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Harrison (Devil's Flame MC Book 4)

Page 8

by Romi Hart

  “He’s in room 125. Upstairs on the second floor, down the hall first door on the left. I show he’s scheduled to be discharged this morning also,” she said as Skye nodded, heading toward the elevators.

  Skye’s heart pounded in her chest and echoed loudly in her ears. She had no idea why she was so nervous, other than her own unresolved feelings, but that shouldn’t matter at this point. It was all about Harrison and his well being.

  As she got closer to the room, she could hear voices, and it didn’t sound like a pleasant conversation. She stood outside the door against the wall, not wanting to interrupt, and listened to what the doctor was saying.

  “You were lucky this time. Next time could be a very different story. I drink a bit myself on occasion, but drinking your life away isn’t smart. Death by alcohol poisoning isn’t pleasant, either,” the doctor said.

  “I get it, Doc. I’ve never done this before, and trust me, it won’t happen again. I’ve still got problems, and now I’ve got a major headache to go with them,” Harrison replied.

  There was a short laugh. “Sit tight, and I’ll go make a copy of these papers for you and get your discharge instructions. I’ll be right back,” the doctor said. He stepped out of the room before Skye could back up and quirked a brow at her as he walked away.

  She steeled herself and walked in the room to find Harrison sitting on the edge of bed looking like death warmed over, his pallor pale and jaundiced and his eyes dull. He gazed up at her with a look of absolute shock.

  She stood in front of him and crossed her arms over her chest. She had so many things she wanted to say to him, but she couldn’t open her mouth to let any of them out for fear that she might lose control of her emotions and cry. She was damn sure not about to cry in front of him.

  “What are you doing here?” he asked, sounding almost suspicious.

  “I came to make sure you were still among the living since none of the bastards that were with you stuck around,” she said. “You are one stupid motherfucker, you know that?”

  “I know.” His shoulders slumped, and he rolled his eyes. “It started with one drink and by the time I realized I needed to stop it was too late. It won’t happen again, trust me. I’m not ready to be six feet under just yet.”

  “Yeah, well, you should have thought about that before you drank yourself into oblivion and scared us to death,” she chastised.

  He looked at her with a mischievous glance and smiled. “Us?” he asked. Skye tried not to squirm under the scrutiny, and she held her tongue. “I know the guys weren’t worried. They knew I’d be fine and headed home. So, you and who else?”

  Uncomfortable with the direction of the conversation, she breathed a sigh of relief as the doctor came back in with all the papers, glad to be saved from answering the question. Still, as everything was explained, she could barely stand still, the way Harrison watched her with a heated gaze making her body response in ways she didn’t want to admit.

  Finally, when Harrison had collected his belongings, they headed out toward her car, and he scowled at his phone, which was apparently dead. “What about my bike? It’s still at that house,” he said.

  She plopped her phone into his hand. “Call someone else to get it.” She wasn’t about to drive over to a scene of drunken people passed out everywhere so he could retrieve his bike, not when she knew what sort of debauchery had gone on simply from Harrison’s poor decisions.

  She slammed the car door and turned over the engine. Harrison got in and buckled his seatbelt while he stared at her, phone to his ear as he grumbled instructions to whoever he’d called. She looked straight ahead and pretended like she didn’t notice his gaze on her.

  She focused on the road with determination to keep from making eye contact with him. She pretended to enjoy the scenery and looked in the mirrors a lot to give him the impression she wasn’t paying him any attention. The truth was, Skye watched him from the corner of her eye, missing nothing as he continued to openly gaze at her and squirm in his seat. The thought of him watching her with such intensity made her heart beat faster, and more erratically. Her palms started to sweat, and she felt moisture begin to dampen her thighs as her thoughts returned to more intimate things. Skye wanted him, wanted every inch of his cock buried inside her again, even after his violent reaction that nearly ruined her career, after his binge drinking episode, after they fought. It was crazy, but she couldn’t deny that her attraction to him was only growing. And yet, she wasn’t sure where he stood. Did he still want her, or was she just some conquest to him? She knew he wanted her, it was clear in his eyes, but in what capacity was beyond her. And honestly, she was afraid to ask him.

