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Treasured Secrets (The Coveted Saga #1)

Page 4

by C.M. Owens

  Chapter 4

  Mixed Signals

  Precious opportunities are stolen away when one wastes too much time lost in hesitation.

  I had been at school for almost two weeks now. Tallis was a little more standoffish toward me since the first day. I couldn't say I blamed him though.

  McKee had become almost obsessed with my every movement. I found him to be a complete annoyance. Every time I even tried to approach Tallis, McKee was there to intercept me.

  I was growing more and more frustrated with him everyday. He was relentless to stay by my side - day after day after day.

  Tallis hadn't been speaking to me in economics. Of course, it was hard to speak during class, since that was prohibited... somewhat.

  I caught him looking at me several times. I often fumbled around for something clever to say, but nothing ever came to my mind fast enough, and then those moments would be lost.

  That class was the only time where McKee couldn't block me from him. Then finally, the break I needed presented itself.

  Mr. Johnson, my economics teacher, stood in front of the class while smiling menacingly. One by one, we finished taking our seats. Tallis was the last to arrive. As he sat down in front of me, his wonderful scent engulfed me, stealing my sanity for a brief moment.

  I was trying not to stare at the back of his head, yet again, when Mr. Johnson interrupted my thoughts.

  His tone seemed to be laced with excitement, and there was a bit of a mischievous glow about him. "Good day, class. I hope everybody is ready for what I'm about to give you." He started walking from desk to desk, handing out small packets. Then he continued speaking, smiling the entire time. "Each one of you will receive a packet, and inside the packet is your assignment. This will account for thirty percent of your grade this semester."

  Everyone in the class gasped nervously. He just smiled a little more, reveling in the suspense he was causing. More menace sparked in his eyes as he continued. "On the top right-hand corner of each packet, you will see a number. Find the person in the classroom whose number matches yours. That person will be your partner for this assignment.

  "This should take you no more than two weeks to complete. At the end of the two weeks, I'll ask you to give a presentation. Get to know your partner, and let me know if you have any questions or problems. This person will mean a lot to your final grade. Use your class time wisely, but you'll still have to work on this at home some as well.

  "These packets have been handed out at random, so I don't know who you will have for a partner. After you have found your partner, come to my desk so I can write both of your names down for the assignment you received. Each assignment is different as well, so no one will be tempted to cheat. And no exchanging packets so that you end up with someone you are buddies with. This isn't a socializing experiment."

  As Mr. Johnson returned to his desk, we all began looking around the classroom for our partners. One by one, I was checking other people's packets, and each time I walked away, they seemed relieved the new girl wasn't going to be their partner.

  I saw more and more people pairing up and heading towards Mr. Johnson’s desk. It was just me, a few other girls, and Tallis left. I was hoping he would be my partner, and at the same time, I was hoping he wouldn't be.

  Knots curled up in my stomach and lumps began rising to my throat every time I thought of us alone for even a moment. I turned to look at one of the girls who seemed unwilling to approach me, and as I turned back around, Tallis was standing directly in front of me.

  I could feel chills run up and down my body yet again, as his soft lips moved in an effort to speak to me.

  "I'm number three. You?"

  He reached his hand over to check the number on my packet when I failed to form words. It matched. We were together. Oh yes and oh no.

  I could feel my heart flutter as he cracked a small grin at me. I was about to force out a reply, when I was rudely interrupted by the girl who had not wanted to approach me earlier.

  She came up to us with a very obvious agenda. "Hey, Tallis."

  She did everything she could to stand between Tallis and me. She didn't even acknowledge me as she continued speaking flirtatiously with him.

  "So, I was going to come over here and find out what number you are. I thought maybe I could sweet talk someone out of the matching number. I don't know that I would trust anyone else in here with thirty percent of my grade."

  She reached over to touch his hand. I was starting to feel awkward still standing there. I was frozen. I did know whether to leave or stay. I didn't want to give her my packet, but I knew I would if he asked me to.

  He didn't seem too impressed by her brazen approach, which gave me a touch of hope. He leaned back so I was back in his line of view. Then he smiled at me slightly as he spoke to her, while keeping his eyes locked on mine.

