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Clara and Claire

Page 26

by Lindsey Richardson

  Lukas stepped down several steps on the staircase and held his hands up in the air. Elias glared at him, but he did not kill Clara as he threatened with the rest of us.

  I watched Clara’s body. She did not appear to be dead, but a dark spirit exited her body. Her eyes changed to be entirely black and moved from side to side. She told me she never had control over the spirit, but it seemed her body remained in a trance while it moved freely. It was unlike anything I had ever seen.

  The spirit rose above Clara’s body and faced Elias, echoing a screeching sound. Everyone in the castle covered their ears. Alesia fainted, and without a second thought, I pushed in front of everyone and raced down the stairs. Nothing remained audible except the screeching, which seemed to have Elias in a trance. It didn’t matter if anyone followed me; I thought only of Clara. I had seen her magic, and once she had it again we gained the advantage.

  Lukas darted ahead of me with a dagger in his hand. He rushed to where Elias stood while I dropped to my knees in front of where Clara laid. Sweat covered my face and I stared down at the white rose. We were too young to know how to properly use one of these, much less remove one.

  Wincing, I grabbed onto the stem. It sent a burning sensation through the my fingers, and I pulled away quickly. I remembered her mentioning how the white rose had disappeared when Ren used it. Perhaps a plant grown by means of magic could also be destroyed in the same way. I squeezed my eyes shut and focused my energy on the rose. Opening my eyes again, I saw it dissolved entirely.

  Clara’s eyes opened, appearing entirely clear for a moment before they returned to normal and the screeching ceased. I looked to where the spirit had been, and it outlined itself into the shape of a woman. Within seconds it vanished entirely, and my focus fell on Lukas. Blood covered his face and shirt, and glancing down I recognized the dagger in Elias’s body.

  “Ezra?” Clara’s voice was faint but finally audible. I turned to her and helped lift her up. Once sitting up she insisted she needed no further assistance. In a whisper she said, “I thought I was dead...”

  My hands trembled at the sound of the word. Forcing a weak smile, I replied, “I am a man of my word. I promised you a safe journey home.”

  She smiled, and I turned to where Alesia had stood. Though awake, Alec and Gemma remained at her side. They attached cuffs on her wrists and ankles. She seemed unaware of recent events and did not look in our direction to see Elias’s fate. Jhase and Declan huddled around Claire, who was no free of any thorns. They took turns hugging her and thanking Circe for her survival.

  I accounted fore everyone, even the imposter who Dorian held handcuffed at the top of the stairs. Bellona remained beside them on her knees, covering her face. It was all too much to process, especially Lukas’s actions. Any questions were left unsaid, though they would certainly be brought up for the trial. Elias was of no use to anyone, but Alesia, Vanessa, and the imposter would be judged by the Council. The legal matters seemed unimportant compared to Clara and Claire’s lives. Both of them had nearly died, and there was no telling how long they needed to heal.

  Jhase stood up, and one by one he assigned us to different tasks. The majority of the men helped with the transportation of the criminals. They would be locked away and guarded until we held a trial. Gemma and I were tasked with taking the women to their rooms. I assumed Clara could go into any free room since she would no longer use Claire’s. I stood up and held out my hand, helping Clara stand again.

  “I will call for the healers. When you return I will need your assistance with Lukas and Bellona,” Jhase said.

  Gemma and I nodded, though it pained me to see their family broken from this tragedy. Must one family suffer for another to be reunited?

  I pushed the thoughts aside and decided to focus solely on Clara. She leaned against me as we ascended the staircase. Gemma did the same for Claire, though she insisted she did not need the help.

  Once we reached the top of the stairs we walked down the right hallway. Gemma and Claire walked ahead of us, but Clara’s new room was closer than it had been before. We stopped in front of the second room on the left side of the hallway. I opened the door and led Clara to the bed, gesturing for her to lie down. She managed to lie on the bed on her own, though she winced while making the motion. I brushed her hair out of her face. Somehow despite everything she suffered though she looked beautiful. Her magic was unlike anything I had ever seen, but no one had time to study it further.

