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Desired by Dragons (Dragon Shifter Mega Bundle)

Page 128

by Scarlett Grove

  Lottie watched the endless stream of Draxos propaganda on television, and Freda grumbled as she held her backpack to her chest. She glanced at her watch and noticed that she only had half an hour to get ready for this ridiculous date with Sysko. She dropped her backpack on the floor and went to her bedroom.

  Freda quickly changed into the one dress she owned, a simple black knee-length tea dress that she’d worn to her college graduation. She brushed out her long brown hair and applied an extra coat of makeup. Instead of the usual colorless lip-gloss she wore, she decided to apply the red lipstick she used on rare occasions. After blotting the lipstick to a reasonable shade, she took one last look at herself in the mirror and left the bathroom. She slipped into a pair of pumps that she never wore because they pinched her feet, but made her legs look great, and walked down the hallway into the living room. Lottie almost dropped her second bowl of cereal when she saw Freda. Instead, she sputtered and choked as she sat her bowl on the table and stood.

  “Wow!” Lottie spurted as she tried to gulp down her last bite. “You look amazing.”

  “I'm going through a lot of trouble for this date,” Freda said grumpily.

  “That's like the one nice outfit you even own, isn’t it?” Lottie said. “How hard was it to put that on and apply some red lipstick.”

  “Hard enough,” Freda said looking at her watch. “Mr. Wonderful should be here any minute.”

  “I believe it’s Admiral Wonderful,” Lottie corrected.

  There was a knock at the door and Freda and Lottie looked at each other.

  “That must be Admiral Wonderful now,” Freda said walking to the door.

  Lottie squealed like the kid she was as Freda pulled open the door. She found Sysko standing on the other side with a cheesy grin, a tailored suit, and a bouquet of red roses. This time he had added a heart-shaped box of chocolates to his dating repertoire. He shoved it all into her hands and she accepted it as he seemed to congratulate himself with that continued cheesy grin.

  “I have come to escort you on our courtship ritual date,” Sysko intoned.

  Freda took the flowers and chocolates and passed them to Lottie who was waiting on the other side of the door. Her sister bounced up and down like she needed to pee, squealing and gritting her teeth with excitement.

  “I think my sister wants to go out with you more than I do,” Freda said. “Is there any way we could trade?”

  “Trade? My fated mate for her sister? Don't be absurd,” Sysko said, his face falling and his eyes drawing together to cause a deep crease between his brows.

  “I just thought I'd give it a shot,” Freda said. “I have a lot to do and my sister has nothing to do except sit around and watch Draxos infomercials.”

  “You are my one and only mate,” Sysko said, placing his hand on his heart. Or at least on what Freda assumed was his heart. She didn't know that much about Draxos anatomy.

  Sysko extended his elbow in offering to Freda.

  “Shall we?” he asked, his grin returning.

  “Sure, let's go,” she said, taking his arm.

  “So did you buy a new Porsche or did you come in your spaceship?”

  “I drove my speeder. But we should take the car to the restaurant. I don't think they have spaceship parking,” Sysko said as they walked down the hall.

  They took the stairs to the main floor and exited the building. Freda handed Sysko the keys to let him drive his own vehicle. It only seemed fitting since he did own the thing. She wasn't really sure how she felt about having his car parked in front of her building. It wasn't a very good part of town, and those kinds of vehicles were not common in the area. She was constantly afraid that the hubcaps would be removed or someone would steal the hood ornament. But when they got to the car, it was in perfect condition.

  “Human courtship ritual,” he announced. “I am opening your door for you.”

  “Right,” she said muttered, sliding into the seat.

  He closed the door behind her and went around to the driver’s side. He looked at her with that cheesy grin as he sat behind the steering wheel and turned the key in the ignition.

  “I'm taking you to Dominic’s,” he said. “A five-star restaurant in the city. I've heard it's impossible to get reservations, but I was able to get one for tonight.”

