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To Challenge a Warrior: An Alien Rogue Romance (Starflight Academy Graduates Book 1)

Page 10

by Immortal Angel

Her entire body twisted at the sight of the red dream bubble in front of her. It wasn’t possible that she accidentally jumped into one of the men’s dreams, was it? Her heart raced as she inched forward. Usually she wasn’t on board a ship with the criminals she’d been researching…it was possible.

  But instead of finding a nightmare of a dream, she discovered Liam standing before his desk, papers in his hands. Liam! Even more than before, she knew going into his dream was a terrible idea, but she also knew that if she left, she’d find herself slipping into a nightmare.

  Caution, Hannah, this needs to be the last time. It’ll be hard to keep convincing Liam that these are no more than dreams, if you don’t stop. You’re bound to slip up.

  She nodded, a smile coming to her lips despite all logic saying this was a bad idea. After the day she’d had, nothing could please her more than Liam’s soft embrace. Stepping into the dream, she moved slowly, not wanting to alarm him.

  He glanced up, his eyes darkening. “Hannah, you’re late.”

  She tried to hide her surprise. Was he angry with her? “I’m sorry, Liam. I—“

  “No excuses.” He slammed the papers down on his desk. “And what did I tell you about being dressed properly?”

  Glancing down at herself in confusion, she was startled. She was wearing a loose, see-through white tank top, with a lacy red bra underneath. Her leather skirt was so short, she was sure she could feel a draft on the scrap of panties she wore.

  Is this how he pictures me?

  “Sorry, sir.” She didn’t know what to say. The interactions in their dreams were always sweet and soft, even if the sex often got pretty intense.

  She felt herself go hot at just thought of him between her thighs.

  He thumped his fist on the top of his desk, startling her. “Sorry isn’t enough this time. Come here.”

  Tossing her long black hair behind her shoulder, she bit back a flare of annoyance. This was his dream. She needed to act like herself, but also whoever he wanted her to be in his dream. Marching forward, she came to stop in front of his desk.

  “No.” The muscles in his jaw flexed. “Here.” He pointed to right in front of him.

  Trying to hide her apprehension, she moved around his desk and stopped just two feet in front of him. She shivered as his earthy, masculine scent washed over her. She took another step closer, close enough to feel the heat of his body.

  “You wanted me, sir,” she whispered, her voice husky.

  Unable to stop herself, she reached up to rest her hands on his chest, then to slowly draw them up to wrap around his neck. She fully expected him to kiss her.

  Instead, he grasped her arms and pulled himself loose. Then, he spun her to face his desk. “Hands down in front of you.”

  A tingle of realization ran over her. He planned to take her from behind. Good. She needed him inside her. She reached out far, pointing her ass high in the air.

  Sucking her bottom lip, she embraced the heat that rushed over her. Soon his hard cock would be filling her. Her womanhood tightened at just the thought, and she shifted her hips, waiting for him.

  She didn’t have to wait long. One warm hand trailed up her inner thigh and pushed back her skirt. She heard him inhale sharply.

  “Still can’t find a proper pair of underwear I see.”

  Her nipples beaded against the surface of the desk. The desire in his voice matched her own. “Well, feel free to remove them.”

  “Quiet, Lieutenant! You don’t give the orders here. You will receive your punishment without speaking. Do you understand me?”

  Punishment. Oh yes, she liked the thought of that.

  “Yes, sir.”

  His thumbs hooked into each side of her underwear, dragging the lacy fabric down to drop to the ground beneath them. She turned her head to observe him.

  Again, he seemed to freeze and stare. His eyes had darkened even further. He stared at her backside, his mouth slightly open.

  She grew wetter. Knowing she turned this beautiful, powerful man on made her feel light-headed, reckless. Slowly, she drew her legs farther apart, revealing her womanhood to his heated gaze.

  “Gods,” he gasped. “You’re so…” He reached out and ran one finger along her outer lips.

  Gasping, she rubbed herself wantonly against his finger.

  When he drew it back, she groaned. “Liam, please—“

  His gaze snapped to hers, anger roaring to life. “It’s Commander Fallow to you. Now, face forward.”

