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From Farm to Fortune; or, Nat Nason's Strange Experience

Page 31

by Jr. Horatio Alger



  Once at the police station, Nat made a charge against Nick Smithers, andthen the swindler was asked what he had to say for himself.

  "This is all a mistake," he said. "I am not the person."

  "He is wanted in Chicago as well as in New York City," went on our hero.

  In the meantime another officer had been looking up Nick Smithers'picture in the rogues' gallery.

  "I don't think the young man is mistaken," he said. "Wait till Itelephone to New York for more particulars."

  This was done, and inside of an hour the rascal's identity was fullyestablished. Then Nick Smithers broke down.

  "It's all up with me, and I may as well confess," he said, scowling atNat. "But I must say, I never thought a country boy would run me down."

  "Well, you see, I am not quite as green as I used to be," answered Nat,with a faint smile.

  "But you missed it by not coming to me on the quiet," went on NickSmithers. "Had you done so, you might have gotten your hundred dollarsback. As it is, you'll not get a cent."

  "That remains to be seen," answered our hero.

  When Nat could get away from the police station he hurried at once tothe law offices of Messrs. Caswick & Sampson, as directed by Mr.Garwell.

  "So you are the young man John Garwell telegraphed about," said Mr.Sampson, shaking hands. "I am glad to meet you. The business on handconcerns you personally as well as it concerns your employer."

  "Concerns me?" ejaculated Nat, in wonder. "How is that?"

  "I am interested in a piece of property located in New York City, nearCentral Park. By some papers which you turned over to Mr. Garwell itwould seem that you are likewise interested in the land."

  "Through my grandfather?"


  "Then he really owned a share of the land?"

  "He did, and so far as Mr. Garwell and I can ascertain he never sold outhis claim."

  "What is the claim worth?"

  "You will have to ask Mr. Garwell about that. He wanted me to signcertain documents, and let you take them to New York to-night. Can youdo that?"

  "I think I can. But the police may wish to detain me." And then our herotold of the arrest of Nick Smithers. Mr. Sampson became interested, andin the end went to the station with Nat. He knew some of the officials,so our hero had no more trouble.

  "We shall send the rascal to New York as soon as the officers down therewant him," said one of the police officials; and, later on, this wasdone.

  Not to lose time, our hero took the night train for the metropolis. Hehad a berth in the sleeper, but it was a long while before he could getto sleep. There were many things to think about, and the question ofproperty near Central Park was an absorbing one.

  Arriving in New York, he went to his boarding house for breakfast, andthen hurried down to the office. It was not until ten o'clock that JohnGarwell appeared.

  "Did you get the papers from Mr. Sampson?" was his employer's firstquestion.

  "Yes, sir."

  "And fix up those matters at Springfield, too?"

  "Yes, Mr. Garwell, and I did some other things, too," added Nat. "I hadthat rascal, Hamilton Dart, alias Nick Smithers, arrested."

  "Is it possible! Tell me the particulars," and Nat did so. "We must dowhat we can to get your money back. This chap may have some propertysomewhere."

  "Well, even if I don't get the money back, it's a satisfaction to puthim where he belongs," said our hero.

  "Perhaps you'll not be so anxious to get that hundred dollars afteryou've heard what I have to tell, Nat," went on John Garwell, with aquiet smile.

  "What have you to tell, Mr. Garwell?"

  "It's about that property in which your grandfather and your father wereinterested."

  "Is there a share coming to me?"


  "What is it worth?"

  "That remains to be learned. The hotel folks want all that tract ofland, as I told you. I shall advise you to hold out for sixty thousanddollars."

  "Sixty thousand dollars!" gasped Nat, thinking he had not heard aright.


  "Do you mean to say that you think my share in that property is worthsixty thousand dollars?"

  "Either that or pretty close to it. I would not take a cent less thanfifty-five thousand dollars."

  "It's a--a fortune!"

  "It certainly is a neat sum of money for any lad to fall heir to. Itrust, if you do get it, that you invest it wisely."

  "I'll do my best to do that, Mr. Garwell. But this--stumps me! Sixtythousand dollars! What will Uncle Abner say when he hears of it!"

  "I'm afraid he will be a bit jealous. I'm jealous myself," added thereal estate broker, with a twinkle in his eye.

  "I know you are not," answered Nat, honestly. "Just the same, sir, if Iget that money, you are going to have your full share for helping me getit."

  "Well, I shan't object to my regular commission."

  "And you are going to have more," added Nat, firmly.

  "The way matters have turned out will make that Shanley of Brooklynsick," continued John Garwell. "And it will make Rufus Cameron sick,too. The business will be transacted entirely through me, and they willnot get a cent in commissions."

  "Well, I'm glad to get back at Rufus Cameron," answered Nat. "I haven'tforgotten how he treated me."

  "His aunt will have nothing more to do with him. He has got to supporthimself."

  "I hope it makes a man of him," said our hero.

  The next three weeks were busy ones for Nat. He had to appear againstNick Smithers, who was brought to New York, tried, and sentenced toseveral years in prison. It was found that there was money coming to theswindler, and through this our hero and the others who had put up theirmoney for positions with "Hamilton Dart," received what was coming tothem.

  "It was great of you to run him down," said the sick man to Nat. "Thisreturn of money will please my sister."

  "And I am thankful too," added Harry Bray.

  The day after Nick Smithers was convicted the deal concerning theproperty near Central Park was closed. It was shown that a part of theproperty really belonged to Nat, and the sum of sixty thousand dollarswas eventually turned over to the youth for this. But this was notuntil he was of age.

  "Nat's a rich man now," said Abner Balberry, when the youth becametwenty-one. "He's got a reg'lar fortune."

  "You shall have something of this, Uncle Abner," said our hero, and hegave his uncle five thousand dollars in cash. He also gave the sameamount to John Garwell.

  In the meantime our hero had stuck close to the real-estate business,and learned it thoroughly. He was still John Garwell's private clerk.

  "Are you going to leave me, now you have your fortune?" questioned thereal estate broker, anxiously.

  "Do you want me to leave?"

  "No, indeed!"

  "How would you like to take me in as a partner, Mr. Garwell?"

  "I'd like it first-rate, Nat--in fact, I was going to mention thatmyself."

  "Then let us form a partnership," and this was done without delay. Thenew firm, prospered from the very start, much to the satisfaction of allconcerned.

  In the meantime, Nat did not forget his old friends the Talcotts.Although he no longer lived with them, he visited them often. Helearned through the widow that her son was anxious to buy out the storein which he worked. The price was twelve hundred dollars, and one dayNat bought it, and had the transfer made out in Dick's name.

  "You deserve this, Dick," said he. "When I was a stranger and mightygreen you did your best by me."

  "Well, you've paid me back," said Dick, with a grin. "You're agentleman, Nat, you are."

  "And how about being green?"

  "You're not green any more. You're as smart as they make 'em!"

  Since then the years have rolled on. Nat is still in business and isdoing well. He has married and settled down in New York City; and herewe will leave him.



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