  “Impressive. Do you do that for all of your human dates?”

  “I have never had a date with a human. You are my one and only, Freda,” he said.

  Sysko parked in the lot behind Dominic’s, arriving at her door before she could even blink. These Draxos were quick, even in their bipedal form. He offered her his hand and she stepped out of the vehicle.

  “May I say that you look lovely this evening,” he said, offering her his arm again.

  She slid her hand through his elbow and muttered a muffled, “Thank you,” as they walked across the lot and entered the building.

  The atmosphere in Dominic’s was 100% upscale. It smelled of garlic, baguettes, and steak. The tinkling of conversation and music filled her ears. Dominic’s was a classic Italian bistro mixed with modern contemporary dining. There was track lighting in a snakelike pattern across the ceiling and the walls were all made of rustic brick. The maître d' showed them to a private table in a corner with a candle burning near a blooming bouquet of yellow roses.

  “May I suggest tonight specials?” the maître d' started.

  He continued telling them the day’s specials and just hearing about the fantastic food made Freda's stomach grumble. She was a college student, living on a college student budget and most of the time she ate her own cooking. Her mother had taught her to cook well, but sometimes it was nice to be treated to someone else's efforts. Especially if that someone else was a chef in a five-star restaurant.

  “I will have the braciola,” she said.

  “I will have the same,” Sysko said, handing the waiter the menus. “And your finest bottle of wine.”

  “Very good,” the maître d' said, taking down their order. “The sommelier will be right with you.”

  The sommelier returned with their bottle and poured their glasses. Freda took a sip of the Merlot and the flavor rolled over her tongue. It was nutty with slightly leathery undertones. She was not of big fan of dressing up in fancy clothes, but she was a fan of red wine, and the treat of such a vintage was something she definitely appreciated.

  “To our first date,” Sysko said, holding his wineglass up to her as if he wanted to toast.

  She clinked her glass tentatively against his and he smiled with satisfaction.

  “Human courtship ritual, toasting to our love,” he said.

  “Hold your horses there, buddy,” she said with a chuckle. “Nobody said we were in love. This is our first date. Remember?”

  “It is I who loves you, Freda Hayes,” he said.

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah, I remember. You're in a thrall. I'm the love of your life, etc., etc.,” she said, taking a long sip of wine this time.

  She hoped that the wine would calm her down and loosen her up for the date. She’d promised to give Sysko a chance, but sometimes he just seemed like an extremely tall, extremely well built, dork.

  “I have traveled across space, fighting the cyborgs with the hopes of saving my people and the people of the galaxy. In all of that time, I have hoped that someday my fated mate would reveal herself to me. But never did I imagine that she would be so beautiful, so intelligent, or as brave as you, my dear Freda,” he intoned with his hand on his heart.

  Freda resisted rolling her eyes. He said some really sweet things. It made her want to believe him.

  “So, you’re fighting the cyborgs because they attacked your people five hundred years ago, right?”

  “That is approximately correct,” he said.


  “A Draxos cycle is not exactly a human year.”

  “I see.”

  “But yes, the Draxos were attacked approximately five hundred human years ago with a vir
us that sickened our entire population. A good portion of our females died and ever since then the birth rate of female dragons have declined every cycle until now there are almost none.”

  “But you have a sister, right?” she asked. “Lottie told me.”

  “I do. My sister Joon is a brilliant scientist, working on a cure for the plague.”

  “She sounds like an interesting woman,” Freda said.

  “My sister is a determined scientist. She’s a lot like you.”

  Chapter 11

  How do you know that your transformation ritual won't kill me?” Freda asked pointedly.

  “Joon found the evidence in an ancient text. Our databases were destroyed during the cyborg invasion. Most of our historic information is fragmented and scattered across our solar systems. But Joon was able to find a detailed account of how the Draxos gods came to Earth and transformed humans into dragons. With that information, we created computer simulations that simulate the effect of the semen protein on a human female. We believe that if we follow the protocols exactly, it should result in a human female transforming into a dragon at the point of claiming,” he said.

