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Page 4

by Desiree Holt

  Ethan struggled to keep his gaze lowered as she moved to his side and stared at his thick shaft, rising proudly from his body. He knew what she saw. The broad head was a dark rose color above the flared crest. At once, he could imagine it in her mouth or filling her cunt or her ass. Whatever she chose. Whatever she chose. Her choice.

  “I’m going to touch you everywhere here,” she told him. “Did you enjoy the feel of my hand when I touched you in the lounge?”

  A muscle jumped in his cheek, but otherwise he gave no reaction. “Yes, Mistress.”

  “Good. I plan to touch you often and in many ways.”

  Shivers skated over him, his mouth was suddenly dry, and a powerful surge of lust curled through him. Carefully, she reached out and wrapped her fingers around the swollen erection. A tiny bead of fluid rested on the slit, and Dani spread it over the velvety skin with her thumb. Then she trailed her fingertips down the length of his shaft and cupped his balls in the palm of her hand.

  He sucked in his breath at the contact.

  “Look at me, sub,” she commanded.

  He raised his eyes and locked his gaze with hers. There was a delicious flare of heat in her eyes as she rolled and manipulated his balls in her slender fingers. A smile curved her lips. He had seen it in his other Mistresses, the sign of the rush of power it gave her, knowing that she was the one responsible for giving him pleasure. For controlling how much or how little. The satisfaction of knowing that she was in control of someone willing to put themselves in her hands this way.

  Oh, yes. He saw how easily this Mistress could breech his walls. His sudden, intense connection to her was going to make it impossible to keep them in place.

  “Are you ready to begin?”

  He dipped his head once. “I am. Yes, Mistress. Thank you.”

  “Good.” She gave his balls one last squeeze, making him suck in his breath again, then she nodded at G. “I’m ready to learn.”

  “The secret is in the flex of the whip,” G instructed, “not in the strength of the arm. You are a small woman, Dani, but you can extract maximum force from the whip with the correct use of the wrist. Like this.”

  She raised her arm slightly, then snapped the whip, demonstrating her expertise and experience. That she knew exactly how much strength to use and where to apply it to get the maximum flex of buttocks muscles. His body jerked with each kiss of the leather on his skin, his fingers curling into fists over his head. Desire heated his cheeks.

  And apparently raced through her body as well. The flush on her cheeks deepened and tiny beads of perspiration popped out on her forehead.

  “Right there.” G touched a finger to the area where a stripe had risen deliciously on his skin. “That’s the area to aim for. That and the backs of the thighs. You want the right amount of pain to give pleasure to your sub, but you want to stay away from areas that cause nonsexual pain.” She demonstrated once more, then handed the whip to Dani. “Your turn.” She grinned. “I can see the desire plainly on your face. That’s a good sign. A timid Mistress is worse than no Mistress.”

  Ethan watched Dani heft the whip in her hand, testing its weight, its flexibility. His back and ass muscles bunched involuntarily as he anticipated the next touch of the whip on his skin. She circled around in back of him, idly trailing the tail over his ass, barely touching him, then running it up and down the cleft of his ass cheeks.

  “You like the sensation of the whip on your ass,” Dani commented, stroking up and down the crevice. “And Mistress G tells me you also enjoy the feel of the handle deep in your rectum. Did I understand that right?”

  His muscles bunched again. “If it pleases my Mistress, then I would enjoy it. I would enjoy anything that gives her gratification.”

  Ethan hadn’t thought he could be any more aroused, without any other sexual stimulation, but listening to G make suggestions to Dani had him so hot he thought his cock might self-combust. Memories flooded his brain, scenes of the first time a mistress had fucked his ass with the handle of a whip to drive him nearly to the point of ejaculation. He remembered the extra stimulation of the uneven texture of the whip handle on his inner tissues. The exquisite combination of agony and pleasure, the intensity of the climax it always produced.

  The danger of it?

  The strength of the orgasm was so intense, so violent, that it destroyed any ability he had to maintain even a shred of control. And with this mistress, that scared the shit out of him.

