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Hawk Brothers Romance Collection

Page 12

by Cami Checketts

  “Cam?” Emmett strode up to them, looking exquisitely perfect in a navy-blue suit with a red floral tie. “Everything okay?” He looked back and forth between her and Nolan, his dark eyes filled with concern.

  “Emmett!” She ran to him and hugged him tight, clinging to the strong muscles in his back. He wrapped her up in his warm embrace, and all the angst of Nolan trying to drag her down evaporated in the safety of Emmett’s arms.

  “You have got to be kidding me,” Nolan said. “You think Emmett Hawk or his family are going to put up with your redneck lingo once he gets what he wants from you?”

  Cambree whirled from Emmett, ready to hit Nolan again. Emmett ushered her behind him and stormed toward Nolan.

  Nolan’s eyes widened and he backed away. “I’m sorry!”

  “You’re going to be sorry,” Emmett growled.

  Nolan ran faster than she’d thought possible, sprinting across the sidewalk and to the parking lot.

  Emmett stopped and watched him go. “Do you want me to chase him and thump him?”

  Cambree laughed. “No. I want you to kiss me.”

  Emmett grinned and strode back to her side. He framed her face with his hands and leaned down. His mouth met hers, and everything was truly right in her world. Cambree rose up onto tiptoes and clung to his biceps for support. The sheer strength and power of this man was awe-inspiring, but he was tender and perfect for her.

  He pulled back and traced his thumbs along her cheeks. “Ah, Cam, I’ve missed you.”

  Then they kissed again, and she shut out everything but the pressure of his lips on hers.

  When they came up for air, he was grinning. “You ready to go to dinner, love?”

  Cambree drew in a breath and savored his warm, musky smell. “About that. What if we order in tonight?”

  Emmett smiled, but then a worried expression crossed his face. “You don’t want to be seen with me in public yet?”

  Cambree wanted to lie, but couldn’t. “It’s not that I don’t want to be seen with you. It’s just … I don’t know if I’m ready to face the real world yet. Especially after …” She claimed she was over Nolan’s emotional knockdown, but it was still hard to believe she was worthy of Emmett and could fit in with his family.

  “You just stood up to that loser beautifully. You can handle anyone, love.” His dark eyes gleamed. “But I won’t complain if you want me all to yourself tonight.”

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and squeezed him tight. “Thank you.”

  “I do need a favor, though.”


  “Can you be at the opening game of the season in two weeks … and sit with my family?”

  Cambree blinked up at him, suddenly thinking that dinner out at a fancy restaurant with cameras clicking and paparazzi chasing them sounded much easier than facing the mighty Hawk family.

  Emmett stared down at her, and he suddenly looked vulnerable and afraid. Cambree reminded herself that she had just stood up to Nolan. She drew in a breath. She was nervous she wouldn’t fit in with Emmett’s family, but she loved him and she trusted he wouldn’t put her in a bad situation. If he wanted her there, she’d be there for him.

  “I’ll see if I can fit you in my schedule,” she said.

  Emmett whooped and kissed her. He swept her off her feet and carried her into her condo. “I’m thinking dessert first,” he said.

  “What’s dessert?” she asked.

  “Your lips.”

  Cambree laughed, but he cut it off by slamming the door shut with his foot and lowering his mouth to claim hers. She’d never tasted any dessert so delicious.

  Chapter Sixteen

  It was the opening game of the season. Emmett hadn’t been this nervous in his entire career. He’d worked so hard the past two months to be ready for this moment. His coaches and the team trainers claimed they were impressed, and he was starting in his position as the X receiver. He wasn’t quite a hundred percent, but he would push through that missing five percent with sheer grit and cleverness, just like Cambree had done to win her race. He was playing for Creed today, and he would make his brother proud.

  He swept his helmet off and glanced around as they lined up for “The Star-Spangled Banner.” His teammates had a Navy trident on their helmets in support of Creed and the other five SEALs who had been killed. It touched something deep in Emmett’s heart, their support, this brotherhood. He truly loved these guys like family.

