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The Vampire Cure: A Sci-fi Vampire Romance (The Vampire Cure Series Book 1)

Page 12

by Kat Stiles

  I disconnected the call, my fingers shaking. If James hurts Ryan, I swear I’ll… I sighed. I realized I was powerless to really fight back. Unless…

  The package. I grabbed it from outside my door and opened it. Inside, I found the solar simulator I ordered. Not having tested it, going to the mansion was still a huge risk. I loaded it with batteries and turned it on. It really did look exactly like sunlight. But would it be effective against vampires?

  I took a second to breathe and consider what I was about to do. If this gadget didn’t work, I was done. Death would be the best-case scenario. But if I didn’t try, then I could lose Ryan. And if I didn’t get a blood sample, I’d lose my father too.

  I glanced out the window, and a tiny bird landed on the sill. It made me think of my mother and the way my father always called her Birdie. Thirty years of marriage, and they were still best friends. I finally realized why my mother kept prodding me to date—so that I could have that too. Someone who gets you, who always has your back, no matter what. Ryan saved me so many times, I had to at least try to return the favor. The bird looked at me with his head tilted, as if to say, “Well? What are you waiting for?”

  “Okay, I’m going!” I said to the bird, who just flew away.

  I ran to my car with the solar simulator (plus a couple of backup weapons as a precaution) tucked safely in my purse. On my way, I received an image of Ryan via text. His face was a mess—one of his eyes was practically swollen shut, and the gash on his cheek was oozing blood. Then my phone chimed once more.

  you’re missing out on all the fun

  Maybe I should test the simulator on Galen first, I thought. The image of his flesh burning made me smile.

  As I approached the gate, I realized it was unmanned. The doors were slightly ajar, and it seemed like the locking mechanism was burned or melted off using chemicals.

  When I made it to the front entrance of the mansion, no one was there to greet me, which I found both refreshing and suspicious. But when I opened the massive door to enter, Rose was standing against the wall, being a total creeper.

  “So glad you’re back.” She didn’t even bother with the pretense of appearing human—her fangs were extended, and her gaze rested on my neck.

  “Where is Ryan?” I asked.

  She licked her lips, amused. “With James. I can take you there. It’s this way.” Rose pointed in the direction, apparently waiting for me to lead.

  I shook my head. “You first.”

  Her smile faded as she led the way. “You know, we can’t wait for you to join the family.” She turned back and made eye contact with me. “It’ll be so great having you.”

  “In your dreams,” I muttered. But the more I thought about it, the less confident I became. How exactly did I expect this to play out? Just burst open the doors and casually disintegrate only James? And even if I managed to pull that off, how would I possibly escape?

  My heart pounded, and I felt my other senses awaken, too. As someone who always had a plan for everything, I was amazed at how exhilarating it felt to be completely devoid of one. Anything at all could happen.

  Rose opened the doors to the study. Galen sat casually on a chaise, and Ryan was next to James, struggling to stand. His nose was bloodied, probably broken, and the rest of his body was just as battered and scratched up.

  “You betrayed the family, to be with a mere human…” James shook his head. “I gave you eternal life, and this is how you repay me?”

  James caught sight of me and delivered a final backhand to Ryan, who collapsed on the floor beside him.

  “The guest of honor!” Galen cried out. “Now the party can really start.” That creepy smile surfaced, as he strode over to me. “Come, my dear, it’s really getting good.” He offered his arm, but I pushed past him to get to Ryan.

  “Are you okay?” I asked, kneeling down.

  “Why did you come here?” he said, his voice gravelly.

  “For you, of course.” I touched his cheek gently. “Why aren’t you healing?”

  “It’s too much, too fast,” he murmured. “Haven’t fed…it, it keeps me strong.”

  James yanked me up and grabbed my arms. “You don’t want to interfere. You want to sit down next to Galen.”

  I couldn’t hold back a sarcastic snicker. “He’s the last person I want to sit next to.”

  “See?” Galen said. “I told you, it doesn’t work with her!”