  Dani stood in front of him, touched the tip of her finger to his chin and tilted up his face. His gaze locked with hers and oh, hell. He saw the same hunger and conflict he was feeling.

  She spoke softly, but her voice was firm. “I will give you ten strokes. Count out loud with me, please.”

  “Yes, Mistress.”

  She shook the whip, flicked it in the air, testing its action and weight. Then she took a step back, snapped her wrist, and he heard the soft crack as the leather smacked against the glistening male flesh.

  His body jerked slightly, but he counted in a steady voice, “One.”

  God! He’d be lucky if he didn’t come before she finished the ten strokes.


  Again his muscles clenched and his cock flexed. Looking down, he could see a drop of pre-cum had collected on the head. Dani spotted it also and smoothed it over the skin with her thumb.

  Ethan sucked in a breath at the contact and every muscle in his body tightened. “Two.”

  There was such a wave of heat rising inside him that he wondered why he didn’t burst into flames. With each stroke, his cock swelled and pulsed, more fluid dripping from the slit as pleasure coursed through him. When she placed her hand on his ass, stroking the welts he knew were raised on his flesh, he had to clench his fists and grit his teeth to maintain any semblance of control.


  If he was this aroused this fast, how would he get through the rest of this session?

  How would she? Because the pulse at the base of her throat was beating so hard he could see it beneath the delicate skin.

  Dani handed the whip back to G who set it aside for her. “I think I would like to have the lube next,” she told the trainer. “My sub’s ass is properly heated, and I believe he is ready for the whip handle.”

  Ethan’s muscles bunch at her words, and the vein wrapped around his cock pulsed as blood flowed into it.

  Already? Oh, god! Oh, god! Oh, god!

  He slid his glance to the side, watching as G opened the drawer containing the tubes and bottles, studied them, and selected one to hand to Dani. “This doesn’t just grease the tissues. It has an ingredient that stimulates the nerves. If bringing your sub to maximum release is what you’re looking for, this is what you want.”

  “Yes. Thank you.”

  Ethan closed his eyes and focused internally, reaching for those elusive threads he hung onto for the last vestiges of control. He couldn’t give it all up. He just couldn’t. But damn. They had hardly begun to play yet, and every reaction with Dani was intensified. He drew in a deep breath through his nostrils and exhaled slowly. He knew exactly what was coming.

  Dani took the tube, stepped up to Ethan, and smoothed her other hand over the curve of his ass. He felt the slight tremble in her touch. Was it nerves because this was her first session as a Domme? Or was it because she was caught in the same unexpected maelstrom of emotions he was.

  “Ethan?” She put her lips close to his ear. “I am going to slide my finger into you and lubricate your tissues.” She paused. “I want you to tell me how it feels.”

  I can tell you how it feels. I’m about to come undone just thinking out it. The thought of you fucking me senseless with this is driving me crazy.

  Using her other hand to widen the cleft of his buttocks so the tight ring of his anus was exposed, she rubbed the opening before pressing her finger slowly inside.

  “I’m listening, Ethan,” she prompted. “Do you like this?”

  Fucking damn, yes.
r />   Somehow he found the words to answer her. “Yes, Mistress. Your finger feels good inside me.”


  She slid her finger inside then out, adding more lube. This time she penetrated him with two fingers, and he had to call on ever bit of his control not to come right then. He knew she was just as turned on because the scent of her musk rose strongly in the air. And that only made him hotter.

  “I don’t hear you saying anything,” she prompted him.

  Shit. Right. She wanted to know how it felt. It felt fucking unbelievable. Should he say that? He had never been aroused this much or this fast with any other Mistress.

  “The feel of your fingers inside my ass makes me want to come, Mistress.” He didn’t know how he managed to get the words out. “At your command, of course.”

  “And what would you like me to do next?”

  Tell her! Tell her!

  His throat worked as he swallowed. “I would like you to fuck my ass with the handle of the whip.”

  “As much as I want?”