  "Sorry, Elaina. I already have a partner."

  I could tell she wasn't exactly thrilled with his answer. However, she tried to play it off.

  "I'm sure… she… wouldn't mind trading packets with me." She turned to face me to finally speak to me.

  What do you know? I'm not invisible after all.

  "I'm sorry, what was your name again?" she asked, playing coy.

  I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. "It's Aria."

  She placed her body back between Tallis and me. This time she was facing me fully.

  "Aria, I'm Elaina. I'm sure you wouldn't mind trading packets with me, would you? I really need Tallis for this project. I was hoping that since you don't really know anybody yet, you wouldn't mind working with someone else. Sound good?"

  I hesitated for a moment, unsure of what to say. I was stuck. I didn't want him to know I liked him, but I also didn't want to leave him with her and lose my chance.

  I tried to think quickly. Mr. Johnson was starting to become irritated by the amount of people still up. Genius struck.

  "I'm afraid Mr. Johnson would get mad if he found out we were trading packets," I said a little louder than I had to, while trying to be subtle.

  I glanced in his direction, hoping he would hear. Then I continued when I saw he was listening in. "I can't afford to make my teacher mad about something that could cost me thirty percent of my grade."

  I tried not to smile as Mr. Johnson made his way over to us. I could tell he wasn't pleased. I could see a ghost of a smile etching itself onto Tallis's face. I wasn't sure if he was smiling because he knew what I was doing, or if it was because he liked what I was doing.

  Please don't let him know what I'm doing, I thought.

  Mr. Johnson had his hands on his hips as he stood behind the three of us. I looked over to see one last girl in the room without a partner.

  His brow furrowed as he crossed his arms in front of his chest. Very irritably, he murmured, "What exactly is going on over here? There are four people left, and there're only two people per group." Then he looked at me. "Aria, what number are you?"

  I tried not to smile as I replied, "Number three."

  Then Mr. Johnson turned his gaze toward Tallis. "Now, Tallis, what number you?"

  Tallis smirked slightly as he muttered, "I'm number three as well, Mr. Johnson."

  Then Mr. Johnson turned again to meet Elaina. "There's not very much math to do, as you can see. Elaina, it would seem your partner is over there." He pointed to the only girl left standing in the room.

  Elaina walked away, huffing in aggravation. Mr. Johnson nodded toward us before he walked away and returned to his desk.

  Then I felt fire burning through my hand as Tallis led me back to our table. Everyone else was sitting beside their partner at their table, and now I was going to be within inches of Tallis for the rest of class.

  I was both giddy and sickly nervous at once.

  His voice was so soothing as he spoke, and a slight smile spread across his face as he pulled out the work from his packet. "I'm really g
lad you didn't make me be partners with Elaina. She doesn't have a whole lot of work ethic. I would've been stuck doing all the legwork."

  I blushed, showing how incredibly uncomfortable I was. "Are you two… I mean... Were you two… I mean, were you… never mind," I grumbled, finally giving up my unintelligible ramble.

  I could see a figurative mirror image of myself, drooling and slapping my gums in an apelike manner. So, so stupid.

  He chuckled, and he responded through his laughter. "No. Never. Not that she hasn't tried. That's another reason I was grateful for your reluctance to give up your packet."

  I couldn't tell if he was flirting with me, or if he really was just that desperate to stay away from her. It was even possible he was mocking me. It wasn't like I would know.

  "Um, she's not your type?" I asked, my voice crackling.

  His smile deepened. Then his tone changed slightly, as his smile turned a little more menacing. “No, she's not my type." Then he shifted in his seat uncomfortably as he continued. "I'm not really trying to date anyone in high school. There's more to worry about in life than teenage drama."

  I could feel a knot starting to form in my stomach again. I tried not let my voice quiver with disappointment, though I was very obviously unsuccessful.

  "Oh. I guess that makes sense. I already knew that about you anyway. I just didn't know if you had made an exception for her."

  He scoffed noticeably, quickly rebuffing my apparently foolish notion. "If I were to make an exception, it wouldn't be for her."

  I had nothing else to say. My lips quivered instead of moving.

