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Clara and Claire

Page 28

by Lindsey Richardson

  “And with a heavy heart… I must ask this Council to do what we have never done before. I ask the Council to consider death for Alesia’s sentence. If it is agreed upon, she will die via the white rose. Few remain, but it seems this is the death she wished upon our loved ones.”

  One by one others chimed in, agreeing with the decision. I was the last one to raise my hand and vote. It made me sick to think we were the reason for ending someone’s life. It was too powerful of a decision, and one I did not desire to make again. Tears fell down Claire’s face again, but she continued with closing statements as if this changed nothing.

  All I thought about was being free of this duty. Leaving this room and never returning to it again. The burden of our decision was enough to make me wish I were in Rajoor. I rather face the unknown with my mother than the certainty of Alesia’s fate. I waited, watching Claire’s lips move along with her hand gestures. She mentioned something about the “honorable” decisions we made today.

  “You are dismissed,” she said. Without hesitation I leaped from my seat and rushed out of the room.

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Soft Spot

  I reached the hallway before anyone else, and I sought out Jhase’s company. I had no desire to talk about the Council or the convicted mages. All I desired was quiet one on one time with my father. For once we would not have to play along like we had known each other for years. We could finally be exactly what we were. Someone called out my name, but I quickened my pace and continued without glancing back. None of them understood my reasons for wanting no part in the Council. That was the life they chose, but I desired something different.

  After reaching Jhase’s bedroom, I opened the door and stepped inside. A healer greeted me and explained Jhase needed to rest soon. They had yet to discover what had caused Jhase to faint, but he remained in the process of recovering. The healer left to give us privacy, and I approached the bed. Jhase remained asleep, but I saw next to him on the mattress. At last no more votes and no mores stories.

  Perhaps this place isn’t home either… I glanced around the room. I had no idea where I belonged if not in Ninomay or Rajoor. The three islands were all I had ever known my whole life. The stories of other worlds did not sound welcoming to mages.

  Jhase grumbled in his sleep and turned his head. I winced and slowly inched my body to the edge of the bed. My feet touched the floor, but a cold hand touched my arm. Turning my head, I realized Jhase was awake.

  “How was the trial?” he asked, sounding only half-awake.

  “We sentenced someone to their death.” Our eyes met, and I realized the weight of my words. Jhase needed time to focus on his health, not the Council’s decisions.

  “Sorry,” I whispered, avoiding eye contact.

  He offered a weak smile. “You are exactly what this world needs. How is it fate brought you back to me?”

  I nodded, holding my tongue on the fact that it was force that brought me here. It was because of Gemma and Declan I returned to Ninomay, but Jhase did not need the specifics. I wanted to focus on anything but the harshness of reality. Eager to prepare for my travels, I stood up.

  “The island must celebrate your and Claire’s return,” Jhase said.

  “I need to confront Mother. I’ve waited long enough, and I’m hardly in the mood for celebrations,” I said. The mentioning of her name brought a frown to his face. It would require more than an apology to mend his broken heart.

  “Ren’s body is being examined. I should have news for you soon,” he said.

  I leaned down, kissed his forehead, and departed in haste. I did not want to be present for Alesia’s death, and perhaps time in Rajoor would allow me to determine my future.

  Evening was nearly upon us, but I had no desire to join my friends at dinner. Instead I retreated to my bedroom —the new one—with what little strength I had left. I walked down the hallway humming to myself.

  Reaching the room, I opened the door and stepped inside. I kicked my heels off and rubbed my eyes. Sleep might be my only savior from today. Opening my eyes to see more clearly, I noticed a small table in front of my bed. A candle sat on top of it with a flame lighting the majority of the room. My heartbeat quickened, realizing none of this had been here before.

  “Hello?” I called out, but I thought about running. Why wait when it could be another assassin? I would not satisfy Alesia’s desire hours before her death.

  “Hello, sweetheart,” the man’s voice whispered.

  I turned around slowly and faced Lukas as he exited from the shadows in the corner of the room. There was something dauntingly beautiful about him, which I had never seen. He was no longer his father’s shadow but rather reborn into someone new. No one had seen him since the tragedy, but I welcomed his return.

  Advancing, I said, “You frightened me. The last time someone snuck into my room they set it on fire.”

  “I’ve seen enough fire for a lifetime,” he replied grimly. He gestured for me to sit down at the table, though I hesitated. Lukas had yet to reveal his intentions for his visit. I had yet to discover how his father’s death had affected him.

  “I thought we might dine together. I’ll call for a servant… unless you have other plans?” He winked, and I glanced at the bed.

  Despite my original plans, I sat down and agreed to dinner. While he left to find the servant, I thought about death. I pondered on how it affected people directly responsible. With Claire’s return I might be an even bigger threat than before. I feared for my life, abut I gave Lukas the benefit of doubt. Tonight would not be the night I drew my last breath.

  The door opened again and Lukas greeted me. He left the door ajar, explains the servant would arrive with the food shortly. Joining me at the table, he stared at me with a grim face. Everyone gossiped about how bloody Elias’s death had been. I had no recollection of anyone besides Ezra during the night of my rescue.