  The announcer told the crowd about Creed and his team’s sacrifice for their country. Emmett focused on the flag as a young lady belted out the national anthem. Tears ran down his face, but he didn’t brush them away. It was all tied up for him—his love of his brother, his love of Cambree, his love of his nation, his love of his family, and his love of his teammates and this game.

  The national anthem finished and the Titans started shuffling around, getting ready for the kickoff and strapping helmets back on. Knox Sherman, the Beast, bumped Emmett’s arm from the side. “Sorry about your brother, man.”

  Emmett had never heard the guy say that many words. He nodded. “Thanks.”

  “We’re all proud to play for him.” Then Knox turned and strode away, probably having exceeded his emotional or speech capacity. Emmett heard the guy had gotten married. He hoped his wife was a chatterbox.

  Emmett smiled and turned to the stands. His parents were always on the front row, fifty-yard line. He spied his mom waving wildly at him, his dad lifting a stoic hand, then Callum imitating his dad. Bridger gave him a broad smile and the hang-loose sign—but where was Cambree?

  She still absolutely hated the media exposure, and she and her mom had said some doozies that social media and even news outlets had their fun with, but he didn’t care. Emmett had held a press release and told the media he was dating the toughest and most amazing woman in the world. There’d been all kinds of questions about their relationship and her background. He’d answered what he could and said “no comment” more times than he could count, and then he’d stayed as far away from the media as he could, practiced football, and talked to Cambree every chance he could get.

  She was his light and his happiness. He didn’t care if she said things bluntly. He loved it and always would. It had been hard for her to trust that he loved her, but he was slowly gaining that trust. Today was the day she was supposed to come, show the world she supported him, and meet his family. It would be a huge step for her. He was almost as nervous for her as he was to play this game, but he knew his family would love her. How could anyone resist his beautiful Cambree?

  Riker Dylan, the quarterback, slapped him on the shoulder, taking his attention from his family and that vacant seat. “You ready to catch bullets all day?”

  “I hate to flex on ya, but I can catch any wild pass you want to loft my way.”

  Riker laughed. “Don’t worry. My perfect spiral could be caught by a five-year-old.”

  Emmett smiled back. “Good, send those one’s X’s way. X has been married too long and he’s getting soft. He’s only still on the team because he married the owner’s daughter.”

  Xavier Newton came up behind him and thumped him on the head. It echoed in his helmet. “I heard that. You’re lucky I don’t blow out your other knee.”

  “I saw you there,” Emmett said.

  “Yeah, right. Besides, it’s Brady who gets all the favors with Papa Knight,” X insisted.

  “Ha! I heard the press release—old James Knight bragging about how you’re the best husband and daddy he’s ever seen.”

  “That’s ’cause I got the prettiest wife and baby girl in the world.” X puffed out his chest and grinned. “You wanna see pictures?”

  “Guys. Head in the game,” one of the coaches said from behind them.

  They all laughed and tightened their helmet straps.

  The Storm’s kicker lofted the ball in the air, and the Titans’ kick receiver got a respectable thirty yards off the return. The hometown crowd roared in approv

  Emmett cast one more glance over his shoulder as the receiving team ran off and he prepared to run on with the offense. Right between his mom and Bridger, the sun seemed to shine on the spot where Cambree’s dark curls sprung around her beautiful face and cascaded down her back. She saw him and jabbed both fists in the air. He couldn’t hear her over the booming crowd, but he could see her mouth moving and thought she was saying, “That’s my boy!”

  He grinned and ran for his position. This was going to be his best game ever.

  Cambree’s palms were sweating as a man in a suit escorted her down the stands toward Emmett’s family’s seats. She loved that they sat in the front row and not in some stuffy box, putting themselves above the crowd, but she was so nervous to meet them. What if they already hated her? Her mama had been given plenty of awkward media opportunities over the past two months, and Cambree had also responded too honestly a time or two that her relationship with Emmett was none of the reporter’s “busybody busy-ness.” The media had a heyday with that one.