  “Did you believe I would die?” she asked quietly.

  I lowered my eyes. “Yes... but you’re stronger than anyone I know. Truly your magic is more advanced than anything I’ve ever seen.”

  “It is?” Her eyes wondered the room, adjusting to the new surroundings. “Ezra... I know what you said was in haste.”

  Looking up, I shook my head. “No, I meant what I said. If you had died I wanted you to know the truth. Perhaps now that Claire is home we can explore more together.”

  “You saved my life despite any doubts I ever carried toward you. I am lucky to have met you,” she said.

  “As am I... more so. I will return later after I help the others. Promise.” I smiled and turned to leave.

  I left the room and closed the door, noticing Gemma waiting in the hallway. I joined her and we made the journey downstairs. My stomach sank at the thought of what awaited us. Bellona was broken by Elias’s death and Lukas remained covered in blood. We encountered Bellona first, and she remained in the same position as before. Gemma offered to help her while I continued downstairs. Several servants carried out Elias’s body, leaving behind the puddle of blood. Meanwhile Lukas stood in front of the puddle, seemingly lost in time.

  “Come, friend,” I said, tugging on Lukas’s arm. It was the first time I ever called him ‘friend,’ but after what we experienced together he more than earned it. He tried to gaze down at his hands, but I insisted again for him to come with me.

  I led him up the stairs to find another guest room where he could stay. Jhase’s voice carried on as he instructed the healers to tend to Claire and Clara. Once they were treated I would ask for them to take a look at Lukas. I could not believe he went as far as killing his father to protect us. It ensured Clara’s safety, and I wondered if the two of them had grown close. Clara distanced herself from me during the past few days. I had no idea where her heart and mind were at, and for the time none of it mattered. She was alive, Claire had returned and saved our island from a potential downfall. Her wedding with Declan would continue as planned. Perhaps it would even be pushed further ahead because of her return.

  “Is Clara safe?” Lukas asked as we reached the top of the stairs. I nearly stopped walking but refocused and continued as if it did not faze me.

  “Yes, she and Claire are in the hands of the healers now. Do you remember anything?”

  He hesitated. “I... remember it all. He would have let our entire family rot just to be with her.”

  I patted his back and opened the door to the room closest to us. This room was on the opposite side of the hallway from Claire and Clara’s. He approached the bed without any assistance and sat with his legs hanging over the edge.

  Biting my lip, I said, “Would you like for me to stay?”

  He looked up at me and shook his head, returning his attention to the flower portrait on the wall. I left the room without so much as a goodbye. While I appreciated what Lukas had done for us today, his actions remained a mystery. I could not imagine the act of killing my own parents. No matter how justified, Lukas was also someone who needed to be watched closely. We could not afford another tragedy during this vulnerable time of healing.

  I walked down the hallway and toward Claire’s room. As I approached closer I could hear Declan’s voice. I entered the room, stepping to the side to stand by him. He watched as healers approached her with water. They set up a curtain while they undressed her and examined her body. Declan and I waited, listening and watching the shadows at work. Two healers worked with C
laire, and I assumed a third was with Clara.

  “Gemma is with Clara. She’s in good hands now,” Declan said. I let out a long sigh and wondered if he was right. Now with the girl’s return would everything be normal? As much as I wanted it to, I also prayed for change. A change in the air might make it possible for Clara and me to be reunited. I desired to kiss her everywhere, but in the aftermath of events my desires seemed dark and selfish.

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Reign over Me


  I opened my eyes and glanced over to see Gemma sitting in a chair. She offered a weak smile, but dark circles showed underneath her eyes. I had no idea how long it had been since Elias’s invasion. I remembered Ezra removing the rose and helping me to my feet. I recalled the healers working through the nights to ensure my body was not damaged. Everything else remained a blur, including Elias and Alesia’s fate.

