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Discovered: The Dark Angel Chronicles

Page 13

by Serenity Rayne

  Cyrus smiles and nods, pleased with my compromise.

  “After this,” I motion around the room. “You and I need to talk,” I state, placing a gentle kiss on his lips.

  I close my wings, letting them hang half open as I turn to face Raphael. Holding his face between my hands, I look up into his churning eyes. “Take Christian with you and assist Michael and Uriel.” My eyes blacken as wisps of shadows ghost over my wings.

  “Do not let them get away with harming her.” My voice is more gravely and not in the sultry sense. I sound more like a wild animal that’s ready to attack. Raphael stares at me and the sudden change in my demeanor. He grabs Christian and leaves the room far faster than I had anticipated.

  Two out of four mates are out of the house. I haven’t bonded with one out of two yet, and it's been almost a month since the Mate Trials. Cyrus and I have had our issues up to this point. For years he’s made his disdain of anything outside of the dark nephilim well known. I realize now that every lifetime, I end up with him in the same hospital with me and he makes it a living hell. I guess it's like the human saying of the mean boy has a crush and picks on the girl he likes.

  Shrugging my shoulders, I leave the library and head into the kitchen to search out a drink and a snack. Somehow Cy and Gage beat me to the kitchen and have an assortment of drinks and snacks sitting out waiting for me. I raise an eyebrow, puzzled; these two are definitely up to something. “Thank you,” I say softly, taking ahold of my blueberry and pomegranate juice smoothie the guys made for me. They said it's to help when it's my time to increase the odds of me carrying a healthy baby. If something as simple as a smoothie will help put their minds at ease, then I’m more than willing to drink it.

  “Thana, I think we need to talk,” Cyrus says softly.

  Slowly, I turn to face him and come to discover that Gage has up and vanished on me. “Yes, we do; I just don’t know how to start,” I say honestly. My heart still feels like it's about to break whenever I start talking to him. I guess I have a form of PTSD when it comes to talking with him. Every conversation up to this point, he always left me broken and crying in the end.

  Anxiety rolls off Cyrus in waves as he sits there, getting antsy in his seat. He fiddles with his mug before pushing it away and coming to stand before me. “I know I’ve been a shit mate. I know I’ll never be as good as the golden boy is.” His words drip with venom and sarcasm as he stares down at his hands.

  “Let's face it, I’ve always been painted as the bad guy.” He smirks, tilting his head, then flashes a million-dollar smile. “I’ll never be good or perfect like your other three mates, but I can promise you a few things.” He reaches out and takes hold of my hands, grasping them tightly. “From now on, I’m going to be as straightforward and honest with you as I can.” He draws in an exaggerated deep breath before looking up at me with deep soulful eyes.

  “There is no one else for me in this existence but you. I’m gonna suck at the smooshy shit the other guys excel in. But if you allow me, I will always be your rock and foundation.” He raises my hands to his lips and kisses the knuckles on both hands.

  I watch him as he makes an attempt to undo all the damage that he’s done. Silent tears roll down my cheeks as I take his words to heart. “I’ve never expected you to be like the other three.”

  I give his hands a squeeze. “I just ask you to be the best you that you can be nothing more, nothing less.” I smile broadly and a brilliant smile moves across his lips in answer as my words sink in.

  “You’re my dark knight, the one that no one will ever see coming. The one that will not hesitate to destroy all in his path,” Smirking, I roll my eyes. “I walk the in-between, and it's quite uncomfortable. It was beaten into my head for most of my life that I was blasphemy, the ultimate sin against divine law.” Unfurling my wings, I spread them out behind me and look over my unique coloration.

  “Between you and the others, you've made me appreciate the fact that I am different and that most of the rules don't apply to me,” I say as I get up and place myself gently in his lap.

  “Grandfather says that once upon a time on this earth, there were plenty of females born like me. Except for back then, the Norse called us Valkyrie. Divine judgment and death all embodied in one pretty package.” I flex my wings slightly. “At least I know one thing.” I raise my hand and caress his cheek softly. “When I have to go to the Dark Realm, I won’t be traveling alone.” Smiling, I dip my head lightly to him before pressing my lips to his temple, hugging him the best that I can to me. His strong arms band around me, pulling me flush against the solid mass of muscle of his chest.