  “That's very interesting,” she said scratching her chin. “Genetics are not my specialty, but I have an appreciation for the study. I would like to see the simulations you're talking about.”

  “I have some of the data on my wrist com,” he said, tapping a silver bracelet at his wrist. A holographic screen came up above his palm, and he began to scroll through the information. It was in a strange pattern of symbols that Freda recognized as the Draxos language.

  “I can't read that,” she said.

  “Let me translate it for you.”

  He tapped a few buttons and a moment later the information on the screen came up in English. She read through the data, not understanding most of it, but she could see that it was a true scientific study. Satisfied, she told him he could turn it off. A moment later, the waiter approached with their meals.

  “Is there anything else I can get you,” the waiter asked.

  “This is good,” Freda said.

  She took another sip of wine, cut into her braciola, and took a bite. The flavor was heavenly and she devoured her meal in under fifteen minutes. Sysko looked at her wide-eyed, impressed by her appetite.

  “You devour your food most greedily,” he said. “I find it extremely attractive.”

  “You think me stuffing my face is sexy?” she said with a full mouth.

  “It gives me ideas,” he said.

  “Ideas?” she asked, dabbing her mouth with her napkin.

  “Ideas I should not repeat in a polite conversation in public,” he said with a chuckle.

  “Ideas, huh?” she said with a giggle, the wine going to her head. Then she sighed. “You know, I haven't had a boyfriend in over three years.”

  “But you've had boyfriends in the past?” he asked.

  “I’m twenty-five years old and this is Earth.”

  “I didn't mean anything by that. I'm just curious what you expect from a boyfriend,” he said. “I would like to be your boyfriend.”

  “I know you want to be my boyfriend, Sysko. You also want to be my fated mate and turn me into a dragon.”

  “Don’t you like dragons? I hear that dragons are an important part of human mythology,” he said.

  “I’ve read my fair share of dragon books,” she admitted.

  “So why are you so skeptical when you meet one in person?”

  “You have to understand that a lot of the dragon myths have to do with sacrificing virgins,” she said, with a giggle, after taking another sip of wine.

  “You told me you had boyfriends before,” Sysko said carefully.

  If Freda had been drinking at that moment, she would have snorted it up her nose.

  “I've had boyfriends. But none of them have been dragons.”

  “I am glad to be your first dragon,” he said with a grin.

  The waiter came back and asked if they wanted any dessert. Sysko ordered everything on the menu before Freda could object. He poured her another glass of wine when the desserts arrived. Half a dozen delicious options were scattered across the table and they took bites of each one. Sysko pointed his fork at the tiramisu.

  “That was my favorite,” he said. “You have to try it.”

  He scooped a bite with his fork and aimed it toward her mouth. He looked straight into her eyes as the fork came toward her. She slowly parted her lips as the fork entered her personal space. He ever so gently placed the bite in her mouth, and she closed her lips around his fork. He withdrew the utensil and the tiramisu slid over her tongue. She groaned at the delicious flavor and looked into Sysko's sparkling eyes.

  She didn't know why, but something about the flavor of the dessert and the look in his eyes made her body spark to life. He did smell awfully nice, and he had been extremely kind to her. With the five-star meal and vintage wine settling in her stomach, she was in a much more convivial mood.

  “That is delicious,” she said.

  “I'm glad you enjoyed it,” he said moving closer.

  She took in a long draw of his scent and it washed over her body. She let out a sigh as his pheromones ran through her. She shook her head, wanting the sensation to go away, but once it started, it just wouldn't stop. She looked up at his black eyes and dark hair. He was so heavenly attractive that she wanted to reach out and touch him. But she held back. The waiter returned with the bill and Sysko paid it before they left the restaurant.

  “I’m taking you for a drive to see a view,” he said as he opened her car door in the parking lot.

