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Clara and Claire

Page 22

by Lindsey Richardson

  “Yes, the two crimes are tied together. Elias and Bellona have confessed about their daughter’s strange behavior and activities. She’s spent more hours away from home, and with enough force she will lead us to Claire,” Jhase said.

  “But we are out of time. Claire can’t wait forever.”

  Elias turned his head and faced me. No emotions showed on his face. “I agree with you entirely. I suggested to them that we declare Claire as dead. The chances of her having survived this long...”

  “No!” Jhase said, slamming his hand down on the table. “I will not make that claim until I know for certain. Any more lies told by this Council will only backfire on us.”

  I froze, only half-listening to Elias and Jhase’s argument. The fact that anyone would consider Elias’s proposal was absurd. Claire’s survival decreased with each passing day, but I would not assume she was dead. She needed to return to ensure peace amongst the islands. They spoke about her like she wasn’t in the room, though I was enchanted with her features.

  Without warning I stepped outside of the room. No one stopped me; they were too caught up in the debate. I did not even have the chance to tell Jhase about my decision. Instead they considered claiming Claire as dead, which would only lead to painful consequences. My hopes of staying in Ninomay might as well be dead if the Council called checkmate.

  I walked down the hallway to the nursery. Opening the door, I entered and stared at Claire’s crib. Gazing at the others, I remembered Jhase’s life had not gone as planned either. A nursery was useless without babies. This room would never be used again, or at least, not until Claire had children of her own.

  The blanket had been returned to her crib, and I approached it and touched it again. Though I knew the enchantment wore off, I smelled it again. It was ordinary now, and I remained Claire’s only hope.

  “Clara, what are you doing here?” I glanced back to catch a glimpse of Declan. If he came alone I assumed the councilors remained preoccupied.

  “Looking at memories... of things I do not remember,” I said.

  The floorboards creaked as he advanced to stand beside me. “Claire showed me this room once. We were forbidden from visiting it, so naturally we snuck inside.”

  It came as no surprise that Jhase tried to hide this room from his daughter. Even as an adult I could not fully grasp this room’s significance. It left me wondering how Mother had ever left Jhase. He seemed like a good man, and in comparison to Isaak, he was perfect.

  Frowning, I said, “I spent years trying to uncover my purpose. Perhaps I never could because I didn’t know who I really was. When I stand in this room my purpose seems so clear. I have to be the one to find Claire and reunite our family.”

  “You can find her, but you won’t be doing it alone,” Declan replied. I opened my mouth to object, but he spoke once more. “You, Gemma, and I will search the island tonight. In the morning Ezra will join us.”

  Raising my brow, I asked, “Is Ezra busy tonight?”

  “They’re arresting Vanessa, and Jhase has requested that Ezra stay at the castle. More would be willing to help, but the Council can’t run itself.”

  I expected to feel a sense of relief about Vanessa’s fate. Instead I returned my focus on the cribs. Would Vanessa’s arrest lead us to Claire? Her blanket had led me to Lukas in the garden. No one questioned him recently nor did his family seem to care about Vanessa. Despite the arrest, Claire could not hold out any longer. I needed to find her before someone made a decision in haste.

  “Where will we meet?” I asked, turning to Declan.

  “Your room. I’ll bring Gemma immediately after dinner. Bring your cloak,” he said.

  I nodded and exited the room. Across the hall no signs of the councilors appeared. I dragged my feet toward the room, though I dreaded more arguments. We wasted too much time on trivial matters, but I only needed to delay the Council for another day. Whatever the cost, Claire was coming home with me tomorrow.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Smoke and Flames


  I stopped in the hallway, glancing back at Lukas, who rushed to where I stood. The sight of him alarmed me, but I motioned for Declan to continue ahead without me.

  Lukas’s flushed face hinted that he knew more than he was supposed to. I waited for him to explain, but he insisted it was a private matter. Hesitantly I followed him into the room closest to us. Not being familiar with the entire castle, I stared in awe. Large tables covered in maps and handwritten letters filled the room.

