Page 16
“Maybe they are hiding out somewhere that’s warded from your all-seeing eyes.” Malek guessed.
“My thoughts exactly,” Giovanni said his stomach rumbling. “You two will go to the last place I sensed their presence, Amaranthine Village. Search the entire town and if any villagers refuse to give up the outsiders...then you know what to do.”
Malek grinned wolfishly and Gaspard nodded, “understood master.”
Giovanni made his way down from the platform and beckoned for the guards at the entrance to approach him. They obeyed and Giovanni strolled to the center of the room to meet them halfway.
He placed a hand on top of either guard’s helmet.
“Do you both offer yourselves as sacrifices unto me?”
“Yes, my excellency,” both guards said in unison.
Giovanni took in a long breath of air. “I humbly accept,” he said exhaling.
The bodies of both men began to shake violently as a stream of glowing white light seeped through the chest plate of each soldier and into Giovanni’s awaiting open mouth. He swallowed and released his hands from the helmets as both sets of armor fell apart like shattered vases.
His grey beard vanished as his skin took on the appearance of being more youthful and his facial features transformed into a blonde handsome man in his mid-twenties.
Giovanni roared with laughter, “I need more.”
The Amethyst was a massive aircraft, built with a stabilizing frame that inhibited ninety percent of turbulence the aircraft encountered when moving at five-hundred plus miles per hour through an ever-changing atmosphere. Sixty yards long, three stories tall, it was originally constructed to transport hundreds of travelers to different locations all over purgatory. However once Captain Lucia appropriated the vessel, she had it retrofitted into a lightly armored raiding craft. It could fly or sail into a warzone and escape with medium to no damage.
However, from the gargantuan cargo bay, Hayden felt every tremor and maelstrom as the ship soared through the air. His stomach churned, and he hugged the wooden bucket closer to his chest.
“I hate it here,” he groaned.
Kori sighed as she sauntered around the bay. It had been revamped into an impressive armory that would make any spy from cheesy espionage movies jealous. “Earlier you were chopping off heads and shooting people without flinching.” Her voice was absent of any compassion and it ricocheted a bit in the space between them. “Now you’re wallowing on the floor, crying like a baby.”
Hayden lifted his head from the bucket. “I always get motion sickness when I first take off,” he said feeling as if he had nothing left to give, but the queasiness at the pit of his stomach kept threatening him. “It will pass.” Hayden placed the bucket next to him.
“Well come on tough guy we can’t hide down here forever,” Kori ushered Hayden to his feet and directed him to the stairwell leading to the upper levels. Together they traveled up the stairs, passed the second level and emerged onto the afterdeck. Though the heavens had darkened, foreshadowing its ascension into nightfall, multiple crew members ran about performing daily maintenance or chores. Not a single soul stood idly by. Some were loading spoils to the lower levels, others were adjusting sails or positioned as a lookout, while the rest scrubbed the decks.
Kori half expected them to burst into a pirate song and dance number. Nonetheless they carried on without saying a word or sparing a single glance until-
A bandit carrying a small crate snarled at her. She stumbled and nearby spectators erupted with laughter.
Hayden not quite over his air-sickness reached out a helping hand. She stuck her tongue out at the crew members before accepting Hayden’s help. Upon contact, he felt a tingling sensation shooting into his hand and surging up his arm, then spreading throughout his body like a wave of electricity. An overwhelming wave of happiness shot through him. Though it lasted only a moment, it left him in a trance. He released Kori’s hand in mid-lift and she once again fell onto her bottom. The aircrew burst into laughter once more.
“What was that for?”
His hand still tingling he replied, “that felt really weird.”
“What felt weird?” Kori demanded.
Hayden brushed the question aside and held out his hand again. “It was nothing.”
Part of him was hoping to feel the surge again, and the other continued to wonder what caused it. Kori took hold of his hand; He paused.
Nothing happened.
As he pulled her to her feet, she looked at him suspiciously, “are you ok?”