  She did, surprised and excited by this new side of him. It isn’t a new side, though, she thought. This is how he was back at the academy. The idea thrilled her for reasons she couldn’t understand.

  “I ordered you not to talk. An order you specifically broke. I will add this new infraction onto your punishment.”

  She wiggled her ass, biting down the words please do.

  Suddenly, a smack hit her ass. She tried to rise, but a hand pushed her back onto the desk.

  “What the hell, Liam?”

  He stroked the spot he’d smacked. “You really aren’t a fast learner, are you?”

  Before she could answer, he smacked her again.

  She cried out, shocked by the mix of pleasure and pain that swam through her. To her horror, she felt herself growing wetter. But when she tried to close her legs, a warm thigh parted them.

  “Get off me!” she shouted, embarrassed.

  “What part of silent don’t you understand?” Another smack hit her ass, followed by another, and then a third.

  She struggled beneath his hold, bucking at the hand on her ass, trying to force her legs closed around his knee. But all it did was rub her wet, throbbing womanhood against him. And she HATED the thought that he might know how much he was turning her on.

  As if reading her thoughts, one of his fingers brushed her mound. His voice was gruff when he continued. “Lieutenant Stowe. I knew there was something – extraordinary – about you. So that’s who you are.” He surprised her by landing another hard slap to her ass. “A wealthy military brat. And a liar.”

  “I’m—not—a liar,” she panted.

  When she turned to glare at him, he grabbed the back of her hair loosely and forced her to look forward. “Keep your eyes ahead!”

  “Like hell!” Now, she was really pissed. “Let go!”

  But instead, he shifted. Keeping one hand on the back of her hair, pushing her head against the desk, one finger ran lightly along her mound, then slid inside.

  She gasped.

  “You’re wet.”

  She tried to shake her head, but couldn’t. “I’m not.”

  “You’re enjoying this.”

  He brushed her inner lips lightly, back and forth, back and forth.

  Again, she tried to close her legs, but his knee kept them open for his exploration.

  “You’re an asshole.”

  “Better an asshole than a liar. At least people know who I am.” His voice slid along her spine, and as his finger stroked her, sending every nerve singing, he continued to talk. “It all makes sense now. The attempts against your life. The security guards. Even the dean’s reaction to you.”

  She bucked, then cried out as his questing, tormenting finger entered her a second time.

  They both froze for a moment, and then Liam’s finger slid out of her. She started to take a deep breath, and then his finger plunged right back in.


  “You must—“ He was panting now, too. “Think I’m—such a fool.”

  “No.” She shuddered. “It wasn’t like that.”

  She wanted to explain it all. But he didn’t know. The dream her couldn’t know either.

  Suddenly, she wished she could think clearly. Jump back out of the dream before he grew suspicious, but she couldn’t. Her thoughts were a jumbled mess. His hands on her made it even more difficult, and her inner muscles clenching his finger seemed to scream you’re not going anywhere.

  “I’m not going to—fall for it
again,” he said.

  And suddenly, he withdrew his finger from her. His hand smacked her ass cheek again, and she bit down another cry. Six more slaps, each one harder than the next rained down on each side of her butt, coming closer to her mound each time. When he stopped, her inner thighs dripped with her juices, even while her ass felt hot and red.

  “You are under my command now, little human female. You will obey me, or you will be punished from now on, do you understand?”He released the back of her hair, trailing a hand down her spine to stroke the small of her back beneath her thin shirt.

  She wanted to argue with him, but more than that, she wanted his cock in her. But what if she could have both?

  “Maybe that’s true,” she retorted. “But you’d better enjoy being my boss at work, because on my off-time, you can’t control me.”

  He leaned over her, his breath hot on her ear. “What are you saying?”

  “That while each day you might be ass-fucking me all over the ship as my commander, some other man is going to fucking me every night in my bed.”

  Silence followed her words.

  “Is that right?”

  The danger in his voice raced along her spine. Maybe this was a bad idea? But it was too late to back down now.

  “That’s right.”

  He leaned forward farther, and to her shock, she felt cold cuffs close over her wrists.

  “What the hell?” She struggled against them, but they were chained to the ground beneath his desk.

  Damn it. This is why she normally had a rule not to let people touch her in their dreams. They controlled their minds. They could change the ‘world’ around her any way that suited them.