  James released me and just stared at me, as if he were considering it. “We’ll just have to break her, then. Like we’re doing with Ryan, here.”

  “What did he do that was so wrong?” I asked.

  “He abandoned the family.” He ran his finger softly along my neck. “And then he took you. I knew because he just reeked of your scent. You were supposed to be mine.”

  I couldn’t believe this guy, talking about me as if I were a possession. I glanced down at Ryan, and noticed he looked a little better. Maybe if I can keep James focused on me instead of him…

  “Look, no one ‘took’ me. This isn’t the nineteenth century.” Which is probably the time period he was from, I thought. “I wanted him. Not you.”

  James narrowed his eyes at me. “You speak as if you have a choice. You don’t.”

  Then his fangs extended. Before I had time to react, he grabbed hold of me and sunk his fangs deep into my neck.

  Chapter 14

  A hot, searing sensation engulfed my whole neck, as James began to drink my blood. I pushed against him with all my strength, but he wouldn’t even budge an inch. In my purse, I managed to grab the simulator, but I couldn’t find the damn switch to turn it on. His fangs were dug into me so deeply, and he drank with an intensity that left me feeling woozy. I didn’t know how much more I could take. Just as I felt my legs start to wobble, James was thrown off me, tackled to the ground. Ryan rained down punch after punch.

  “I had to protect her from Galen,” Ryan said as he stopped his assault. “I didn’t mean to fall in love with her.”

  “Sweet, simple Ryan. You still don’t get it, do you?” James said, making it to his feet. “I sent Galen after her. He’s been getting me humans to supply us blood, among other things. When he told me about her scent, I knew I must have her.”

  Ryan frowned. “How long has it been like this? You told me everyone drinks only animal blood. How long have you been lying to me?”

  “Always. Remember I was there for your first kill. Instead of reveling in your newfound strength and power, you cried after killing that man. I knew you wouldn’t be able to accept the natural order of things, so I told you what you wanted to hear.”

  “The natural order of things?” Ryan said.

  “Humans are prey. They are weak, to be hunted down and tamed or killed. Galen understands this, but you… you never could quite grasp the concept.” James half-smiled. “It’s too bad, really. I had high hopes for you. We could’ve ruled this world together.”

  Talk about delusional… I winced, as the pain from James’ bite amplified.

  I steadied myself and pulled the simulator out of my purse. I located the switch and inched it forward to turn it on when Galen grabbed me and sunk his fangs into my brachial artery, right at the bend of my arm.

  My neck still pulsated with pain, and now this? A shot of pain traveled up my arm, not as acute but it burned. His cold lips with my warm blood produced an odd sensation akin to a mild electric shock. I pulled back, but his grip didn’t budge.

  The simulator flickered and dimmed. My heart sank. Did it break already? I didn’t even get to test it out…

  “I need more!” Galen roared, and swung me back up against the adjacent bookcase. He pinned my shoulders against the uneven book spines jutting out. Then he licked my neck, where the blood continued to flow.

  “Like ambrosia,” he whispered. While he was distracted lapping up my blood, I tried to flick the switch on and off again on the simulator. That one bit of pressure on the switch moved it completely in the on posi

  Sunlight poured out of the small device. I pointed it toward his face, holding my breath in anticipation of Galen screaming and backing away from me, his face blistering before my eyes.

  But that didn’t happen.

  The light just illuminated his scars and uneven skin tone.

  Was it the UV rays, the radiation…what in real sunlight was toxic to vampires? My eyes began to droop, the loss of blood taking its toll. Galen snatched up the device.

  “What is this thing? Some kind of flashlight?” He messed with the switch, pushing it farther back.

  Into the more intense level position, that I didn’t realize existed.

  He screamed, as the light shined on his arm and burned it.

  It works! I can’t believe it actually works! I quickly snatched the contraption from him and shined it directly on his face. The sickening smell of charred flesh filled my nose, as I backed away, keeping the light still focused on him. His shrieks were high-pitched and made my head want to explode, but I didn’t falter. He covered his face with his hands, but then his hands started to burn too. I watched in awe as Galen’s skin disintegrated, layer after layer, continuing to burn until he was simply a pile of dust.

