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Clara and Claire

Page 12

by Lindsey Richardson

  “Clara! Clara, is that you?”

  Everyone turned to face me, and Declan quickly stood up and excused us. He pushed through the doors and led me into the hallway while I caught my breath. My face heated up, and my entire body shook. I felt as though I might faint, and my legs did not seem strong enough to uphold my bodyweight. My world crashed down on me, and I realized this was the fire. I burned, and I feared there was no coming back from this. Ren could tell them anything, and considering what he knew it would be convincing. It made no sense in any of the councilor’s eyes for him to mistake me as someone else. To make it worse, they expected Clara as a witness for the trial. They would be waiting for a woman who would never arrive.

  “Claire, calm down. The sooner you explain this, the better I can help you. Tell me what to do,” Declan whispered, holding my hands. His arms alone felt like the only thing supporting me. I stared at the floor, imaging that once he left my face would meet with the wooden floor. My stomach turned and twisted, and despite what Declan asked, I choked on my own words.

  Declan leaned in closer, pressing his lips against my ear. “Clara, focus. I can’t fix this without facts. You’re stronger than this.”

  Though my body still shook, I stuttered, “R-Ren... He’s from Rajoor. He k-knows me, and I’m the witness.”

  Despite these facts, the determination in Declan’s eyes did not fade. “Tell me exactly what happened on the night of his arrest. I know what needs to be done.”

  “What do you mean?” I groaned and could not understand his calmness. This was the worst possible scenario, which even I had not considered. I had almost forgotten entirely about Ren, and now he might be the reason for my defeat.

  More sternly, Declan answered, “Don’t waste precious time. Tell me everything, and I will fix this. When I go back, stay here until I tell you it’s safe. Do you understand?”

  I nodded my head slowly, though I felt slightly dizzy. I warned him that I needed to sit down, and he allowed me to sit against the wall. I whispered the story about Ren’s illegal magic practice. Declan listened carefully without interrupting, though he never explained his plan. Everything I previous thought of him seemed like nothing more than a misunderstanding. Men I had known in my life never listened to my voice.

  “And a white rose... He threatened me with a white rose before the Watcher arrived,” I finished, folding my hands together in my lap.

  “You’re certain? White roses are illegal to grow on the islands. They are locked away securely, somewhere only councilors can go.” Declan replied, frowning.

  “I know, but I’m certain I saw it. I remember because it was unlike any flower I had ever seen before,” I said.

  Declan let out a harsh breath and grunted. He reached into his pocket and handed me two yellow leaves. They were brighter than any normal leaves I had seen, and they felt warm in my hands. “Smell those; they will cure the dizziness. Remember, stay here until you see me.”

  He stood up and gazed down the hallway. Meanwhile I lifted the leaves to my nose and smelled them, reminding me of pumpkins. I had never seen anything like this before, but Declan was from Shadowland. Mages on his island used herbs and resources on their island for both magic and medical purposes. Though I did not know if this was considered illegal in Ninomay, I never ran across the likes of it in Rajoor. No one appeared nearby to see me with it, and I wanted to believe in Declan. He seemed so certain of his ability to fix the situation. It only seemed fair to give him a chance.

  Declan remained standing next to me, as if waiting for something. I opened my mouth to question him but heard footsteps echoing through the hall. I closed my hands to hide the leaves, and no longer felt dizzy or weak. It seemed time for the other islands to invest in Shadowland’s practices, since they worked as intended. I looked left and right, trying to determine who was nearby. Declan also tensed and allowed his eyes to wander.

  Ezra approached, and a faint smile broke across my face. My condition saved me from making the mistake of running to him. Instead I sat and waited for him. Declan immediately rushed to him and whispered to him. They remained a safe distance from me that I could not make out their words. Ezra’s expression turned grave, but he nodded and pointed to the room next to the meeting. The men passed me and entered the room without explaining themselves to me.

