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Be Mine (Coming Home To The Grove Book 6)

Page 3

by Hope Ford



  I’m feeling stronger and more energetic even though the last three sessions with Karly have been so challenging. She’s much more stubborn than I initially thought because she hasn’t warmed up to me one iota.

  The doctor comes to see me in my room and looks over my notes. Normally, I have a gazillion questions for him, but now I find myself looking at my watch. I have a therapy appointment with Karly soon, and I don’t want to be late.

  The doctor hangs the clipboard back on the wall. “You’ve really improved, especially in the last little while. I think it’s time we get you home. What do you think, soldier?”

  I should be excited. Heck, I want to be home. But I’m already starting to sweat at the prospect of leaving here. Everything is going to be so different. I won’t be able to do even half the things I used to do. And what about Karly? How am I going to get better if I’m not seeing her? I mean for therapy, of course. “I’m done with physical therapy?” I ask, glancing at the cane next to the bed that I still have to use.

  “You will need to continue PT after your release. I know Knox is a little far to travel from Forest Grove every day, but we can look into finding some home health aides that are closer to you. That way you won’t have to come into the hospital for it.”

  “So I’m feeling stronger every day,” I start, and the doctor holds his hand up to stop me. I’m sure he’s already guessing what I’m going to say. Ever since I got here, I’ve been pressuring him to say to me that I will be able to walk again. And not just walk without a cane but walk without a limp. I know it’s a lot to ask. And I know there are so many people that are worse off than me, so I’m forcing myself to have gratitude for my life every day. But that still doesn’t stop me from wanting to ask him again.

  “It’s always a great idea to finish your rehab, but I stand by my analysis of your capabilities after your severe compound fracture and the surgeries. In truth you’re doing better than you should be given what you’ve come through. You should be very proud of yourself.”

  “Thank you, Doctor,” I tell him. Basically, that was just a bunch of BS telling me that he still doesn’t think I’ll walk on my own. Even after how far I’ve come.

  He doesn’t even acknowledge my goodbye, except for a nod of the head. I stand up and grab my cane to go to what I now know will be my last session of physical therapy with Karly.


  Jason is doing the exercises I’m giving him, but it’s not with the same determination I’ve been seeing in him. Something is off about him, and even though I feel like talking to him is a mistake, I can’t help trying to push him.

  “Every session counts. You have to give it your all every time,” I tell him.

  He has a sleeveless shirt on today with the sides cut out. His arms are huge, and I have no doubt that he’s been working them since he’s been here. The sweat on his skin is glistening, and if it was any other day, I would just give him his assignment and then move far enough away that I can keep an eye on him but not so close that he can see the drool forming at the corner of my lips.

  “Considering that this is my last session, you probably should’ve mentioned that sooner,” he says with a smile that doesn’t quite touch his eyes.

  I work hard to make sure the disappointment I feel isn’t showing on my face. I knew this day was coming.

  Patients come and go, Karly. That’s the goal. This is a good thing.

  “Yes, there’s a few things I should’ve done differently. I’m well aware. Thank you,” I say, knowing I’m being cold but also knowing it’s for the best.

  “The doctor said this is as good as it’s going to get for me,” Jason said as he continues to work.

  I’m not surprised. Jason’s doctor always thinks he’s doing good by not building up the hopes of people recovering from serious injuries. I, on the other hand, believe that work and determination can help a person surpass such limited goals.

  “And do you agree with him? Do you think this is as good as it’s going to get?” I ask him, gesturing to the cane leaning up against the wall.

  He shrugs his shoulders, and it makes me want to shake him. The way he’s hunkered down it’s almost as if he’s already defeated. Does he not see what he’s capable of? Because I do. And I have no doubt he could walk on his own again. But it doesn’t matter what I think. If he doesn’t believe it, then it will never happen.

  “Your continued PT will help you gain back more muscle,” I say as he finishes the final exercise.

  “I don’t have PT anymore. I’d have to hire one on my own. Why do that when I won’t get better than where I’m at?”

  I know I should just agree with him and walk away, but it just isn’t in me. I can’t just stand by and let him give up. “I knew you were a jerk, but I didn’t think you were a quitter looking for an easy way out. That’s too bad. Because when I look at you, I see a man that won’t stop until he’s walking again. Hell, until he’s riding on his family’s ranch again.” He’s staring up at me, not saying a word, but I know I’m getting to him. “But maybe you’re not the man I thought you were.”

  He looks at me with a glint in his eyes that tells me he wants to meet the challenge I just threw down. I hope for his sake he does.



  Derrick shows up on his own to bring me home back to the Keller Ranch, and I’m glad.

  “My little brother’s getting out,” he says with a slap to my back. “I bet you’re ready to get home.”

  I have my clothes packed, and I’m gathering my books and stuff. “Yeah, I’m excited to get out of here, but I want to continue my PT, and if you don’t want to drive me here every day, we’ll have to pay for it out of pocket for home health care.”

  Derrick is a great brother, and he doesn’t bat an eye that it’ll be an extra cost coming out of the ranch profits.