  “You know you and I have some unfinished business there, Thana.” The way he tilts his head narrows his eyes, looking up at me makes my insides boil. I guess this is what Joscelyn told me about the bad-boy smolder. My heart rate picks up and my palms are a little sweaty just from how he’s looking at me. I’m anxious and giddy all in the same breath, not knowing what to expect from my dark nephilim mate.

  With very little effort on his part, he scoops me up in his arms and walks out of the kitchen with me. I can’t help but giggle and start laughing as he wiggles us through the corridors trying not to catch my wings on anything. To make his life a little easier, I pull my wings back in and just huddle closer to him. Unlike my other three mates, Cyrus is worldly and was not bound by the divine law for chastity. Part of me is kind of scared to find out what exactly he has in store for me.

  He kicks open his bedroom door and then pushes the door shut with his ass. “You did a great job decorating this room for me. It's exactly how I would have done it.” He gently sets me down on the edge of the bed then walks away slowly.

  Curiously, I watch him walk around the room, examining everything that I had placed within. “Do you like it?” I lean back on the bed and then flop onto my side, still watching him. He picks up a throw blanket and sniffs at it, then smiles at me.

  “Very much so, my mate made a space just for me even when she wasn’t sure I would return.” He sets the blanket down then leans back against the dresser.

  “This,” he motions around the room at all that I’ve done. “Tells me that all these years you paid attention to everything about me without realizing it.” He pushes off the dresser and stalks forward, each silent step carrying him closer to me by the second.

  “I’d like to show you just how much I appreciate all that you’ve done for me.” He says softly before leaning forward and kissing my lips, pushing me onto my back.

  We kiss passionately until my core weeps with anticipation. “And how do you plan to do that, Cy?” I whisper against his lips, punctuating every word with a kiss, half daring him to proceed.

  “Challenge accepted.” His eyes blacken immediately, and his wings burst free from his back.

  I don’t know what it is about him and his black wings that sets my blood on fire. But every time his wings flex, I feel my core clench, begging to be filled. Cyrus gently takes my hands and helps me stand back up again. We walk around his bed to the doorframe leading to his bathroom. At the top of the frame, there’s one of those two handled pull-up bars anchored in place.

  “Hands on the bar, Thana,” his voice is commanding yet gentle; usually, I fight being told what to do. But with Cyrus, I honestly just want to please him.

  I stretch my body out as I reach up to take hold of the bar. His sharp intake of breath says it all; apparently, he likes what he sees. “Like this Cy?” My tone is breathier than I had wanted it to be. I turn my head to the side to look at him. His black leather pants are tented in the front, bulging to the point it has to be uncomfortable.

  “Perfect Thana, just perfect.” His voice is raspy with a slight growl that makes the hairs on my arms stand on end.

  Digging in the top drawer of his dresser, he pulls out several of the ties that I had brought him and binds my hands to the pull-up bar making it so that I can’t let go. He holds a third tie in front of me with a devilish grin. My eye
s widen as I realize that he's about to blindfold me. Before I can get the words out, the silk tie covers my eyes completely. “Consider this an exercise in trust, Thana. If it makes you feel better, I’ve invited Gage to be here in case you get nervous,” he says softly as he leans in to kiss my cheek.

  “He’ll stay as long as you wish. He can watch or …” He leaves that last thought hanging, and I feel a tingle starting to build deep within my core.

  “I’m here Thana, what's your safe word?” Gage says through the bond to me as his hand comes to rest on my lower back just above my ass.

  “Why do I need a safe word?” I ask, moving my body to keep in contact with Gage.

  “That’s easy beautiful,” Cyrus says from somewhere behind me. “I’m not as vanilla as Raph and Chris. Gage here likes some of the darker things in the bedroom.” Cyrus’s voice moves around the room, and I tilt my head, I try to track him.

  “Gage, slowly unbutton our beloved’s shirt for me.” Cyrus’s voice turns deep and sultry, his words smooth as velvet and dripping sin. Gage leans in and nuzzles my cheek, tickling me with his thick beard. His thick digits unfasten one button at a time. It is madding how slow this man can move.