  “You believe my sister is responsible for Claire’s disappearance?” Lukas asked, pacing in front of me. He knew more than I had given him credit for. Vanessa’s arrest was confidential to the Council. His parents might suffer consequences if Jhase knew about this.

  Crossing my arms, I said, “The Council has made their decision. It is also not common knowledge, so I’d advise you not share this with anyone.”

  “But what if I told you they’d be arresting the wrong person?”

  I sat down in the closest chair and gazed down. The map on the table showed our three islands. On a map it did not seem Rajoor was as far away as in reality. Even Shadowland appeared closer, which brought me no comfort. While Lukas might be right, he offered nothing to prove his case. No one could stop Vanessa’s arrest unless they convinced the Council to reconsider.

  Sighing, I said, “I have no power in the Council. You’re keeping me from the meeting.”

  I stood up, but Lukas jumped in front of me. His actions tonight caused me to doubt him more. Once again I attempted to leave, and Lukas grabbed my arm. I raised my free hand as a warning. I had no problem with using magic in self-defense.

  “Let me go,” I hissed, glaring at him.

  “No, listen. Someone has made a mistake. Vanessa never leaves the house at night, and if she did, Father would know. He’s harsh with her, doesn’t want her reputation ruined. Do you understand now?” He released my arm, and I rubbed at the pink spot he left on it.

  Though I wanted to leave, too many reasons begged me to stay. The Council could not afford to arrest the wrong person. However, Lukas’s timing could not have been worse. Plans were already set in motion for Vanessa’s arrest. The Council would not change their plans based on one person’s opinion.

  “I don’t have time to challenge the Council’s decision. Ask your parents for help,” I said. I glanced at the door and debated on my options. If I left now I risked angering Lukas, but my hands remained tied. Gemma had warned me about him, and I doubted he was a trustworthy ally. While he said nothing, I approached the door slowly. Regardless of Lukas’s position, I could not altogether disregard his opinion. What if we arrested the wrong person? Vanessa did not deserve to suffer for someone else’s actions.

  My hand touched the doorknob, and Lukas called out my name. I turned around, sighing at the realization he saved me from making the wrong choice. He gestured for me to advance, and hesitantly I stepped closer to him. His big blue eyes stared down at me like an ocean swallowing a fish.

  Calmly, I asked, “Do you know who kidnapped Claire? I need to know.”

  Lukas approached the table to our right, which contained hand written documents. From where I stood none of them were legible, but they seemed to be written by the same person. He picked up a stack of papers closest to the end of the table. Holding them up, he returned to stand in front of me.

  “Few people know about my true talent, Clara. I am a writer, and some of my best work lives inside this castle,” he said.

  At my silence he held out the papers, offering them to me. I accepted them and scanned them over in hopes of finding answers. Claire’s name stuck out amongst everything else. It convinced me to read more carefully, searching for more clues. Had Lukas spied on Claire for years without her knowledge? The further I read I discovered this was not about her life. These papers focused on her magic, including spells and her knowledge of powers. None of this was obtainable without her approval, but it
also did not help with finding Claire.

  “Claire granted you permission to write this? No one ever mentioned this to me,” I said. I returned the papers to him, though I wished they revealed more. From the papers alone it was easy to gather Claire’s talents. However, she had not been able to return on her own. This time she needed saving, and not even her vast knowledge of magic would help her.

  Lukas stared at the papers. “Of course not. None of this brings us any closer to finding Claire. I searched these papers time and time again only leaving with the same conclusion. Claire has been taken by someone close to her and someone with power. It’s the only explanation for why she hasn’t returned...”

  A man’s voice called my name in the hallway. My glance returned to the door, realizing I was short on time. Lukas offered a unique opinion, but neither of us were part of the Council. His concern for Vanessa did not change my plan of attack for the night. Finding Claire remained my top priority, even if nothing could be done to help Vanessa. I turned away from Lukas and faced the door again. Had this conversation cost me valuable time with the Council?