  “How are you feeling? Jhase will be happy to see you,” Gemma said.

  I sat up without any struggle, and it was if Elias and Alesia’s magic had no effect on me. Whatever work the healers did paid off, and if anything I wanted to be free of this room. I was ready to run—but to where, I did not know.

  “How long has it been?” I asked, glancing around the room. This was not Claire’s bedroom but rather an extra I had been placed in. I could not help but miss the familiarity of hers. I had called it ‘mine’ for so long it was strange to think it returned to her like I never existed. Would this be mine now or was this temporary? Jhase never discussed my living situation for once Claire returned.

  Gemma stood up and paced in front of the bed. “Two days. Claire has since been feeling better too. Alas I cannot stay long. The Council holds a trial today.”

  “For Alesia and Elias? Can I come with you? Nothing hurts.” I leaned in further, trying to convince her with a wide smile.

  She winced. “Clara... Elias is dead. We only have Alesia and her accomplices, Vanessa and the man from yesterday.”

  I held my hand up to my chest. Elias deserved the most brutal of punishments for what he did to Clara and me, but death seemed too quick. I had wanted him to stand before the entire Council and admit to why he did this to our family. Instead only his lover would suffer the consequences. I did not ask who killed him, and I doubted it mattered. This was only more fuel for why I needed to be at this trial. Alesia would not be set free regardless of what her role had been with the kidnapping. I had sent Isaak to prison, and if need be I could do it again for another heartless soul.

  “Gemma, I need to be there for the trial. We have to make sure this never happens again. Not to my family and definitely not to anyone else’s. Please...”

  She groaned. “Only if Jhase agrees. Here, let me help you find a dress.”


  I walked out of the room wearing a blue gown and with my hair braided. Gemma had helped me with the entire process of getting ready for the trials. She said I had to look my best if Jhase was to approve of my involvement. She also informed me that Claire was on her feet again.

  We walked down the hallway toward the room opposite of Claire’s original, and I noticed the door remained ajar. Once we stepped inside Declan and Ezra greeted us. Ezra approached me and embraced me, holding me close to him. He whispered in my ear, “Thank Circe you’re alive.”

  At last he released me, and Declan wrapped his arm around my shoulder. I did not forget his actions at Lukas’s house, but seeing him here at Claire’s side proved he loved her. His previous actions were done out of confusion and anger. I could forgive him for acting out because of his misery. He never sought to harm my sister or me.

  Once Declan released me I stepped closer to the bed. Claire sat up, propped against several pillows. She held a cup of water in her hands and stared at me. Though she remained in a nightgown, this was my first time seeing her in full light. The identical traits were even more noticeable, and her hair had been combed out. She looked like an angel, and it was a miracle she was full with color after everything she experienced.

  “The healers are watching over her for another day to ensure her condition,” Declan explained.

  “You really are my sister...” Claire said, continuing to stare at me.

  “Of course I am. Alesia will pay for what she did to us,” I said.

  Claire’s gaze lowered to her cup. “Yes, but after this... we must focus on the wedding. I want to be married as soon as possible.”

  I smiled and nodded in agreement. It seemed Claire already planned for her future. Once the trial ended I did not know what awaited me. The trial required my full attention, and with that in mind I urged Gemma to continue on with me. We needed to find Jhase before the start of the trial.

  As soon as we exited the room I heard my name being called. Jhase waved at us from across the hall, shouting as if he had not been able to gain our attention. We stood still as we waited for him to approach us. He stared at me all the while as if I was the miracle who had lived through this.

  “Clara is well enough to join us for the trial,” Gemma said.

  Jhase’s brows drew together. “I do not think it wise. The Council will ensure these criminals pay for their actions.”

  “But Claire asked me to be there in her absence.” I insisted. I gritted my teeth while I waited for his response. He could not take away my right to be at the trial. If he said no it would only lead to me finding an alternative solution.

