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Chase's Teacher

Page 5

by Angela Franklin

  Callie refused to look at the person attached to the hand. She really couldn’t deal with that right now. Before she could take a drink she got sick. He held her hair back and rubbed her back as she emptied her stomach. This time she did feel better and used the washcloth to wipe her mouth. Slowly she stood and went to the sink. He had picked up her glass and put it on the counter.

  “There’s a new tooth brush in the cabinet. There should be some aspirin too. I will give you a few minutes, but if you need me just yell.” The voice told her.

  Callie stood there a moment after he left. She never looked up, but she knew it had to be Chase. She didn’t remember anything about last night. She used the bathroom, then brushed her teeth before looking in the mirror. Wow she looked awful, and she was naked. Crap! She couldn’t stay in here forever. After taking some aspirin she walked out and stopped frozen at the sight of him.

  “Oh my God! What happened to you?” Callie asked. He had bruises all over his neck and even his ear looked bruised. His lip looked like it had been split and was still puffy.

  “Oh it’s nothing really. I, um, got in a fight last night. No big deal.” Chase said smiling at her.

  “Looks pretty bad to me. What were you fighting over?” Callie asked.

  “I don’t remember now.” Chase said and looked down.

  She had forgotten she was naked. She looked around the room and spotted her pants. She pulled them on and did the same with her bra when she found it. Her panties were nowhere in site and she wasn’t going to search. Now she just needed a shirt.

  “Here you can wear this one.” Chase said handing her one as he went to a drawer to get him another one.

  “Thank you.” Callie said looking away as she slipped it on.

  “Let’s go down stairs and we can talk.” Chase said and walked out the door.

  Callie followed those broad shoulders as he went to the kitchen. She was glad they were so broad or his shirt wouldn’t have fit her. It was still a little snug on her breasts. In the kitchen he pointed to the table and she sat down.

  “Would you like coffee of juice?” He asked her.

  “Coffee would be nice thanks.” Callie answered.

  “Here you go, now do you feel like breakfast?” Chase asked her walking back to the table.

  “I’m not really hungry. I will just finish my coffee and go.” Callie said taking a sip.

  “You should at least try toast. It will help settle your stomach. I will have to take you to your sister’s bakery after while.” Chase told her getting up to make her toast.

  “Um, okay.” Callie said as she waited for him to come back to the table.

  “Do you remember anything about last night?” Chase asked sitting the toast in front of her.

  “No. I don’t remember seeing you after you left the school. I remember going by the ABC store but nothing after that.” Callie said ripping the toast in pieces and nibbling on it.

  “So you don’t remember what happened when you got to the bakery?” Chase asked her.

  “No. Why?” Callie said not having a good feeling about this.

  “Do you remember what happened after I left the school yesterday?” Chase asked looking mad.

  “Um, yes. Which reminds me I’m suppose to give you something.” Callie said standing to dig for the number.

  “No your not. We threw that away last night after you made the call for me.” Chase said coming over and pushing her back in her seat.

  “I would never do that.” Callie said looking horrified.

  “According to over half a bottle of rum in about thirty minutes, yes you would and did.” Chase said looking annoyed.

  “I never drink that much.” Callie said shocked.

  “Yeah your sister said as much.” Chase said taking her right hand and putting her arm on the table. “Do you remember this Callie girl?” He asked her tracing the band aids on her arm.

  “No. Did I fall?” Callie asked him as she pulled the band aids off, then gasped.

  “Okay, it actually looks really good.” Chase said before telling her what happened. She had a feeling he wasn’t telling her everything, but wasn’t sure why.

  “Why did you bring me home with you?” She asked feeling confused.

  “After the cut and everything you had drank, we didn’t want to leave you alone.” He told her.

  “Why didn’t Chasity take me home?” Callie asked wondering if her sister was crazy.

  “There was a lot of blood and she had to get it cleaned up before she could open today so she spent the night there.” Chase told her.

  “Okay thank you, I think. Why did you feel it was okay to sleep with me when I was that drunk?” She asked getting mad now.

  “Hey, looks like your feeling better.” Another guy said walking in the kitchen.

  “Callie, let me talk to my brother a minute and then I’ll take you back okay.” Chase said walking away with the other guy.

  Callie sat and ate the rest of her toast and tried to remember what happened. She kept drawing a blank and really wanted to talk to her sister. Chase came back a few minutes later.

  “Callie, this is Luke. You met last night, but I doubt you remember him.” Chase said pointing to Luke as he went to the fridge. “Do you want me to take you back, or would you like to stay and ride with me today.” Chase asked her.

  “I want to go back now.” She said hearing the anger in her voice.

  Luke walked near the table and started to speak, but Chase glared at him and he stopped. Luke looked mad. That was fine by her. He didn’t know his brother had taken advantage of her.

  “Let’s get you back then.” Chase said standing and walking away.

  Callie followed him and was happy to be leaving. The ride to the bakery was made in total silence. She felt furious at what had happened. She was never drinking again. She never thought Chase could have done something like this. When they pulled up he turned to her.

