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Chase's Teacher

Page 13

by Angela Franklin

  He slid his hands up her thighs till he came to the wet shirt, slowly he slid the shirt up inch by inch. His palms gliding over the skin he exposed. In her desire induced haze she didn’t catch on till he had it up over her hips. She jerked back and went to pull it back down but he pinned her arms and kissed down her neck.

  “Not this time. I was giving you time, but it only made you think I didn’t want you.” Chase said kissing her lips hard again.

  “Chase, I don’t want you like this.” Callie told him pulling back.

  “Okay. If you don’t want me then get dressed and I will take you home if that’s what you want, but do not say it’s because I don’t want you.” Chase told her standing and pulling her with him.

  “I don’t want you to only want me to prove something to me. I want you to want me because I’m me.” Callie said as she walked out of the bathroom.

  “I always want you, even when you walk away, but I am tired of trying to hold on to you when you want to run. I will always be here, and I will always take care of you and our baby, but I won’t keep you here against your will.” Chase told her as he walked to his dresser.

  “Callie, I’m going into the other room to change, then I will be sitting on the couch. If you truly want to go come down and tell me and I will come get your things and take you home; but if you want to stay and spend some time with me come and sit and we can talk about what to do today. I will give you some time, but if you aren’t down in ten minutes I will assume you are packing your things and I will come up to carry them down. Do you understand?” Chase said as he walked toward the door.

  “Yes.” Callie said and stood motionless until the door closed behind him.

  She went to the bathroom and got a towel to dry off with her mind racing. When he had been kissing her it felt good, but not natural. It was like there was something forced about it, not like the other times. She couldn’t help but wonder if she had pushed him to do it. Her pushing him away pushed him to act out of desperation. Maybe it was time to stop pushing. Callie picked her clothes up off the counter and dressed quickly. She ran a brush through her hair and left it loose, but put a hair tie around her wrist just in case she needed it. After a look in the mirror she went to find him.

  “Chase, I think we need to relax and not push this.” She told him when he looked up as she came down the steps.

  “I understand. Do you want me to get your bags?” Chase asked as he went to stand.

  “No.” Callie said putting out a hand to stop him before sitting beside him. “I didn’t mean I want to go. When you kissed me in the bathroom, I liked it, but when I went to get dressed I realized I stopped because it felt forced. The other times it hasn’t. I think I pushed you to act when I tried pushing you away. I want the way we are normally without forcing or trying to hard. Waking up with you was amazing. I liked touching you and feeling your hands on me. That was natural it felt right. Can we try to just relax and see how it is naturally?” Callie asked him.

  “You’re right. It was forced. I was trying to prove I wanted you. I like the way we are naturally. Are you going to stay then?” Chase asked her reaching for her hand.

  “I want to stay. Can you promise no more forcing, but if it happens naturally you won’t stop it again?” Callie ask meeting his gaze.

  “I can do that. So, what do you want to do today?” Chase said smiling.

  “I seem to recall someone keeps talking about horse back riding.” Callie told him squeezing his hand.

  “Sounds great, did you bring a jacket?” Chase asked her.

  “Yeah, it’s on top of my suitcase I will grab it. I was being serious when I said I’ve never rode, I don’t know how.” Callie told him standing.

  “We will start with you riding with me. If you like it, later, I can teach you to ride on your own.” Chase said leaning over to give her a quick kiss.

  “Be right back.” Callie said beaming up at him before she went to get her coat.

  In the stable Callie sat and watched as Chase picked a horse for them. Then he took it and saddled it. He moved so fluidly it was mesmerizing to watch him. His muscles flexed as he saddled the horse and she just starred at him. He spoke to the horse as he got it ready and rubbed it before turning and smiling at her walking it over.

  “Callie this is Blane. He is the one I usually ride, so I trust him to take care of us.” Chase told her patting the horse. “Would you like to rub him?” Chase asked her.

  “Yeah.” Callie said walking over to them. Chase took her hand and guided her to let him smell her, then to rub him gently.

