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Clara and Claire

Page 14

by Lindsey Richardson

  Pounding his fist down on the table, Jhase said, "If someone has stolen my daughter, we must find the culprit immediately. As you leave this room remember to refrain from causing panic. Do not speak of this search with anyone outside of the Council. Our first group will begin their search tonight."

  With the meeting adjourned councilors left little by little. I snatched the piece of fabric, returning it to my pocket, while Ezra gathered the letters together. I watched their faces as they exited, hoping to gain insight into their reactions. No one acted strange, though admittedly I was not well acquainted with everyone. Bellona and Elias whispered to one another, but their conversation remained inaudible. Gemma and Alec quickly joined together, murmuring about something. Distinct groups became more visible, and I could see who was aligned and who might stand alone. Alesia left without speaking to anyone, seemingly lost in thought. She was someone I had yet to speak with, but she remained a top priority.

  As I left I ended up walking alongside with Gemma. She asked me to accompany her on a walk outside. It had been a long time since she and I caught up. Since Ezra and Declan remained in the room with Jhase, I agreed and left without telling them. This gave me the time I needed to learn more about her and what she knew about Claire. If she was Claire's best friend she should know secrets others did not. The hallway was crowded with councilors, but everyone went their own way. Within minutes we descended the staircase, and I was eager to step outside again.

  The sun was bright outside, but a cool breeze blew through the air. Days like these I was grateful for a cloak. The wind picked up and blew harder once in a while, but it never became unbearably cold. Gemma led the way, saying nothing to me. I noticed several servants outside, but no one was close enough to eavesdrop on our conversation. I waited patiently for Gemma to offer something. She was a private woman, but I desired an idea of her mindset. Everything she saw in the meeting room today had been brand new material to her eyes. Perhaps she had realized I was closer to the men than her. If only she knew the irony of the fact.

  “I've missed so much; my mind is in a haze," Gemma said, frowning. I opened my mouth to reply, but she ignored my reaction and continued. "I am questioning everyone now, debating on why they would do this to Claire. It's so close to her wedding; she must be devastated.""It seems like someone wanted to directly attack the Council and more specifically Jhase's family. If we don't find her before the wedding..." I shuddering and stopped myself from completing the sentence. Everyone knew the wedding relied on Claire's presence. I was limited with my time here, and I doubted Declan would agree to marry anyone except Claire.

  Gemma shrugged. "For a while I blamed Declan. Even before you came here, I threatened him and argued. It wasn't right; he loves Claire too much to hurt her. But then again the people who love us the most know how to put the blade in our back. Now I’m preparing for the worst... Something so dark we might be too late to see it."

  She stopped in front of an oak tree and sat in the shade, gesturing for me to join her. I sat next to her staring at the faint line of the ocean. The ocean looked the same as it did in Rajoor, and it reminded me that home was distant. I was closer to strangers than my family, though now it seemed my family was split. Like me, Gemma knew loved ones could hurt us easily. I only prayed for Claire's sake that would not be the case.

  "You mentioned Lukas earlier... Did he say something to you?"

  "He acts very familiar with me... with Claire. I cannot fathom why he would purposely lie. If he believes me to be Claire, what does he gain?"

  Gemma leaned her head against the tree. "I would not take anything he says to heart. He is infamous for flirting with women, married or not. Best to keep your distance from him."

  Though she seemed confident with her answer, the frown covering her face told a different story. She was thinking the same as me. Whether she wanted to admit it or not, even Claire had her share of secrets. I sighed; it was easy to get wrapped up in Claire's world. At a time like this everything happened at once. She had so much happening in her life, and I wondered how she had ever juggled everything. Besides her marriage being a month away, the meetings and upcoming position in leadership added more to her plate. I feared leaving Ninomay without knowing Claire was safe and alive. Jhase seemed calm and determined, but my patience ran thin. If I ran out time Claire's world and mine would crumble.

  "I wonder how much time I have..." I whispered.

  "Not enough. Rarely does a mage disappear, but the few times ones has, it took months to find them. Claire is a harder case, because she’s so valuable here," Gemma replied. Though anyone could make an illusion of Claire on someone else it would be a tiring task. I was similar enough to Claire that even if it wore off someone might not notice immediately. A full illusion to change someone's entire body and voice required more time and magic. The Council could not waste all of their powers and time for the sake of lying.

  Turning her head to face me, Gemma asked, "What convinced you to stay here? This isn't your problem, and we forced you here. No one blamed you for wanting to leave."

  "Somehow Claire convinced me. I've never done anything this important in my life. As much as I tried to walk away, I couldn't do it. Knowing the facts, running from it would have made me no better than the person responsible for this."

  Though I did not want to reveal too much to Gemma, it meant something since she had taken me aside. This was our chance to unite together in a way I had not with the men. They were strong and protective, but perhaps Gemma could be my eyes and ears. She seemed to be the most likely candidate for the position.

  Leaning in closer, I asked, “Who do you think is behind this?”

  She stared into the distance and said, “My guess is as good as yours. I can tell you who it isn't. Despite what you might think, Declan and I are on your side. We did wrong by you, but I would not have brought you here if I wanted Claire out of my life. And Declan... He actually needs her the most.”