  “Sounds good to me. I can put out an ad for one. I’m sure we can find someone in Knox or Forest Grove.”

  But I’m already shaking my head. I’ve thought about this all night, and I’m not ready to say bye to Karly. If I’m going to get better, I need her. And only her. “I want you to offer the nurse that works in the PT gym here at the hospital the job. Her name is Karly Berry, err Nurse Berry.”

  Derrick is quick to grin and chuckle. “Nurse Berry, huh?”

  “It’s not like that,” I’m quick to say. “She’s a great nurse, and she knows how to push. I happen to know she could use the money.”

  Derrick appears disappointed. “You sure there’s not anything more to it than that?”

  “I wasn’t making much progress before she took over my PT. I really don’t want to have to use this damn cane for the rest of my life.” I barely resist throwing the fuckin’ thing against the wall.

  Derrick sobers to that statement. “You won’t. Leave it to me. I’ll go and talk her into it if I have to.”

  Good, because brother, you’re going to have to. After everything, I know Karly’s going to need convincing.


  I’m tired, but that’s not what has me feeling so stressed out. I’ve received paperwork as a final warning that if I don’t catch up my car payment within a week, they’ll be coming to take it. After I read my mail on my break, I asked the other nurses if they needed me to cover any shifts and didn’t get any bites. At first they were all about getting extra time off. But if I’m guessing, they’ve received a paycheck that is considerably lower and although they want the time off, they don’t want to keep losing the pay. I can’t say I blame them.

  If I lose my transportation, I won’t be able to take as many shifts, I won’t make enough money to catch up on my student loans in time to avoid fines as penalty. The penalties will just keep adding up, and I’ll lose my apartment. My whole life is about to be repossessed.

  “Excuse me.” A man I don’t know startles me from my thoughts. “Are you Nurse Berry?”

  I’m outside of the hospital on a bench
by myself eating dinner from the hospital cafeteria thanks to the hookup of food my friends provided for me. I’m not sure what he wants and consider denying who I am in case he’s a bill collector or a tow truck guy who’s there to repossess my car, but he spots my nametag.

  “Oh good, I found the right nurse. I’d like to hire you to continue working with my brother on his physical therapy.”

  I recognize the similarities between the man in front of me and Jason Keller and let out a sigh. “Jason Keller is your brother?”

  “That’s right,” he says with a curious expression on his face.

  “I’m sorry, but I work a lot of hours here at the hospital,” I say.

  He nods as if he already knows, which has me curious about how much he knows. “My name is Derrick Keller. I probably should’ve begun with that, sorry. Anyway, I asked after you at the nurses’ station and they of course didn’t want to direct me to you, so I told them why I was looking for you. They mentioned that you’ve been working a lot of hours but that the hours available for you to work are about to be cut in half.”

  How helpful my coworkers are.

  “Regardless, I don’t provide private physical therapy.”

  “I’ll pay you time and a half, and you can do your sessions with him where it fits into your schedule as long as we agree upon a minimum number of sessions per week. That way you can continue to work at the hospital here as well.”

  “That’s a really nice offer, but Jason really needs daily therapy, and there’s no way I would be able to do his care, work here and drive two hours a day roundtrip.”

  “Okay, then I’ll pay whatever you make here, plus twenty percent, plus room and board. You and Jason can come to any schedule you need to.”

  “And when his therapy is up? I’ll be without a job.”

  “They’ll take you back here. I promise it. I’ll get it in writing.”

  I scrunch my forehead. “And how do you plan to do that?”

  He gives me that same cocky smile that I always see on Jason’s face. “Uh, because I’m a Keller. I can make it happen.”

  I don’t argue with him, because I’m sure he probably can. The same way his brother got himself assigned to my therapy roster.

  That’s a killer offer. But working one on one with Jason Keller? That’s not a good idea.

  He must have been able to read my body language and knows that I’m going to turn him down because he stops me by offering me twice my regular pay per hour, plus room and board.

  My phone starts ringing, and I look at the caller ID and recognize the relentless bill collectors’ number.

  “Fine. I’ll do it.”

  I don’t know which of us is more shocked, him or me. But I do know that I am not in any position to turn down his offer. I just have to remain professional. I can do that. No matter how tempting Jason Keller is.



  I’ve prepared myself to hear that she refused to work with me. There’s no way she’s going to say yes. Derrick is pretty convincing, but I’m pretty sure that Karly is probably ready to be rid of me.

  He’s walking back to the truck where I’ve been waiting for him, and I can’t tell anything by the look on his face. I feel like I’m going crazy by the time he gets in and takes his sweet time buckling his seatbelt.


  “She’s going to do it. Did you doubt me?”

  I’m so excited I can’t believe it. “How? I mean really, she’s going to come to the ranch every day to do therapy?”

  “She’s staying at the ranch. I called Olivia, and she’s moving into the big house to free up the guesthouse for Nurse Berry.”

  I roll my eyes. Of course there’s something good coming out of this for my big brother. He’s been trying to get her to move into the main house.

  “She said yes?” I ask again because I still can’t believe it.