  “See he’s great.” Chase said as he stepped back.

  “He’s so soft.” Callie said, when she turned to look at Chase the horse pushed his head against her and she squealed.

  “He is apparently jealous. He didn’t like you looking away.” Chase said chuckling. “You ready to mount up?” He asked.

  “I guess.” Callie said getting nervous.

  “I’ll walk you through it, just relax.” Chase told her.

  Callie walked over to were Chase told her to, then followed his instructions. Getting her foot in the stirrup wasn’t hard, it was just a stretch for her short legs. Once her foot was secure Chase told her to grab the horn of the saddle and jump. She did as he said, but of course he took the opportunity to “help” her up. Once she was settled he swung up behind her. Callie sat in awe. He did it with so much grace and ease she felt bad it took so much for her to get up. Chase scooted up close to her so that his thighs bracketed hers, then he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her neck.

  “Are you sure this is part on horse back riding?” Callie asked picking on him.

  “It is when I’m riding with you.” He told her kissing her neck again. “Alright, do you feel comfortable?” Chase asked her.

  “Yeah I’m good.” Callie said laying a hand on his thigh.

  “As much as I like your hands on me, you should probably hold on to the horn for now. With me behind you, you can’t fall but it will help you learn to balance.” Chase told her.

  “What about you?” Callie asked him as she moved her hands.

  “I will be holding the rein. I will guide the horse, and hold onto you. Ready to go?” Chase asked her and she nodded.

  Chase started the horse out slow, but once they got to a more open place he sped him up. Callie was enjoying the wind, but was glad for her coat. If it wasn’t for Chase’s body heat behind her she might be cold. She understood why he told her to hold on, at first she felt unsteady as the horse took off, but Chase put an arm around her and showed her how to move with the horses movements and now her grip was light on the horn. Chase had the horse going fast now and she leaned back against him.

  “You feeling okay?” Chase asked her.

  “Great. This is so relaxing.” Callie said as he kissed her neck.

  “We’ve been out for a while, how about we head back?” Chase asked her.

  “I guess if you want to.” Callie said sadly.

  “We can ride again soon. You might be sore until you get use to riding. We will go slow when we get closer.” Chase told her.

  Callie had gotten so relaxed she moved her hands back to his thighs, but Chase didn’t correct her. This felt natural, it felt right. They had talked some on the ride, but it was comfortable. Chase slowed the horse and she felt his arms squeeze tight around her. Chase kissed up her neck and bit her ear. Callie sighed sliding her hand farther up his thighs. He placed a sucking kiss where her neck and shoulder met and she started to squirm.

  “Chase, you might want to stop while we are on Blane. He gets jealous remember.” Callie told him and smiled when he laughed.

  “You are right love. This is just for us.” He told her as he sped the horse back up.

  Back at the stable he hopped off before pulling her down. He pulled her so that she slid down his body slowly and she looked up to see the desire in her eyes. He leaned over kissing her passionately, but Blane didn’t approve. He started mak
ing noises causing Chase to pull away laughing. Callie felt like her legs were jello but he must have anticipated that, because he held her close and lead her to sit on a hay bale.

  “I would like to take credit, but it’s from the riding. I warned you it could make you sore.” Chase told her smiling. “Hey Jimmy, will you put Blane up? He’s being jealous and probably won’t let me mess with him right now.” Chase said and turned back to her when Jimmy went to the horse.

  “I’m not sore exactly, my legs just feel like limp noodles.” Callie told him stretching them back and forth.

  “That usually happens at first. You actually have to build the muscle for riding. Your welcome to ride anytime. Soon it will be second nature to you.” Chase told her massaging her legs. “Ready to go to the house.” He asked her standing up.

  “Yeah, but we may have to go slow.” Callie told him and he nodded.