  Unaccounted minutes passed, and I remained sitting alone. I wondered how Declan fixed my problems by speaking with Ezra privately. What did the Council think during this time of our absence? They could not continue the trial without their key witness. This time also cut into our efforts to find Claire. I leaned my head back, allowing it to touch the wall. At last the door creaked open, and Ezra stepped out into the hallway.

  “What do you think?” Ezra asked, gesturing his hands to the woman who stepped out behind him. I gasped at the sight of myself and could not manage a single word. I knew Ezra to be one of the more talented illusionists, but this was perhaps his finest work yet. The only difference between the illusion and my true appearance was the hair and eyes. He matched her looks to that of the Clara Nasso on file. Everything else about the woman looked identical to my true appearances. She even wore simpler clothing unlike anything in Claire’s wardrobe.

  “Alright, Declan, I think we’ve done it. Best of luck,” he said, patting the woman on the back.

  I watched, stunned in silence, as Declan walked past me and entered the meeting room. I understood everything now, though alas I wished I could be a part of the trial. Ren had sought to kill me, and I needed a conclusion from our relationship. However, too many dangers remained for me to fill the position. Whatever Ezra did to Declan would not have been as simple as me. As he had explained to me during our first night together, changing someone from one illusion to the next was draining work. Even now beads of sweat rolled down his forehead, and his face appeared red.

  “Are you ill?” He asked, advancing forward and kneeling before me. I smiled again, being unable to hide it. Perhaps Declan was right, and we did not live in a world where a seemingly good man was also a criminal.

  “Feeling faint, but I am better now... thank you.” I said. Glancing back at the doors, I asked, “How long will it last? The illusion?”

  “Long enough for him to answer their questions. I wish I could have sent you in there as yourself, but I promised to protect you. If anyone beside Jhase sees your closeness to Claire, who knows the consequences,” he replied.

  I thought back to our kiss in the library, and wished this moment could be as spontaneous as that. There was so much to catch up on, but alas I did not know what to share with Ezra anymore. In my heart I did not believe him to be anything heinous. I had lived amongst monsters before, and they had a way of revealing themselves even to loved ones. However, my conscience disapproved of how easily I fell into another man’s grasp. No matter how difference Ezra was, how could I slip into old habits again? Trying to see the good in people had gotten me no further in life. Except with this man I did not need to try. Looking into his eyes, I did not want to reason with logic. I wanted someone to honestly consider as my friend.

  He withdrew an item from his pocket and held it out to me. It was a bracelet with a blue gem hanging from it. “I made this last night. It will strengthen the illusion, last longer, and be more durable in rain. Be wary, though, and never stay out in the rain any longer than a few hours. I searched all morning after misplacing it.”

  I dropped the leaves Declan had given me and extended my arm, allowing Ezra to slip the bracelet on. Words hung in my throat, screaming to be spoken aloud. All this time I believed Ezra to be the enemy, he worked on something for my protection. Without knowing what else to do, I embraced him and buried my head into his cloak.

  Releasing me seemingly too soon, he cocked his head. I whispered, “I fear I have lost you as a friend and ally. I betrayed your trust out of paranoia. Yesterday in your room? I snuck inside, looking for answers to where your loyalty lay. I found...”

  Thoughts rushed to
my head faster than words could escape my lips. I withdrew the letter and handed it to him. He read it quickly, glancing now and again at the double doors. His hands squeezed the paper tighter as he reached the end.

  “And now? What do you think?” Ezra asked. His expression did not change, and I remained uncertain if he would be angered by my actions.

  “I think you’re my closest ally and most consistent. I’d be a fool to lose you to something like this. If you say you did not do it, I believe you,” I responded calmly.

  He leaned in closer, nearly causing our noses to touch. “Be careful who you push away, Clara. I’m willing to take any shot that comes your way.”

  The doors opened, and Ezra quickly jumped up. I looked up to see the illusion of me, and Ezra approached and traced his hands in the air. He closed his eyes and focused, carefully outlining the illusion’s figure. I watched as the body transformed, along with the clothes, into Declan again. He explained the Council was ready for us, and he offered his hand to me as I regained my balance. Once the men confirmed I could stand on my own two feet we advanced forward. Ren’s punishment remained a mystery, and I hoped he would not be in the room when I re-entered.

