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The Hunt For Rose

Page 9

by Brian Cain


  And Flaxmead was returned safely to Shangri La in the Hunter Valley, the legacy of his adventure was a treasure to all, except Stanton, a can of worms was the Ascot bequest for him. He spent several days scanning information, Rose Blake had disappeared so had Winston her father, then out of the blue his facial scanning system operating from his satellites picked up Rose Fleming and Bret McCrea from airport surveillance cameras at Sydney airport. Three hours later they knocked on Stanton's door at Bar Beach Newcastle. Stanton expected them and spoke from behind their backs as they waited at the mansions door. "You're late."

  Rose scantily clad and smelling like a flower riddled garden in the Lake District jumped out of her skin turning to see who it was holding her bosom with wide eyes. She saw Stanton with a menacing grin. "Bloody hell John, you scared the shit out of me."

  "Go in the door, its open, walk straight down the hall last on the right into the kitchen" McCrea shook Stanton's hand as Rose pushed the door and walked inside followed by Bret, Stanton closed the door behind them following them to the kitchen. Jodi was out, a godsend as she detested Rose and knew she lived with Bella.

  Rose rummaged through the fridge, found some celery, she pulled a stick out and bit into it. "Mmmm, god I'm starving."

  "Would you like a coffee Rose?"

  "I'll fix it, Bret needs to talk not eat."

  Stanton sat down at the breakfast bar next to McCrea, his wide Texan accent echoed round the walls. "I got a bit of a problem."

  Stanton shook his head, still in his dressing gown he looked down then back at Bret. "Go on."

  "Rose had the staff at Lexington precinct eating out of her hand when I arrived. This Winston guy, lovely man, had all the paperwork. While he was dealing with the small print they got the Roses mixed up and brought me this Rose, I was surprised, made them suspicious. They went to fetch Rose and Winston Blake and they'd gone. Rose's diplomatic immunity gave us enough time to leave the country. We didn't know where you lived, then I noticed someone I knew at the airport, another FBI agent from Washington. He turned out to be one of our guys that watches' over you, he was going home on leave. A warrant has been issued for me, I explained and he gave us your address and here I am."

  "Mmm, I noticed the change this morning, the surveillance vehicle parked in the spot familiar to the replacement, they change every two weeks. Rose you'll have to go home Hurst needs you."

  Rose was busy finding things and making tea. "Bloody hell John, what about Bret."

  "I'll send you to a place that's pretty safe, an island, be pretty lonesome but little chance of being found. You wouldn't be on the most wanted list. I'll get you back home by May."

  "That's a long time."

  "Don't worry you'll be busy and clean as a whistle by then."

  "My family."

  "Can you get word to them to get on a cruise ship for a holiday somewhere?"


  "Doesn't matter we can lift them off in international waters."

  "You can do that."

  "Yeah, helicopters take off vertically."

  "You'd do that for me."

  "You're of the same creed Bret."

  "You sent Rose to Lexington before me."


  "There's more to this."

  "Of course."


  "Things are on a need to know basis and you don't need to know."

  "I need to talk to Bella Elizabeth Fonteyn."

  Stanton looked at Rose, she shook her head, he took it she had said nothing and he made things clear. "About the death of Hank Bronson."

  "How the hell do you know that?"

  Stanton looked sternly at McCrae. "Bella is of our creed, she got to Bronson before me, go anywhere near her and I'll kill you." Rose smiled her back to them and bit her bottom lip.

  McCrea raised his eyebrows. "That's all I needed to know and things are on a need to know basis."

  Stanton picked up his satellite phone nearby on the breakfast bar, he called Cadiche. "What is it a body."

  "Yea a live one, my place soon as you can."

  "What kind of live body."

  "FBI agent."

  Cadiche grabbed his keys as he stood up. "Interesting be there in a few minutes." Stanton put the phone down.

  McCrea looked at Rose as she handed him a coffee. "Who was that?"

  "The Cadiche man."

  McCrea looked at Stanton, stone faced. "I heard of him."

  "He'll take you to an island near here, you won't be able to leave unless you can swim well. You will have communication direct to Cadiche, so we can make sure you have all you need. I need to know as soon as your family go cruising to arrange for their retrieval."

  "There's something else in this."

  "Of course there is, in May next year a horse from Australia will run a one on one race with a horse at the Kentucky Derby. By that time you'll be clean as a whistle back home and promoted to a level where you can be of great help."

  "What." he laughed under his breath. "Are you for real, you'd go to all that trouble for a horse?"