  The drive seemed far longer than even the one she’d made to get to him, with the silence looming between the two of them. Even the sound of his voice as they neared home and he gave her directions to his place echoed around them and felt distant.

  Finally, he pointed to his house, and she pulled into his driveway and shut the car off, not really knowing what to say. He remained in the passenger seat, looking at her like he wanted to say something but hesitated to speak. Skye wondered if he was thinking about asking her inside, her heart thumping at the prospect and her head screaming to duck and run.

  Eventually, he opened the door and started to get out. “Thank you for coming to get me, Skye. It really means a lot to me that you did,” he said as he turned away from her.

  He stopped as he put one foot out the door and looked back to face her, planting his lips on hers. The kiss held a desperate quality, but he pulled away quickly, scanning her face for a reaction before pressing his lips to firmly against hers once more, with more force but just as briefly.

  He got out and came around in a rush, throwing the door open and yanking her out. Kicking the door closed, he grabbed her hand, and Skye had to run to keep up while he fumbled with his keys. He unlocked the door and drew her inside, grabbing her and wrapping her in a crushing embrace. Wasting no time, Harrison crushed his lips to hers urgently, and Skye wasn’t about to protest.

  “I don’t know if I can fight my feelings for you anymore, Skye,” he said as he pulled the zipper on her dress.

  “Then don’t,” she said as the material pooled on the floor, revealing her naked breasts.

  Harrison groaned and dropped on his knees in front of her. He gently took one of her perky breasts in his hand and massaged it, gently sucking the hardened pebble of the other. Skye felt the heat shoot through her body and come to rest at the apex of her thighs as her heart raced, her breathing picking up.

  He attended to both of her breasts as she panted in anticipation. As he sucked her nipple, his hand roamed her body, and his fingers found their way to the fabric of her panties. He groaned against her breast as he felt the wetness there. He slid the fabric to the side and carefully caressed the slippery folds of flesh between her legs. Skye cried out and grabbed his shoulder to steady herself as he started circling her throbbing clit with his thumb. As she began to moan louder, he grabbed the material and slid it down her legs. Harrison grazed his teeth across her nipple as he threw them across the room. He continued working her clit until she was almost to climax and could barely stand, turning her to push her backwards until the couch was touching the back of her legs. She stumbled and sat on the arm of the couch, grateful for the support.

  Skye’s breath came in hard pants as he spread her legs and buried his face between them, throwing her knees over his shoulders. The sound of his groans of pleasure as he devoured her with his tongue sent her to the edge. Skye knew it wouldn’t be long until she went over it.

  “Oh, Harrison! That feels so fucking good. Please don’t stop!” she begged as his tongue danced in circles around her swollen nub and darted in and out of her with swift thrusts. And the levee broke.

  She fisted her hands in his hair as she rode the wave of her release crying out in pure pleasure. He groaned as her juices flowed into his mouth, and that heightened her sensation. An animalistic need
took over, and Skye rolled backward where she maneuvered herself so that she was on her knees. Crooking a finger at him, she pushed him to the couch as she made quick work of removing his pants and taking his hard cock deep inside her mouth. He let out a low growl and wove his fingers through her hair, gently guiding her motions. His breathing quickened as she bobbed up and down on his throbbing erection.

  “Don’t make me come, Skye. I need to feel your wet pussy around my cock,” he groaned as he pulled her onto his lap.

  Skye straddled him and impaled herself on his shaft, moaning softly as he filled her. He held her hips as she rocked back and forth on him, making them both moan in pleasure. She had not expected to give herself to him like this again with no clarification as to what was between them, but that didn’t matter now. Skye quickened her pace, and Harrison groaned louder.

  “Oh, yeah, that’s it,” he urged. “I want to feel you pour on my cock.”

