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Chase's Teacher

Page 2

by Angela Franklin

  Chase got in his four door Chevy 4x4 and drove to the ranch. The house was so big that he had considered moving to the other cottage just so it didn’t feel so empty. Five bedrooms were way too many for him. He had a large home office on the main floor too, not to mention the living room, and theater room. He loved the large tv, but who really needed a theater room? It seemed excessive, but it was there when he bought the place. Maybe someday he could fill it with a family of his own, but for now it just made him lonely.

  After a quick shower he felt restless so he walked to the small balcony off the master bedroom. Sitting in a rocker he let his mind wonder. He knew why he couldn’t sleep. He wanted to hear her voice and see her face. No one had ever made him feel like this, especially someone he hadn’t actually met. The shy smiles were just enough to tip him over the edge. It started out as innocent flirting, but it felt more like an infatuation now. Giving up he went to bed and tried to sleep. She was even in his dreams.

  The next morning Chase woke up early and went to the kitchen. Half way down the steps he heard someone in the kitchen, apparently Luke forgot groceries too. Damn he meant to go there after the diner. No breakfast for either of them.

  “We are really going to have to go to the store today.” Luke told him as he came through the door.

  “I meant to go last night after I left the diner, but I forgot.” Chase said remembering the reason he forgot.

  “That place is great isn’t it.” Luke said smiling.

  “Um, sure, it’s great.” Chase said getting a glass of water out of the tap.

  “What’s up Chase? Are you feeling okay?” Luke asked him looking worried.

  “Yeah I’m fine.” Chase said walking to the table to sit down.

  “Then why do you sound like you’re a million miles away? Need a vacation already?” Luke said sitting across from him.

  “No, I just have a lot on my mind.” Chase said picturing her face in his mind.

  “Okay. Look if you aren’t happy here, we can move.” Luke said sounding nervous.

  “I love it here Luke. I don’t want to go anywhere else.” Chase said with conviction.

  “I think you better start talking, or I’m calling a doctor.” Luke said only half kidding.

  “I think I found her.” Chase said in his own little world.

  “Found who? I didn’t know I was suppose to be looking for someone.” Luke said very confused.

  “The one. Her name is Callie Stevens.” Chase said thinking about her smile.

  “Um, I have no idea who we are talking about. Where did you meet her?” Luke asked him.

  “I didn’t speak to her. She was at the diner yesterday. She smiled, but that was it. Susie came over and told me her name, and where she worked after she left.” Chase told Luke.

  “Dude you didn’t even speak to her. How can you be sure? Where does she work?” Luke asked him frowning.

  “I just know. She is the music teacher at the elementary school. Maybe I should send her flowers or something. Is there a flower shop near here?” Chase asked Luke realizing he didn’t really know the area. “Last name was Stevens?” Luke asked him.

  “Yeah that’s what Susie told me it was.” Chase said curious if Luke did know her.

  “There’s a bakery down the road from the diner called Sweetastic. The girl who owns it is Chasity Stevens. Maybe they are related.” Luke said looking excited.

  “Do you have a crush on her?” Chase asked thinking this was a recipe for disaster.

  “Not at all. I have a crush on her bear claw pastries. Maybe you could go asked about Callie and get us some, and by us I mean me of course.” Luke said with a triumphant smile.

  “Love to, but I can’t. I have to be here for the horses today.” Chase said feeling defeated.

  “Not if I’m here. I don’t work at the firehouse today and Jimmy is here, so we can take care of everything.” Luke said grinning at him.

  “You’re right. I’ll be home later. I have my cell if anything comes up.” Chase said before walking out the door.

  “Don’t forget the bear claws and groceries!” Luke yelled at him.

  “No promises!” He called back.

  It was alittle after ten when Chase got to the bakery. It looked cute on the outside. He had no illusions that this would be easy, but he had to do something. As he shut the truck door he looked around noticing the parking lot was almost empty. Maybe she would have time to talk to him. Walking through the door, the sweet smells just about knocked him back out. He could go into a sugar coma just from the smell. You could smell the bitter scent of coffee mixed in and that sounded wonderful right now.