Though he nodded she continued to search his face. However, her skepticism was short lived when she suddenly gasped. Hand in hand she dragged Hayden to a nearby taffrail. She released Hayden’s hand and leaned over the railing. The sea of clouds below was as snowy as marshmallows and as abundant as pebbles on a beach. Small and collected in untidy waves they stretched as far as the eye could see. The hull sliced through the clouds, leaving behind the oddly thin mist, drifting like a transparent half-erased footprint in the sand. She pulled herself back from the railing and stared where the clouds met the sky. A hazy pink band separated the delicate hues indicating Mother Nature’s way of rebelling against the endless blue, adding the color of blushed petals.
“This is so beautiful,” Kori said softly. A crisp wind blew against their skin tousling her hair. “I could get used to this life...minus the raiding, killing, and being surrounded by men that clearly haven’t showered in years.” Kori wrinkled her face.
Hayden didn’t acknowledge the comment and continued to stare at the clouds as they floated along with the ship, giving the appearance of one big puffy ocean.
“You shouldn’t get too comfortable. Prison worlds are dangerous and everyone who’s trapped here has done terrible things.”
“How do you know?” Kori asked.
“They wouldn’t be here if they didn’t,” Hayden answered coldly. Kori narrowed her eyes and looked at him in mock annoyance. “Lucia doesn’t seem so bad.”
Their eyes met and her heart thumped so hard that she swore it was audible. He smiled. It was only a small smile, but enough to make her go weak at the knees.
What is up with those Ashwood boys and their smiles?
“You’re stupid...but, it’s stupid people like you, that give me hope.”
Kori tore her gaze away with a scoff, “and you’re cute, but your personality is hideous.”
Hayden felt his face reddening and gazed towards the leisurely dimming sky. A few stars were already visible along with twin moons, full and illuminating, one as blue as the sea and the other the deepest of orange.
At this hour the activities on the afterdeck had died down. Apart from a few crew members straggling about as lookouts or in small groups, the entire deck looked abandoned.
“Once we get back, maybe you should turn our little adventure into a song,” Kori said.
She shoved Hayden teasingly and in return, he stared at her in bewilderment.
The silence between them hung in the air like the suspended moment before falling glass shatters.
“We’re not friends,” he said coldly.
“Right,” Kori retorted with an exaggerated laugh.
The awkward moment was cut short when-
“The captain would like to see you two,” a deep voice boomed from behind them.
Kori was the first to turn. Her eyes fell upon a man with dark hair, and mesmerizing deep blue eyes. Unlike the other men on the ship, he was well-groomed and dressed in attire that resembled something from a steampunk novel.
“Um Hi,” Kori said staring into his strong and defined face.
“She doesn’t like waiting,” his voice was absent of any kind of hospitality.
He hastily guided them to a cabin in an enclosed space protruding above the level of the afterdeck. The man opened the door allowing them to gather inside the large and square room. With golden walls and Egyptian style décor it resembled an exotic hotel
suite. A burning mixture of essential oils lingered in the air, along with the smell of-
Kori turned her head and her eyes broadened at the sight of a lengthy oak table along the entrance wall. Its top was layered with trays of the most delicious looking food and drinks she had ever laid eyes on.
Roasted meats with sprigs of rosemary, whole chicken stuffed with bacon and rye bread, grilled fish, mounds of fragrant rice, steamed vegetables and countless fruit in baskets occupied the end of the table.
Kori’s stomach rumbled as she remembered she hadn’t eaten since breakfast.
“Help yourself my darlings,” Lucia’s voice sang sweetly.
Kori looked away from the feast and spotted Lucia. She was dressed in silky blue lingerie and lounging on a silver satin sofa. Standing behind the sofa was a muscular, half-naked and oiled down man. She moaned as he soothingly massaged her shoulders.
“I can’t actually feel this,” she said with another moan. “But I like to assume it feels good.”