  "I like the girl that rides the horse, her face after a race cheers me up."

  "Gotta be somethin else."

  "That's a need to know basis and you don't need to know."

  "What about Rose."

  "Rose will be on her way back to London within an hour." Cadiche stood silently in the doorway behind McCrae. "Cadiche, take Bret to the island, make sure he has contact and all he needs. When his family is within reach I need to know."

  Cadiche took off his sunglasses and looked Rose up and down, she smiled at him. "Holy shit, who are you."

  "Settle down Cadiche, meet Rose Fleming, or Wilson or whatever else she's using today."

  "You told me she was gorgeous, underestimation of the century, is she for real." Rose giggled and blushed.

  "Most of hers real, especially her mind, it's the most beautiful part of her, Rose loves everyone."

  "You want for I should look after Rose as well."

  "Put your eyes back in your head and Take Bret to the island, we don't have much time Jodi will be here soon, she can't stand Rose."

  "Shit, fire and ice. This way Bret." Bret stood and shook Stanton's hand, kissed Rose on the check, turned and left with Cadiche."

  Rose sat next to Stanton. She put her face in her hands supported by her elbows looking at him, she had learnt well from Bella and wore the face of a Vixen. "How long before your wife gets back."

  "Rose, forget it."

  "Well bugger it John, I haven't had sex for over twenty four hours."

  "My son will pick you up in his chopper and drop you at Sydney airport. Leaving you to travel on a domestic flight is too dangerous."

  "I'll be fine."

  "I mean for everybody else, at least cant you make a concerted effort to hide some of your private parts."

  "I like dressing in this way. I don't know any other way."

  Stanton chuckled. "If I wasn't married I could live with you Rose."

  "Bella would kill me."

  "You need to understand what I mean, you have the innocence of a child. Of all the people of our creed that surround me you are the most innocent. If anyone was to think about harming you I..."

  "Like Bella you'd kill them. How long will your wife be."

  "Not sure, couple of hours."

  "Ill bend over, I can last till I get home then." Bella stood lifted her mini skirt, held the bench edge and bent over exposing her rear, she stood up again and pulled her breast out over her top, then bent over again. She looked at Stanton with a cheeky smile. "Well, this is one Bella will never know about, she told me about Ascot tiger."

  Stanton had a huge erection; she had noticed and decided to take advantage. He stood and opened his dressing gown, grabbed Roses thighs and lunged into her, she squealed with relief. "This wont last long Rose, do you know how long I've wanted to do this." He pounded away for a few minutes and delivered with a twinkling eye and moan of
relief. Rose orgasmed for over half a minute and lay on the floor recovering, Stanton sat back on the chair at the breakfast bar his back to the wall. "Thank god I got that out of my system." He grappled with his satellite phone and rang Anthony, his son headed for the airport and would be there in less than and hour.

  Rose looked up at Stanton. "John, we've done it now, may as well make the most of it." Stanton opened the stairwell in the kitchen floor leading to his basement den. He helped Rose up and led her down the steps, the hatch closed behind him.

  "Strip off." Rose discarded her scant clothing and stood naked in front of him, she dropped his dressing gown and gently lifted her behind onto the computer desk and nestled between her legs, her breasts pushed hard against his chest. He rammed his tongue down her throat with a passionate kiss.

  "Ohh John I didn't expect that."

  He poised himself and entered her whispering in her ear. "I love you Rose, if this is what pleases you of me so be it."

  She held his buttocks with the palms of her hands controlling his speed, he held her at arms length as he pumped away admiring her body, looking it up and down, he grabbed her thighs and moved her upper torso further away for a better view. "I know only three women in the world that look like this and I have them all."

  "Why haven't you told me earlier, we've wasted so much time."

  "Some things like silence you hadn't mastered, it's okay now. Say one word and the this has to stop."

  She pulled him close and went thrust for thrust with him. "No chance." she muttered. They didn't know how long but they were stopped by getting sore, Stanton's penis was red raw from the pounding he had given Rose, she was up for whatever. "God that was fantastic, I'm buzzing body drugs."

  Stanton could hear Anthony circling. "We better dress, Anthony will drop you at a private jet in Sydney and wait till you take off, I'll get Hurst to pick you up." He put on his dressing gown and watched Rose put on her clothes on. He kissed her softly and they made their way up the steps, through the kitchen, across the road as Anthony touched down in the parkland. He helped her into the rear seat and lent over to Anthony, they shouted above the noise. "The Leah hanger, tell Peter straight to Foulness,"

  Anthony looked round at Roses smiling face. "Holy shit."