  It was a slow go, but they made it to the house. Chase went to the living room and pulled her down with him. He angled so that he was sitting in the corner with her between his legs laying back against his chest. He flipped through channels, but she wasn’t paying the tv any attention. Callie felt a draft and shivered. Chase pulled a blanket off the back of the couch and wrapped it around her. It didn’t take long for her to doze off. She was sleeping alot, but couldn’t seem to help it.

  Chapter 15

  Chase found a movie and set the remote down. He didn’t care what was on tv. All he cared about was that the woman he loved was in his arms. He knew she was asleep again. Chase decided to look up if the sleeping was a side effect of pregnancy, just to be safe. He didn’t want to take any chances with her health or the baby’s. He had bought a few books and was reading on them, but he could look it up on his phone. He wrapped his other arm around her and settled in for a nice relaxing evening.

  Riding with her had been great. After having her on with him, he didn’t want to have her riding alone. He loved the way her body had moved against his. But he may have to give her Blane. That horse was the worst he had ever seen. She had a connection with the horse, amazing considering she had never been around horses. Callie had taken so easily to riding Blane, he wondered if she would take as easy to him. Kissing her on Blane had been great; Blane hadn’t been that happy about it though. Chase was so wrapped up in his thoughts he didn’t realize she was awake till she tried to get up.

  “You okay?” Chase asked and helped her to sit up.

  “I’m fine, just got to pee.” Callie said standing and walking away.

  “Better?” He asked when she came back.

  “Yeah. Sorry I fell asleep again.” Callie told him sitting back down.

  “If you’re tired, sleep. I don’t mind holding you while you rest. Do you know if it’s normal to be this tired during the pregnancy?” Chase asked her.

  “I don’t know. I need to do some reading up on it.” Callie told him honestly.

  “I have several books in my office. We could read them together if you want.” Chase told her hoping to be a part of this with her.

  “You have pregnancy books?” Callie asked him the surprise clear on her face.

  “After we found out you were pregnant, I went and bought books so that I would be able to help if at all possible.” Chase told her playing with her hair.

  “That is so sweet.” Callie said with tears in her eyes.

  “Callie girl, please don’t cry. I have no idea what I did that upset you, but if you tell me, I won’t do it again.” Chase said brushing the tears from her cheeks.

  “Chase, I’m not upset. Maybe we should read those books together so we can understand why I’m crying and sleeping alot.” Callie told him smiling.

  “I’ll go get them and we can read awhile. If you need anything to eat you can go get something from the kitchen. You know where everything is.” Chase told her hoping she would eat since she hadn’t ate much at breakfast.

  Chase went to his office and gathered the books, glad for the chance to be with her. She seemed to be in a good mood, and she had a healthy glow about her. He could hear her in the kitchen as he sat the books down and went to check on her.

  “Chase, where did these long johns come from? I ate all that I brought yesterday.” Callie asked as she poured a glass of milk.

  “I guess Luke brought them in while we were riding, I’m not sure. I know they are for you though, so eat up.” Chase said grabbing the box and kissing her lips quickly.

  “Remind me to thank him later. I need to call Chasity and let her know I’m okay. I don’t even know where I put my phone.” Callie said walking to the couch with her milk.

  “You can use the landline while we eat, before we read.” Chase told her handing her the phone.

  Callie called and they talked a while she ate and then leaned over on him getting comfortable. He was glad she was comfortable enough to curl up to him. She seemed content to be there. He smiled to himself as she started rubbing her hand on his chest. If only his shirt wasn’t in the way. He was absently rubbing her back as she hung up the phone and handed it to him.

  “Was she worried about you?” Chase asked kissing the top of her head.

  “No, apparently Luke told her I was here.” Callie told him.

  “That explains the long johns then.” Chase said.

  “Yeah, but it doesn’t explain how we are apparently having a dinner here tomorrow.” Callie said leaning up to look him in the eyes.

  “Okay, that sounds good to me.” Chase told her smiling.

  “But I’m going home tonight. I guess I’ll just have Chasity pick me up to bring me back tomorrow.” Callie said nodding to herself.