Another man knelt by Lucia’s feet slowly caressing them. Kori glanced from one masseuse to the other, then at the additional men standing as bodyguards on either side of the sofa. Dissimilar from the outside crew, they were well-groomed and strikingly handsome and sported sabers.
She inched over to the buffet table. “This is an awesome set up you got here,” she said grabbing an empty plate and piling it with food.
Lucia nodded her agreement, “Barakus would have finished off that entire table in one sitting,” she said with a hint of sadness in her voice. “But he’s still in the med bay waiting for his new body to grow. And my dear Argus, it pains me that he’s gone...forever.” She released a sigh.
Hayden ignored his rumbling stomach. “Why do you want to see us?”
Lucia waved away her masseuses and both men took their place standing behind the sofa.
“My navigator recently informed me that we are flying over Elisium and a couple of hours away from the capital city,” Lucia said leaning forward, “now let’s discuss payment.”
“Payment for what?” Hayden demanded.
“Safe passage to Elisium silly,” Lucia said sweetly. “My services aren’t free.”
Hayden furrowed his brows.
Lucia squealed. “Aren’t you a cute little sassy boy?”
She sprung to her feet. “Now either you two can stay aboard and work your debt off or...” she trailed of giggling like a teenage girl. “Or you can hand over that impressive revolver of yours.”
“What? No way!” shouted Hayden.
The sound of his enraged voice caused Kori to choke down a mouthful of food.
“That’s fine then,” Lucia retorted nonchalantly. “I’ll take it from you by force.”
All six men drew their sabers awaiting orders.
“What’s going on?” Kori asked placing her plate onto the table.
“The two of you are about to be in a world of hurt if grudge boy doesn’t give me what I want,” Lucia said. She smiled broadly with widening eyes.
Kori shook her head, “Why would you want it? Don’t you already have permanent killing weapons?”
“True but those weapons are temporarily issued to my men, but his...” Lucia trailed off giggling. “I can have forever.”
Hayden shook his head, “Delilah is bonded to me. Only I can summon her.”
“I’m pretty sure I can break that bond,” Lucia teased pointing at Hayden.
Now call upon that beautiful weapon of yours.
Lucia’s voice sounded clear as day, but her mouth didn’t move.
Summon it now!
The voice came again and this time around Hayden realized her voice was inside his head.
I gave you the chance to do it of your own free will, but it looks like I will have to force you to.
Hayden felt invisible hands twisting and kneading his brain. At first, there was only an intense pressure producing from his temples, but then a burning sensation surpassed the compression. He yelled out in agony.
“Hayden,” Kori said barely above a whisper.
His eyes rolled to the back of his head as he screamed.
“Hayden!” Kori cried out forcefully.
The sound of her voice seemed to end his suffering and he fixed her with a blinking stare.
She attempted to move towards him but stopped short when Delilah materialized in his awaiting hands.
“Did you honestly think killing Argus would intimidate me?” Lucia said giggling. “I have an army of men willing to do my bidding, and you’re just a boy...with a gun...that I want.”
Kori watched as Hayden stiffly raised the weapon towards his head.
“But I was bored, and you looked so adorable thinking you were calling the shots, so I played along.”
Kori’s eyes darted from Lucia to Hayden. “What are you doing?” she demanded. “This isn’t funny.”
Hayden stood motionless and stared straight ahead.
“He can’t hear you,” Lucia said harmoniously. “Well he can, but the poor baby is completely under my control,” she giggled. “I figured once he kills himself the bond will be broken, and the gun will be mine.”
Kori tried to rush towards Lucia. Instantly she felt invisible tentacles wrapping themselves around her neck. She clawed at her collar trying to untie the noose. However, nothing was there.
Lucia lifted her finger higher and Kori flung upwards as if she was strung up by a phantom rope. Fading to the sound of Lucia’s childish laughter she fought to stay conscious.
After she kills me...she’s going to kill him
She’s going to kill Hayden
“Let her go now,” Hayden’s voice broke through Kori’s dwindling thoughts.