  "Yeah exactly, that's Rose Fleming, she looks like that all over." Stanton patted Rose on the leg, climbed out and closed the door. Anthony lifted off headed for Sydney. Rose undid her belt after a few minutes when the chopper maintained heading and height.

  She popped her head between the front seats and looked Anthony in the face. "Hi, I'm Rose."

  Anthony's face beamed with delight. "Yes, I have a couple of your movies."

  "Really, do you like them?"

  "You better believe it."

  "Can I sit in the front with you?"

  "Why not."

  Rose clambered across to the front seat her dress riding up around her crutch and one breast falling out. "Whoops."

  "Yep, its you in the movie, I recognise your nipple."

  "How about we cut the crap and get on with it." she ran her hand up his leg and found the bulge. "Wow big boy, this thing flies itself doesn't it."

  Anthony became mesmerised with her touch and smell, his breaths grew short. "Yes it does." He turned on the auto pilot and moved to the centre seat clear of the controls, he undid his trousers and pulled them down with his jocks, his erection sprang out, he looked round at Rose, she was naked. She climbed over him, poised his penis and lunged down locking in a tongue kiss. Anthony a big muscle bound man grabbed her thighs and thrust her up and down screaming with delight. "No one can hear us up here."

  "I know, I do this allot."

  "You're good at it, best I've had."

  "Good are you a big boy, I can't fit it all in." Anthony became overwhelmed, he lifted her off and stripped naked, laid her flat across the seat, opened he legs and dived in, she gave a yelp. He buried his head in her breasts and quickly climaxed with a bulls roar giving Rose a royal flush. Rose went into orgasm when she felt the warm mass, she lay limp. "Can you do that again?"

  He looked at his watch. "We have ten minutes."

  "Head out to sea, I've done this before." Anthony knelt up, changed heading on the auto pilot. Rose played and admired his penis, she went down on him, he groaned and began to harden. She lay back down. "Go for it, I'm really enjoying you, how about you."

  "He lunged back into her. "Enjoying it, only got six hours of fuel liable to run out."

  "Go go darling give me your fill and take your will."

  The jet was on the tarmac outside the hanger, Anthony was over an hour later that he should have been. He shut down and walked Rose to the little jet. "Peter." Rose ran to the pilot putting her arms around him, you taking me home."

  "Rose what a pleasant surprise, we better get in the air."

  Peter helped her up the short steps from the tarmac. "You know Rose."

  "I've flown Rose around many times."

  "You never mentioned it to me."

  "Things are on a need to know basis" He pulled up the steps and closed the door in haste.

  Anthony could see Rose stripping off through the portal windows as the jet fired up, the co pilot was assisting her in discarding her clothing, he could see them embrace and Rose fell back out of sight with the co pilot on top of her. He turned to walk back to the chopper and muttered to himself. "That is the most dangerous women I've ever met and they say Bella is worse, or better depending how you look at it." He had a quick look back as the little jet taxied out of sight. "I'm going home where I'm safe."

  Jodi was late, this was unusual for her, Stanton looked at his watch every few minutes, and she failed to answer her phone. Over two hours late Jodi entered the kitchen, Stanton had been in the den and prepared a coffee when the security system told him she was coming down the street. "Your late I was worried."

  Jodi froze, she smelt the air, Stanton turned and looked at her. Her eyes sparkled, her hair although brushed was uncharacteristically untidy, her blouse appeared crumpled in places. "Red door." she muttered.


  "Red door, the perfume, its hanging in the air."

  "I had visitors."


  "One of them."

  Stanton placed a coffee in next to her on the breakfast bar and they sat down. "Who was it?"

  "An FBI agent looking for help."

  "The women."

  "Rose Fleming."

  Jodi's face turned to fire. "She was here."

  "Yes, she backed McCrae up in Lexington, brought him back here, he will come in handy, he's on the island, Rose is on the way back to London."

  Jodi suddenly broke down face in her hands. She sobbed. "Oh god, I'm sorry John."

  Stanton was completely bamboozled and dug for clues, he took one of her hands an held it. "What an earth is wrong, you're late and I know that twinkle in your eye."

  She took a napkin from the dispenser on the breakfast bar and used it to dry her eyes, talking spasmodically between sobs, Stanton pushed her buttock length hair back over her shoulders, the hair band she had used for a pony tail was gone. "I have the audacity to fly off the handle about Rose and....." she sobbed.

  "Whatever it is you need to tell me."

  "I've been with somebody."