  “Hi welcome to Sweetastic. Can I help you?” The girl behind the counter asked.

  “Um yeah, I would like two bear claws, and the biggest cup of coffee you have.” Chase said looking over the menu.

  “Okay anything else for you ?” The girl asked him smiling.

  “I was wondering if I could speak to Chasity Stevens too please?” Chase asked the girl hopeful.

  “Um, let me see if she is available.” The girl said scurrying through a door to the kitchen.

  “Hi, I’m Chasity. What can I help you with?” She asked coming out of the back.

  “I was actually hoping to talk with you a few moments if you have time please.” Chase said begging her with his eyes to listen to him.

  “Okay. But I can’t talk very long.” She said walking around the counter. “Tina let me know if you need anything.” She told the girl before walking with him to a corner booth.

  “Thank you for taking the time to talk with me.” Chase said as they sat down.

  “No problem, but I get the feeling this has nothing to do with the bakery.” She said looking closely at Chase.

  “No ma’am. My brother told me you may be able to help me. Well that and he demanded bear claws.” Chase said smiling at Chasity.

  “Are you by chance talking about Luke? That man is addicted to those things.” Chasity said laughing.

  “Yeah, that would be him.” Chase said hoping they got along well enough she would help. “I’m Chase by the way.” He said holding out his hand for her to shake.

  “I’m Chasity obviously. Why don’t you tell me what I can help you with today

  Chase.” She said after shaking his hand.

  “This is going to sound strange but can you please hear me out.” Chase asked her, when she nodded he continued. “I went to the diner last night, and there was a woman there. I didn’t get the chance to speak to her. She looked to be having a bad day, but she was all smiles. Susie told me her name is Callie Stevens.” Chase stopped to gage her reaction. She nodded and smiled so he continued. “I would very much like to get to know her and I was wondering if you could be of any assistance? I know you do not know me, but I don’t want to wait for another chance run in since I’m not in town very often.” Chase said praying she would help him. He felt like he was going to go nuts without her.

  “What exactly did you have in mind Chase?” She asked him looking uncertain.

  “Nothing sinister I swear. I was hoping maybe you could tell me somewhere she was going to be so that I could go and meet her, or give her my number and if she felt comfortable she could call me anytime.” Chase said his heart thudding loudly in his chest.

  “Wow, you really do like her don’t you?” Chasity said searching his face.

  “Yes ma’am I do.” Chase said honestly. Chasity sat back in her seat and considered him carefully. He felt like a bug under a microscope, but he refuse to fidget. Without her this would be much more difficult. After a few minutes she spoke again.

  “I think I like you Chase, so I will help you, but first I need to tell you a few things.” Chasity told him.

  “I would rather get to know her on my own.” Chase said hoping not to offend her.

  “I think that’s great, but you need to know this will be a challenge. She hasn’t dated very much and the few times she did they weren’t nice to her
. She has decided to dedicate her life to teaching and give up on love.” Chasity said watching him closely.

  “I understand and thank you, but I’m not backing down.” Chase said angry that she had been treated badly. He would treat her like the queen she was.

  “Okay, but if you think of taking her away from me or moving, be warned I will cut your balls off and feed them to you. Do we have an understanding?” Chasity said with a sickly sweet smile.

  “I do not plan to ever leave. I have a large ranch I want filled with love and laughter and children, but if for even one second I think you are hurting her I will not hesitate to step in. Do you understand me?” Chase said as serious as a heart attack without looking away from her.

  “Very good. I know you will protect her.” Chasity said and gave him a genuine smile this time.

  “Good. Now do you have a piece of paper I could write my number on for you?” Chase asked her feeling relieved that was over.