Lucia squealed like an immature teen as she found herself looking down the double barrels of his revolver.
“You can only control one person at a time huh?” Hayden deduced.
Lucia lowered her hand. “It must have slipped my mind,” she said with a ditzy smile.
Kori dropped to the floor repeatedly gasping and massaging her throat.
“Now call off your guards,” Hayden motioned towards the six men who had him surrounded.
Blades drawn, they awaited Lucia’s orders like mindless drones.
“You’re miles high in the sky. The only means of escape is jumping overboard.”
“How about I shoot you and become the new captain,” Hayden said emotionlessly.
Lucia broke out into a ringing of hysterical laughter. “My men would never betray me. As soon as you shoot, your death will follow.”
Hayden looked over to see Kori climbing to her feet coughing. “I’ll take my chances.”
Hayden’s finger barely touched the trigger when- the entire ship abruptly trembled. The violent quake hurled everyone to the floor. In the process Hayden dropped Delilah. The handgun slid across the wooden floor and halted underneath the bed.
Lucia was the first to notice. She dove for the weapon and victoriously stood squealing with delight.
Hayden was next to get to his feet. He held out his hand and mentally called for Delilah. The hand cannon disappeared from her grasp in a cloud of black smoke and reappeared into his.
She screeched in frustration and opened her mouth to bark out orders. But the ship rocked again. Once more everyone was tossed about the room along with furniture, decorations and food.
“What the hell is going on?” Lucia shouted. A few of her bodyguards quickly assisted her to her feet. Sounds of gunfire and explosions followed by painful screams could be heard from the outside.
Hayden knelt next to Kori who was still rubbing her neck.
“I was so scared,” she wept and clung onto his arms.
“She’s not going to hurt you again,” Hayden said.
Kori clutched his arm tighter. “No, I was so afraid she was going to kill you.”
She shouldn’t be concerned about my life.
I’m not her responsibility.
/> Before he could help Kori to her feet, the ship trembled for a third time and a massive metal pole harpooned through the back wall. Upon entry, it traveled several inches beheading one of the bodyguards and impaling another. Three hooked claws expanded from the rod as it reeled backward, latching itself to the back wall and foundation, triggering the ship to jerk frontward, and then rebound in reverse.
The remaining bodyguards gawked at their fallen comrades.
“What the hell is going on?” Lucia shouted. She hopped to her feet staring at the massive grappling hook protruding from the wall.
“Who dare has the balls to attack me...” Lucia shouted picking up debris and throwing them into a random direction. She screamed obscenities while stomping on or kicking spilled food.
“I bet it’s the Pandora Gang...those losers were always jealous of me.” Lucia shouted. “It could even be those jerks the Royal Wolves.”
She didn’t have to wait long for an answer, because the entrance door shortly after exploded inward. Splinters and large wooden fragments shot in every direction causing everyone to dive for cover.
When the dust and debris settled, three men wearing black armor and face-plated helmets filed into the cabin. Two were sporting high powered assault rifles, while the middle one held a long-bladed Katana.
Lucia’s remaining bodyguards quickly created a barricade around her, sabers drawn.
“Why are Divinity soldiers attacking my ship?” Lucia ordered. “We are under contract with your boss.”
“Yeah about that,” the middle soldier said. He waved for the other two soldiers to open fire on Lucia’s leftover bodyguards. They happily obliged and killed the four men without hesitation. The middleman giggled as he watched the victims’ bodies turned into bluish white balls of light. They rocketed up and phased through the roof like ghosts.
“Wonderful, more souls for the void.”
He sheathed his sword and upholstered a handgun he had strapped to his thigh. He took aim at the guard who was still impaled to the hook. Laughing fondly, he fired several rounds into his back before pumping more rounds into the decapitated bodyguard. Like the previous victims, they too were reduced to balls of light and made their way skywards. With that deed done he holstered his weapon and removed his helmet.