The War Journals: Resistance
Page 51
I walked slowly out of the shower, knowing someone was waiting for me in the room. They had not been quiet, but they weren't trying to be either. It was a safe bet that whoever was on the other side of the door was no threat.
So I took my time, they could wait. After all, they had come into my room unannounced. I didn't care who they were or what they wanted. I was weary of this never ending stream of self important strangers and their ridiculous demands. I didn't want to deal with this person, but I knew I had to. Not even the Percocet helped in dealing with these gnats.
"What do you want?" I asked as I walked out of the bathroom, with only a towel around my waste and another hanging over my shoulders.
"Mr Jeffries, my name is Colonel Alfred Studemeier," Said a man in his late 50's, with finger length greying hair and a full beard. He went to shake my hand, but I ignored his pleasantries.
"Colonel, you don’t look like you're active duty," I said walking over to the dresser. "So cut the crap and tell me why you let yourself into my room."
"That's no way to speak to a superior officer!" He said indignantly.
"Colonel, did it ever occur to you that I no longer recognize your authority?" I asked, leaving him looking shocked and outraged. "I have no need for your bureaucracy and I owe you no favors. Now tell me what you came here for."
"Well... Ropas wasn't lying when he said you were hot headed." Col Studemeier replied. "That's a dangerous trait for a man in your position."
"And what exactly has Commandant Ropas sent you here for?" I asked, staring at him intensely as I leaned back against the dresser. This man was much more irritating than most.
"He wants to know where you stand, son." He replied gruffly, obviously pushing for a reaction.
"Usually when someone needs a favor from me, they don’t make a point to insult me Colonel."
"Well, I’m not every tom, dick and harry," He said snidely, "I am a highly decorated superior officer asking a brash young man what he's willing to do for his country."
"My country?" I asked seething. "What am I willing to do for my country?"
"I want to know if you're man enough to help us lead the people in the direction they need to be headed. We cant win an all out war and you know it." He barked back at me. Both of our tempers rising. "What the hell are you going to do when this war gets real? Are you willing to sacrifice for this great nation."
"I Have sacrificed more than any man alive!' I roared, throwing the towel off of my shoulders. The other fell as I stood up, exposing the dozens of scars all over my body from the beatings I had taken over the last year. "Take a god damn look at what I have sacrificed for this country. Every scar, every bullet wound, all the damaged nerves, every fucking broken bone, and a crippled arm. I literally died for the likes of you and that wasn't fucking good enough. I have bled for this country more than any man could bear. I looked death in the eyes and asked for one more fucking round. So God, in his infinite wisdom, thrust me back down to this hell hole to make sure I suffered more trying to tear this land out of the grip of the PLA! How much of your own blood have you shed for America? How many times have you faced an eternity of darkness in order to wrench her from their grip?"
“No, you sir” I continued with the ferocity of an enraged lion, “ You are a coward and a fool. You dare to stand before me asking what I have given up, when you have done nothing, but hide in the shadows. Years from now I will still be bleeding for this cause and you, you will ALWAYS be a coward!”
Studemeier sat there stunned. He couldn’t stop looking at the scars all over my body. The torn flesh and indentions where bullets had ripped through me. I had become the embodiment of a nightmare.
"I earned every single one of these scars in the service of my country, you son of a bitch." I said grabbing his arm and yanking him to his feet. I pulled him up, staring right into his eyes. "I serve no man, but I will die a thousand more times to ensure the resistance continues. If you attempt to intervene, I will treat you as the enemy and you will suffer the same fate I have given so many of them. I have given everything for my cause, you would not be standing here if you could grasp the torment I have endured. No force on earth can stop my retribution.”
"Corporal, I appreciate all-" he said stammering as I led him forcefully to the door.
"I believe you have my answer." I said shoving him into the hallway and slamming the door behind him.
Chapter 34