  “Holy shit,” I whispered to myself.

  I glanced up and noticed James and Ryan standing there, staring at me.

  “You killed him with that?” Ryan asked softly.

  “After what he did to Amy and God knows who else, he didn’t deserve to live,” I said.

  A wicked grin appeared on James’ face. In the time it took to blink, he stood behind me.

  “Interesting toy you’ve got there. But can you hold onto it?” He tried to grab the simulator, but I directed the light to shine on his hand instead. He withdrew, crying out.

  I joined Ryan, who was slowly healing from all the damage James had inflicted. He had cuts and bruises on his arms, his face, just everywhere. How I wished I could let him feed. But even if I had more blood to give—with James around—it was too dangerous.

  I gripped the simulator tightly in my hands. “Let us leave,” I said to James. “We won’t ever bother you again.”

  “Are you sure about that? I bet you think you have it all figured out,” he said, as he took cover behind the chaise. “You and Ryan will run off and live happily ever after, is that it? Nevermind the tiny detail that Prince Charming is a vampire…”

  “I’ll take my chances,” I said.

  “But will he? You probably think we abducted him today. But the truth is, Ryan is the one who came here.”

  I stopped myself from turning to look at Ryan. That was just the mistake James was waiting for. “Is that true, Ryan?”

  “Your blood, it gave me a vision,” Ryan said. “I saw this place burn. I had to come warn everyone.”

  “My doorknob was broken. It doesn’t make any sense.”

  “I broke it trying to leave. I’m sorry.”

  “But…but this place is full of monsters!” I yelled.

  “And my friends. And some humans. Not everyone is like James and Galen.”

  I remembered his young friend Teddy. He had a point. “Did you get to warn them?”

  “I got to Teddy and some of the humans. Galen grabbed me before I could check on everyone else.”

  “What on earth are you talking about?” James said, as he stood. “Who’s going to burn down the mansion?” He folded his arms over his chest.

  “I don’t know. I didn’t see that part,” Ryan said. “I’m not used to this power, it’s a little confusing.”

  I nodded. I didn’t always understand the images in my dreams either.

  “Well, maybe instead of standing around here, we should try to stop that from happening?” A smug smile formed on James’ face. “What do you think?”

  “He can’t be trusted,” I said, backing up so I could see Ryan without losing sight of James. Ryan appeared to be considering the situation.

  “It would be the best outcome, to save the most people,” Ryan said to me. Then he looked at James. “Truce?”

  “Yes, brother,” James said. “Truce.” James walked over to us and shook Ryan’s hand. My stomach sank at the twisted grin that appeared on his face.

  “God, you’re stupid,” James muttered. He slipped behind Ryan and snapped his neck in one smooth motion. “Let’s see you heal from that, brother.” Then he turned to me.

  “Nooo!” I screamed. My first instinct was to go to Ryan, but I knew I had to take care of James first. I pointed the simulator directly at him. He screamed, his flesh searing in the light. In a matter of seconds, he crumpled to the floor. Though he tried to minimize the exposed area of his skin by curling himself into a supine position, the smoke still poured from his burning flesh. I placed the simulator on the floor, with the light still angled at James, and knelt down to Ryan.

  The best chance he’s got is my blood. I squeezed my bicep above the brachial artery Galen had punctured, to get the blood to flow again. A few drops fell into his mouth, but he didn’t move.

  He was so very still.

  I squeezed my fist to get a few more drops. But there was no response at all.

  How can he be dead? Why couldn’t I save him? I knew James couldn’t be trusted. I should’ve just burned him to a crisp, like Galen.

  “I’m so sorry,” I said, as I gathered him in front of me, cradling his still bloody head under my neck. “I love you.”