  “Callie, I know you are mad and you have every right to be, but if you ever need anything don’t hesitate to call me.” Chase said staring out the windshield.

  “That’s kind of you.” She said sarcastically and got out slamming the door.

  Callie didn’t look back as she walked up to the bakery and went in. To think she was suppose to go riding with him today. Callie jerked the door open and walked in.

  “Callie! How are you?” Her sister said the smile sliding off her face at the look she gave her.

  “I need you!” Was all Callie could say before she started crying.

  “Tina can you handle the store today?” Chasity said to the girl behind the counter.

  “Of course.” She said nodding.

  “If we run out of treats just close up okay.” Chasity said grabbing her purse. “Come on Callie. Where do you want to go? Do you feel like driving?” She started asking her.

  “I want to go home, and yes I can drive. I need a shower first thing.” Callie said then got in her car to go home.

  On the way home she thought about all the blank places from last night. She wanted to scream. If she hadn’t been drunk she wouldn’t have slept with him. She knew he hadn’t actually raped her. She didn’t know how but she was positive. When she pulled in she went to her house and left the door open for her sister, going straight for her shower.

  The warm shower made her feel a little better. When she got out, she saw his shirt and remembered she would have to give it back to him. She pulled on her pajamas in no mood for clothes. She wasn’t leaving the house the rest of the weekend. She went down the hallway and sat on the couch with her sister.

  “Callie I made you some hot chocolate, and I’m ready to listen when you want to talk.” Chasity told her, the worry evident on her face.

  “I woke up in bed with Chase.” Callie said hiding her face in her hands.

  “Wow. That’s great.” Chasity said happily, then faltered when Callie snapped her head up.

  “Okay apparently that’s not great. Was he that bad?�
� Chasity asked frowning.

  “I know we have never talked about this, but I was a virgin Chasity.” Callie said looking away.

  “Oh hell. He was right.” Chasity said looking sick.

  “What do you mean he was right?” She asked her sister.

  “He didn’t want to take you home with him. He was afraid he would sleep with you and you would hate him.” Chasity said looking upset. “I should have just taken you home and left the bakery closed today.” She said close to tears.

  “This isn’t your fault Chasity. I chose to drink last night. I opened the door for this to happen. I knew I should have stayed away from Chase. He even got in a fight yesterday.” Callie said looking at her sister.

  “What? When did he get in a fight?” Chasity asked her looking confused.

  “He didn’t say, but he had bruises around his neck and a split lip, so it must have been bad.” Callie said wondering why her sister was smiling.

  “I don’t know, he didn’t have them when he got to the bakery last night.” Chasity said.

  “It doesn’t matter, it’s none of my business. Maybe he took advantage of someone else too.” Callie said getting angry.

  “Callie, do you remember anything that happened?” Chasity asked her.

  “Not really. He told me about the cut, I’m really sorry about that. And he told me I had a lot of rum in a very short amount of time. He said he took me home with him because you were cleaning the bakery after all the blood.” Callie told her.

  “Are you sure he took advantage of you Callie?” Chasity asked looking sad.

  “Of course. What else would you call it? I was too drunk to know what I was doing obviously.” Callie said getting angry Chasity didn’t seem so sure.

  “Okay. I was only asking.” Chasity told her.

  “I need a favor please.” Callie told her.

  “Anything you need.” Chasity answered quickly.

  “Can you give him his shirt back? I don’t want to be near him, and I know his brother goes to the bakery alot.” Callie told her.

  “Of course. How about we order from the diner and I’ll go get it?” Chasity said trying to cheer her up.

  “Sounds good. I’m not leaving the house till Monday.” Callie answered.

  They ordered and after they ate, they spent the day watching movies and eating junk food. Not the healthy way to deal, but it was obviously better than rum.

  “I’m getting tired. You want me to stay with you tonight?” Chasity asked her.

  “No I’m fine. Thank you for today. Love you.” Callie said as Chasity walked to the door.

  “Anytime. Call if you need me. Love you too.” Chasity said as she left.

  Callie walked to the door and made sure it was locked before going to her room. She need a good nights rest. She wasn’t angry anymore, but she was sad. She didn’t really know Chase so this shouldn’t be bothering her. She cuddled up in the bed and went to sleep with dreams of Chase caressing her body running through her mind all night.

  Chapter 6

  Chase drove home slowly. He had alot to do today, but top of the list was talking to his brother. He had only told him she didn’t remember and thought he had been in a fight last night. Luke would want alot more information than that after how angry she had been. He pulled up and found Luke rocking on the porch waiting for him.

  “What the hell happened?” Luke said watching him close.

  “She feels like I took advantage of her in her drunken state.” Chase said hoping that would be the end of it.

  “How? She was crawling all over you last night. Hell, she practically raped you in front of me!” Luke said furious now.

  “Luke calm down. She doesn’t remember anything.” Chase said sitting in his own chair.

  “How could she think that? Look at the marks all over your neck.” Luke said.

  “I told her I got in a fight yesterday.” Chase said looking away.

  “And she believed you? I can see the teeth marks from here.” Luke said looking confused.