  She pressed down her floral sundress, feeling pretty and poised with her hair in smooth curls down her back. She’d tried her best to look the part of an NFL player’s girlfriend, but she’d bought her dress at Target and didn’t have any plastic parts or two-hundred-dollar haircut. What if they all saw right through her attempts to fit in? What if she offended his family somehow? She wanted them to like her.

  The pressure of being Emmett’s girlfriend was hard sometimes, but he was worth it. They’d only seen each other in person a few times since her Warrior race when he’d come for her and declared his love, but they texted and talked every day and she loved him. She had also learned to trust him. He didn’t care what anyone thought—well, except for her. He was definitely not Nolan, and he’d proved he wouldn’t dump her for saying something wrong. If only she could earn his family’s approval.

  “This is your seat, ma’am.” The escort smiled to her and gestured past him. Five sets of deep brown eyes swung to stare her. She felt awful that she was late. She’d stood at the top of the stadium with her hand over her heart for the national anthem. Tears had streamed down her face as the big screen showed Emmett and his teammates standing so respectfully and the announcer talked about Creed Hawk and his SEAL Team, who had given their lives for America.

  She raised a hand. “Hi,” she said, walking unsteadily toward Emmett’s family. “It’s terrifying to finally meet you.” At least she knew them all from pictures and Emmett’s stories.

  Bridger threw back his head and laughed. He wrapped an arm around her and gave her a squeeze. “Just stay close to me. I’m the nonthreatening one.”

  “Thanks.” She brushed her hand across her forehead. “Whew.”

  Callum extended his hand. “Pleasure to meet you, Ms. Kinley.”

  Cambree shook his hand, all stiff and awkward.

  “He’s the one you have to be afraid of,” Bridger said out of the side of his mouth.

  “You stop it,” said Emmett’s mom, Caroline. She grabbed Cambree in a tight hug. “My girl,” she gushed. “Are you going to marry my boy so I’m finally not the only woman in this crazy crew?”

  Cambree’s mouth dropped open. “And I thought I was too blunt,” she couldn’t help but say.

  “No, our Mom will embarrass you as much as possible,” Bridger explained.

  Caroline swatted him on the shoulder. “You watch it or I’ll … I won’t make you snickerdoodles next time you come see me.”

  Bridger’s eyes widened. “All right. I’ll be good.” He shuddered. “She can make some vicious threats, so watch yourself.”

  Emmett’s dad extended his hand. “Thomas Hawk.”

  Cambree shook his hand. “Tomahawk?” she asked.

  Bridger laughed so loud, it drowned out the crowd’s cheering about the kickoff return. “We used to call him that behind his back.”

  Thomas shot Bridger a look, but he smiled at Cambree. “I’d prefer Tom.”

  “Okay, I can do that.”

  “Hey, your man’s looking for you,” Bridger said.

  Cambree’s eyes pivoted to the field and locked onto Emmett. Whoa. He looked even bigger and tougher than normal with all his pads and helmet on. She jabbed her fists in the air and yelled, “That’s my boy!”

  He grinned, waved, and then ran onto the field. His family all got settled and she found herself sitting between Caroline and Bridger, which made her a lot more comfortable. Especially as the game progressed and Caroline, in her fancy pink short-sleeved jacket, skirt, and heels, kept leaping to her feet and yelling like a drunken sailor. She was hilarious and so into the game. Cambree loved it.

  She especially loved watching Emmett. He’d worked so hard to get his knee up to full strength, and he’d really made a comeback. He and Riker Dylan were in sync, Riker would throw the ball quick and hard and Emmett would run the perfect pattern to snatch the ball and sprint until he got tackled. She hated watching the other team slam him into the turf, but he was tough and always sprung back up, and often it looked like he was bantering with the guy who tackled him.

  At halftime, someone brought a bunch of food and drinks to the family, right there on the front row. Cambree noticed a lot of pictures being snapped by other fans of her and Emmett’s family. She didn’t like it, but she’d deal with it ... for Emmett. He’d taught her more about trust and bravery in the past month than anyone had in her whole life. She was strong enough to handle a little media pressure, especially if it meant she could be with Emmett. After the game, she would be able to spend tonight and tomorrow with Emmett before she flew back to teach on Tuesday. Thank heavens it was Labor Day weekend.