  The way he stared at me so intensely confused me about the way he felt. Then he gave me that same captivating gaze he had so many times before, and slowly, the corners of his mouth edged themselves into an incredibly cocky smile before continuing.

  "So, you've been asking around about me?"

  My face suddenly lit up as bright as a Christmas tree with embarrassment.


  I scrambled around for the right thing to say, desperate to recover quickly. I tried to sound as casual as possible, but my hands twitched nervously as I responded. "It may have come up in idle conversation. Nothing detailed. I can see how it could be a good philosophy though."

  He smirked slightly. "I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. It's all a little pointless to go through at such a young age."

  I could feel my face blushing - actually, beaming red would be more accurate - as I squirmed around my seat. My discomfort had to obvious. Change the subject, girl!

  "It looks like we're going to be opening a coffee shop," I blurted out, considering I had nothing else to say.

  He glanced down at the paperwork in front of him, smirking lightly. "Looks like."

  I hoped he didn't realize what my discomfort meant. I hadn't ever dated anybody, so I had no idea what drama he was talking about. At least not from personal experience.

  I was too embarrassed to tell him that. I was hoping he couldn't pick up on that. Most of the other girls had been dating for years, and I hadn't even kissed a guy, or held his hand, or anything. I wouldn't even know how to start. It was Haluali. The choices were bare - too young, too old, unavailable, not my type... etc. It wasn't the buffet this place is.

  Then, as he flipped through the pages, he grabbed out his notebook and began writing. "Let's go ahead and make a budget based on the money allowance we have, and we'll go from there with our hypothetical coffee shop."

  I nodded and grabbed my notebook as well. "Do you want to take building costs and layout? Or do you want supply costs and projected profit margin to begin with?"

  Business yap is definitely a buzz kill, but it doused the flames I needed to be extinguished, so no complaints.

  He smiled yet again as he spoke to me in his heart melting tone. "I don't think we need to get too far ahead of ourselves. I think it would be best to do each task together. If we divide and conquer, it'll get done faster. However, if we do everything together, then we'll have a better overall presentation."

  I was actually happy to hear him say that, though I had no intentions of sharing that with him. I felt like an inarticulate idiot around him. I was starting to worry he was going to regret not pairing up with Elaina if I kept looking like such a stupid girl.

  "Okay, what do you suggest we start with?" I asked, sounding more respectable and less crackly.

  He glanced at his watch before putting all of his paperwork back in his packet. Then he spoke to me while he stacked his books together.

  "There's a coffee shop in town. We could go talk to them first. I want to be thorough. We can meet up after school soon and iron out some of the details there, if you want."

  The butterflies rippled through my stomach, making my breathing much more labored as I breathlessly said, "Yeah. That sounds fine to me. You'll just have to give me directions. I don't really know too much about this area."

  The bell rang and he stood to his feet, stacking my books on top of his as he did so. He carried my books out the door while still keeping his body close to mine. "No problem. It's not hard to find. If you're free this afternoon, we'll get started."

  This time the butterflies crashed into the walls of my stomach, making me feel almost nauseated. I was trying so hard not to let my sudden anxiety attack be noticed.

  "Yeah, that should be no problem at all."

  He winked at me as he handed me my books, and then he jogged down the hall, disappearing into the crowd. I exhaled a big sigh of relief, denying my inner girl the right to squeal.

  Finally. Some actual time alone.

  I started feeling queasy as soon as that thought had time to resonate. It felt like I was coming down from a hellacious adrenaline high. Just talking to him had made my blood pump furiously through my veins.

  "What's up, Aria?" Taryn asked, forcing me to jump a little in my distracted state.

  Her bubbly little personality never wavered. I was just trying to keep from falling apart at the seams.


  I could feel myself blushing. I couldn't even bring myself to answer the way I wanted to. I wanted to scream out in exuberance, but I fought the urge and remained calm.

  She rolled her eyes. "I'm guessing things went well with Tallis today." Her tone was very condescending in a playful manner.

  I smiled, though it wasn't the full-flashing, face-splitting grin that begged to be set free. I played it cool, sort of. At least I think I did.

