaves higher, showing just how stressed I truly am. Raphael tilts his head to the side for a moment, then opens his arms to me. Without a second thought, I run straight to him and into his arms, hugging him tightly. “He scares me Raph, he honestly scares me,” I say on a half sob.

  “Who scares you? I’ll destroy him!” A voice thunders in the bedroom, and my eyes widen as I look around Raphael at who it may be.

  Raphael immediately pushes me behind him and unfurls his wings, taking a defensive stance. “What are you doing in my house Azrael?” I peek around Raphael’s wing to see Azrael with his black wings on full display. Darkness radiates off him in blackened tendrils.

  “I came to deliver a present to my new daughter. Come here, Thana, and receive your gift from me.” The command in Azrael’s voice sends and chill down my spine, almost rooting me in place.

  “I don’t have all day, child!” His eyes blacken into fathomless orbs as he stares at me.

  Hesitantly, I move out from behind Raphael and towards Azrael and stand before him. I curtsey before him and await whatever it is he plans to do. “Thana, you are a queen in the making; hold your head high,” Azrael says firmly as he uses a single finger to make me look into his eyes.

  “You are the mate of an archangel and the son of Death himself. I am going to gift you with a new familiar for your protection.” I dare not look away from his face as he stares at my right shoulder.

  “Pull out your right arm for me, Thana.” I comply immediately; the last thing I need is for his wrath to descend upon us.

  Raphael comes up to my left side, holds my hand, and nods at Azrael. The minute Azrael’s hand touches my skin, it feels like it's been set on fire. A blood-curdling scream escapes my lips as his hand moves over my flesh. His hand starts at the ball of my shoulder and winds down my arm to just above my raven. My other three mates, including Cyrus, rush into the room, all ready to do battle.

  “What the fuck are you doing to her father! Release her at once!” Cyrus bellows. I barely hear him over the thundering of my heart and my own screams.

  “Silence!!!” Azrael’s voice thunders, shaking the contents and inhabitants of the room.

  Shortly after he yells, the burning stops, and I fall limply into Raphael’s arms. My other three mates join him as he pulls me over to the bed to lie down. “You gave her a wolf father!” Cyrus practically growls at Azrael—being possessive of me for the first time.

  “Not just any wolf son, a dire wolf a descendant of Fenrir. He will protect her when you four cannot be with her.” Azrael approaches the bed and shoves Gage out of the way to sit next to me. “Name him and touch his head when you do. If you are ever in danger, say his name, and he will rise to defend you.”

  My eyes search Azrael’s, and for a mere moment, I see a fatherly gaze looking back at m
e. Nodding slowly, I touch the wolf's head that now takes up most of my arm and probably part of my back. “I will name you in honor of your ancestor. Fenrir rise!” I yell my new familiar's name, and the black inky mass rises from my skin and manifests before me.

  He’s huge and vicious looking, his eyes burn red like blood, and his fur is black as obsidian. Slowly I sit up, and he prowls towards me, claws clicking on the marble floor as he moves. He lays his massive head in my lap, clearly being careful not to squash me under his weight, and I pet him lovingly. “My beautiful baby, return.” Fenrir looks up at me, licks my face then returns to the tattoo on my arm.

  I slide my arm back into the sleeve of my robe, then stand before Azrael. Hesitantly I move forward and hug him. “Thank you for your thoughtful gift.” I bounce up and kiss his cheek before moving away. For once, Azrael looks shocked; his hand rests on his cheek as he stares at me. I lower my head to everyone before disappearing into the bathroom to get ready. It’s going to be a long night.

  Hot water rains over skin, running in rivulets down my body. Absently I watch the water move this way and that. I’ve completed two of the four bonds so far, with two left to finish before the rising of the blood moon. I use the body scrub, buffing my skin to a silken softness.