  I squirm, trying to press myself against him to hurry the process along. “Gage, stop there. Safe word Thana.” As soon as the words escape Cyrus’s lips, the warmth from Gage’s body vanishes immediately.

  “It needs to be a word you won’t randomly cry out from pleasure.” Cyrus’s hot minty breath washes over me as he enunciates the word pleasure.

  I squirm against my restraints as I try to move closer to Cyrus. “Strawberry. I’ll say strawberry.” I pant the words out; anticipation is killing me.

  “Good girl,” Cyrus says just before his hand slaps my ass soundly. “Gage, please help Thana get that shirt out of our way,” Cyrus says from somewhere in front of me. Gage gently nuzzles my face letting me know in his own way that he’s going to take good care of me.

  My shirt falls open, and the cool air caresses my flesh. Goosebumps coat my skin, and a shiver lightly racks my body. My mouth pops open of its own volition as Gage’s fingers gently caress the length of my abdomen. His hand moves slowly down to the waistband of my leggings and starts to inch them down my thighs. My thong is soaked as his fingertips tease my body. Gage’s hot breath teases me over my mound; arching my back, I pull at my bound hands, wanting to touch him. A second set of hands land on my lower back, slowly trailing their way up my spine heading to my bra strap. Soft kisses are placed between my shoulder blades as another set of lips kisses me just above my mound. Soon enough, my bra is unfastened, and the straps are unhooked, freeing my breasts.

  One of my mates’ tongues find their way within my soaking wet folds while the other begins to suck on my nipples. I’m in sensory overload, not sure which feels better to me at the moment. Thick fingers penetrate me and curl and pump in and out of me in long deep strokes. An appreciative groan escapes Gage’s lips as his beard finally touches my inner thigh. His tongue flattens as he starts to lap at my clit and his fingers move double time.

  “That’s enough Gage, we want her begging for our touch,” Cyrus says as he bites my nipple then drags his tongue up my body until he’s nibbling on my ear lobe.

  I hear fabric start to rustle and hit the floor. Bare feet slap on the marble floor, one set moving away, the other circling me like a shark. “Lift your feet off the floor for a moment, Thana,” Cyrus says from behind me as his hands come to caress my thighs. His grip tightens on the leg he wants lifted, and I quickly comply. I know Gage won't let anything happen to me in my heart, and I have to have that same trust for Cyrus. I lift up and place my second leg as requested to find that I’m now standing on towels. Something soft brushes along my side, then around my back and up my spine. The slow slide of the silken material causes my skin to break out in goosebumps.

  Something warm and wet runs down the length of my spine and down between my ass cheeks. I'm not sure what to make of it till one of the guys starts massaging the silken fluid over my body. Two sets of hands caress and massage my body, making me moan and arch in the direction of whoever is touching me. How much longer can they tease me for? My core throbs in anticipation of one of them finally granting me release. Once I think we’re finally getting somewhere, both sets of hands leave my body, and the oil starts to tingle. What are these guys up to?

  My beautiful dark angel is on full display and very responsive to the touch. My body craves her darkness like my lungs need air. Blackened wisps dance in her hair every time I get closer to her. My own darkness reaches for her and wants to bond with her fully. The tingling oil was a brilliant idea that Gage brought into play; by now, her skin should be tingling and warm like my hands are.

  Gage signs to me that I should make my move. He then motions to the moisture that’s starting to drip from Thana’s neither regions. Our mate is soaking wet for us, and it makes my cock painfully hard thinking about sinking balls deep into her. “Thana?” I say her name more reverently than I thought possible for me. I ghost the tips of my fingers over her flesh causing her to break out in goose-pimples. Her silken flesh feels like I imagine Heaven to feel like, warm soft and inviting.

  “Yes?” Her voice is strained and breathy as Gage palms her large breasts. I watch his thumbs glide over her erect nubs. Her mouth pops wide open as she arches her body in Gage’s direction, chasing his touch.