  Taking a deep breath, I walked through the doors with the men at my side. This was the moment I had waited for, and the results afterwards needed to make a difference. Claire could not be found with only four people working on the case. We needed control over the situation, and I ran short on time. There was no telling how long I could stay in Ninomay before Mother questioned it.

  I stood aside while Ezra and Declan took their seats. Declan returned to his original seat, but I remained standing. Jhase gestured for me to stand in the same place Ren had. He was no longer present, but all eyes fell on me as they tried to determine my purpose. The majority of the Council stared at me in bewilderment as if I had done wrong by coming today. Now was not the time to tense up again, and with Jhase’s nod, I began my story.

  “My name is Clara Nasso, and I am not who you believe me to be. I was hired by Jhase to fill in for Claire’s position. She has been missing for two days without any sightings. We believe she has been betrayed and need help finding her.”

  Sweat covered my palms, and I watched faces change from surprised to frustrated. Angry gazes sliced me, but I waited for someone to speak. The councilors looked to their leader for guidance, though he remained emotionless the entire time. He showed no signs of pain or sadness, but perhaps this was his method for leading. No one told me to lie about my arrival here, but I suspected the real explanation would be too harsh for all ears. Everyone would immediately suspect Gemma or Declan for their actions. I would rather everyone focus their efforts toward finding Claire. I did not know whether I had ruined Jhase’s name, but key information I kept to myself. Whether he was my father or not, that would remain confidential. I doubted his ability to make sense of this, but he stood up and faced his colleagues.

  “Ezra, if you would please show the Council Clara’s true identity?” Jhase ordered. Ezra stood up and approached me, standing as close as possible to my face. My heartbeat raced, and I questioned Jhase’s decision. If he showed the others my true identity wouldn’t they notice the similarity to Claire?

  Ezra removed the bracelet and with his free hand traced the outlines of my face. His hands moved quickly and without hesitation like a seamstress working on a dress. His eyes followed the motions, seemingly mesmerized. He dropped his hands, and a strand of blonde hair dropped in front of my face. I realized they had changed me into the woman Declan used for the trial. This was not the real me, but this was enough to distract them from worrying otherwise. As I suspected anyone on this Council knowing my true resemblance to Claire might seek to harm me. In their eyes I seemed like nothing more but an ordinary woman.

  Bellona stood up, and eyebrows rose from everyone around the table. She eyed Jhase boldly, though he did not stand down. “This is outrageous and uncalled for! I never agreed to this, and I demand that this imposter leave the room at once.”

  Elias tugged at her sleeve and growled. “Sit down, wife! Don’t speak that way again.” He tugged again until at last she returned to her seat. The rage in her eyes did not settle, and I noticed Alec and Dorian focusing on her. Perhaps everyone was in agreement with Bellona’s feelings.

  Holding up his hand, Jhase said, “This is a sensitive matter, but I ask that you control yourself appropriately. Clara is vital to our search and has done work like this before. We cannot afford for Shadowland to question our treaty and loyalty at a time like.”

  “I agree this is sensitive and should be handled properly. Might we have privacy in addressing this matter? Declan and Clara are useless until we decide amongst ourselves how to continue,” Alec responded calmly. Though this was not the reaction I sought, Jhase agreed. He asked for Declan and I to leave the room accompanied by Ezra. Chatter amongst the councilors began immediately as the first door closed behind us.

  Once out in the hallway Ezra stood in front of me again while Declan paced. He returned the original illusion of Claire to me and helped place the bracelet on my wrist. So long as we remained in the hallway, neither Declan nor I could offer evidence or suggestions. Ezra was my only true hope of knowing what commenced inside the room.

  Grabbing Ezra’s hand, I whispered, “We need this, and I need you to ensure this does not turn sour. Please, for Claire’s sake...”