  She bounced faster, urging herself towards climax as he held her hips groaning in pleasure. She toppled over the edge without warning, and she screamed out as her walls pulsed around his cock bringing him to his release at the same time.

  Unfortunately, the comedown was almost immediate, and she wondered if it was a mistake. She was still so angry at him. He seemed to have absolutely no respect for women and yet had shown her nothing but respect when they talked. And then her turned around and played the macho asshole.

  Skye was confused and needed to think things through. She got up and headed to the bathroom to clean herself up, gathering the clothes that he had thrown all over the room as she went. He remained on the couch, she jumped as he grabbed her hand and looked up at her as she walked past.

  “Stay with me tonight” he asked. She stared at him for a moment and sat back down beside him. Skye knew she shouldn’t agree, but something in her just did not have the ability to tell him no, not with the insanely vulnerable expression he wore.

  She couldn’t be involved with someone like him. It would ruin her life, but there was something about him that she couldn’t stay away from, like a moth to the flame that was its own demise. And what if there was something mutual between them? Was that good or bad?

  Either way, Skye sensed his need for some sort of reassurance that the world wasn’t ending, so she sighed and nodded. Despite his rough exterior, he had some issues with confidence that he buried, and she would at least try to pacify those concerns.


  Weeks passed, but that day stuck with Harrison to the point of madness. He’d been with so many women, but the idea that one knew how to crawl deep under his skin and stay there was mystical and terrifying. The sex was undeniably the best he’d had, but it wasn’t just that. He cherished the experience, and that was a term he never thought he’d use with a woman.

  But now, it was as if nothing had happened. He wasn’t sure if he wanted that anymore. He knew he felt something special toward her, but the hell if he wanted to admit it to himself or anyone else. So, it had been business as usual, and he hated watching the men paw at her. Still, he kept his temper in check and hadn’t knocked the piss out of anyone, although it was tempting.

  The other guys had acted like nothing had ever happened, and it seemed as if they didn’t care whether he was alive or dead. Harrison shook the thought from his mind for the umpteenth time and focused on security, knowing he was just moody. As Skye was finishing her last dance of the night, Eli and Rafe came in and joined him.

  “Hey man, how’s it going tonight?” Eli asked as he smacked Harrison on the shoulder.

  “Just a normal night in paradise. I only had to kick one person out, and I did it without beating his face in. You should be proud,” he joked.

  Eli laughed as he turned his attention to the next girl on the stage. He had reason for coming up to Harrison but seemed distracted. Or maybe it was an act to ease some sort of harsh blow. Harrison gave him a few minutes before addressing reality.

  “So, is there a reason you came to annoy me while I’m working?” he asked with a teasing grin, trying to keep it light.

  Eli glanced over, then nodded and motioned for Harrison to follow him and Rafe to the back. As they made their way, Harrison made eye contact with Skye striding toward the bar. She smiled briefly before looking away. Had he done something wrong that he didn’t know about? Again? He would have to ask her later. He obviously had other issues right now.

  “What is it, Eli?” he asked as they walked into a secluded area of the club.

  “The Diamond Kings clubhouse was attacked last night by the Ravens, and they want our help with the counterattack. Do you want in, or do you want to stay here and run point on security?” he asked him. “We ride out tomorrow afternoon and hit them hard around midnight.”

  “Hell yes, I want in!” Harrison stated adamantly. He knew when Skye found out she would be pissed, but he couldn’t worry about that. She’d made no claims on him, and his club needed him. Harrison would always put that family first.

  “This one’s extremely dangerous, Harrison,” Rafe warned. “Kira’s not thrilled, to say the least. . We meet at six, bright and early, to discuss the details.”

  They made their way back out to the main room where Skye sat at the bar chatting with Charlie. Harrison knew he needed to tell her about the run. Honesty would go a long way with her, but he was afraid she would rage at him. He sucked in a deep breath and headed her direction. His heart beat faster, and his palms got clammy as he tried to calm himself. He dreaded this, but he owed it to her if he ever meant to consider something happening between them.