  “Everyone says you and Ezra saved our lives,” I said. It was partially true, but heroes were underrated. People wanted a villain, and now Lukas wore the cape. As the old saying goes “like father like son,” and everyone whispered about who Lukas might become without his father.

  He chuckled. “I killed a man—my father—for you, Clara. We can skip the formalities.”

  My jaw dropped. The idea of Lukas being able to end his father’s life tore at my heart. Despite Elias’s crimes, the love for his son was always evident. How did he kill his father after being promised the world by him? Elias had not been as obvious of a monster as Isaak. No one told me about how Elias died, and I avoided the truth for as long as possible. It seemed more appropriate I find out from the man responsible, and now I realized just how much Lukas did to save me. Ezra could not have saved both Claire and I in such a short time. I remained speechless at how to thank him.

  “No one told you, did they?” Lukas asked, folding his arms.

  Quietly, I said, “No, but I’m glad to hear it from you. You saved my life, and I am forever grateful.”

  “What is next for you, Clara Kanelos?”

  Hearing my name with its new surname sounded foreign to me. I thought about Rajoor and what awaited me there. Ezra had already offered numerous times to journey back home with me. It was a part of holding up to his word, and I doubted he would turn away from it. I did not fear Mother enough to bring people with me as “bodyguards.” If I could bring Lukas with me I saved him from the unimaginable doom he faced here. He could not run from his problems forever, but perhaps he more than anyone needed a distraction. No one would dare question me or attempt to harm me while traveling with companions. More importantly I could repay my debt to Lukas, though I knew he would not accept it if I proposed it that way. A man like him did not ask for help no matter how desperately he needed it.

  “What would you say to traveling to Rajoor?”

  “I’ve never had the pleasure.”

  Leaning in, I said, “Ezra and I are returning to Rajoor. I have… unfinished business there
. You’re welcome to join us.”

  “And you won’t care what people say?”

  “No. I only care about the truth.”

  He stared at the candle, and I waited for his response. Whether he said yes or no, I had to travel back to Rajoor regardless. I could not determine what had kept Mother silent during the time I spent here. Did she not care I was gone or could be in possible danger? It was hard to swallow that people at home might not be asking about my whereabouts. I remembered how she looked at Claire —me— when she arrived in Ninomay. Was I another daughter lost to her that she could live without?

  Lukas’s words broke through my thoughts. “You’re lucky I have a soft spot for you.”

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  Lust or Love

  The sunlight of a new day offered countless possibilities. I woke up quietly and stood at my window, staring down at the street below. The table we dined at last night had since been removed from my room. Lukas returned home, or so I assumed he did, and awaited my word for when we departed. I needed to speak with Ezra and find out how soon he could leave. With Jhase’s poor health, I did not wish to steal him away if Claire needed him. I left the window and searched my drawers for items necessary to my travels. Hopefully we would not need to stay more than a day or two, and I packed accordingly to that plan.

  The door cracked open, and Claire stepped inside. She stared at the bag in my hand as I placed a folded dress inside. “What’s this about?”

  “Mother is in Rajoor. I haven’t seen her since I was brought here. She has answers Jhase does not, and she should know I’ve chosen to stay here.”

  “Then I shall advance the announcement about your return to… today! By this evening everything will be in place,” she said. Her voice cracked, but a wide smile covered enough of her face to look painful. After everything she experienced I had not thought to ask her if she wanted to return to Rajoor with me. The idea seemed impossible, seeing as Jhase needed help here. He did not deserve to be alone, and I had already seen how Mother reacted to Claire’s existence.

  Placing the bag on my bed, I replied, “I won’t be in Rajoor for long. When I return we can carry out with celebrations.”

  “No.” The smile vanished and a grim expression overwhelmed her face. “There is more than enough magic to finalize everything today. You will have your celebration before you leave.”

  “If you insist. I have asked Ezra and Lukas to join me if you approve the request.”

  “You need not my approval—they’re yours. Our search for new councilors begins, but I will save Ezra’s position.” She turned around and advanced to the door. I noticed how quick she was to leave, and I called out her name as she opened the door. She continued, ignoring my calls, and I rushed out of the room after her.

  “Claire! Claire!”

  She finally stopped and turned around. I quickened my pace to catch up to where she stood. Sighing, I asked, “What’s the matter?”

  “I have a celebration to plan before the sun sets. I don’t have time to discuss how foolish you are to return to Mother.”

  Puzzled, I pushed further for answers. “Jhase agrees I should speak with her about my decision and my past. She lied to me my whole life. Doesn’t that bother you?”

  “No because for my entire life she has been dead. Let it stay that way. She cannot undo the harm she did to this family.” Her brows relaxed, and her tone softened as she continued. “I fear if you return she will ruin because of your decision.”

  I bit my lip and wondered where she fathomed such an idea. Mother was not in charge of my decisions anymore. I was old enough to be married and living on my own. If anything I would hope she might be proud I finally left our old lifestyle.

  “Speak to me later tonight; I have no time. Breakfast is downstairs. You might find Ezra and Lukas there,” Claire said. Without hesitation she turned the other way and continued toward the staircase.

