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Sunny Mates and Murders

Page 2

by Anne R. Tan

  live in homes like this. A thrill of excitement ran through her. She could imagine dancing on the terrace under the moonlight with a Mr. Darcy during the birthday party.

  As the limo rounded a bend, a guard shack came into view. Raina couldn’t see through the tinted windows. A mounted security camera underneath the eaves pointed at the gate. As they cruised up the winding driveway, she saw more security cameras mounted on the trees. A man walking several Dobermans stopped to let them pass. Guard dogs.

  Raina shivered and turned away from the window. By the time the driver pulled up to the house, several people waited for them next to the double front doors. A footman opened the car door and closed it after Raina got out. He grabbed her bag from the trunk and headed toward the house.

  Sonny came down the steps to greet her. Thanks for showing up, he whispered into her ear. Come meet my older brother and his wife. You’ll meet everyone else at dinner.

  He led her up the steps toward the Chinese couple in their late-thirties. The brother had the placid face of someone used to hard living or endless partying. The woman had the dejected expression of a long-suffering wife. If an unhappy marriage had a look, this was it.

  A flutter of butterflies settled in Raina’s stomach. Why did the leadership go to Sonny? The Nine Dragons must have a strict power structure where the leadership went from father to the eldest son like most Chinese families. Did she have to worry about Jerry and his supporters this weekend, too?

  Raina, this is my brother, Jerry, and his wife, Lily, Sonny said, placing a hand on the small of her back and propelling her forward.

  Jerry flicked a glance at Raina, sweeping from head to toe, and raised an eyebrow. How much is he paying you this weekend? I’ll triple it so I don’t have to watch the charade.

  Lily gasped. Jerry!

  We both know she’s a high-class hooker here to make Myling jealous, Jerry said.

  Sonny’s face flushed, turning into a shade of eggplant. The silver scar on the side of his face stood out. How dare—

  Raina burst out laughing, throwing her head back. Her a high-class hooker? Yeah, if a man wanted a scrawny Chinese girl with hair like a bird’s nest.

  All three of the Kwans gaped at her.

  Sorry, I’m just not used to the compliment, Raina said. Usually I’m the one who would have to fork over the big bucks for Mr. Hotshot. She slapped Sonny in the butt. Why don’t you show me the bedroom so you can ravish me as promised before dinner?

  Lily jumped at the sound. Um, yes... It’s a good idea to settle in first. We’ll have plenty of time to get to know each other.

  Where is the ring? Jerry asked, his voice heavy with doubt.

  I’m just too picky. We’ve visited several jewelry stores, but I can’t seem to find anything that’s my style, Raina said. She shrugged one shoulder. It has to be the right one.

  Sonny took a deep breath. As the flush left his face, his eyes twinkled with amusement.

  Jerry glowered at them. Whatever. Myling will eat you for breakfast, girl.

  Raina beamed at Sonny, ignoring Jerry’s comment. I need to thank her. If Sonny didn’t come out to San Francisco after she left, I would never have met him.

  Score one for Sonny, Raina thought. Would she be subject to verbal combats between the brothers all weekend?

  Sonny nodded at his brother, grabbed Raina’s hand, and led them upstairs. At the landing area, he whirled around and thoroughly kissed Raina. He broke off the kiss as suddenly as he started it.

  You were fantastic. I knew you were the right girl for this, he said.

  Raina wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. Keep your hands and your mouth to yourself when we are not performing. I should get hazard pay for this.

  What happened to friends with benefits?

  We’re not friends.

  He pressed his hands to his heart like she had wounded him. Ah! You hurt me.

  Raina took a step toward him. I can make it worse. Now where’s my grandfather’s journal?

  He waved a finger. Not until tomorrow morning.

  Why is your ex coming to this party?

  The amusement left his face. She’s now married to Freddie Low, the Dai Lo for the Black Tiger triad in New York City. They are coming to pay their respects to my grandfather and to cash in a favor. They are having problems with the Italian mob, and they want our help.