  “I don’t expect you to keep our conversation a secret, but please don’t tell my parents. They can’t be trusted,” he said.

  I twisted a strand of my hair, contemplating over his words. The Council seemed convinced that Vanessa was responsible for the fire as well as Claire’s disappearance. If that was true, might she also be the reason why Ren threatened me with a white rose? Both her parents had access to the area, and perhaps she tricked them or a Watcher into allowing her inside.

  “I might know someone who can help us. Do you know where they’re keeping Ren Axelos?”

  Lukas rubbed his chin. “Of course, but how’s he involved in this?”

  “In Rajoor he threatened me with a white rose. Before his arrest he destroyed it. If we can find out how it obtained it, we might be able to confirm Vanessa’s part in this.”

  I held my hands together tightly, offering a smile. If Lukas still loved Claire maybe I could use that to my advantage. The people around me trusted me with their secrets and opinions. We had confirmed days ago the attacked was someone working from the inside. As much as I believed Vanessa carried guilt, I needed to know exactly how much.

  Hesitantly Lukas said, “You’re lucky today, sweetheart.”

  In a more serious tone he explained the castle had a small dungeon underneath the first floor. It had been used more during Ivan’s reign, but now it only served as a holding place for those who awaited trial. Watchers and councilors were the only ones allowed. Lukas risked more than he was willing to admit. I doubted his parents would approve of his actions if they learned of this.

  We left the room and returned the hallway, being greeted briefly by a servant. The doors to the meeting room remained closed, and whoever called upon me earlier no longer waited. Though I could not determine if the meeting remained in session, Jhase never said I had to stay the entire way through. It seemed Claire came and went as she pleased during her time amongst the councilors. Hopefully no one would question my absence.

  We descended the staircase. As we approached the bottom floor Lukas motioned for me to slow my pacing. He led me around the staircase to a seemingly ordinary wall. His place his hands on it, feeling around for something presumably invisible. At last he murmured “ah-ha!” and turned his hand, as one would do with a doorknob. Lukas pushed, and the wall opened up just like a door.

  A lantern appeared hanging from the wall, and Lukas grabbed it as he gestured me to follow him. I stepped inside, behind him, and the “door” closed behind us. I picked up my skirts as we stepped down an old and dirty staircase. This one was much shorter in length than the one leading upstairs.

  At the bottom I stared at a narrow hallway filled with cells. Lukas aimed the lantern toward the first cell, but this one appeared empty. Only cobwebs kept company in the corners. We continued further down, staring into each cell. Most were empty, but as we neared the next cell I smelled something foul. The scent filled the air.

  “What is that?” I asked, nearly vomiting from the smell.

  Lukas shone the light into the cell to the right of us. I instantly noticed a splash of vomit covered the floors. Ren lay in the cell, facing us with wide eyes and his mouth hanging open.

  “Dammit,” I said, covering my mouth. Tears filled my eyes as Lukas rummaged through his pockets to find a key. The first one he tried worked, and I rushed inside, stepping around the vomit to reach Ren’s body. I gagged and held my breath as I felt his neck for a pulse.


  I bolted out of the cell, pushing past Lukas. I ran until I reached the staircase and fell to my knees. My heart ached more than it had before. I had never lost anyone to death before. Isaak remained locked away and without communication, and it turned out my real family was very much alive and well. But Ren never deserved death, no matter what kind of man he had been.


  Lukas reached me and knelt down beside me, placing the lantern on the ground. He embraced me, allowing me to soak his tunic. Was this how I was supposed to feel? A wave of emotions flooded my head, and it seemed never-ending.

  Pulling away from Lukas, I asked, “Is he really dead? Do someone do that to him?”

  The smell of his own fluids and the sight of his body had been too much. I had not stayed as long as my companion to look for any clues as to how this tragedy occurred.