  “What are you doing?” she asked, trying to keep her voice firm.

  He moved away from her, and to her horror, she felt cuffs clamp around her ankles.

  If she could’ve Dream Jumped in that moment, she might have. He was angry, and she was completely at his mercy. As much as she wanted him inside her, as much as she’d always trust him not to hurt her, a flicker of fear raced through her.

  “So, your plan is to torture me then?” he growled angrily. “To parade your many lovers in front of me?”

  Be smart. Shut your mouth. But she couldn’t. “If you’re going to dish it out, I’m going to need someone else to ease the pain. I’m sure I’ll find someone who will know how to pleasure me better than you ever could.”

  Why, Hannah? Why?

  But even thought she knew how foolish she was being, the spark of rebellion that blazed inside her was hard to ignore. And not something she wanted to ignore.

  He shifted behind her, and she turned to see him slowly undressing. She was mesmerized by the sculpted muscles of his chest and stomach. As he unbuttoned his pants and slid them down his thighs, his manhood sprang to life, and her inner muscles tightened. He was so long and thick. Bigger than any man she’d seen before. Beautiful in a way she never thought a cock could be.

  Whatever punishment he planned for her she would take, as long as she could have him inside her.

  He ran a hand along her spine again, racing goose bumps along her flesh. “So the way I take you is becoming old, is it? You want something new? Better? Is that right?”

  She raised her chin and tried her best to look defiant, while being chained over a desk. “You bet, Commander.”

  He clenched the muscles in his jaw. “Done. And you’re going to get way more than you bargained for.”

  His hand went back to her womanhood, two fingers rubbing a smooth and steady rhythm as she ground herself against them. Suddenly, his fingers grasped the bud of her clit and squeezed.

  She screamed, pleasuring crashing over her in a wave that took her breath away.

  His manhood brushed her anus. Reflectively, she rubbed against him, wanting his length. His fingers continued to alternate between squeezing and rubbing her clit. As she cried out and bucked, the head of his cock entered her ass.

  Freezing. Tremors raced through her legs. “Liam…”

  “Quiet!” he snapped, flicking her clit.

  She cried out, and his cock slid deeper into her ass.

  Fear coursed through her. She’d never had a man there before. And besides, taking his enormous cock had been hard enough. If he did this, he’d split her in two.

  “You won’t fit,” she gasped.

  “I will,” he ground out.

  Three fingers entered her womanhood at once. They slid in and out, in and out. As she bucked around his fingers, she felt his cock sliding deeper and deeper inside her.

  At first it was uncomfortable, something she tried to ignore as her womanhood grew even wetter, her climax building with each stroke of his agile fingers. But then, he entered her completely. She knew by the feel of his hard body behind her.

  Then, he began to slide in and out of her ass, his fingers inside her womanhood matching his speed and pressure. She felt a sensation building inside her like nothing she’d felt before. Her hands clenched the desk. She arched to meet his every stroke.

  When one of his hands gripped her hip, and he began pounding into her, she exploded. Mind, body, and soul.

  Never had sex felt like this before, as if she was being torn apart in the best possible way. As if she was being filled completely. Her inner muscles squeezed his fingers, while her ass squeezed his massive cock.

  She screamed his name until she was hoarse. Stars exploded as her vision went from black to white. Coming, over and over again.

  And then he came, too, his hot seed filling her ass in a way that sent her over the edge again.

  As he lay on top of her, he reached beneath her thin bra with one hand and squeezed her nipple, causing a pleasure so sharp it was painful. “You are mine again, Hannah. Mine to command, and mine to claim. If I see you with another male, I’ll kill him. Do you understand?”

  She froze.

  Does he mean what he says? Is this truly how he feels?

  Opening her mouth, she decided to at last ask him how he felt for her, when she went tumbling into darkness.

  She hit the floor of her room, panting, her heart racing. A familiar melody played on her computer. Her father. Calling her in the middle of the night.

  Shaking, she clutched the edge of her bed and rose to her trembling legs. She needed a cold shower. Not this. But as always, duty came before all else. And if he was calling this late, chances were that something was terribly, terribly wrong.


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