  "No law against that poppet."

  "Stop mothering me John, I've been having sex with a young man."

  There was silence for a while. "It's happened before and will probably happen again, I've been away allot, you have needs. You remember when I first came back and you told me about how and where you got information."

  "Don't remind me, god I'm a whore, my father would be disgusted."

  Stanton raised his voice and sat upright. "Your father was not exactly whom you thought he was and you use him as a pedestal, we are human beings not robots."

  "Your angry with me."

  "You'd like me to be but no."

  "It's not the first time."
br />   "Do you want to get it off your chest?"

  She looked at him, nervous and broken. "Young men are chatting me up, all of a sudden I like it, I've tried to stop but..."

  There was silence. "But you enjoy it."

  She snapped at him. "Yes, there I've said it, I'm a damn whore like Bella and that blonde thing that was here."

  "Firstly young men have chatted you up all your life, look in the mirror Jodi, what do you see. You probably see something different than a young man."

  "I've been dressing to attract them."

  "I've noticed."

  "What are you going to do, for gods sake don't hurt them."

  "What would that achieve, nothing, we are many different people during our lives and sometimes we don't like who we are. There are times I couldn't even look in the mirror."

  "Well I don't want to look in the mirror, id see a....."

  "You're glowing."

  "Don't be absurd."

  "We've been together more or less from birth, we are sixty four, believe me I know when you're glowing."

  She looked at him with despair in her face clasping his hands in hers. "God John what if Lola finds out."

  He chuckled. "I do....."

  "This is not a laughing matter."

  "I don't think it's an issue, Lola does not need to know the details of her mother's sex life. She does not need to know."

  "What if she finds out and tries the same thing."

  "You've been a journalist too long, mind your own business when it comes to personal matters."

  The room went silent. "You don't care, if I'm off with some young man and he's ravishing my body you don't care."

  "What a load of rubbish, what I do think is life would go on far better if I didn't know."

  "What if he had something, some disease?"

  "You're too smart for that you would know more about the person than he does."

  "Will you stop that, for god sake I just had sex with someone I hardly know, can't you at least show some disapproval."

  "You're enjoying this."

  "I beg your pardon."

  "Your nipples are sticking way out, your not wearing your bra and you probably have no panties on."

  She stood up. "How dare you."

  "If it's not true I'll say sorry."

  She sat down and turned her head away, then back at him, she looked down. "I thought I put my bra back on."


  I stopped wearing panties a few months ago."

  "I noticed. Believe me I've studied the best they all wear no panties."

  "You're going to tell me why aren't you."

  "You're aroused again."

  "Well, mr smart arse."

  "Because all you have to do in a spontaneous situation is bend over, a few seconds hesitation removing clothes and you may start thinking straight."

  She looked away blinking profusely, her nostrils flared. She turned back with the look of a vixen. "What do I do John, I want to have sex with most of the young men I see."

  "I don't know, I want to have sex with about every woman I see, but I don't."

  "You never told me that."

  "You never told me that either."

  "It only happened recently."

  "How did it feel when you were using yourself to get information years ago?"

  "Did you have to bring that up?"


  "You weren't around."

  "Now back to where we started, we have needs and we become different as life goes on. The fact you consider yourself a whore at the moment is exciting you, while you go through this stage keep it to yourself."

  "You don't mind."

  "Its not that I don't mind, what would it achieve if I did, nothing, drama and I have enough of that in the public domain. You have to stop watching the Bold and the Beautiful."

  "Do you think I'm like Brooke Logan?"

  "Ah, what's it like to be like Brooke Logan. You are nothing like Brooke Logan, for a start you make her look like a dog and secondly you are real and she is fake, an actor. If you want to act don't tell me about it."

  There was silence for a while, Jodi twiddled with her cups handle. "When I was younger, when we first married, I thought people who were sixty didn't have sex at all."

  "Well we know a lot different now."

  Jodi lent back in her seat looking sternly at him with her head slightly to one side. "You still have your dressing gown on."

  "I've been in the den all day, studying surveillance, sorting out information, communicating with MI, home alone and busy, so I didn't dress."

  "Who took McCrea?"


  "And Rose."

  "No Anthony flew her to Sydney."

  "Cadiche and the chopper here at the same time, not like you to draw so much attention."

  "Rose had to wait for Anthony."

  "Really, how long?"

  "About an hour or so."

  "You were here with Rose Fleming for an hour with a dressing gown on."


  "That must have been a strain."

  "Why don't you just ask while the irons hot."

  "I don't want to know."