  “Well, not right away. She seemed like working with you was an issue for her. What’d you do?” Derrick asks, giving me a devilish grin.

  “Nothing worth smiling over. I said stupid things and pissed her off, that’s all. She’s the one I was telling you about. The one I pissed off and had to apologize to.”

  Derrick snorts at that.

  “What? I’m telling the truth.”

  “It must have been insulting because she took some persuading.”

  I nodded. “I thought she would. How did you get her to agree?”

  “I gave her an offer she couldn’t refuse,” Derrick says, giving his best Godfather impression.

  The excitement I feel about getting to continue working with Karly and about getting rid of the cane seems to take over. I don’t know which one I’m more excited about. I want to be excited to be spending time with her, but I know that I’ve already ruined any chance I had with her. So I have to stay focused. I will walk again. And without that fuckin’ cane.

  “When is she coming?”

  “In a few days. She has to get things settled here.”

  After that, I get lost in thought. I’m so excited to share the ranch with Karly, and I can’t wait for her to see it. But another part of me is worried about going home. Worried about making a fool of myself when I won’t even be able to earn my keep anymore.


  The first time I drive out to the Keller ranch I can’t help being impressed by how big and beautiful it is. I drive slowly up the long gravel driveway, just trying to take it all in. It’s probably the most beautiful place I’ve ever been.

  But of course, I don’t get out much. A lot of my time is spent at the hospital or at my apartment with a window that looks out on the underpass where at any time of day I can witness a drug deal going down. Yeah, the Keller Ranch is definitely a step up from anything I’m used to.

  As soon as I pull in, a woman walks out to meet me. She’s beautiful, and instantly I wonder if she could possibly be Jason’s girlfriend. Surely he doesn’t have a girlfriend. Not after the way he was always flirting with me. But of course, I’ve already figured out that I don’t really know Jason that well, so maybe he does.

  “Hi. I’m Nurse Berry, but you can call me Karly. This is a beautiful place you have here.”

  “It sure is. But it’s not mine. I’m Olivia. I’m the vet here in Forest Grove and I’m also Derrick Keller’s girlfriend.” She blushes prettily as she says it, and I can’t stop from smiling back at her.

  “So Derrick asked me to show you where you’ll be staying and then I’ll take you up to the main house where Jason’s at.”

  I nod, following behind her. There are men working outside the barn, and they all wave and say hello. Olivia tells them hi and keeps walking, not stopping until we’re around forty feet past the barn. “This is you.”

  I look up at the beautiful, quaint-looking house. “What? Are you sure? Derrick called it a line cabin or something like that and made it sound like I wouldn’t be pleased with it. This is huge. Way bigger than what I need.”

  Olivia smiles and opens the door, gesturing for me to walk in. “Well, this is the guesthouse. I’d actually been staying here while my house was being renovated, but I moved out so it’s free now. All the sheets and towels have been laundered, and the housekeepers came in and cleaned yesterday.”

  Instead of looking around, I stop next to Olivia. “Oh my God, I kicked you out of your house!”

  But she laughs, not seeming concerned in the least little bit. “Actually, Derrick’s been looking for a way to get me into the main house, so this definitely worked out the way he wanted.”

  The way Olivia’s cheeks are red, I’m pretty sure she doesn’t have a problem with the way things worked out either.

  She continues walking around the house, showing me everything when there’s a knock on the door. “Come in,” Olivia hollers.

  In walks a man, one I recognize from the barn, carrying my suitcases. “I’m sorry to interrupt, but Jason called down to the barn and asked me to grab your bags from your car and bring t
hem in.”

  I rush toward him to help him, because he seemed to grab it all in one haul. “You didn’t have to do that, but I really appreciate it. Thank you.”

  The man takes his hat off and holds it against his chest. “You’re welcome,” he stutters before walking back out the door.

  “Well, that was nice of him,” I mutter, referring to the man carrying everything in.

  “Yeah, Jason’s pretty considerate, especially when it comes to you it seems. He’s been driving us all crazy the last two days making sure that we had everything ready and perfect for when you got here.”

  I may have meant the man carrying the suitcase, but Olivia’s right. It was nice of Jason to have it taken care of so I wouldn’t have to lug them all in on my own. But I don’t need to start thinking that Jason is a good guy. By doing that, it’s only going to be harder to keep my distance. No, I need to just keep thinking he’s an ass. Or at least a considerate ass.

  I’m shown to the main house where Jason is now living. He’s been home for three days, and I can tell he’s let his exercises begin to slip without daily therapy just by the way he walks.

  Olivia leaves us alone so we can begin the therapy.

  Jason is sitting next to me at the kitchen table. “Are you mad at me?”

  I shake my head, not understanding what he’s saying. “What do you mean? I forgave you for being an ass back at the hospital.”

  He grins. “Yeah, well this time I mean uprooting your life, bringing you out here in the middle of nowhere, having my brother practically forcing you to work with me.”

  I shrug. “Honestly, I don’t think anyone can complain about being here. Your ranch is beautiful.”


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