  Raina shivered and turned to look outside the window at the rolling green lawns. A whole weekend surrounded by criminals that would give Matthew a heart attack? And a power struggle between Sonny and his brother Jerry? This was a much deeper game than she’d expected.

  * * *

  Raina frowned at the image in the full-length mirror in the bedroom suite. The magenta silk dress looked fabulous, except when she looked down at her chest. The cups built into the bust area were too big for her petite frame. Every time she shifted, the material bunched into unattractive indentations. She didn’t know whether she should be flattered or offended that Sonny thought she could fill out the dress.

  As she marched to the bathroom, the charms on the hair sticks in her chignon jingled merrily. She grabbed the roll of toilet paper and marched back to the mirror. It had been years since she felt the need for padding, but what was a girl to do in this situation? She stuffed the toilet paper in her chest, shifted the wads until they looked natural, and hoped they didn’t drop out when she leaned in to sip her soup. This would make a wonderful impression on Sonny’s ex.

  Raina grabbed her evening bag and stepped into the hall. Showtime. The hubbub of conversation drifted toward her the closer she got to the stairs. Yikes! She was supposed to be in line with the rest of the Kwan family to greet the arriving guests. She trotted as quickly as the three-inch heels allowed, swaying like an elephant on stilts. Down the hall, down the stairs, and across the foyer.

  Jerry, Lily, and Sonny stood by the front door—smiling, nodding, and shaking hands with people. The brothers ignored each other, and the grandfather was MIA. Raina would probably meet the patriarch of the family during dinner. Lily’s smile was brittle, and she played with the beads on her gold dress whenever she didn’t have to speak to anyone. Playing referee between the two brothers must be exhausting.

  For the next forty minutes, Raina smiled and nodded like Miss Universe on steroids. While there was no open hostility from the guests, she could sense an underlying tension among Nine Dragons senior members. The handful of family ignored the men from the triad and banded together like sheep surrounded by a wolf pack.

  Sonny stiffened, and Raina followed his gaze to the couple coming in through the front door. Must be the ex and her new husband, Myling and Freddie Low. Jerry and Lily stepped up to greet the couple, and an aunt came over to pinch Sonny’s cheek. He pointedly ignored the Lows. Disaster averted.

  Raina shifted so she could see the ex.

  Freddie Low said something and wrapped a protective hand on his wife’s back. Jerry reacted as if Freddie threw a glass of water on his face. His head jerked back, and he turned ashen.

  Lily glanced at Sonny, but caught Raina’s eyes, and averted her gaze. She pasted a stoic smile on her face, but the lights weren’t on inside the house.

  Myling blushed and placed a hand on her flat stomach. The corners of her lips curled into a satisfied smile like a cat who lapped up all the cream.

  Raina’s eyes widened. Is Myling pregnant?

  The aunt moved on, and another couple came to shake Sonny’s hand. By the time Raina glanced over at Jerry and Lily again, the Lows had disappeared into the ballroom. Sonny appeared relaxed, but Raina was afraid of his reaction when he heard of Myling’s pregnancy.

  Eventually, everyone went in the ballroom for drinks and appetizers.

  Raina wiggled her toes. I hope you appreciate my sacrifice for being your eye candy. My back is killing me in these shoes.

  Sonny glanced down at her feet. Why don’t you change into something more comfortable?

  Are you sure?

There’s time before dinner.

  What kind of help is Myling’s husband looking for?

  It’s none of your concern.

  Raina glanced down at her shoes. He was right. She didn’t want to get involved with his life or his business. Myling doesn’t look remotely jealous that you’re with someone else.

  Sonny’s face became expressionless. I’m over her.

  Oookay. Raina dragged the word out. If he were over her, then how come he didn’t greet her? So why am I here?

  You’re here so my grandfather doesn’t set me up with someone, Sonny said. I don’t want to marry for an alliance.

  You don’t strike me as someone who wants to marry for love. Actually, he didn’t strike Raina as someone who would think about marriage. Didn’t he have enough problems without a woman to further complicate his life?