  I remained where I stood still trying to process our conversation. Claire never had the opportunity to meet our mother, but she seemed convinced that she wished poorly of me. I could not be certain if this was Jhase’s feelings projected into her or the effects of being separated for years.

  Pulling myself together, I advanced to the staircase and descended. I caught no glimpse of Claire and instead tried to focus on my journey to Rajoor. I did not expect to find Lukas downstairs, but I needed to speak with Ezra alone anyways. He had not known about Lukas joining us, and he might change his mind about coming. Either way I had to make the journey whether they wanted to help me or not. I wanted to believe Mother would not be as heartless as Claire believed. We might not see each other as much, but I liked to believe I knew her better than anyone else.

  I reached the bottom of the staircase and turned to the left, heading for the dining hall. Servants passed me in the hall, but they remained quieter than usual. I assumed my sister kept them busy with preparations for the celebration. I opened the door to the dining hall and scanned the tables for a sign of Ezra. He stood up and waved me over, and I quickly sat down beside him.

  Whispering, I said, “I asked Lukas to join us on the journey back to Rajoor. If you rather not come—”

  “You believe I would abandon you so quickly? Lukas proved his loyalty, so I have no quarrel with him. When do we leave?” The eagerness in his voice was undeniable, and he mentioned it had been years since he last visited Rajoor.

  “Tomorrow?” It was a suggestion at best, and I would need to check with Claire. I did not wish to pull Ezra away from the Council too soon if he was needed. Lukas also had to agree with this date, but at best we could all prepare tonight and be gone by the morning.

  “Clara, I—”

  Claire’s voice echoed in the room, calling my name, as she rushed to where I sat. She tugged at my arm until I stood up and followed her. Ezra remained behind, though I silently cursed at the realization I would not hear his final words again. Claire led me outside where the majority of servants prepared for the celebration. They set up tables and used magic to place lanterns high above each table. They moved quickly with everything and somehow graciously without bumping into each other.

  “Did you have dinner with Lukas last night?” Claire asked.

  I raised my brow. “Yes…”

  In a lower voice she responded, “You must be careful with the company you keep. If anything were to happen to me, you’re the first to take my position. Don’t be fooled by his charms.”

  “If he wanted the position, he would have let us die. He’s done me no harm,” I said. First Mother and now Lukas, and I wondered where Claire would stop with assuming people’s intentions. Though she meant well, I had not expected this from her. She knew Lukas better than I, yet she carried the same accusations about him like countless others. Perhaps her romantic relationship with him altered her feelings for him. If he had acted as he did now there was no telling how faithful he might have been to her.

  “Do you fancy him? Are you in love?” Claire asked with a serious face.

  I shook my head. “No, and neither is he. He is helping me because you won’t! And tomorrow we leave for Rajoor, so I’m running out of time here.”

  Claire’s jaw dropped, but I stomped away without waiting for her response. I did not wish to blow up at her now that we were reunited. I knew her place was here, but I as I walked toward the garden I could not shake away the anger. Perhaps it was the celebration’s timing that seemed all off. Today we celebrated while tomorrow a woman lost her life.

  I turned the corner and reached the garden, staring at the bush of flowers in front of me. A tear leaked from my eye, but I quickly wiped it away. I needed all my focus and strength to face Mother. No matter how badly it hurt to fight with Claire I could not let it distract me. I continued to stare at a single rose, realizing it was harder to fulfill my thoughts.

  “You can’t stay away, eh,” a man’s voice whispered nearby. I glanced up, and my eyes interlocked with Lukas’s.

  “Poor t

  “The ladies usually tell me I’m excellent with timing,” he replied, winking.

  Rolling my eyes, I walked toward a different bush. “I already fought with Claire. I’m not in the mood.”

  His footsteps approached where I stood. His breath tickled the hairs on my neck. “This is all new for Claire, too. Once everything in Rajoor is cleared up everything will settle.”

  “Do you believe that?”

  He rested his hand on my shoulder and squeezed. “Trust me.”

  “See you at the celebration,” I replied.

  He released me, and I quickly advanced further into the garden. I had nowhere of importance to go, but staying with him meant risking an unwise decision. Lukas was known for his charm, and I doubted these past days stopped him from seeing other women. If he flirted or suggested that he wanted me it was not in a romantic way. It was not in the way Ezra and I felt for one another.

  Claire and Declan’s words plagued my mind, and I sat down behind a bush, hoping to be left behind. Both thought I was in love with one of the men while my heart was none the wiser. If they wanted something from me that I would not provide would they turn against me too? I had to push aside any emotions otherwise it could harm our trip into Rajoor. Their loyalty mattered more than whatever lust or love they shared for me.

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  My Little Girl

  Voices outside cheered and carried on with conversations while I snapped on a pearl necklace. I glanced in the mirror and accepted this was as prepared as I could be. Claire allowed me to borrow one of her fancier gowns for the evening, made of blood-red fabric trimmed in black lace. My black heels were covered entirely by the dress, which was longer than any I had previously worn.


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