  "We just got put on the same project is all." I could feel my whole body blushing then. Crap. Sold out by my own body.

  Taryn giggled, and then we were interrupted by McKee. He smiled confidently as spouted, "Alright, ladies. Enough giggling. It's gym time."

  I had borrowed Taryn's phone to call Grandma Iris and let her know of my afternoon plans. She had seemed reluctant to let me go to the coffee shop. However, she agreed that my studies were important.

  I was actually surprised by her hesitance to let me go, but I guess she just worried about me being in a new place.

  I pulled up to the coffee shop, and a knot instantly started forming in my throat, making it seem impossible to swallow. I took a deep breath, praying for a calm that never came.

  "Here goes nothing," I whispered to myself while walking in.

  Tallis was already inside, engaged in conversation with one of the waitresses. She was giggling and flirting. It almost made me sick at my stomach to see.

  He didn't seem to be reciprocating the same feelings toward her though, so that made me feel a little bit better. I sat down beside him at the table and received the worst look possible from the waitress.

  Tallis smiled at my arrival. I glanced around at the crowded coffee shop as the waitress took our order. I noticed Everett sitting in the corner. He looked away quickly and began typing on his phone.

  I glanced back at Tallis who was pulling out his packet of work f
or our project and a laptop. I did the same - pulled out my work, not a laptop. Then I whispered quietly as I motioned in the direction of Everett.

  "He gives me the creeps."

  Tallis chuckled slightly. "I think he's just a loner. He's a little too intense for me, but I'm sure he's not as bad as he seems."

  He leaned over to me and a smile spread across his face as he spoke with a charming air that made my heartbeat flutter. "So, I hear you are a bit of a genius?"

  I just laughed as I responded with an exaggerated dramatic touch. "Not even close. I just know a lot of the stuff already, due to the lessons I had in home school."

  He leaned back slightly in his seat. "Yeah, well that's not the word around school."

  My stomach tensed up. I thought of all the other things he might have heard about me as well. I was far from being on the most popular list.

  "Oh. Well, you can't believe everything you hear around there."

  His reassuring smile was just as breathtaking as any other one of his grins. "I only listen to the good gossip, not the bad. If people are spreading something good, then it has to be true. The bad stuff is usually just jealous tongues running amuck."

  I smiled back and laughed at the same time as I responded. "Are you sure you're a teenager?"

  "Sometimes I forget I'm supposed to be," he teased while offering a playful wink.

  I smiled at his humor. This was nice. Just him and me enjoying coffee and not having class, or students, or McKee lurking around. It was peaceful, and I was relishing the time alone with him.

  I was trying to think of a way to get him to break his no-dating rule, but everything I came up with sounded contrived and immature. And he seemed so mature compared to the rest of the guys at school.

  I had to think of a way to be impressive enough to make him want to go out with me. I started to speak three or four times, hoping something would come to me, but I had absolutely nothing.

  I finally just sighed in agitation and shifted my focus back to the project. I could see him smirking out of the corner of my eye. Perhaps he noticed my attempts to speak. I just hoped he didn't realize what I was desperately trying to do.

  We worked out all kinds of details, and we talked to the manager as well. We were making excellent headway on our project, when Tallis suddenly looked worried. His nostrils flared as if he smelled something he didn't like.

  I very subtly sniffed myself, worried I may have worked up too much sweat at gym class. Then the bell chimed over the door of the coffee shop, alerting them to a new customer.

  Tallis's eyes shifted toward the new silhouette darkening the doorway. A very tall man entered the coffee shop and walked to the counter. As I looked at the tall man, I noticed Everett was also staring at him. He too had a look on his face as if he smelled something foul.

  Then I finally caught a whiff of something I wish I hadn't. It was almost putrid. It was all I could do not to turn my nose up in disgust. I wasn't sure if it was the tall man or just something outside.

  Everett and Tallis seemed to think it was the tall man, given their staring. Then I noticed Everett's eyes close. His face was intense, as if he was straining to concentrate on something.

  Then I felt fire shoot through my body when Tallis wrapped his arm around my waist suddenly. It was unexpected and confusing to say the least. But it felt... protective? Like he was trying keep me hidden? I didn't know. I really had no clue what guys and girls did. Did I miss something?

