The War Journals: Resistance
Page 55
Chapter 36
“They just arrested some douche bag for sneaking into your room.” Jesse said as more of a question than a statement, when I found him the next day.
“He's lucky I didn't kill him.” I said.
“I wouldn't blame you if you had,” Rigalio said, he was seated across from Jesse.
“Did you give them that list?” I asked leaning on the back of a nearby chair.
“Yeah,” he said “and she called them herself!”
“No shit,” I said “I'm sure an aide could have done it.”
“Ms Thompson likes to ensure things are done her way,” Rigalio said laughing. “Have a seat.”
“So what was that jackass doing in your room?”
“Well, it sounded a bit like he was giving me an ultimatum,” I said “but he didn't have the nerve to follow through.”
“From whom?” Rigalio asked, leaning forward.
“If I’m not mistaken,” I said “the same man you caught selling information to the Chinese.”
“Ropas?” he said “that little sewer rat!”
“I'm going to enjoy making him suffer.” I replied.
“I was just going over the details with Espinoza.” Rigalio said, “I also told him that if he ever got tired of being a freedom fighter, we'd gladly put him to use.”
“He thinks I’m your second in command.” Jesse said laughing.
“No, commandant,” I said “that all falls squarely upon my shoulders. I endanger the people I care about enough without issuing titles.”
“Mr. Jeffries!” The president said as she came out of the other room of the suite. “I have a friend of yours in the other room, please join us.”
“We'll just swap war stories,” Jerry said as I excused myself.
“Ma'am,” I said “with all due respect, I don’t have many friends.”
“Maybe we should just call him your publicist.” She said leading me into the other room.
“Raul?” I said in disbelief “god man, I’m glad you're safe.”
“You've helped my career in big ways,” he said shaking my hand. “They've really put you through the ringer haven't they?”
“In more ways than I'd like to admit.” I said looking for a seat. “This place is... um, swanky.”
“It's god awful, isn't it?” Thompson asked laughing, “but my team said it's the safest room in the building, so they put us in the honey moon sweet.”
“What are you doing here?” I asked Raul.
“The President asked me to come,” he said “I’ve been in Seattle since about a week after the initial attacks.”
“Raul has been paramount in keeping the momentum going.” She said, “He was the brain who came up with the idea of inserting the audio clips into the air waves.”
“She said we need to send up a rallying call” he told me, pulling out his tape recorder.
“Alright, let's do this” I said glad to see someone who didn't hate me.
“America, this is R.C. I come to you today with a message from the general. Hours ago he led an attack that crippled the PLA forces in the pacific northwest, as we speak our military is finishing the job. Soon the entire area will be free from the terror of the PLA. The General led an assault on a massive Chinese force with only fifty resistance fighters. With the help of the United States Marines, he held them long enough for an airstrike to come in and destroy the majority of their air force in the area. General, tell us about the men who died in this assault.”
“We lost a large part of our force. Terry Boris and his son TJ, who saved my own life only a few months ago. Sarah Anderson, whose sacrifice enabled us to draw fire long enough to take out hundreds of ground troops. Jeanine Myers who gave her life in the evacuation and was one of the kindest people I’ve ever had the privilege of knowing. Lt. Col Sombers died by her side and Lt. Salinger, both of the USMC, died helping to carry out this attack. Without the support of the President and our friends in the military we could not have won. We sacrificed a great deal, perhaps even too much to force our enemy back.”
“General, you're almost unrecognizable right now. You look like you've walked through hell and back.”
“I've taken some hits, but it pales in comparison to the lives we've lost.”
“I'd like to point out that he's being modest. While I can't go into detail, the injuries you have sustained are immense and yet you still hold your head high and fight along with the rest of us.”
“Perhaps it is fitting that I should bleed, when I ask you all to bleed with me.”
“And that you have sir, that you definitely have.
As we speak there is an armada of incalculable size being constructed by the enemy, all indications point to a final assault. A battle to end all battles, so to speak. What can you tell us about this?”
“You are correct, our enemy builds his forces in order to unleash one last crushing wave upon us. Their population outnumbers us nearly 7 to 1, but they lack our fighting spirit. They underestimate the Resistance. We are, without a doubt, the largest fighting force on earth. Today, I have come with an offer. All of you have courageously fought, upholding your end of our bargain and I would like to give you something in return. In thirty days you will have unprecedented access to the might of this nation. I ask that every capable man and woman join me in Seattle as we prepare to brave the full onslaught of our enemy. We will meet the Chinese head on. Once they are defeated, we will fight him back into his home land and tear away his hold on the world.”
“This is R.C, asking you to join us in this fight. Every capable man and woman who is willing to put their life on the line for our cause, please start making your way toward Seattle. General, please leave us with some words of inspiration.”
“I can not offer you safety, no in fact I can only give you the total opposite. If you follow me, you are likely to die. The days of noble battle are far behind us, those who fall now can expect no glory. We fight only for an opportunity, for the possibility of one day reforging our nation.
And as the night approaches it's darkest, our blade shall cleave forth sundering it's terror apart. It is from our valor that the land will be flooded with light once more, and in that hour it is not God that our enemies will fear. It is us, the righteous. We, who are known only as, The Resistance.”
A Brief Interlude
Chapter 37