  I don’t want a marriage like my brother’s. Lily’s family controls the drug trade in Thailand. At first, it seemed the marriage might work, but then Jerry found out she is barren. Now they’re stuck with each other.

  Why can’t they get a divorce?

  And sever the ties to the Nine Dragons’ best supplier? Sonny shrugged. Not going to happen as long as my grandfather is alive.

  Is their childless situation the reason you became Dai Lo?

  Sonny studied her as if weighing her worth. In the end, he found her lacking. Are you going to change your shoes?

  Raina held up the palms of her hands. I’m trying to understand what’s expected of me. What will you tell them…when this is over?

  He gave her a cheeky grin. What if you want to stay engaged? There are advantages to being a Big Sister.

  Since Dai Lo’s literal translation meant big brother, his wife would naturally be a big sister in the criminal organization.

  An image of diamonds and expensive clothes flashed through Raina’s mind. But an orange jumpsuit hovered over the privileged life built on a foundation of dirty money. Sorry, this isn’t the life I want for me or my future children.

  Smart girl.

  Raina glanced at the pile of gifts on the side table next to the staircase. Three wine glasses were clustered at the end of the table and the wine tray tipped against the wall to make room for the gifts. An old-fashioned desk clock sat like a cake topper in the middle of the pile. She gasped, pointing at the clock. Where did that come from?

  Dread settled into her stomach. To give someone a clock meant the giver wished the recipient would die. And to give one as a birthday gift was extremely bad luck. This Chinese superstition had caused more than one multi-generational family feud in the old country. Who would want Kwan Gong to die?

  Sonny marched over to the gifts and snatched up the clock. Did you see who brought this?

  She shook her head. It must have been concealed. Who would be stupid enough to walk in holding it? Especially when half the guests were packing heat.

  His knuckles whitened around the clock. I have to get rid of this before anyone else sees it.

  Raina watched Sonny march out of the foyer and past the ballroom. She took a deep breath, spooked by the clock, and Sonny’s reaction to it. Superstition ran deep in many modern Chinese families, and a hidden enemy was baiting the Kwans.


  The Walking Dead

  Raina swiped a glass of wine from the side table. She took a gulp of wine and smacked her lips at the faint berry taste. Yum. She trotted upstairs to change her shoes. Maybe she could even hide out in her room for a few minutes. Her purse buzzed, and by the ringtone, she knew it was her grandma. She sat down on the stone bench in the nearest alcove and pulled out her phone.

  Got a backup lifeline. On my way

  She took another gulp of wine. When her gaze returned to the phone, the message was still there. Why couldn’t her grandmother follow directions? Her fingers flew across the screen on her phone.

  Stay home. We’re in the limo—


  Raina glanced up from the phone but didn’t see anyone in the hallway. She returned to her text message.

  —going to a hotel ballroom—

  Someone moaned. Thud! Thud!

  Raina glanced up to see Jerry staggering toward her. Where did he come from?

  Jerry kept his chin tucked against his chest. He moaned again, hunched over his stomach. He was less than a foot away from Raina, but he didn’t seem to be aware of her. She opened her mouth to call out to him, but he gasped. A hoarse rattling sound that sent a chill down her spine and froze her on the spot. He fell to his knees beside her and sprawled across her lap before she could react.

  Raina managed to save the wine, but the impact of Jerry’s body falling on her lap knocked the phone out of her hands and the stuffing out of her. A toilet paper wad from her bra dropped onto the back of his neck. She blinked, but the crumpled white paper was still on the black hair. She used her index finger to nudge the side of his head, but he didn’t move…or breathe.


  She glanced around the small alcove in the east wing of the mansion but didn’t see anything that could get her out of her current situation. It seemed rather callus to push him off her lap, but his dead weight pinned her lower body to the stone bench.

  Her hand shook, but she slurped down the rest of the wine without spilling it on her dress. She didn’t want a stain on her chest when she spoke to the police later. She had no doubt they would be joining the party before the end of the evening.

  But first, she had to get away from Jerry before the henchmen showed up, or his wouldn’t be the only dead body lying around. With the two factions of the Nine Dragons faking nice downstairs, Sonny would kill her himself for adding to his to-do list when he was already hustling to solidify his leadership.

