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The Hunt For Rose

Page 4

by Brian Cain


  Newly elected Australian Prime Minister Larry Liberian had shifted the goal posts and reshuffled a governing cabinet. Prevailing over a cabinet meeting of his colleagues a name he had only heard in myth was mentioned. So involved in attending to the needs of his backers he let the mention slide but noted the minister whom had uttered the name Stanton. In deep water it became apparent Larry had trouble treading water let alone swimming, his own kind turned on him. Larry had large ears, a long thin face, he walked awkwardly, he talked in a manner that slow and methodical by the time he had finished his sentence no one could remember the question, after an involved and drawn out reply to a question from a member of cabinet Larry rounded the reply off. "And that is paramount."

  There was silence for a few seconds before the minister for defence spoke up. "What's paramount, I forgot what the question was."

  Larry remained calm and with precise hand movements backing up his retort he spoke in his normal fashion. "If members of cabinet," people leaned forward and directed one ear waiting. "have problems remembering,"........"what has been said,"......"Immediately,"......"I say again immediately,"......"obtain a copy of the minutes,"........."and study them must adjourn........and begin the task of running the country.......the minister for defence Lachlan my office for a meeting please."

  Lachlan a fine looking middle aged lawyer followed Larry to his office from the cabinet room, Larry gave instructions to his aids at the door and ushered Lachlan to the seat opposite his desk, sat down with haste clasping his fingers together, he looked around briefly with a stern look making sure the door was closed and they were alone. "What do you know of this John Stanton?"

  Lachlan was surprised, Larry's speech dispersion had evaporated and he could understand exactly what he was saying. "Can you answer a burning question Larry?" Larry lifted one eyebrow and directed an ear toward Lachlan as he peered from the side of his eyes in wait. "Why an earth did you make me minister for defence, I'm a lawyer, I can't say I've even seen a real tank."

  Larry blinked and shuffled round in his seat. "Now look Lachlan, were all lawyers, what difference would it make. I've heard you mention Stanton before and again today, is there anyone in cabinet other than yourself that knows of him or has met him."

  "Not that I know of, major players in his area were all decimated at the election; we know little of him or how to contact him."

  "You know his sons, Stanton and Stanton lawyers."

  "Yes, the most dangerous lawyers in the country, god knows where they get their information; they are always several steps ahead of the opposition."

  Larry sniffed and coughed, he looked briefly away then back at Lachlan with resolve. "Stanton put together our security systems and it's rumoured he has his own satellite system."

  Lachlan held his hands out palms up and shook his head. "No one knows, just rumours, attacking him has cost the state millions."

  "Billet knows him, Stanton broke his arm at one stage something to do with Jodi Stanton the reporter."

  "Everybody knows this what are you getting at."

  "I want the entire military security system changed."

  "Been suggested before, would play into Stanton's hands, he has access to all western systems, we would be on our own. The F35 strike fighter would have to be shelved."

  Larry looked lost and heaved a big sigh. "Officer Page, the one they call Cadiche, I suggest we make him police commissioner."

  "Probably a good move but will make no difference to current relations with Stanton. They act as if they have little to do with each other and on the surface we have no reason or evidence that would indicate otherwise."

  "We need this mans support."

  Lachlan laughed. "Support, if someone's crossed the line without you knowing cabinet will be minus members. The rumour is Stanton took out several members of the last cabinet including Porter when minister for defence so if you're asking for anything outside of democracy count me out. Jodi Simpson found out a shipment of arms went missing in Afghanistan and people started to have accidents."

  "In the hand over briefing from the outgoing ministry I asked a question with his name in it and everybody left."

  "Stanton's in the UK at Ascot this weekend with the champion horse Flaxmead, that thing will annihilate them, they then head for the US with the horse, he's well known and popular, if he'd run for parliament last election I'd be talking to him not you currently."

  Larry folded his arms looking down at the desk; he thought for a few seconds then looked up. "Summon Page for me, the Cadiche man, I wish to meet him, tell no one."

  "Stanton will know."

  "I remember reading a statement by Stanton, there's a lot of difference between a gamble and a calculated risk, you agree."

  Lachlan nodded with a pout. "Yes, I remember seeing him make the statement on the news some time ago. Has anyone in cabinet crossed what he calls the line?"

  "I have no idea but there seems to be a few frightened people on the benches."

  "Yeah, I'm one of em. I better go and see what a tank looks like; I'm more likely to run into Stanton than anyone else."

  "This is ridiculous, how can a member of the public hold so much power. If I had that much power I could make a difference."

  "Mmm, just be careful who you make a difference for. One thing's for sure, he doesn't tolerate corruption. He's x MI6, a British patriot and supportive of the commonwealth and its working classes."

  "I think he's an empire builder hiding behind the veil of military might spread across the western world. He must be stopped."

  "He once turned a British nuclear guided missile frigate around sailed it down the East Coast from manoeuvres with the Americans in Okinawa, can we do that."

  "That's impossible."

  "It happened, the British now admit it was an act of support on request."

  "Where did you get this information?"

  "I've heard the rumours, then I met Rose Fleming."

  Larry brightened. "The woman in the news, been missing for years, related to one of the Flaxmead bunch."

  "No that's Rose Blake, Winston Blake's daughter, the man that found Flaxmead in Ireland, aren't you up with the Flaxmead story."

  "Obviously not, who's Rose Fleming."