  I leaned back and took in her words, considering them carefully. She might only say this to ensure her and Declan's safety from being suspected. However, she offered a valid point I had not considered. What would Gemma gain from bringing me here if she was behind this? Why would Declan do this and ruin his future? The two people I once despised now seemed to hold great importance. For once it did not seem as though I needed to rush for another clue. The evidence was clear to everyone now, but how we used it would determine its value. As an outsider looking in, I doubted Gemma and I shared similar guesses. In my eyes everyone looked guilty, but perhaps the list had narrowed.

  A clear motive and enough dedication drove a person to the edge.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Truths and a Lie

  I left Gemma to meet up with Jhase. While Gemma had offered reasons why she and Declan remained innocent I yearned for more information. I found Jhase in the meeting room, analyzing a map of Ninomay. He grunted at my appearance, but barely acknowledged me otherwise. If anyone could be ruled out I was certain on him. A father who sought only the best for his daughter had nothing to do with her disappearance. His family had already split in two, and he would never wish to do any harm to the only woman left in his life. I watched him carefully as he studied the map. He might not notice me, but I wanted to entrust him with my plan.

  “I may not be able to search the grounds for Claire, but I have another idea,” I said.

  He instantly focused his attention on me. While I had finally met everyone in the Council I did not know their stories. More importantly, I needed to know what motives they might have to harm Claire in any way. Nothing prepared me for handling Claire’s situation, but I had read a great amount of books in my lifetime. A villain always has their reasons, and if Claire’s capturer walked among us they were bound to make mistakes. I needed to sort through the lies and truth to uncover the criminal behind this.

  Clearing my throat, I continued. “I wish to meet with each one of the councilors. If I can gather everyone’s accounts of t
he hours leading up to Claire’s disappearance, perhaps we can make sense of this.”

  Jhase’s eyes lit up. “How can I help?”

  With Jhase’s high probability of being innocent, I did not want him involved in this. His hopes already glistened in his eyes, and everyone would tell him what he wanted to hear. The councilors would see him as their leader whereas I was a stranger. I sought out the truth, no matter how dark, and alas this was a one-person task. However, Jhase held enough power to grant me necessities.

  “I will need protection; someone to stand outside the door for all the interviews. And if you could supply a messenger to send people in as needed?” I sucked in my lower lip and waited. It seemed like a lot to ask, especially being a stranger to Jhase as well. He could just as easily take my idea and use it as his own. While the interviews themselves might not take long, speaking with every councilor required time and patience. This was the only way I knew how to help with the search, even if it meant inconveniencing the councilors.

  Hesitantly he nodded. “Of course, I’ll send for a messenger and our best Watcher. You can use this room for as long as you please, and if you need me I will be nearby.”

  “Thank you; I won’t disappoint,” I said, smiling.

  He stood up and marched out of the room. I paced anxiously awaiting the long process. The councilors could just as easily lie to me and I’d be none the wiser. The only advantage I held would reveal itself at the end. Once I gathered all eight accounts I could combine them. Determine who agreed on facts, who offered questionable statements, and sort out any contradictions. Unlike I had led the Council believe, this was not my job. I was not a hired employee serving under Jhase’s command. I had no experience with speaking to people in power. And the word ‘interview’ did not hide the interrogation side of this process. How could any of this be seen as an interview or conversation when I had to accuse each person who walked in the room?


  “Hello, sweetheart,” a male’s voice said nearby.

  I stopped pacing and turned to see Lukas standing in the doorway. He grinned at me, but I focused more on his attire. He wore the traditional colors for a Watcher and also carried a staff with him. Though Elias had mentioned duties with the Watchers, I had not known Lukas was one of them. The Watchers were produced by a bloodline, presumably Pavlou’s, and it only strengthened their family’s importance in society. His family might have lost respect from Ivan’s reign, but Watchers served the Council. Without them it would be difficult to enforce the laws for magic usage.

  “You’re a Watcher?” I asked, though the answer stared me in the face.

  Chuckling, he replied, “Anyone with Pavlou blood in them can be. Some, like my sister, chose a different path.”

  At my silence he smirked and asked, “Having regrets, are we?”

  I shook my head and looked away from him. I still did not understand the chemistry between Claire and Lukas, and today I lost the chance to ask. I needed to focus on the councilors first. Lukas could be addressed later and perhaps in a more public setting. I remembered Gemma’s warnings about him and shuddered at the thought of him chasing after an engaged woman. Could he not have any woman he wanted with that uniform?

  Refocusing, I said firmly, “Guard the doors please. Don’t let anyone in without my permission.”

  “Your wish is my command,” he replied. He turned around and stepped out into the hallway, closing the doors afterwards.

  I returned to walking the length of the room. I prepared a short explanation that I would give to each councilor as they entered. Once the first person left the room no doubt word would spread to the others about my mission. If a liar hid in the Council they might be able to deflect my questions, but by tonight facts would either add up or not.