  Raina set the crystal flute down, re-padded the girls with the toilet paper, and took a deep rattling breath. She lifted her shaking hands, hovering them over Jerry’s head. Her heart hammered against her chest.

  What the—

  Raina glanced up. Sonny! She sagged back against the wall behind her. Get him off me. Her voice came out in an unfamiliar high pitch.

  Sonny rushed over from the intersection where the main hall led to the east wing. He grabbed his brother’s shoulder and shook him. Jerry! No answer. He turned his brother over, sliding him onto the floor.

  Raina wiggled her toes, sharpening the pins and needles feeling. She hobbled into a standing position but held onto the wall in case she toppled over in her heels.

  Sonny felt for a pulse on Jerry’s neck. His brown eyes darkened, highlighting the silver scar on the side of his face. He glanced at Raina. Did someone pay you to kill my brother?

  The blood rushed in Raina’s ears, and she swayed. If Sonny, the Dai Lo of the Nine Dragons triad, turned on her, she was dead meat. She shook her head.

  I was texting my grandma…I heard a shuffle, and he fell on me, knocking my phone onto the floor. She pointed at the pieces of her phone on the floor. He made a gurgling sound…went limp…I don’t know what happened. Her breaths came out in short, noisy puffs. She refused to glance at Jerry’s swollen face.

  Sonny checked his brother’s pockets and came up with a cell phone and wallet. He flipped through the wallet and put it back into Jerry’s pocket. Give me your purse.

  Raina clutched the tiny evening bag in front of her. Can I go home now? I don’t want to be involved in this.

  Sonny snatched the purse from her and tossed his brother’s phone inside. He scooped up the pieces of her phone and also dumped it inside her handbag. He grabbed her hands, dragging her away from the intersection. Too late, Rainy. Dinner is about to start. Let’s go.

  Raina trotted alongside him, her heels clicking on the floor, and the silk dress fluttering against her legs. What about Jerry?

  We’ll talk later, but we can’t be seen with his body. Neither of us would survive the fallout.

  But you’re Dai Lo...

  The other faction would love to use Jerry’s death to get rid of me.

na stumbled and would have fallen if Sonny hadn’t caught her. As his fake fiancée, she was also caught in the middle of the criminal organization’s power struggle. And all because she wanted to get her deceased grandfather’s journal back. Why didn’t she say no when Sonny suggested the faked engagement?

  Footsteps headed toward them from the staircase.

  Raina couldn’t breathe. Oh, no…

  Sonny tugged her against a doorway. Follow my lead. His tone was calm, and his eyes glittered with excitement. He was obviously enjoying the rush of adrenaline from the trap closing in on them. He ran his fingers through her chignon until the hairpins fell against the floor.

  Raina grabbed the hair sticks. What are you doing? she whispered.

  He buried one hand in her curly black hair and put the other on her hip. Now wrap a leg around me.

  She ignored his instruction. There was no way she could hold herself upright in these heels with only one foot on the ground.

  He pressed his firm body against her, and she jumped at the bulge. She shouldn’t be surprised he had a gun, but the reminder he wasn’t one of the good guys wasn’t something she needed at the moment. His lips crushed hers, and she stiffened.

  Relax, he mumbled against her mouth.

  The footsteps came closer.

  Raina flung her arms around him and kissed him like her life depended on it. His tongue traced her lower lip, and his scent—a light breezy aftershave with hints of his maleness—enveloped her. The fabric of his tuxedo brushed against her skin. Her legs wobbled with fear, and he tightened his grip on her.

  She was going to die. They would take her outside and beat her for answers. They would pull out her fingernails and…

  Ahem, someone said.

  Sonny slowly pulled away from her and caught her wide eyes. They have silicone padding that is more natural, Rainy, he whispered. He leaned in to kiss her nose.

  Raina blinked at his comment. What?

  He turned to glare at Cat and another henchman. What do you want? The chill in his voice cooled Raina’s blood.


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