  “Do not even ask. It is already done,” Ezra responded. He leaned in closer, brushing his face against mine gently. In a whisper he added, “I promise.”

  I chuckled, and without a word to Declan, Ezra returned to the meeting room. Once again I was an outsider, and to the Council I fooled no one. They realized I did not belong here, and I relied on three people to change their minds. It was left to fate to decide if I belonged in Ninomay, trying to do something meaningful with my life. Sighing, I leaned against the wall and accepted the wait might be longer than the last one. This was the time for Claire’s true allies to show their loyalty. If they were loyal to her, they would aid me in my efforts. Gray lines could not be drawn out anymore. People either worked with me or against me.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Take a Shot

  I feared I might implode from waiting. Declan continued to pace, stopping occasionally in front of the door. At times their voices raised, and we overheard several words being exchanged. It was pointless to listen; the majority of the discussion remained in whispers. Jhase’s argument seemed valid, and I could only hope the councilors would agree with him.

  “What was Ezra’s relationship with Claire like?” I asked. Declan finally stood still beside me, leaning against the wall. While this would not prove anyone’s innocence, it was time I learned Claire’s past. Someone guilty still roamed freely, mocking her absence because of their closeness.

  “He was like a brother to her. He left Rajoor as a small boy, and his uncle’s place in Council helped gain him Jhase and Claire’s friendship. They consider him family, and soon he will be my brother as well.”

  I jerked my head in his direction. “He never mentioned living in Rajoor.” Despite my best efforts, I could not mask my excitement. Ezra had been a part of my world longer than I realized. Unlike the rumors I heard, not everyone in Ninomay was born into wealth. This seemed like an important fact Ezra had never mentioned. I wanted to know more about his past, but alas Declan would not have the answers I sought.

  Declan crossed his arms over his chest. “I hardly blame him when you’re throwing accusations his way. You ought to ask him these questions yourself.”

  He offered a valid argument, and I did not deny the truth in his statement. I had managed to gather evidence but lacked knowledge of the people in Claire’s life. I held an advantage no one else in this castle did. I could make decisions and pass judgment without bias. Instead of immediately pinning the reason for why someone might be guilty, I should be determining their importance. Claire disappeared without warning or reason, and not even her own
father noticed her absence. She had freedoms most people in power yearned for, and someone trustworthy took advantage of it.

  Nudging my elbow, Declan asked, “Do you fancy him?”

  The question stunned me, though I was certain no one had seen what happened in the library. Declan’s awareness of my feelings for Ezra was dangerous. Any mask in front of my face did not easily fool him like the others. Since our first kiss, Ezra and I had not spoken anymore about our relationship. Nothing good could come from desiring the forbidden, but Ezra made a damn good case for it.

  Noticing Declan’s stare, I quickly forced a smile and laughed. “No, of course not! What lead you to that conclusion?”

  “Like I said, he and Claire were like siblings. They fought, teased, and drove each other mad. He’s a handsome fellow and has been desired by numerous ladies. A man with his past is careful to guard his heart, but with you... There’s tension and seriousness. I’m not blind, Clara.”

  I wrapped a curl around my finger and bit down on my lip. Declan seemed convinced, but unlike Gemma he did not remind me of my ‘duties.’ A servant walked past us, and I waited for them to be out of hearing distance. Perhaps this was a matter that would best resolve itself later on when Ezra and I were reunited. He was close to Declan and might be able to sway his beliefs. In fairness it was too risky for Ezra and I to consider the idea of an intimate relationship. The kiss in the library had been luck, but I doubted we would be that fortunate every time. Despite feeling like myself, people did not see me as Clara. Even Ezra, despite his powers, had to view me as Claire in public. I wanted to be free of this illusion before I dove into commitment with any man.

  “I doubt it matters,” Declan said, stretching his arms. “I hear Bellona has intentions of joining Ezra with her daughter. Ezra may be unable to resist. The majority of women his age are married, and his uncle will want to ensure he’s married sooner rather than later.”


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