  I cried, holding him tighter to me. Feeling his cold, ragged skin against me. Rocking him, still holding out hope that he would heal himself somehow. That he would wake up and start feeding off the glistening blood on my neck. I kissed his head, as the tears continued to roll down my cheeks.

  Then I heard a sick crunching noise. The room became darker.

  Oh no, my solar simulator… So wrapped up in trying to save Ryan, I didn’t realize that James had escaped the light.

  “How very touching,” James said. “Didn’t know you were into necrophilia. Interesting.”

  I gently lowered Ryan to the floor and rose, as I took in James. Most of his skin was charred black, with pieces of it hanging off in chunks. It reminded me of B-horror cheesy prosthetic makeup. But this was real and completely terrifying.

  In my panicked state, I glanced around the room to try to find something, anything to fight him with. And on the far wall, I saw my salvation.

  A giant set of thick curtains were draped down, from floor to ceiling. Which means there must be a window there.

  As fast as my feet could run in my weakened state, I bolted toward the wall.

  I looked back and James followed slowly, looking entirely too amused. Like a cat that plays with a mouse before killing it.

  With a burst of energy, I swung open the curtains, fully expecting sunshine to pour into the room and save the day.

  It didn’t.

  “Wow, you’re both stupid. Did you really think I would allow functional windows in my home?”

  There was no light to save the day anymore. And Ryan certainly wasn’t going to save me.

  A sick feeling washed over me as I realized it was over.

  James had won.

  A knowing grin appeared on his face, made only more terrifying by his fangs elongating. He grabbed my hair and yanked my head to the side. And for the second time, his fangs descended into my neck.

  Chapter 15

  The pain was excruciating this time, different. The hot, searing sensation was no longer limited to the bite itself. It traveled throughout me, making it feel as if my blood were on fire. I screamed, wondering if this was it.

  Was I dying?

  “What the hell?” James withdrew from me, spitting out the blood he’d consumed. “It can’t be…”

  A wave of pain cascaded through my body, as if my very cells were being torn apart. “What is happening to me?” I doubled over, sending my glasses to the floor.

  Then I gasped, feeling the air leave my lungs. My heart stop.

  I collapsed and everything
went black.

  My eyes suddenly opened, and I felt a chill throughout my body. Cold everywhere, like someone had injected liquid nitrogen into my veins.

  But then I also felt new. Powerful. Bursts of pain shot through me, excruciating but at least short-lived.

  James stared at me, his jaw hanging open.

  “Ryan’s b-blood,” he stuttered. “It-it must’ve m-mixed with yours. I could taste it was different.”

  The pain finally started to subside. But what followed was far worse.


  Hunger like I’d never felt before, and not just in my stomach. I felt it all over my body, an ache that seemed to be getting worse.

  Nothing else mattered. I had to feed.

  James tried to run, but I jumped and pounced on him, as if he were my prey. Only vaguely aware of my actions, I chomped down on his throat, ripping it open. He didn’t even have the chance to scream.

  I kept devouring him, hoping to lessen the burning within. It wasn’t until I chewed through his neck entirely that I realized it wasn’t working. His detached head rolled to the side without a sound.

  I somehow heard the quietest footsteps approach outside of the room. Then a knock on the doors.

  “Master James?”

  The blonde female who entered seemed familiar, but it was like a distant memory of a past life. Something I couldn’t quite recall.

  At once I was hit with the most delicious aroma. It was like I was starving and hadn’t eaten for weeks…then someone placed a rack of lamb in front of me.

  I drooled, watching her. She stepped farther into the room and screamed, I presumed at James’ decapitated corpse, but it could’ve easily been me she was screaming at. When she turned to run, I headed her off at the door, running impossibly fast and arriving nearly instantly.

  The look of terror in her eyes was palpable.

  And it turned me on.

  In a flash, I sunk my fangs into her neck. The warm blood rolled down my throat, easing the burn inside me. Coppery, yet sweet, the delicious fluid tasted better than any drink or food I’d ever had. She screamed, kicked, scratched, but none of it registered. I simply continued to feed.


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