  “I can do you one better. You were right about her having a bad day yesterday and I made her a special treat to cheer her up. Tonight is ladies night and I was going to give them to her then, but how would you like to take them to her for lunch?” Chasity asked him.

  “Is that allowed at the school?” Chased asked anxious to be able to see her.

  “Of course. I will even call the school so they won’t give you any problems.” Chasity said grinning. “ Her lunch starts at eleven so if you leave now you will make it on time.” She said standing to go to the kitchen.

  “Thank you so much. I really appreciate your help.” Chase told her as she walked back out with a box.

  “I think you could be good for her, just remember not to let her push you away. Okay?” Chasity said looking at him.

  “Never. One more question.” Chase said looking at her, when she nodded he continued. “Um, where is the school?” Chase asked her. She laughed but told him.

  Chapter 3

  Callie’s day was going much better, but she was still ready for the weekend. Her hair hadn’t cooperated today and some had fallen around her face as she had done the “Hokey Pokey” with her students. It really didn’t matter. The kids had loved it and that was why she did this, for the kids. This was her last class before lunch, but she wasn’t looking forward to the frozen dinner she brought. Maybe she would take a nap. Her phone had an alarm and she would be refreshed for the evening.

  Their teacher came to her room to get them for lunch and she waved to them as they left. She was walking back to her desk when someone knocked on her door. She didn’t remember making plans with any of the teachers, but they came by alot to talk during lunch so she went to open the door and froze.

  “Hi. My name is Chase Collins.” The man from last night said smiling at her, and reaching to shake her hand.

  “I’m Callie, but I guess you already knew that.” She said trying to ignore the tingles running through her hand and arm from the feel of his hand touching hers.

  “Yes, Susie gave me your name last night.” Chase said staring in her eyes.

  “Oh.” Callie said before realizing he still held her hand. She pulled back rubbing that hand with her other trying to get the tingle out of it.

  “I also spoke with your sister this morning.” Chase told her. He looked like he was in a daze.

  “Why would you do that?” Callie asked thinking of moving so she would have some privacy.

  “I mentioned your name to my brother, who then told me about your sister and demanded bear claws.” Chase said smiling at her.

  “Her’s are the best.” She said smiling back before she could stop herself.

  “I asked her to give you my number, but she said she needed me to bring you something.” Chase said holding up a box. Callie brought it to her nose a moaned at just the smell. She could have sworn she heard him growl. Looking up she saw he was starting at her.

  “Come on in, unless you need to go of course.” Callie said looking down at the box.

  “I would love to stay with you.” Chase said with a low gravely timber to his voice. Callie walked to the back of the room and sat on the floor. She had worn khakis today so it wasn’t a problem. He sat down with her and smiled.

  “Would you like one?” She asked him as she took one out of the box.

  “No thank you. I ate before I left her place.” He said watching her.

  “Do you live around here?” She asked trying to be polite and not make a mess.

  “I just bought a ranch outside of town and moved here two weeks ago.” Chase said.

  “Um.” She nodded trying to hurry and swallow so she could talk to him.

  “Eat Callie. Your sister said these were special for you. How about I tell you alittle about me while you enjoy them?” Chase asked her and she nodded.

  “Before you think I have the upper hand here, the only information I got was your name what you did for a living, and a death threat.” Chase said looking a her. She snorted and he loved it.

  “As you can guess the last was from your sister. She did warn me you had bad luck with men in the past,” she shot him a glare “but that wasn’t me. I don’t give up. I could have kept that to myself, but I don’t want any secrets between us. I told Susie and Chasity that I want to get to know you for myself.” Chase said as she started on her second treat.

  “That being said, I will tell you about me. I am 32 years old. I think I’m a little older than you, but not much,” she nodded “good. What I say next is not to impress you but

  I said no secrets and I meant it. I have lots of money.” He said pausing to look at her. She arched one eyebrow, so he pulled his phone out and googled himself. Showing her, he watched her eyes widen.