  Holding his hands together, he responded, “Very well... you may attend. I will see you shortly.” He continued to Claire’s room while I clapped quietly at our luck. I doubted it mattered if he mentioned this conversation with Claire. She seemed smart enough to play along with what I had set in motion.

  A loud scream filled the hall followed by Claire’s voice shouting “Daddy!” Gemma and I glanced at each other for an instance and ran to Claire’s room.

  Jhase’s body laid on the floor. His eyes were still open, but he struggled to regain his balance. Ezra and Declan moved swiftly to help him to his feet. Servants rushed in behind us to help. Jhase could barely manage to keep his head up, but the men kept a hold on him. A healer stationed in the room quickly rushed to his side.

  “Take him to his chamber!” she exclaimed, urging the men to hurry while she collected supplies. Gemma and I darted out of the way, watching helplessly. My glance returned to Claire, and I wondered what protocol was in place for this. No one could expect Jhase to lead after nearly fainting.

  “Ladies, help me dress,” Claire said, pushing herself up and away from the pillows. She placed the cup on the nightstand.

  Gemma scowled. “But Claire—”

  “You will not fight me on this! Father has always left me in charge when he cannot be present. Today is no different. Help me find clothes.”

  No one objected, and while Gemma searched for a dress I approached Claire’s vanity. I picked out a small silver necklace and a topaz ring. I rushed back to Claire and helped clasp the necklace as well as handing her the ring. She immediately pushed it away from her, nearly causing it to fall.

  “Not that one... it was from my mother. Our mother,” she said. I stared down at it, noticing the cursive “N” engraved on the side. Mother had never wore rings, and the one Isaak gave her was a simple gold one. She had only worn it if we were going out somewhere with lots of people.

  Calmly I said, “She’s still alive...”

  “Yes, I’ve learned everyone is still alive. I do not want to think about her today,” Claire replied, looking away from me.

  I returned to the vanity and placed the ring back in its original place. I tried not to think about my mother, who I needed to visit soon. Perhaps part of the reason I never thought about my future here was because I had no closure from Rajoor. Mother would be at home waiting for me and expecting an explanation. She still had answers of her own to explain to me.

  “Clara!” Claire’s voice broke through my thoughts, and I snapped back to reality. Gemma helped her into a white dress
with an elegant red cloak to wear overtop of it. Like some of the cloaks I had worn, this one was decorated with embroidery and lace at the bottom of the material.

  Gemma stepped back, allowing Claire to approach the vanity and approve the attire. Though we were physically identical, I watched her in awe. She was clothed in beauty that seemed to radiate in the sunlight. She held a fierce expression like a soldier leaving for war. Jhase had been right in his choice; she was the voice our people needed.

  “Let’s go,” she said confidently. She led the way, walking as though nothing had ever harmed her. Gemma and I followed after her, and she said nothing more to us. The further we traveled down the hallway the more clearly I could hear voices. The voices of men filled the halls, and we approached closer to see the councilors waiting outside the meeting room.

  I walked in alongside Ezra, and for the first time the decor of the room had changed entirely. The table’s color had changed to black, along with the candles inside. Though I did not understand, I quickly took my place in one of the guest seats. Declan joined me shortly while the last of the councilors entered and closed the door.

  Glancing at the faces at the table, I frowned at the sight of missing people. There were only five councilors in total, including Claire. Bellona was not amongst them, but I assumed she remained at home mourning her loss. Claire stood in front of the councilors confidently. I had no idea if this had happened before, but I hoped they could resolve the issue. We could not afford to wait on this trial, despite the missing members.

  “Today we mourn the loss of a fellow councilor, despite his most recent betrayal. Alas we must come to terms with his actions today. The people responsible will never do this again.”

  One of the doors opened again, and someone I did not recognize walked inside. He waved at Ezra, who smiled in return. Like Ezra he too wore glasses, and he was dressed in a decorative cloak. He quickly took a seat where Bellona usually sat.


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