  Once out of the shower, I look at the varieties of moisturizers the guys must have left for me. I pop the top of the first one, and it has the strong scent of cedar; this must be the scent that Gage picked. The second one is light and smells like hyacinth—I know this is the scent Christian chose. The third scent is similar to chocolate, warm and inviting. Quickly I pop the top on the fourth, and it smells like evergreen.

  I can’t tell which is Raphael’s and which is Cyrus’s choice for the life of me. After how Cyrus acted when he thought his father would do me harm, perhaps I've misjudged him. Slipping into the silver-blue gown, I curl my hair and then put it up into a French twist where all the curls cascade out the top. My eyes trace the new familiar that runs down my right arm; he looks almost as if he’s chasing my raven.

  “Father shouldn’t have marked you like that,” Cyrus says as he leans in the doorway, watching me.

  “You know I’m powerless to argue with him. I’m an abomination to divine law. The fact I’ve been allowed to live this long amazes me,” I say on a huff before lowering my eyes. Even now, I don’t feel worthy of having the mates I was gifted.

  Cyrus grips my jaw and forces me to face him. Tears threaten to break free and roll down my cheeks. “Never speak of yourself that way.” He shakes his head as he loosens his grip on me.

  Tenderly, he strokes my jaw trying to brush away the roughness he just displayed. “You are not an abomination, you’re …” He searches my visage for answers before turning away from me.

  “I’m what, Cy? What am I to you!” I scream, my tears and pain breaking free. My grip on my emotions slips, and the inky blackness of my pain streaks out around me. The tendrils of black smoke fill the room as Gage and Raphael arrive with Christian in tow.

  The tendrils wrap around Cyrus like a warm blanket, and he looks down at them affectionately. My dark tendrils snake and weave around his body caressing every inch as if they belong. Cyrus’s blackened orbs look up at me, then smiles, letting his eyes fade back to chocolate-brown. “You’re everything.”

  Those two words shatter the tendrils and tilt my world on-axis. The anger I held in my chest dissipates instantly as I stare at his retreating back. “Cy! Don’t leave!” I scream after him. I kick off my heels and try to chase after him. Damn gown is slowing me down! I pick up the hem and shove my way past my other three mates.

  Cyrus spins abruptly, pinning me in place with his gaze. “I’ll see you at the ball, Thana. I need … ” He sighs and roughly runs his hands through his hair.

  “I need a bit to sort things out in my head.” He closes the distance between us and sweeps me up in his arms. He dips me backward and kisses me passionately. I swear my lips are on fire, and my heart is pounding erratically in my chest. Slowly he raises me up until I’m standing erect again. His gaze softens as he looks me over; his thumb rubs along my bottom lip gently before he turns and leaves.

  I can’t help but touch the spot where his thumb was as I watch him run towards the balcony and launch up into the sky. My treacherous heart pounds as the man I swore was my enemy flies away, taking a piece of me with him.

  “That was rather unexpected,” Raphael says as he looks from the balcony back to me. “Are you okay, Thana? He didn’t hurt you, did he?” Concern is etched over his features as he gently touches me, checking me over.

  Hesitating for a moment, I look at all three of my mates. “Yeah, I’m okay, just a little shaken up. I didn’t expect that kind of an emotional outburst from him.” Absently I run my fingers over Fenrir as if petting him.

  “Let’s get going; I’m sure Michael will be expecting us on time.” I force a smile then move to each of the guys straightening up their ties and fixing their hair.

  Christian offers me his arm to escort me to the car. I bow with my hands folded at my waist to him out of respect and I place my hand on his forearm, allowing him to lead me to the car. Once we exit the building, the driver runs over and opens the car door for us. Gage enters first, then turns and offers me his hand to help me get into the limo. I slide over to the seat in the corner, offering me the best view of the entire limo. Christian sits on my left and Raphael on my right. Gage is laughing, sitting right in front of me.

  “What’s so funny, Gage?” I smirk, looking at him.