  “Nothing. He seems to have been very ill. I’ll speak with the other Watchers. Someone should have been here with him. If you wish, I’ll speak with Jhase—”

  “No, I must. First the fire, and now Ren’s death. This is causing a widespread panic through the castle. If anything, this is a warning of what is to come,” I said.

  “I don’t know who he was to you, but you need time to mourn,” he replied.

  I shook my head and wiped my face. “I have an island to save.”

  Lukas did not press my any further, and we left the dungeon without another word. We parted ways at the staircase. Lukas sought out the company of Watchers, and I desired to find Jhase. With the day growing later, I doubted the meeting had continued this late. Even so, I continued ahead in the direction of the meeting room. It seemed Jhase spent the majority of his time there.

  Ren’s dead body did not leave my thoughts. If anything his death pushed me. Words were not enough anymore, and if I wanted to ensure no one else suffered his fate, actions needed to be made.

  I pushed through the double doors of the meeting room. Jhase stood at the front of the room, seemingly lost in thought over the portraits. He glanced back, noticing my arrival, and rushed to where I stood. He grabbed ahold of my arms, and I trembled.

  “Lukas showed me the dungeon. I know it’s forbidden, but I asked, and… Ren…” I shook my head, biting my lip to hold back more tears. I did not have the time to mourn his loss. The thought of his parents receiving news of his death would cause them more pain than they already knew.

  “What happened to Ren?” Jhase asked sternly.

  “He’s dead! I think someone killed him… The fire and his death are too close together.”

  Jhase stared at me in disbelief. His eyes narrowed down. “I promise we will find out how this happened. And Vanessa is being arrested tonight. Please, daughter, take what time you need to mourn. Leave everything to me.”

  His kissed my forehead and turned to face the door.

  “Are you certain Vanessa is the mastermind behind any of this?”

  He glanced back and raised a brow. “You’ve said yourself that she’s guilty. Why do you challenge it now?”

  A knot formed in my stomach, and I hid my hands under the table. What if this benefited Lukas and ruined me? Everyone knew I had nearly used magic on Vanessa. She meant nothing to me, but I was not inhumane enough to let her suffer without reason.

  “I... just want to be certain this can never happen again,” I replied. Jhase opened his mouth to reply, I added, “And you should
know I considered your proposal. I’m staying in Ninomay.”

  “I’ll arrange plans for the announcement to the public. We must wait until after Vanessa’s arrest. And you should speak with your mother,” Jhase replied. While I did not yearn for that conversation, Mother had power. She paid off guards to protect Isaak, and no one desired to see her on the path for revenge. Did Jhase believe I stayed here because he as the better parent? Neither of them seemed to take responsibility for their actions. They only taught me what not to do as a parent from this madness.

  Jhase returned his attention to the exit. “I have to go. This is a dangerous situation. Please take care of yourself.”

  I watched him leave while Lukas’s warnings about his parents echoed in my head. Jhase was right, but I feared everything would shatter if I stopped. I needed clarity on the situation. Dragging my feet, I forced myself in the direction of my bedroom. As I moved closer I remembered the fire. The door remained ajar, but everything inside appeared ruined. Black marks lined the walls, and it still smelled of smoke. I kept walking until I reached Ezra’s room. I stepped inside without bothering to knock first. Wherever he was, I doubted he would mind if I used his room. I laid in the bed and closed my eyes. A few minutes was all I needed. Ren, the fire, and Claire. It was all too much. I just needed a minute, and so long as I stayed awake I could resume as if I was never here.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  The Run Away

  Something shook me, and I opened my eyes. Ezra hovered over me, and I quickly sat up. Had I fallen asleep? I glanced at the window, and the sunlight dimmed. It would not be much longer now before they arrested Vanessa.

  “I heard about Ren. I’m so sorry,” Ezra said, squeezing my hand gently.

  “Someone will pay,” I replied coldly.


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