  He leaned in closer to me as if he planned to whisper something in my ear. His breath was radiating the most unbelievably wonderful heat against my neck. My breathing became labored again, almost painful.

  The seconds ticked by so slowly and my heavy breathing was all I could hear. Heat seemed to course through my veins, as though my blood had been replaced with lava.

  The tall man glanced in our direction briefly, and then he walked out. After a few seconds of him being gone, Tallis leaned back away from me and released his grip around my waist. His look changed from concerned to an unexplainable disappointment.

  I could feel my breaths growing even heavier now from the intense moment we had just shared. His body pressed against mine was unbelievably invigorating.

  I wasn't sure what had possessed him to do such a thing. I could feel the fever in my voice as I spoke. "So… What was that about?"

  He seemed incredibly uncomfortable suddenly. I got the feeling I had done something wrong, but what? He seemed distant when he answered.

  "I think we should go."

  I was baffled by the whole situation. One second he was wrapped around me so intimately, and the next second he acted like he couldn't get away from me quick enough. The confusion showed in my tone as well.

  "Okay. Did I do something wrong?"

  I had no idea how to interact with someone I was attracted to. I wasn't sure if I offended him, or if I should have returned some affection. I wasn't even sure if he was showing me affection. The entire thing was situation was extraordinarily confusing and completely frustrating.

  He began packing up all of our work as he spoke. "No, you didn't do anything wrong. I just… I need to go. You should get home as well. I'm sure your parents are concerned. It's later than I realized."

  I glanced at the clock, noticing it was only five-thirty. I wasn't sure what the big deal was. "It'll be fine if I get home around seven or seven-thirty. They realize this is an important part of my grade."

  I really didn't want to leave him at all now. It almost physically hurt to think of leaving him. I felt so inexplicably desperate to be with him. It didn't make sense.

  What's going on with me?

  He continued packing everything up and stood to his feet. "No, we really should go. I have things I have to take care of."

  I was starting to understand the whole mixed signals thing that girls my age were constantly complaining about. One second he grabbed me and held on to me in the most intense way, and the next he couldn't get away from me fast enough. His reasoning for doing such was vague and questionable. It felt like a blow-off. Guys really were just as confusing as I'd heard.

  I wished I had heeded the warning.

  I aimed for casual, but came off as tentative instead when I mumbled, "Okay, when should we… work on the-"

  Before I could finish fumbling around for the right words, he answered the question I was intending to ask.

  "Tomorrow." His answer was swift, and he deliberately avoided eye contact with me. Then his eyes changed, as did his tone, when he finally did make eye contact. "Your last name is Weislen, correct?"

  I was almost offended by the fact he didn't seem certain of my last name. Now I was even more confused as I replied with a slightly defensive tone. "Yeah."

  He nodded, but it seemed like he was confused by something himself. He didn't even take notice of the fact I had been offended.

  "When did you and your parents move to town?"

  I squinted my eyes in more confusion as I responded, "My parents haven't moved to town yet. I'm living with my grandmother."

  The intensity in his eyes grew. They almost seemed to fill up with angst, and his tone made it seem as if he was worried about something.

  "What's your grandmother's name?"


  He was starting to irritate me with all the random questions. It was starting to feel like an interrogation. I answered him though. "Iris Nelson. She's the one with the Bradbury Manor."

  He paled instantly, and fear washed over his eyes for reasons unbeknownst to me. After a spell of silence, he finally drew in a deep breath, and it appeared that he was full of dread.

  "I know who she is." He paused for a second as he held the door open for me, ushering me out. "I'll follow you home to make sure you make it there safely."

  His strange line of questioning and actions baffled me to no end. I was very confused by everything.

  "Okay." />
  And that was it. He got in his Mercedes and followed me all the way to my gate. Tailing him was another car that followed us from the coffee shop. I could have sworn it was Everett.

  As I pulled in the driveway, Tallis continued driving slowly until he passed me, staring into my eyes intensely as he did so.