  "You're still enjoying this."

  "You bastard, you had her didn't you."

  "Do you know how long I've wanted to have that woman? Sound familiar when you think of the fit young man you cougared, does feel good to be Brooke Logan doesn't it, you with me. Some have got close lately, you checked them out, isolated them and took advantage of them, they may have wives or girlfriends. When you jumped astride them did that ever enter your mind?"

  "John stop."

  "Rose is one of the sweetest natured people I have ever met, she doesn't have a single nasty bone in her body, and she has an affliction for the body's natural endorphins. She doesn't drink, she doesn't smoke she likes sex, lots of it, she's hooked. No man can resist her that's why we get her to do what she does, she's good at it one thing being it doesn't bother her, its a skill. I wondered and wanted for years, today I found out. She bent over right here, no doubt she felt just like your young men, what's the problem."

  "Bella, what about Bella, while the irons hot Casanova."

  "You know I've been with Bella on and off for eternity. I married you because I love you, I can't resist Bella because, I want Rose for the same reason. Now if you really want to sort it out, what happened with these young men?"

  "I can't believe it, I studied them, bought clothes they liked, flaunted myself in front of them, they became putty in my hands. I fondled and kissed them to see how big they were, I gave them access to my most private parts but starved them of satisfaction. Then I let them loose on me, it was wonderful. Do you still love me?"

  "Of course I do."

  "What are you going to do?"

  "Take you upstairs, slowly remove your clothes and....."

  Jodi flew at him holding him against the wall by the shoulders, she wore the look Bella used, her hair flowed down around him. "I need to be punished, rip my clothes off and throw me to the ground, teach me a lesson I've been naughty." He put his hands inside her blouse and ripped it down her shoulders exposing her breasts, she stepped back lifting her short skirt above her pubic hair. "Keep your hands off me you bastard, I'll call the police." He dived at her and they fell to the floor she sat astride her legs ripping her clothes off and hurling them around the kitchen, he stood over her when she was naked, threw his dressing gown to the wall.

  "You bitch, open your legs."

  "Don't you touch me you randy basta...."

  He knelt, prized her legs apart, lay between them and gently inserted his penis. She groaned with pleasure. "Oh John ravish me I'm a whore." He gently commenced pumping. She dug her nails in his back and went trust for thrust. "God I'm having an orgasm." She screamed her lungs out and fell limp. He lay on her, his erection embedded.

  "Tell me when you want more."

  She still grazed his back with her nails pulling holding him
tight. "My god, I've never felt such a rush. I want more."

  An hour past, they lay with there heads on each others shoulders on the lounge watching the TV. "You're quiet princess."

  "I have a lot to think about."

  "I have a hell of a lot of work to do, can you help."

  "I'm trying to come to grips with who I am."

  "Well while your thinking of that remember, Winston Blake is missing."

  "Poor man, if I were he I wouldn't want to be found for a while."

  Stanton sat up and leant forwards. "I've been thinking the same thing. I'm using every camera I can in Kentucky to try to find him."

  "I would have thought he would have at least contacted us."

  "No, Winston's been around us far to long to trust the phone and internet. He has his daughter and no one is going to take her away from him."

  "Could be the best thing."

  "Rose Blake has information we need."

  "Have you any idea what."

  "I have suspicions but insufficient evidence. Taking Flaxmead to the US is going to be tricky. More reasons than saving face to do away with us all, the Americans know Rose Blake is loose. I'm on the verge of finding the bastard that sent our boy to Libya."

  Jodi looked down and closed her eyes. "In the US?" she looked up.

  "No, far more sinister than that, I have to go to London."

  "Was Rose that good?"

  "Jodi! Reichmann came up with a very interesting piece of information when interrogated."

  "The vixens extract what they wanted."

  "Jodi, we've just been through all this..."

  "Well damn it John I'm trying hard, I hate myself again."

  Stanton sighed and blew wind through his lips. "Yeah, I know what you mean."

  "Focus, Idris Nasih has a brother, I didn't know that and I think he's the king pin."

  "What makes you so sure?"

  "A year before we caught Idris Nasih and gave him to Hurst Bella did a job in Dubai, she ran into trouble and we had to retrieve her. She left her bag behind, it had the gun I had made for her in it, no other weapon around like it, a Colt peacemaker converted to take 44 magnum shells with a replica barrel and chamber but in the calibre of 44 instead of 45. Nasih had the weapon when I captured him."

  Jodi lent forwards next to him and lent on his side. "He could have got it anywhere.'