  He nodded. “As much as my Mistress wants.”

  As she probed the depths of his ass, she wrapped the fingers of her other hand around his cock. His entire body hummed with sexual tension.

  “Yes, I would say you definitely want this.”

  “Ethan?” Her mouth was close to his ear again as she slid her fingers from his rectum. “The next thing you will feel in here is the handle of the whip. Are you ready for this?”

  “Yes. I am.” He nodded his head once. He sure as hell hoped he was, because his lust had gone from zero to a hundred faster than ever in his life. For a moment, he wondered if he was going to survive tonight.

  Get it together. Don’t let her take it all from you. Keep your shit together.

  G cleared her throat. “I think I’ll leave the two of you. I’m satisfied that the situation is under control. The electronic monitoring will remain on as a safety precaution.” She walked to the door. “This panel next to the door serves two purposes. It’s an intercom in case you need something, and you can also tap into the club music system. There are four buttons, each for a different type of music.” She smiled. “Enjoy yourself, Dani. I think you’ll be an excellent Mistress.”

  She closed the door softly behind her.

  Then they were alone, and Ethan knew it would take everything in him not to totally come apart.

  Chapter Four

  Dani tried each of the music buttons, finally settling for a soft jazz. Her very first Master had loved music, explaining that he found it heightened the senses and increased pleasure. He hadn’t been wrong. Plus, she needed something to level herself out. It shocked her to realize she was more aroused just by looking at Ethan and touching him than she ever had been with any of her Doms.

  “Do you enjoy music, Ethan?” she asked.

  “Yes. I do.” He cleared his throat, yet when he spoke his voice was still rough and hoarse. “I especially enjoy this kind.”

  “Good.” Dani smiled. “Something we have in common.”

  “I hope we have more than that in common, Mistress.”

  She walked over to stand beside him. “Are you asking me something, Ethan?” She studied his face. An indefinable emotion blazed in his eyes along with the heat that was unmistakable. Dani wasn’t sure she wanted to know yet what it was, but the feeling of connection she’d felt earlier rose up within her again, grabbing her with its power.

  Not now, Dani. Pleasure, first. Remember. You only came to play.

  Standing on tiptoe, she brushed her mouth against his. His lips were as soft as they looked. She licked her tongue along the closed seam, enjoying his taste and taking a measure of satisfaction in his reaction when he leaned his head slightly closer to hers.

  “Later, I will want to kiss you,” she told him. “To feel your tongue in my mouth. Will you like that?”

  “My Mistress has a wonderful flavor,” he answered. “It will give me great pleasure.”

  She trailed her fingers over his cheeks and down his jawline, enjoying the masculine feel of him. He kept his lashes lowered, as was appropriate, but she knew if she could see his eyes, they’d be ablaze with pleasure. It was obvious he liked being touched, in all ways, and Dani loved tactile stimulation. She could spend hours touching this man everywhere and never tire of it.

  “I’m going to give you a different kind of pleasure now, Ethan.” She closed her hand over his cock, squeezing it gently. “But you must not come. Do you understand? Not until I tell you that you can.”

  “Yes. I understand.” A muscle twitched in his cheek. “And my Mistress has my thanks.”

  “I know the stimulation this can give you. As a sub, my Master used the whip handle on me often. I will try to give you as much pleasure as I received.”

  “I am grateful.”

  His lashes were still lowered, but Dani could almost see his body vibrating with the effort to control himself. Was he feeling the same things she was? God! She’d come here to explore her real sexual personality and fallen into…what? Something that felt intensely personal, more personal than she’d ever experienced with Alan or her other Masters. She wasn’t sure if she should embrace it or run as fast as she could. The excitement spiraling within her kicked up a notch.

  Just get through tonight and see what happens. “Good.”

  She coated the handle of the whip liberally with the lube. Separating the cheeks of his ass with one hand, she stared for a long moment at the tight opening of his anus, enjoying the sight of it. Then she pressed the handle to it and pushed until it breached the ring of muscle and eased into his rectum. She took her time, sliding it in carefully. When it was fully seated, she wrapped her fingers around his cock in a loose grip.