  Then he skidded around in the middle of the road and sped off back in the direction we had just come from. I wasn't sure why he wanted to follow me. The entire thing had exhausted my mind. The tailing car went on by, but I never caught a glimpse of the driver.

  Everything had been fine until the smelly man walked in, then Tallis threw himself on me, and became insistent on making a hasty departure.

  Nope. I still had no clue what happened.

  I walked in and smelled food cooking. Iris greeted me, her warm smile genuine and soft.

  "How was your study date, dear?" She seemed slightly worried. That too seemed odd.

  I decided to keep the bizarre events from the coffee shop to myself. "It was fine. What's for dinner?"

  She still didn't seem like her usual eccentric self. She answered my question, but she did so with complete distraction in her tone.

  "We're having pot roast." Worry riddled her aged face and her tone displayed the same signs apprehension as it had before. "Are you sure you're okay? Did anything happen today that might have scared you in any way. Did you feel… I don't know… threatened at any point this afternoon?"

  Her questions made me squirm uncomfortably. I wasn't sure why she was asking me that, and it started to worry me a bit.

  "No. I never felt the least bit threatened. I just had a meeting with my economics partner and then we left. Should I be worried about something?"

  Her face relaxed, as did her tone. "No, dear. I'm an old lady. Sometimes I overanalyze things. It's hard for me to just let you roam and do as you please. I worry. That's my job as your temporary guardian." She patted my back.

  My body relaxed, finally, and I made my way into the kitchen to grab a plate. I wanted so badly to go see Tallis and find out the truth about what was going on.

  Honestly, I just felt the uncontrollable yearning to be with him again. He was like a craving that could never be sated. Since the moment I met him, he was all I could even think about. I'd never been addicted to anything, but I was sure that this is what it felt like.

  The next day at school was slightly awkward, but I was determined to find out what happened. I was new to the whole American teenage ways; however, I wasn't into playing games.

  Before first period, I saw Tallis standing at his locker. He was alone, so I quickly approached him to seize my opportunity to get some answers. I could hear my nervousness as I confronted him.

  "Hey, will you please tell me what happened yesterday?"

  He just smiled confidently as he leaned back on the lockers before speaking in a much too casual tone. "I'm sorry, Aria. That guy we saw yesterday is a bit of a creep. I wanted him to think we were together. I've seen him around town, hassling girls your age. I didn't want him doing you that way."

  Everything he said seemed slightly rehearsed, and he seemed very confident in his clarification as well. It all seemed too... conveniently effortless, when the day before he had been far too distressed to tell me such a thing.

  I knew I couldn't have just been imagining the absurdity of his reaction. I nodded slightly as I spoke in a disbelieving tone.

  "I see. Why didn't you just tell me that yesterday instead of acting so weird?"

  He laughed lightly before responding. "I may have overreacted a tad. I was just in a hurry to get you out of there before he got any ideas. I don't know why I didn't tell you that yesterday to be honest. Some girls like danger. Let's say I wanted to make sure you didn't get any ideas." He winked at me as he finished his sentence.

  I blushed slightly, but then suddenly I was off balance. A large guy had bumped into me, nearly knocking me down. Fire coursed through me as it had so many times before. Tallis's arms were wrapped around me, steadying me, drawing me into his delicious web of intoxication.

  Yet again, he had caught me before I fell. Then his eyes shifted toward the brawny guy who had run over me. "Watch where you're going."

  The guy stared at Tallis in an intimidating manner. Tallis didn't back down though. I’m not sure why, but suddenly the guy who had seemed so fierce at first cowered down from Tallis. He stuttered as he addressed me.

  "Sorry, my bad." Then he turned and walked away quickly. It was as if Tallis had said something else, but he never spoke.

  I found that incredibly odd - per the usual around him. The bell rang, warning us to go to class. McKee walked up and pulled me away from Tallis. I looked back to see Mr. Mysterious was already gone.

  McKee pulled me into calculus just in time. I couldn't stop thinking about all the weird things that had happened in the past couple days. Ever since I had gotten to Grayford, things had all been... screwed up.

  It was certainly different than my old village. Everything there made perfect sense, but here, nothing seemed to. I was starting to feel like a jumbled up jigsaw puzzle with missing pieces, unable to see the entire picture.

