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Discovered: The Dark Angel Chronicles

Page 15

by Serenity Rayne

  The cracking of a whip and screams guide me further into the dungeon’s depths. The scent of dried blood, feces, and urine fill the air. I turn the corner and there’s Samael, razor whip in hand and a very bloody Darius chained and hanging from the ceiling.

  Blood stains his exposed flesh, and what remains of his clothing is in tatters barely still on his body. The hardened mask Samael wears betrays nothing as he relentlessly whips Darius. “Answer me halfling! Why attack Cyrus? Why now!” He roars and the foundation of his castle shakes with the force of an earthquake. Dust and fragments of stone rain down on Darius adding to the misery that he’s already in.

  Coughing up blood Darius smiles at Samael. “The abomination must die, and Cyrus is the key to her undoing.” He sneers before he sniggers at a joke that only he must have heard.

  “What do you mean he’s the key?” I question as I step into the light, drawing my sword. It immediately ignites in Heaven’s light illuminating the dank dungeon. Darius’s eyes widen, knowing this is the one thing he cannot regenerate from.

  He coughs harder spitting up several blood clots before panting to catch his breath. “Their child will ascend and be Azrael’s successor. Not Cyrus …” he says on a rough exhale, blood and air spurts out from a cut on the right side of his ribcage. If he was mortal that wound would be fatal, but being a nephilim, nothing short of decapitation or being burnt to ash will kill him.

  Samael and I share a look briefly before looking back to Darius. This is not stunning news, obviously Cyrus would reign at Thana’s side here in this very castle along with her other mates. “What makes this child special?” Samael says holding the razor whip at the ready to strike Darius again.

  "Azrael is terrifying enough, his grandchild born of your descendant.” Darius narrows his eyes as he focuses on Samael. “None will be safe from that child doing its mother’s bidding.”

  He has a point, a beloved son of powerful bloodlines would be a terror to behold.

  Darius starts to laugh and choke at the same time. “Raphael’s child will be just as bad.” He smirks as his eyes blacken as he tries to gather strength. “Cut the head off the snake and the body dies. Don’t worry others will continue my work once I’m gone.” He starts to laugh again, but before he’s able to draw his next breath I slice through both of his arms and sever his head from his body turning him to ash. I look up at Samael and tersely he nods.

  “I’m going to enhance Thana’s familiars for her protection,” Samael states plainly. “Increase the battle training for her other three mates and make sure Thana is never alone. I’ll meet with Raphael personally to update him.” His eyes blacken.

  Everything around us starts to shake just before a portal opens and Azrael is pulled through violently. As soon as Azrael realizes where he is he immediately drops to one knee before Samael. “You summoned me my lord?” For once he sounds respectful and speaks Samael’s name with reverence.

  “Your grandchild born of Thana will eventually become your successor.” Samael’s voice booms with authority leaving no room for questions. “For her and Cyrus’s protection I am gifting your son with a wolf identical to Thana’s.” A blackened wisp rises up from Samael’s hand taking the form of a dire wolf.

  Azrael stands slowly and cages the wolf between his hands before absorbing it. “Thank you for this great boon, milord. I shall gift it to him immediately upon my return.” Azrael bows deeply then vanishes.

  Both powerhouses are men of few words, and I can see the gears turning in Samael’s head as he tries to calculate the best course of action. Personally, I would power up Thana and Cyrus as much as possible. As for her light mates I can increase their training and give them better weapons as well. I reach out through the angelic bond to Gabriel and set him to task. His new mission, fit Gage and Christian with angelic armor and light-based weapons.

  Samael heads towards a staircase I didn’t notice earlier. “We have a war ahead of us Michael,” he says as he turns a corner walking up the stairs. “Just like the old days we need to figure out who or what we’re up against and kill it before it kills us.”

  It’s been eons since I fought at Samael’s side, part of me is looking forward to it. The other part worries that this may be the start of the fabled end of days.

  “We will do what we must to keep the balance,” I say confidently as he reaches the first floor. Samael makes a sweeping motion with his hands and several dozen bat-like creatures come flying at us from down the hall. They zoom over our heads and out the windows in the main hall.

  “They will be my eyes and ears throughout the realm. As soon as I hear anything I will let my granddaughter know, and she can relay the information to you. For now, I have battle plans to create and a grandchild to visit sooner than later.” Reaching up onto the wall he pulls down an old sword and offers it to me. “Give this to Christian, he lost it during the battle at the breach shortly after the creation of the realms of Hell.” Samael chuckles. “Lucifer had some real ugly creations back then, looked like a drunk kid with clay.” We share a laugh thinking about Lucifers first creations and how childish they appeared.

  “I will return the property to him promptly. Keep in touch old friend.” Out of respect I bow slightly to Samael. He’s probably one of the only living beings able to kill an archangel. It makes me question if Thana is able to wield the same power as well. Embracing myself in light I head back to the Earth Realm to put my part of the mission in motion. There are dark days ahead, I just pray we make it out alive.

  To be continued…

  Also by Serenity Rayne

  The Aurora Marelup Saga

  Hybrid Royals Fire and Ice Saga

  My Bloody Valentine - Tiamat

  A Very Klaus Christmas

  Horror Novels

  Once Upon A Raven

  Heart-Shaped Box- a Tell-Tale Heart Retelling




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