  “Are you ready, Ethan?”

  “Yes.” He nodded once.

  She slid the handle in and out of his ass slowly at first, feeling his cock twitch in her hand and watching the expression on his face. The pace of his breathing increased with the speed of her strokes, and his cheeks darkened with a rush of lust. But when he rocked his hips back and forth, she stopped her movement of the whip handle.

  “You may not move your body,” she ordered. “If you do, I will stop and we are done. Your pleasure will come only from what I do to you. What I permit you to respond to. Are we clear?”

  She could see him fighting his natural reaction, but he nodded.

  “Don’t forget that. Not for a minute.”

  Dani resumed fucking him with the whip, hardly able to believe the surge of arousal that raced through her and made the walls of her pussy quiver with hunger. She had total control over this man’s sexual enjoyment, and it gave her a feeling of exhilaration she hadn’t thought possible. She wondered if she was going to come without ever having him touch her.

  Glancing back toward the cabinet at the toys displayed, an idea occurred to her.

  “Do not move,” she ordered him.

  Leaving the handle of the whip still inside him, the leather strips dangling toward the floor, she hurried to the cabinet, studied everything in one of the drawers, and pulled out a dildo that caught her eye. When she pressed the bottom, it vibrated and she smiled. Oh, yes, this would do the trick.

  There was a small but wide little bench tucked into a corner that would be perfect for her purposes. She dragged it over in front of Ethan.

  “Would you like to watch me come, Ethan?” she asked and was rewarded by the flare of excitement in his eyes.

  “Yes, Mistress,” he rasped.

  “We’re both going to come,” she told him. “Without touching each other. Have you done that before, Ethan?”

  “I have.”

  “And did you enjoy it?”

  The muscles in his body tightened. “I did. Very much.”

  “When we are finished, you will tell me if you enjoyed doing it with me as much as with your previous Mistresses.”

  “I know yours will be the best,” he assured her

  She pressed her mouth to his, licking his lips again. “We’ll see.”

  Removing the whip handle from his ass, she tossed it to the side and liberally greased the dildo. His stomach muscles tightened as she inserted it slowly. It was obvious he wanted to thrust back against it, but he controlled himself as she’d ordered. When it was all the way in, she pressed the bottom and it vibrated with a low rhythm.

  “Does that excite you, Ethan? Have you ever come with just a dildo in your ass like that?”

  “Yes, Mistress, I have.”

  “And did you enjoy it? Look at me and tell me.”

  When he lifted his head, the combination of lust and emotion swirling in his eyes nearly brought her to her knees.

  “I will enjoy it with you more.” The roughness of his voice rasped over her nerves.

  She had not expected to feel so comfortable in her new role, though perhaps comfort wasn’t the right word. It was far from what she felt with Ethan on so many levels. But she loved being in control, being the one who decided what came next and what to do. She finally understood the pleasure her Doms got from the questions they asked her. It wasn’t just vanity. It was the heady rush of excitement.

  She wet her lips then pulled up her dress and stepped out of her thong. “You may look at my pussy, sub. Do you like how it looks?”

  “Yes.” His voice scraped across her nerves. “Your pussy is beautiful.”

  “I didn’t fully wax before tonight, because I wasn’t sure how this would go. If we do this again, would you like to see it completely naked?”

  “Yes.” The word hissed from his mouth. “I would. Very much.”

  She slipped the tip of her finger across his lower lip. “Then we must make sure the rest of the evening goes well.” She paused. “For both of us.”

  The vibrating dildo appeared to be doing its work. Every muscle in Ethan’s body corded and bunched with the effort to control himself. She wondered just how long it would take before he lost it.

  Dani sat down on the bench facing him, bent her knees so she could place her feet on the surface and spread her legs wide.

  “I’m going to masturbate myself, Ethan. My Masters would often do that while watching me achieve climax without being touched by them. That’s what we’re doing here, so please concentrate.”


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