  I just kept feeling like there was something I was missing, but I was completely oblivious as to what it might be.

  Tallis and I had several laughs during economics class while discussing our project. He seemed to be over whatever it truly was that had upset him the day before. Elaina had watched us the entire time. I could feel her eyes burning through me all throughout class.

  It had been raining fiercely outside, but I could hear it starting to slack up. As we entered gym class, we were told boys and girls would be sharing the gym again. The last time that had happened, things had gotten heated between Tallis and McKee.

  I could see out of the corner of my eye that Elaina and her pack of hyenas were approaching me while I was stretching.

  Before they reached me, McKee ran up to me with a smile on his face. "Hey, Aria. I know that it is last-minute, but I was going to see if you wanted to maybe go out this weekend. I know a great restaurant in Salem. It's a bit of a drive, but I swear it's worth it."

  He kind of caught me off guard. I stuttered for a moment as I frantically tried to think of a reason not to go out with him without hurting his feelings. "I… uh … I-"

  Fortunately, the coach interrupted us with a severely scolding tone. "McKee! Get over here. Get in line. You haven't climbed the rope yet. This isn't a time to play with the girls."

  McKee rolled his eyes, and then he winked at me. He jogged off quickly toward the coach. As soon as he was gone, Tallis was beside me. He almost startled me when he spoke to me in a quiet and concerned tone.

  "Are you going to say yes or no?"

  I jumped a little. "You have got to stop sneaking up on me like that. I'm going to die of a heart attack in high school if you don't."

  He smirked slightly, but it wasn't his usual carefree grin. It was forced. It seemed as though he was upset about something.

  "Sorry, but you didn't answer my question. Are you going to yes? Personally, I don't think you should. Obviously it's your choice though."

  I almost wanted to smile. I stifled it very respectably though.

  Be cool, Aria, I told myself. I could hear the words coming out of my mouth, but they took on a life of their own.

  "I was actually going to ask you about that."

  Oh crap. So not what I meant to say.

  He cocked his head to the side after hearing my response. His tone was confused and almost comical. "Why exactly were you going to ask me?"

  I could feel my nervousness as I twitched around uncomfortably. I had no idea what I was doing. I'd never been asked out by a guy or asked a guy out in my life. Now I was doing both in the same day - or attempting to.

  I wanted to stop, spare myself the humiliation sure to ensue, but my lips kept moving on their ow
n. The words flowed out of my unfiltered mouth without my permission.

  "I was thinking that maybe you and I could do something this weekend, and then I could tell him I already have plans."

  He smirked slightly and put his head down shyly while replying. "Ah."

  That was all he said. That was the worst answer I could have gotten. Ah? Really? Sheesh.

  I felt like an even bigger idiot than I thought possible.

  Of course he doesn't want to go out with me. He doesn't date girls in high school. I'm so stupid.

  I started fumbling around for the right words, keeping my trembling eyes pointed at the floor. I couldn't think of anything that would help me recover.

  "Well, not like a date. It would be more of a non-date, hang out thing, or whatever."

  Just kill me now. Please.

  I could hear the incredibly idiotic things coming out of my mouth, but again, I could not stop them. The lock was off my lips and some mischievous little pixie had run off with the key. I was mortified by my awkward and horrible babbling.

  He laughed at me lightly. "So what exactly did you have in mind for our non-date, hang out thing, or whatever?"

  Great. Now he's making fun of me.

  His mockery carried no subtlety. I could feel my cheeks burning red as I tried to think of anything that didn't sound completely moronic. "I don't know... The movies, or dinner or... something."

  He smirked again as he looked at the floor and then back up to meet my eyes. "That doesn't sound like a non-date, hang out thing. That sounds like a date."

  I could feel my whole body burning with utter humiliation now. I kept trying to find a way to dig myself back out of my hole. But that was a near impossible feat, since I felt as though I had already dug to China.

  I could hear the anxiety coming through loud and clear when I spoke. "Yeah, it does." I was just ready to run and hide. "I'm sorry. It was stupid to ask. I'll leave you alone." And drop out of school to become a recluse.