  “Now. No one else knows. It’s not really a secret, but people get greedy and expect hand outs and want to get close to me or Luke in hopes of getting our money. Luke is my brother by the way. He lives in one of the cottages on the ranch. I live in the main house alone. It’s enormous and lonely, but I love the ranch in general. I have the first four horses coming today, but Luke stayed home to get them so that I could try to find you.” Chase said staring at her. “You have a little cinnamon right here.” He said reaching out to wipe her bottom lip before he thought about it.

  Her eyes widened as she felt another spark. She couldn’t look away from his eyes, and she opened her mouth to swipe her tongue across the pad of his thumb as it ran over her lip. That was his breaking point, with a groan he leaned in and kissed her softly on the lips. Callie put her arms around his neck, and he moved his hand to cup her cheek. Slowly he licked the seam of her lips till she parted them for him.

  Chase’s tongue licked hers slowly and she suckled his tongue in return. His other hand went to her waist and softly caressed her ribs through her shirt. Slowly he drifted down and ran the tip of his thumb over naked skin. She shivered and sucked his tongue harder. He groaned and slowly pulled away, ending the kiss with a light press of his lips against hers.

  Slowly Callie opened her eyes to look at him and realized what she had done. She started to panic. She had fallen for the tricks again. This man could never want her. She was a toy to him. Her cheeks flushed red. He lowered his forehead to hers before she had a chance to argue.

  “I think I found my new favorite dessert. Tasting the cinnamon and apples mixed with a taste that is all you will forever be a favorite now.” Chase said kissing her lips tenderly again.

  “I really shouldn’t have done that.” Callie said pulling away.

  “Don’t pull away. I know this is the wrong place, but that felt more right than anything in my life ever has. Give me a chance Callie girl. Are you busy tomorrow?” Chase asked catching her off guard.

  “Um, cleaning and probably nursing a hang over after girls night tonight.” Callie said feeling confused.

  “Yeah your sister told me about that. How about I come pick you up around eleven. You can go riding with me on the new horses.” Chase said sounding very excited.

  “Um, I can’t
ride.” Callie said looking away.

  “No problem. Since I haven’t been on these horses, it would be best if you rode with me anyway.” Chase said looking like the cat that ate the canary.

  “I am way to big to be on a horse, especially with another person.” Callie said, and saw a whole new side to Chase come out instantly.

  “Never say that again Callie. You are perfect. Every curve and dip is meant to be worshiped and licked. Never again will you put yourself down, do you understand me Callie?” Chase said staring in her eyes and still caressing her side. He could feel the rolls and she knew it.

  “Yes.” She whispered feeling trapped by his gaze.

  “Now my sweet Callie girl, may I come get you tomorrow?” Chase asked her again.

  “Of course.” She heard herself say but didn’t remember making the decision.

  “Great. I can’t wait to see you again. Plan on staying all day. I need you to write your address down for me please.” He told her standing and pulling her with him, and she nodded.

  Chase leaned down and kissed her harder this time. He pulled her body tight against his and groaned as he stroked his tongue in her mouth. Why refuse now? Besides, no one had ever turned her on with a kiss before. He pulled back slowly and stared in her eyes as they caught their breath. When she could breath again she walked to her desk and wrote her address down and handed it to him. He leaned in again and she braced for his kiss, but he kissed her cheek and pulled her into a tight hug.

  “I will see you soon Callie.” He whispered before turning to the door.

  The door opened before he reached it and it was another teacher. She looked at him and smiled. She was very pretty and slim, Callie was sure he wouldn’t want her after seeing Miss Jenkins. Instead he turned and looked back at her smiling.

  “Bye Callie girl.” He said with a wink and walked out.

  “Oh my gravy, who was that Callie?” Miss Jenkins asked.

  “His name is Chase and he’s new in town.” Callie told her.

  “Wow. I want him. He is perfect.” She told Callie. Callie could feel the jealousy building and tried to make a joke.


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