  “May I?” I move behind her and slide my engorged head along her slick folds, coating me in her juices. I honestly don’t think I’m going to last very long with as wet as she is. I’ve got a strangle hold on my throbbing cock hoping I don’t blow my load before I’m able to sink within her depths.

  “Please Cyrus, I ache so badly,” she practically whines as she squirms, trying to back up to impale herself on my dick. I’m riveted to the flexing of the muscles of her back and shoulders as she strains trying to reach me. Most nephilim females are lithe with little to no muscles, yet my mate is a virtual powerhouse. After what we have just endured, I’m not shocked that she’s so beautiful and strong.

  “As you wish, my love,” I say before thrusting forward, burying my cock deep within her. Thana gasps at my intrusion then moans as she adjusts to my girth. I push her forward, slide my hand around her body, and glide it up her abdomen slowly. My hand glides easily between her ample breasts; I gently grip her throat and apply pressure. As I move, I change the positioning of my hand to get a better grip on my mate and not hurt her. Snapping my hips, my thrusts are short and fast, going more for friction and speed.

  Gage kisses Thana passionately and his hands manipulate her breasts, teasing the hell out of her sensitive nipples. With every thrust, I feel our bond growing to the point where I can tell how good Gage and I are making her feel. I'm also feeling her love for us.

  Her orgasm hits her like an explosion; her entire body seems to vibrate and pulse with every throb. Thana’s wings break free from between us and spread out wide, every feather standing on end. Then the oddest thing happens, her muscles clamp down on my cock, locking it in place. Her muscles vibrate to the point I orgasm long before I was ready to. My eyes blur from the amount of pleasure overloading my body. I feel like I am having one continuous orgasm and can’t stop. Sweat breaks out over my body and my legs are starting to feel like jelly.

  The sound of ripping fabric echoes in the room and splintering of wood from something wooden being broken. When I finally open my eyes and can see clearly Thana has ripped free of the pull-up bar and her other two mates have broken down my bedroom door trying to get to her. My poor cock is still trapped within her, and Thana is angry as all hell facing down her other two mates.


  I honestly don’t know what came over me. One minute I’m on top of the world, having one of the best orgasms of my life. The next minute my body goes haywire, taking Cyrus hostage, and then Raph and Chris break into the room. Keeping my wings spread wide, I stare down Raph and Chris. “What in the nine hel
ls are you two doing?” My knees buckle slightly from the subsequent orgasms I can’t seem to stop having. Every new set of pulses, poor Cyrus can’t help but thrust forward, setting my nerve endings on fire. My greedy core keeps pulsing and vibrating; if Raph and Chris didn’t bust in, I’d damn near be euphoric by now.

  Raphael approaches slowly, hands up in a placating manner. “Thana baby, I believe your time has started earlier than expected.” His tone is soothing, and I’m starting to relax. “Cyrus, you need to withdraw from Thana and let her rest,” Raphael says calmly, and Gage makes a face like he's laughing.

  “No can do, Golden Boy. Thana is an alpha, hence the alpha lock on my cock.” I look over my shoulder to watch him motion to where we are connected. Cyrus’s tone is strained as several more pulses wash over the two of us.

  “I’m a what?” I look panicked at each mate in turn.

  “An alpha, it's rare in females, but when it does happen, she can lock a male in place when she’s ready to produce offspring,” Christian says with a smile on his face. “Yet again, you bless and honor us. Kichōna mono,” Christian bows deeply before me then leaves the room practically singing to himself.

  I finally start to relax, and eventually, I release Cyrus. I wince as he slides free from my now sore muscles. “I didn’t mean to hurt you, Cyrus.” I furrow my brows, thinking I ruined our first time together.

  “You shouldn’t be saying sorry, Thana! He should be the one apologizing because of all the wasted time from when we all first found you to now!” Raphael yells as he charges towards us. Thankfully, Gage jumps between us and stops Raphael in his tracks.

  Without a second thought, I spin, grab hold of Cyrus and run to the balcony with him. I leap over the edge and spreading my wings wide I soar, holding onto him tightly. I bank hard to the right and land swiftly on my balcony and shove the doors open. Cyrus is as weak as a newborn fawn for some reason. I usher him into my nest and shove him into the pit of blankets.


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