  "True but someone must have brought it into the country, Nasih would never have been able to hide it when returning from overseas."

  "Could have been smuggled in anywhere along the coast."

  "Exactly, Port Hedland to be exact. We stopped a truck load of arms coming down from Port Hedland and a swag of drugs. We still have the driver of that truck and Idris Nasih. Reichmann also told us that Nasih's brother also uses an alias Hadar Mukum, I found a customs entry record in Port Hedland for Mukum a day before the truck left for Sydney."

  "Might have been Hadar whatever his name is on holiday or something?"

  "Not much chance of that, I shot and burnt Hadar Mukum at Canberra airport, he was after Marshal Tucker. He was a hit man x Lebanese army linked to arms dealers."

  "Not much of a lead."

  "Ahh, but it confirms Nasih and the truck driver are not telling us all they know or think it's too trivial to mention. There minds don't work like ours."

  "Okay, I'm convinced you need to go to London."

  "When I come back I want you to leak a story on my visit and mention Nasih."

  "Would that not depend on what you find out?"

  "Whoever reads the story will make assumptions on what I found."

  "Can I come to London?"

  "No way princess."

  "Dam it John why."

  "For the same reason you couldn't go to Ascot, you are the biggest bait on the planet to have me do something stupid. If they get hold of you the entire network will crumble, Id do anything to get you back. Same reason I won't let the boys out of the country, we know what happened to the last one that tried."

  "What about the vixens."

  "I'm going to stay with them."

  "What! John for gods sa...."

  He gently grabbed her shoulders and looked in her eyes. "We are becoming more conspicuous and have been lucky to now. They know you, they know me, and they know Bella and Rose, that is the last place they would expect to find me because, you answer that question."

  She looked at him with realisation. "I would attempt to destroy us, and probably succeed."

  "They probably know you are seeing young men and working out how to manipulate that right under our nose. You have always been the target, not me, for once they have you all is lost."

  "They could have done the same with Bella and don't tell me any different."

  "They have, none lived to tell the tale and Bella can look after herself and you can't."

  "I can look after myself."

  "In a board room, at a press conference, no problem, could you kill a person without even thinking about it?"

  "Why would I want to... oh god." Her shoulders slumped down and she dropped her head.

  "While you are moving around here you are pretty safe, Cadiche, the boys, my tails, they would be mad to try something."

  "What I've started to do is dangerous, you knew didn't you."

  "If you really want to explore your sexual preferences then at least let me make sure you're okay."

  "You'd do that for me, what kind of a bitch am I. My husband would supply me with toys that gratify. Why don't you stay home more and be there when I need you."

  "I haven't got that much jam princess, take me three days to get over what happened here today."

  "John really."

  "I can send some young men that will blow your brains out, a session with one of them and you'll lie around all day purring like a kitten."

  "John that's disgusting."

  "If they get hold of you love, I hate to think what they would do with you and they know that. You better think about it because I'm leaving for a few days and they are liable to know."

  "I generally stay home with the security system on and Cadiche sends patrols past of a night."

  "Common knowledge, the new habits not so common, could destroy everything."

  Jodi sighed. "I'll stay home till you get back."

  "You have the satellite phone you can talk to me any time."

  She hugged him. "All right, god what a day. When will you leave?"

  "From Sydney just after midnight."

  "The plane is on its way to London, how will you get there."

  "I can't tell you anymore, the risk is now too high, if something happens to you they must not know where I am or any information that could give them a clue."

  "Bloody hell why don't I think of these things before I go prancing around the place dressed like a bloody....oh shit."

  "I need to get a couple of hours rest."

  "If I come up with you won't sleep, my libido is bothering me, what the hell is going on with me."

  "Some kind of hormone imbalance, menopause, you've done a gearbox or something, I'm quite enjoying the problem truthfully."

  Jodi started giggling and laughing to near fits. "John really." She stood up and started to lead him up the stairs still laughing. "I'll suck you to sleep."

  "No, please, don't."

  Jodi fell over on the stairs laughing out loud. "You won't get any rest I'm going to eat you."

  He picked her up gently in his arms and carried her looking into her laughing face. "No, look, em, stop that."

  "John you're making me laugh, this is a serious matter." he reached the bed and dropped her onto the lush quilt. She pulled the towel off tucked around her breasts, he took of his dressing gown and lunged his head between her legs. "John what are you doing, ohhh, ohh my god. You've haven't done this in a long time."

  He pulled away from her pubic region. "You wouldn't let me." and dived back in.

  "Oh what a difference a day makes."

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