  Lachlan hesitated and answered with awkward body language and slurred speech. "She's addictive and absolutely ravishing. She knows John Stanton."

  "A lead?"

  "Possibly, I never really thought about it. I ran into her recently at a diner in London. I lost all faculties and followed her round like a sick puppy. We talked for quite some time; she is the most attractive woman, alluring, sensual, sexy, I couldn't control myself. If my wife finds out god help me."

  "I want you to contact this woman, find out what you can about Stanton, we may be able to use her."

  "This woman operates under the nose of MI6, they were all over the place."

  "Never the less, under the circumstances I think you should contact her soon as you can."

  "I don't think straight on visual contact with her is a good move, her smell, her touch, could be damaging."

  "You want I should get someone else I can trust to deal with her."


  Larry folded his arms and smiled. "It's always an option should things become too much for you."

  "She's an insatiable sex maniac, it's hardly in my job description."

  "I think we can turn a blind eye under the circumstances."

  "What about the press should someone find out?"

  "Your children have left home haven't they?"


  "I've met your wife, you should have gone to spec savers. You live in different houses."

  "We have an agreement; divorce is expensive to say nothing of damaging in public life. We are happily married should you ask either of us."

  "Then what's the problem."

  Lachlan sighed stone faced. "I'll see if I can get in contact w
ith her."

  "Ahh, that's more like it. Anything about Stanton get back to me personally, no emails or letters."

  "The American Embassy has been onto me about the F35, they want a meeting next week. I suggest a photo shot and continued support in the media."

  "Agreed, I'll have my staff attend to it, discuss costing then halve it and pass it on to the press, we don't want to alarm anyone with all the cuts we are about to implement. That Flaxmead, how do you think it will go at Ascot?"

  "As I said before, I think he'll annihilate them. None of the horses in his race have anywhere the times Flaxmead can run."

  "But what of the different conditions, Flaxmead has never run on foreign soil, may affect him, bit of a gamble. I've been reading the newspapers, this horse carries the reputation of the country when it runs."

  Lachlan stood up ready to leave; he looked down at Larry with a smile. "The risk would be calculated; there is a difference between a gamble and a calculated risk. The trio they call the untouchables fly's out tomorrow morning. I believe arrangements for the sports minister to attend are in place."

  "Yes a member of cabinet will be there for the cameras, I'm thinking of attending the meeting at Ascot depending on the news poll regarding the suggestion after the media scrum at the airport. I hope the stable know what they're doing, I have fifty bucks on Flaxmead."

  Lachlan walked to the door turning to Larry as he grabbed the handle. "Flaxmead will need support prior and during the race, not afterwards should he win or loose. I'll be making it obvious to the press that Flaxmead has my complete confidence, He's undefeated and will be heading to the US, rumour has it he will be involved in an event during the Kentucky Derby, start of the US triple crown. He's to old to race in the event but rumour has it Flaxmead's stable has thrown down the gauntlet to the trainer that owns the fastest horse in the US, the same age as Flaxmead, a gelding called Thunderbolt, winner of the triple crown when he was a three year old. A one on one race off between Flaxmead and Thunderbolt at the Kentucky Derby meeting."

  "Where did you learn of this, sounds interesting."

  Lachlan delayed opening the door and continued. "A press release by Jodi Stanton a few hours ago, tension will build as Flaxmead runs at Ascot. Should he win the ball will be in the Americans court, if they can't return it they will loose face."

  "Flaxmead would carry the nations reputation to the very place reputations are paramount."


  Larry began to wear a sinister grin. "Prime Minister Stanwell's approval rating skyrocketed every time he went near that horse. I want to be there tomorrow when he fly's out. Roll up unexpected with a heart-warming speech to lift the nation. Take their minds off some of the distasteful policy moves we are going to make."

  "In 1938 an American horse called Seabiscuit ran a one on one race with a horse called War Admiral, it was really a battle between two powerful rich men, car manufacturing giant Charles Howard and wool merchant and rancher Sam Riddle. At four to one Seabiscuit the underdog beat the War Admiral winner of the American Triple Crown in 1937. Seabiscuit a far smaller horse carried the hopes of the working class, a horse destined for nothing, was initially trained to teach other horses to overtake in a race. Howard bought Seabiscuit for next to nothing and American trainer of the time Tom Smith believed Seabiscuit was a champion at first sight, he was right."

  "I saw the film, yes I remember now, my eldest daughter wanted to see it."

  "Flaxmead and Thunderbolt are currently both undefeated champions. The one on one race in 1938 was called the match of the century. If this thing between Flaxmead and Thunderbolt comes off, do you realise the ramifications. If Flaxmead wins at Ascot, I suggest you ring the American President and apply some pressure, when those two horses race the whole world will stand still. If Flaxmead wins or looses, a prime minister that supports the show will be popular no matter what he does politically."

  Larry had a look of warm indignation only he could muster with his arms folded, he day dreamed being at the post as Flaxmead thundered by. He spoke slowly, mesmerised, intoxicated, inspired by the dream. "Yes, yes I can see it. Brilliant. I have a media aid that I trust immeasurably, I want him on that plane with Flaxmead tomorrow. I'll have my press secretary ring Jodi Stanton immediately." Larry looked at Lachlan with a warm smile and a nod. "I would never have thought of this with all the shit that's going on forming cabinet, I won't forget this Lachlan."

  "I'm not sure I've done you any favours." Lachlan left and closed the door quietly behind him."


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