  A knock at the door and Lukas’s voice confirmed Dorian’s arrival. I shouted for him to enter and sat down in the chair next to Jhase’s seat. Dorian walked inside calmly, and I invited him to sit next to me. Without being in a meeting I wanted the councilors as close to me as possible. As the doors shut I explained my purpose to Dorian.

  “Jhase has approved me to speak with each councilor. It’s safe to assume Claire disappeared either the night before or the morning of Declan’s birthday. I want to hear your account of what happened during that time to the best of your knowledge. And of course the last time you saw Claire.”

  I held my breath as I waited to see how the first of eight councilors would react. Though Jhase gave me authority over this task it did not mean it would be accepted without question. I remained confident Jhase’s presence nearby could confirm anything the councilors did not believe. Instead Dorian rubbed his chin, seemingly gathering together his thoughts. The first of eight essential stories unfolded.

  Chapter Seventeen

  What’s the Harm?


  That night a thunderstorm roared outside. Everyone stayed later than usual at the castle to prepare for Declan’s birthday celebration. Claire always insisted on controlling the party planning, but she could not set it up alone. I bid everyone good night and walked outside to return home.

  As soon as I walked outside the rain poured down on me. My hair and clothes instantly stuck to my body, and the water sent chills up my spine. Though Jhase would allow anyone to spend the night in the castle, I had a dog and cat at home waiting for me. No matter the weather I needed to return to them.

  I walked down the path leading to the street I noticed a woman. She stood out in the downpour, staring at me like none of it affected her. I stepped closer and realized it was Claire. She wore a light blue dress, but like my clothing it was ruined. Tangled curls of hair stuck to her face, and she kept her arms wrapped around herself.

  “Are you mad? Go inside!” I shouted.

  “We need to talk about Gem,” she said.

  I inched closer to her. I had nothing to offer her to protect her from the rain. I knew Claire to be determined, but waiting until nightfall on a stormy night to discuss this felt out of place. Gem and I had been seeing each other ever since she and Alec divorced. Our undetermined relationship was nothing new, especially to Claire.

  “Can it wait until tomorrow?”

  She shook her head. “She’s my best friend. I don’t wish to see her hurt again. Tomorrow night you have to tell her whether it’s real or not. No more games. Tell her!”

  “Alright, I promise. Now will you please go inside?” I asked, crossing my arms.

  She finally agreed and walked past me, warning me to be careful. I watched to ensure she made it inside without trouble and continued on my way. While her questioning seemed harmless the timing was off. Gem had never asked me to make our relationship official. She and Alec worked together, saw each other everyday, and it strained both of them. She had a child to take care of first before anyone else. If she had wanted something more from me she would be upfront about it. I decided I would ask more in the morning to both Gem and Claire.

  In the morning everything seemed normal. I met with Gem at her house, said hello to her boy, and reconvened at the castle. Jhase held a short meeting in which he discussed a criminal who awaited trial. Gem was assigned with the task of transporting the witness to Ninomay. Claire was not at this meeting, but it was not unusual for her to miss meetings on occasion.

  At the meeting’s end Jhase announced we had the remainder of the day to ourselves until nightfall. We would need to return to the castle for Declan’s party. I never saw Claire as I left, and Gem also seemed to disappear. I assumed they prepared for tonight; they usually tried on outfits together.

  I left the castle and watched over Cedric for the remainder of the day until the evening. Gem returned to take over and quickly urged me to go home and change. She seemed anxious, but if anything troubled her she did not tell me.

  The last time I saw Claire was in the ballroom... though we both know that was only an illusion of her.



  All night we worked on
Declan’s party. Ezra prepared for his illusion on the dance floor, Jhase approved the guest list, and Claire juggled everything. I watched her go from person to person, ensuring that everything turned out perfect. The party came as no surprise to Declan. Claire had already blurted out about the party weeks ago. Ezra kept him preoccupied while everyone else volunteered their own efforts.

  Close to midnight Jhase insisted everyone go home or stay the remainder of the night. It was late, a thunderstorm started outside, and the weather would only worsen. Only Alesia and Declan decided to spend the night. Everyone else had someone waiting at home for them.

  I was one of the last people to leave, having just watched Dorian exit minutes before me. As I approached the doors they opened from the outside and Claire walked through. Her dress and hair soaked the floors. I could see the rain outside, and I gasped at the sight of her. Why would she go out on a night like this? As much as she loved the outside I also knew how much she loved the blue dress she wore.

  “Why were you outside?” I urged her to advance further and quickly grabbed the doors and slammed them shut. A servant nearby offered to fetch a robe and towels. He scurried off without awaiting approval or further orders.

  She shivered. “I had to tell Dorian... He needs to decide where he stands with you.”

  “Claire...” I narrowed my eyes. Since my divorce she did well to stay quiet about my personal life. She never commented on my relationship with Dorian but listened to anything I shared. I sighed at the realization she could not help herself. Perhaps with her wedding being close she remembered I no longer had a husband waiting at home. I shared my life only with Cedric and did not desire anything more. Dorian knew where I stood with him. We chose to not make anything official until we spent more time together. A few months was nothing in comparison to the two years I spent with my former husband. And we both knew how that had ended.


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