  A moment later, they pulled out onto the nighttime street. The lights sparkled on the rain damped concrete, casting a hazy glow in the puddles that had accumulated on the ground. They turned several times until they came to a lookout with a view of the bay. The ships rolled by in the harbor, and they could see the entire Boston skyline. Freda let out a long sigh as she took in the spectacular sight.

  “It is really breathtaking,” she said. “I haven't been up here in a long time.”

  “I'm glad you like it,” he said.

  “I'm happy you took me here. I need to relax sometimes.”

  “You should always be relaxed,” he said. “When you are my bride, you will want for nothing.”

  “Everything’s falling apart. I miss my parents so much.”

  “I understand how hard it is for you not knowing where they are. I have my officers on the Black Phantom looking for them now.”

  “Thank you,” she said.

  “The Draxos value familiar relationships just as much as humans. I know it has been difficult for you. I'm here to do everything I can to help,” he said, turning to her and covering her hands with his.

  She wanted to deny it, but the touch of his skin on her hand sent a flash of desire down her spine and into her core. It shot up into her heart and exploded in her brain. She gazed up at Sysko, his big black eyes peering down at her.

  He tilted his head down toward her, cupping her face in his big hand. He pressed his warm full lips to hers. Freda gasped as it happened, caught off guard. She melted in his arms and let his probing tongue slide between her lips. He pulled her to him as the yearning grew. It wasn't just any kiss. It was like he was kissing her whole being. It was a kiss that would last a lifetime. A kiss that shattered worlds. She drew away, breathless and confused. Her whole body throbbed with excitement and something clicked inside her. She couldn't take it all in. Not now. Not yet.

  “I think it's time for you to take me home,” she muttered, trying to draw away from him and back into her own space.

  But it was no use. Something had changed inside her. Something had connected to him. Like Pandora's box, it couldn’t ever be closed again.

  Chapter 12

  How did it go?” Lottie asked as Freda walked through the door.

  Her heart was still pounding and her lips felt swollen from Sysko's kiss.

  “It was fine,
” Freda said.

  “It was more than fine,” Lottie said, standing from the couch. “I can see it written all over your face. Tell me right now.”

  “He kissed me,” Freda said.

  “Was it hot as heck?” Lottie asked.

  “It was like nothing I've ever experienced before,” Freda said, walking through the house as if in a dream.

  She kicked off her pumps and sank into the armchair, staring at the wall above the television. She still couldn't believe what had happened. One minute, they'd been talking and then the next minute he was kissing her. She felt that the whole world was turning upside down.

  All of her suspicion and doubt was seeping away into nothing. Now, all she wanted was to see him again and to know more about him. They had only scratched the surface of their relationship, and there was still so much more to learn. Sysko was a powerful man who was trying to get her attention. He certainly had it now.

  The kiss had been extraordinary, breathtaking, inspiring. More than anything, it had been arousing. She could still smell the scent of his skin and the taste of his breath. Her whole body felt electrified, even now as she sat in her apartment.

  “You're starting to feel the thrall now, aren't you?” Lottie asked, wide-eyed and staring at Freda.

  “I must be,” Freda said, shaking her head slowly.

  She had never felt anything like this before. From a kiss or anything else. Not even when she’d won valedictorian over Jamie Wright in twelfth grade. That had been one of her greatest accomplishments to date. Aside from graduating magna cum laude from her class at MIT.

  She’d believed that nothing would ever top beating Jamie Wright for valedictorian. But now, that paled in comparison to just one kiss from Admiral Sysko. She shook her head at herself. Was she turning into some kind of lovesick adolescent like her sister? That wasn’t her. But the fact remained, one kiss from Sysko had changed everything.

  It seemed as if the colors were more vivid, lights brighter, sensations more sensual, and flavors more enticing. How could this be? Suddenly, she believed everything the Draxos said. She not only believed it, she wanted to believe it.


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