  “She has a bad hangover.” Chase said shrugging. “I’m going to check the horses and take them out to ride a bit. I’ll talk to you later.” Chase said and walked away.

  Chase spent the day riding and grooming each horse. They were gorgeous and well trained, but his heart wasn’t in it. He talked with his foreman and told him what he wanted and how often he wanted them exercised. He didn’t go back home till dark. When he went to bed he remembered he hadn’t changed the sheets. He didn’t care. He went to sleep anyway.

  For the next week Chase spent all of his time with the horses or locked in his office. He had only seen Luke once since that day. He had been avoiding him. Chase didn’t want Luke thinking bad of her. He still loved her. The marks had all faded and he missed them. That was the last link he had to her. He knew she wouldn’t come back. She hated him now. That night Luke dragged him from his office to make him eat.

  “Luke, I really don’t want to. I have lots of things to do.” Chase said.

  “If you keep avoiding me, I will go tell Callie the entire truth. I know you don’t want that.” Luke said blackmailing him.

  “Fine. Don’t you go near Callie. Let her live her life in peace.” Chase said flopping into the kitchen chair.

  “Here, her sister said she was suppose to give this back to you.” Luke said handing him the shirt Callie had worn home.

  Chase felt like a part of him was dying. It was his shirt and had no real connection to her, but it was the last straw. He put his head in his hands to keep Luke from seeing him.

  “What did she do to you?” Luke asked sounding confuse.

  “Nothing. Can’t you just leave me alone.” Chase said getting up and going to his room.

  He heard the front door close a few minutes later and laid back on the bed. He knew Callie was it for him, but he had blown it. He had known that night what would happen. He blamed his self for this. If he had more control, or would have left her with her sister, she might not hate him now.


  “Hey is Chasity here?” Luke asked the girl behind the counter three weeks later.

  “Sure hang on please.” Tina told him going to the back.

  “You want your usual?” She asked when she came back.

  “Yes please.” He smiled at the girl. She was very nice to him.

  “Hey Luke. What’s up?” Chasity asked as she got to the counter.

  “I was wondering if we could talk.” Luke said. He had picked a slow time in hopes she wouldn’t be too busy.

  “Yeah. That’s probably a good idea.” She said walking over to a booth in the corner.

  “Is Callie doing okay?” Luke asked her.

  “Um, she’s okay.” Chasity said.” How about Chase?”

  “That’s why I’m here, but if Callie is okay, that’s all he wants.” Luke told her honestly.

  “Did he send you here?” Chasity asked looking confused.

  “No, he would probably kill me if he knew I was here.” Luke said sighing.

  “Luke, why did you come here?” She asked him.

  “I’m just worried and honestly mad at this whole situation.” Luke said looking at her.

  “I know it’s not ideal.” Chasity said.

  “Not ideal.” Luke said sarcastically. “He let her think he took advantage of her and that he was the type to get in fights. Did you see the marks on him?” He asked her.

  “Yeah.” She sighed. “He told me not to tell her. She bite him once on the neck here, then she busted his lip in the car before they left.” Chasity said looking sad.

  “By the time he called me he had alot more.” Luke said shaking his head.

  “Why would he call you?” She asked him confused.

  “He had hoped that having me there would hold her off till she fell asleep.” Luke told her.

  “I’m guessing that didn’t work.” Chasity said hesitantly.

  “Hell no! She left two more marks while I was there and was jerking him
off when I ran out the door.” Luke said looking sick at the thought.

  “Oh crap! I’m sure he could have stopped her.” Chasity said biting her lip.

  “From what I saw, the apocalypse wouldn’t have stop her.” Luke said grimacing.

  “I’m so sorry you had to see her like that. She isn’t normally like that.” Chasity said looking embarrassed.

  “I’m sure she’s not. My question is how do we fix this?” Luke said praying for a solution.

  “I don’t know. Maybe we just give them time and space. Callie is avoiding me right now.” She told him.

  “Join the club. The last time I spoke to Chase I had to threaten to tell her the truth to get him to come out. This is ridiculous.” Luke said running his fingers through his hair.

  “I’m so sorry, but I told your brother I wouldn’t say anything. Maybe things will be okay soon.” Chasity said.

  “I hope so.” He said as the bell on the door rang.

  “Callie, why are you here so early? Are you okay?” Chasity said getting up to go to her.

  “I got sick at school and had to leave. Why are you talking to him?” Callie whispered the last part.

  “He comes in all the time. If its slow I talk to him just like I do most people.” Chasity whispered back. “Sick how? It is October so is it the flu?” She asked out loud.

  “I think it’s a stomach bug. I feel fine now, but you know how the school works.” Callie said going to the counter.

  “Are you hungry? I can make your favorite.” Chasity said smiling at her.

  “Oh no. Nothing apple. I was trying to eat one when I got sick. How about a long john.” Callie said spying the yummy treat in the display case.

  “You sure your okay? You have always loved apples, and you cannot stand long johns.” Chasity asked looking confused.

  “Yeah. I’m starving now. Tina give me two please.” Callie said.

  Chasity looked back over at Luke who was finishing up his snack. Luke shrugged and she turned back. Something wasn’t right about Callie.


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