  She talked easily with Bridger, Caroline, and even Tom. Callum was a little standoffish, but she mostly ignored him. He spent a lot of the game on his phone, either taking calls or tapping away at something more important than his family.

  Some of the men behind them were obviously drinking too much. One of them knocked his beer over at halftime and it hit the back of Cambree’s calves as she was standing to stretch. When she whirled around in surprise, he leered at her. “Hey, I’ve seen you on TV. You’re the gold digger that’s after Emmett Hawk.”

  Cambree sucked in a breath and put her hand on her stomach. Should she lay this guy out, or walk away? How should Emmett Hawk’s girlfriend respond?

  The guy’s eyes roved over her. “You are hot, but Emmett could do much better than trailer trash.”

  “Excuse me.” Callum was at her elbow. “What’s your name, sir?”

  The guy blinked at him. “Joe Klein.”

  Callum tapped something into his phone. “Joe Klein. Got it. Expect to hear from our lawyers about a defamation suit.”

  “What?” The guy exploded and stood, leaning across the chair back. “Don’t you threaten me.”

  Bridger was at her other side now. Both Bridger and Callum were almost as nicely built as Emmett and looked like twin bodyguards, sandwiching her between them and protecting her like only Emmett would do.

  The guy scuttled back a step, running into his own seat.

  “Nobody slanders our brother’s girlfriend,” Callum said calmly. He arched an eyebrow. “Are we clear?”

  The guy nodded and slumped into his seat.

  Bridger turned Cambree back around with his arm around her shoulder. “You okay?” he asked. “Your body’s doing the mamba.”

  She hadn’t realized she was shaking. “Yeah.” She glanced up at Callum. “Thank you.”

  “Not a problem.” Callum smiled at her. “We’re happy you’re here.” Then he went back to tapping on his phone.

  Callum had stood up for her. It was unexpected and appreciated. Maybe other people, like the jerk behind her, thought she wasn’t worthy of Emmett, but his family didn’t act like that. Quite the opposite—they accepted her wholeheartedly. Warmth rushed through her. Maybe she could be part of the Hawk family. The guy behind them had been a jerk, but Cambree had kept her calm and Callum and Bridg
er had acted like she was one of theirs.

  Bridger gave her shoulder a squeeze and kept his arm around her until the game started again and she didn’t feel like everyone around them was staring at her. Luckily Emmett’s parents had been distracted talking to the people sitting on their other side, so she didn’t think they’d noticed the ugly interaction. She felt like the guy’s eyes were boring into her from behind, but she ignored him and focused on the game.

  The game was great, besides that one idiot. The Titans won 21-7. The crowd roared their approval and Emmett’s mom hollered and yelled. After he shook the other team’s hands, Emmett took off his helmet and sprinted their direction.

  “That’s my boy!” Caroline yelled.

  Emmett was grinning as he ran at them, dropped his helmet, hit the wall eight feet below them, and launched himself up. He grasped the handrail and pulled himself up in front of them.

  The fans behind them were screaming his name and his family was cheering and laughing, but Emmett was focused completely on Cambree. “You made it,” he said.

  “You think I’d miss this party?” she asked.

  “There’s a ticket with your name on it for every game.”

  “Hmm. We’ll see if I can fit you in my schedule.”

  “You’d better fit me in. I’m your boyfriend and I want the whole world to know it.”

  Cambree laughed. “I thought I had to agree to be your girlfriend.”

  “Give it to him, sista!” Bridger called out.

  “Shush,” Caroline said. “I want to watch this.”

  Cambree blushed. She’d forgotten they had a crowd.

  Emmett cocked his head. “Let me see if I can convince you.” He vaulted himself over the bars and wrapped her up in his arms. He was bulky with all the pads and he was dripping with sweat, but Cambree didn’t care. He’d held her for hours sweaty and muddy after her Warrior race. Emmett really did want to claim her before the world and she found she wanted the same thing. Nolan’s rejection couldn’t affect her any more. She was stronger than that and was grateful that because of that pain, she now had something beautiful: Emmett.


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