  “Or, you could just stay with me and we could make the meal together.” Chase said hugging her close.

  “I know I have to be in the way. I can go back home so you can have your bed back.” Callie told him looking away.

  “I much prefer you to be in the bed with me. If you really want to go home, I could stay with you.” Chase offered not wanting to leave her. He was already addicted to her.

  “Are you sure? I would love to stay with you, but I don’t want to bother you.” Callie told him biting her lip.

  “It’s settle you will stay with me tonight.” Chase told her reaching for a book. “Now let’s see what we should be expecting.”

  Chase and Callie passed the book back and forth reading to each other. Apparently this was all normal so atleast they didn’t need to worry about it. When they stopped reading they talked and laughed as they enjoyed the evening. He was thinking of making dinner when the front door opened.

  “I could hear ya’ll laughing before I got to the porch.” Luke said walking over to sit in the recliner.

  “Thanks for the long johns.” Callie told him smiling.

  “No problem. I didn’t want you running out. You seemed to be feeling good.” Luke said reclining the chair back.

  “I am. We went for a ride and then took a nap, and read for a while.” Callie told him standing to stretch. “Now it’s time we eat.” She told them.

  “I was starting to get hungry myself.” Chase said standing to go to the kitchen. “What do you want me to make us tonight?” Chase asked her kissing her cheek as he passed.

  “I can make dinner tonight. I feel great.” Callie told him as she followed.

  “Callie, we can make dinner together tomorrow. Let me take care of you tonight.” Chase said pulling stuff out to start dinner.

  “Speaking of tomorrow, Chasity told me we were going to have dinner here tomorrow. I thought we were going to wait and do it later.” Callie said narrowing her eyes at Luke.

  “No reason to wait. Might as well start the family tradition of Sunday dinners now.” Luke said smiling.

  “I wasn’t suppose to be here tomorrow. What if Chase hadn’t wanted me and Chasity here, and how is this a family tradition? We aren’t related.” Callie challenged him. It was good to see her standing up for herself but not being defensive.

  “Oh please. If yo
u would let him, Chase would have you moved in tomorrow. This house is big and it needs family to make it feel like home.” Luke said shaking his head like she was slow.

  “Did you even talk to him about this first? Technically, you chose a cottage instead of living here in the house which makes it Chase’s home. So why did you feel it was okay to “start a tradition” without him saying it was okay.” Callie said pursing her lips, as much as Chase was loving this fiery side of her, he didn’t want her upset.

  “It’s okay baby, I don’t mind. I love having you here.” Chase said wrapping his arms around her. She leaned into him automatically and he sighed.

  “I really didn’t think you would mind being here, or having Chasity, but I can call her and cancel if you want.” Luke told her furrowing is brows.

  “It’s fine, it just feels like you are cornering us.” Callie told Luke and Chase loved that she was thinking of them as a couple. “Why do you and Chasity have each others numbers anyway?” Callie asked.

  “When you two couldn’t get along we decided to keep in touch in case we could fix it.” Luke said shrugging.

  “I thought a couple was two. Why does it seem like there are alot more people involved here?” Callie said pulling away to sit at the table.

  “We’re all family.” Luke said simply.

  “Actually, no we aren’t. You and Chase are brothers, and me and Chasity are sisters. How does that mean we are family?” Callie asked him.

  “You are having a baby with my brother so we’re family.” Luke said smiling.

  “Good cover, but I’m gonna let it slide cause I’m to tired to keep arguing with you now, maybe later we will continue.” Callie said leaning back in her chair.

  “Ah, I love you too sis.” Luke said grinning at her.

  Callie shot him a dirty look, but then looked up at Chase. He could tell she was okay, but she was looking pale. He went over and kiss her gently before going back to making dinner. Maybe she would feel better after she ate. Luke helped him, but the easy way they moved around while she watched just seemed normal. He and Luke hadn’t really cooked together before, but they hadn’t had a reason to. When he was finished he looked over to find her head down on the table. She must have went to sleep again.


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