  What a horrifyingly delightful thought.

  “Hey, Harrison. How is it going tonight?” she asked in a cheerful tone as he approached.

  Shit. He was about to ruin that mood. Harrison froze, not knowing what to say so he shrugged and put on his charming smile. He’d caused her so much grief already. Maybe now wasn’t the time to address this particular issue.

  He threw back the shot that Charlie had handed him and turned to face Skye. Taking a deep breath and nodding, he steeled himself. “Can we go talk some place quiet?” he asked her softly, stepping in closer, where he could smell the perfume she wore and feel her body heat rolling off.

  Her eyes crinkled with worry, but she nodded and led him back to her dressing room, closing the door. She sat at the vanity, and he sat in the chair across from her. Harrison tried to figure out what he needed to say to her. He didn’t want her mad at him again, but she seemed to take issue with his participation in other club business.

  He ran his fingers through his hair and let out a deep sigh. “The Flames are taking another business run, and I’m going along. It’s a little different, but we’re still working with the Kings,” he said as he watched her face for a reaction.

  “What do you mean, different? What are you getting into with those guys this time?” she asked, skepticism and panic sneaking into her voice.

  Harrison wanted nothing more than to keep her calm, but he couldn’t give her any details. Club business was private, and if they get caught giving out information, they could be booted from the club. He wouldn’t risk that. The club was his family, and he couldn’t lose that, not even for a woman.

  “I can’t tell you much. It’s club business, and you need to keep your nose out of it,” he said, a bit snappier than he had intended.

  “You don’t have to be nasty,” she retorted.

  He held up a hand to stop her, shaking his head. “I’m sorry, I’m not trying to snap at you. sometimes it’s hard keeping things under wraps. It frustrates me.

  Her posture eased, but her expression remained tight. “I don’t think you should go, Harrison. Look what happened last time.”

  He tried to stay patient. She had no clue she was the reason for the deadly binge, and he couldn’t tell her, either. Somehow, he doubted that would go well. Harrison would rather let her think he was a fuck up. But now, he had no idea what to say to her to turn this around. He was going on the run, a
nd she couldn’t make him stay, but he hated leaving it this way. She had to understand this was his job as much as watching the club.

  “I’m going, Skye. The club needs my help. In fact, most of us are going, except handpicked prospects to provide security here,” he said in a firm tone. “It’s not up for discussion.”

  She rolled her eyes. “I know you need to feel all big and bad, but one thing I know is that it’s dangerous, or it wouldn’t be hushed. And believe it or not, I care about you, and I don’t want anything to happen to you,” Skye admitted.

  He was taken back by her confession and had no idea how to respond. He was tempted to break the rules and confide in her, what little he knew, but if she told someone, his life would be over.

  Why was she so so damn special to him? He didn’t want to ruin anything by keeping secrets, but when it came to the club, he had to keep her at arm’s length, for her safety and his.

  “Please don’t be angry. I have to go. I won’t let anything happen to me,” he declared as he stood and moved closer to her, pulling her up from her chair.

  Wrapping his arms around her, held her close for a few moments before pulling away from the embrace and pressing his lips softly to hers. He ended the kiss before it could become more passionate. he couldn’t afford to go there now. He might just change his mind and stay with her.

  “I have to go,” he groused. “Please don’t be angry with me,” he reiterated as he kissed her again and left the room. He wanted so much more, but it would have to wait.

  The disappointment and hurt on her face resonated with him, and he couldn’t get the image out of his mind. But there was nothing he could do about it. He was a Devil’s Flame first, always and forever, and she would have to accept that above all else.

  Still, he hated knowing she was upset. He hoped she would be safe at the club. He thought about who to leave in charge. He didn’t know any man that wouldn’t enjoy getting to look at tits and ass all day, but he would have to find someone who could keep an eye out on security without being overly distracted by the main view.


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