  “Raphael is making bunny ears behind your head,” Gage says through the bond, tilting his head looking at me.

  I turn in time to catch Raphael pulling his arm back, trying to be all suave while doing it. Guilt is written all over his face. “Something you want to tell me, Raph? Or should I see if Chris knows what you were up to?” Pursing my lips, I turn and give Christian my best sad puppy eyes. He stares down at me and tries to look away to avoid ratting his best friend out.

  “Well, at least I know one mate that honestly told me what’s going on.” I get up and go sit on Gage’s lap and wrap an arm around his thick neck.

  “Awe, come on, Thana, it was in good fun!” Raphael whines in an almost pleading tone.

  I tilt my head to the side, looking at Raphael giggling.

  “Oh, how the mighty have fallen.” Instantly, I regret what I said, Gage decides at that moment that smacking my ass in retaliation is deserved. I squeal as I jump up, rubbing my ass. “Et tu, Gage?” I quickly move to sit by myself, rubbing my wounded butt cheek.

  “We shouldn’t pick on each other,” Gage states through the bond staring at Raphael and then me.

  “What did he say?” Christian questions. Raphael fills him in, and he nods along. “I agree we should present a united front!” Christian says, focusing on Raphael.

  “I’m sorry for the bunny ears, Thana,” Raphael extends his hands out to me.

  I nod and get up the next time the limo stops and take Raphael’s hands and curl into his side. “I’m sorry I got upset over something so harmless.” I reach up and kiss Raphael’s cheek. Gage nods, pleased with himself as he looks between all of us. He pulls out his phone and watches something on screen. Eventually, he turns his phone to face us, and we see it’s a map program. According to the map, we’re five minutes from our destination.

  Reaching into my purse, I pull out my compact and make sure my makeup is perfect. Once I’m sure I'm presentable, I move to each mate, making sure they are on point as well.

  The limo stops, and the driver opens the door. Gage exits first, then Christian, then finally Raphael. Once Raphael is outside, he reaches back into the limo for me.

  Gently I take ahold of his hand and get out of the limo to the blaring lights of cameras snapping. Drawing in a slow, measured breath, I smile at the photographers. Raphael moves me to his left side to hide my new ink from prying eyes. Lovingly I wrap my arm around his and press my arm into his side as he leads me
into the banquet hall. Once we’re away from the media, Christian comes over to my left side and takes hold of that hand.

  The three of us enter the hall, and it's like a vision out of a fantasy novel. Butterflies flitter around the hall freely as well as doves and other beautiful creatures. The lights in the ceiling twinkle like the stars suspended in the heavens. I don’t know where to look first as my eyes dart to every new beautiful thing that catches my attention. Michael is the first to approach us, and immediately out of habit, I lower my eyes and curtsey to him.

  “Your holiness,” I say with as much reverence as possible.

  He greets Raphael and my other mates first, then he gently caresses my jaw getting me to raise my gaze to meet his. “Thana, you’re mated to one of my archangels. You don’t have to bow to me any longer.” His smile is infectious, and I can’t help but smile back at him. Michael reminds me of a slightly older version of Zac Efron, but with shoulder length brown hair and at least fifty pounds of additional muscle. “Thank you, your holiness.”

  “Thana, you may call me Michael, same thing with Gabe. Fancy titles don’t apply anymore.” Michael gently takes me by my hands and leads me around the hall introducing me to other high-ranking angels. My poor heart feels like it may burst out of my chest from excitement. For the first time in my existence, I don’t feel like the abomination I was made to feel like growing up.

  “Finally, this is Uriel. Uriel, this is Thana, the woman I have been telling you about,” Michael says with an unexpectedly proud tone. The heat from his large hand on my lower back is the only thing offering me support and a sense of grounding.

  Hearing who I am standing before makes me nervous all over again. The angel of divine truth, he can smell a lie or deception from miles away. “The honor is all mine, your holiness,” I say, dropping into a curtsy out of habit.


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