  I quickly turned away from him and scoured for any hiding place I could dive in.

  He grabbed my hand before I could walk off. It nearly took my breath. I couldn't understand how such a small touch from him could burn so deep within me. It was all I could do not to just grab him and kiss him, especially when he touched me.

  Physical contact with him always made this amazing fire within me blaze uncontrollably.

  This time when he spoke, it wasn't teasing or mocking in the least. It was the same smoldering tone I had heard him use before, and it sent those delightful chills throughout me again. "I know a drive-in a couple of miles from your house. They usually play some pretty good movies. There's a diner not too far away. My treat, of course." Then he winked at me as a very cocky grin spread across his face.

  It was all I could do just to be able to stand in an upright position at that moment. Of course now I was still unsure if it was a date or not. Even though I was blushing and trying not to giggle like, well... a schoolgirl, I was able to reply somewhat respectably.

  "Sounds great," I muttered, an unstoppable lilt to my voice.

  He slid his hand up my arm as he slowly backed away. "I better get back over there with the rest the guys, but we’ll sort out the details later," he said, leaving me burning with fever.

  His touch could melt a glacier.

  I was afraid if I said anything else I would burst out giggling and make a bigger idiot out of myself than what I already had. So instead, I just nodded and waved in agreement.

  My smile faded quickly when Elaina finally seized her opportunity to approach me, her arms crossed in front of her. Her minion squad was right behind her, ready to surround their prey.

  Elaina started giggling with her hyenas as they circled me. "So, Aria. How many guys have you slept with these first couple weeks? I think it's kind of pathetic, personally, to throw yourself at so many guys."

  I could see Tallis and McKee staring in my direction. Tallis's eyes narrowed as Elaina relished my humiliation.

  I was both livid and mortified.

  "I haven't slept with anybody. And I'm not throwing myself at anyone either."

  Elaina whispered almost threateningly to me. "Here's the deal. You're new here, so everyone wants to pet the new puppy... for now. But the truth is, you're absolutely nothing, and soon everyone else will see that, too."

  She offered a fake smile to the coach when he looked our way, pausing her venomous threat and acting as though we were just two girls chatting about makeup. The second his attention veered, she returned to be the devil behind the mask.

  "Stay out of my way, or life will be so much harder for you while you're here. I don't play nice. Find someone besides Tallis to play house with, or I swear you will dread every moment you have to come here for the rest of your high school experience. Got it?"

  She rammed her shoulder into mine as she barged by to try and intimidate me even more. I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes. I couldn't let everyone see me cry. Things were embarrassing enough as it was.

  I couldn't let Elaina have my crying as icing on the sadistic cake she just served in front of everyone.

  I ran out of the gym, completely devastated. Everyone had heard our confrontation, including Tallis. I could hear him talking to her as I propped up against the wall outside the gym.

  Pity laced his tone as he scolded her. "Elaina, there's absolutely nothing you say that ever means anything to anybody. Leave Aria alone, and I mean it."

  I heard some people laughing, poking fun of the bully Barbie. I decided to make a mad dash to the parking lot before anyone saw me.

  Tallis chased me down before I could escape. His hands ran up my arms in a comforting way, though I felt all the pathetic pity rolling over his skin. It was so embarrassing for him to see me this way. I couldn't even enjoy his touch because of the reason he was offering it.

  "Aria, are you okay? I can give you a ride if you need me to."

  As much as I wanted to be with him, I didn't want him seeing me like this. "Thanks, but I'll be fine. I'll see you tomorrow."

  Then I walked away as quickly as I could. I could feel him still watching me, so I was trying to hold back the tears which were begging to pour out after my ghastly humiliation.

  I'd never encountered somebody so ruthless as Elaina. Still wearing my gym clothes, I hopped in my car.

  I didn't care if I got in trouble or not. I couldn't stay there with everyone feeling sorry for me. I'm sure there were plenty of people laughing, too. The most embarrassing part was that Tallis felt sorry for me.

  I pulled out of the school parking lot and stepped on the gas. It was the first time I ever felt like I had to run away from something. Little did I know, it was only the beginning.


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