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Hawk Brothers Romance Collection

Page 14

by Cami Checketts

  She pulled her phone out of her purse to check her messages. The phone button showed seventeen missed calls. Kiera blinked. Nobody ever called her, except for her mama. Sure enough, all of the calls were from her mama. She pushed the call back button, her stomach dropping. What if something was wrong with her papa?

  “Kiera!” Her mama’s voice was mostly just a wail.

  “Mama?” Kiera’s heart beat faster and faster. “What’s wrong?”

  “Oh, mi amor. I wish I could hold you. Oh, mija.”

  “Mama! Please tell me what’s going on.” She could barely grip the phone.

  “C-creed.” Her mama gasped out. “Callum called. He thought I should be the one to tell you. The Navy called. They called Creed’s dad.”

  Kiera felt the phone slipping from her grasp. The Navy would only call Creed’s father for one reason. The words came through before she lost the phone, the words she never could accept. “Creed’s dead.”

  Chapter One

  Kiera did her bows, keeping the smile plastered on her face though inside she wanted to crumple. Tonight was her first performance since Creed had been killed a month ago. It had been more than obvious to everyone in the packed San Francisco theater that she was off. Clinging to Milo’s hand, she waved with her other hand. The stage lights finally dimmed, and she was able to rip her hand free and run for her dressing room.

  She ignored the whispers and stares. What did she care what anyone thought of her? Without Creed in this world, it was a struggle to want the sun to shine. She finally reached her dressing room and hurried inside. Before she could shut the door, a firm hand pushed it back open. Milo.

  Kiera wanted to shove him out and just have a long, lonely cry, but how many tears could one person shed?

  Milo ushered her into the room and quietly shut the door behind them. He gave her an understanding grimace and tugged her into his arms. Maybe Kiera should’ve resisted, but she was exhausted physically and more so emotionally. Milo had been there for her since Creed died, and except for all the times he’d tried before Creed’s death to push her to give him a chance romantically, they were fantastic partners and friends.

  “It’s okay.” Milo ushered her head to his chest. He was wiry, and women around the world fawned over him, but his build was nothing compared to Creed’s. How could it be possible she would never feel Creed’s arms around her again?

  She let the tears flow for a few minutes, appreciating having something solid to cling to. Finally, she forced herself to straighten and pull back. “Thanks. Sorry I’m such a mess.”

  “Hey. Nobody is blaming you.”

  “I know, but I was so off tonight. Without you, that show would’ve been a total flop.”

  Milo raised one shoulder, taking her compliment with grace. “We all have off nights.”

  “Not like that.” She walked to the leather couch and sank down into it. Milo followed her, sitting close. “Maybe I should just be done.”

  “No!” Milo’s response was quick and intense. He turned and grasped her hands. “Kiera, you’ve worked too hard and too long. You have more talent than any dancer I’ve worked with. I need you.”

  Kiera studied him. She appreciated his words, but she couldn’t fathom them. How could she simply move on from Creed’s death and keep pursuing her dreams? She didn’t want Milo or anyone to need her. She was barely functioning. How could she be needed by someone?

  “What did Creed’s letter tell you?”

  Kiera swallowed hard and looked away. She’d received a letter shortly after Creed’s death, and it had been beautiful and horrible at the same time. He was so full of love for her and kept begging her to move on from him, to live her life, be successful, be happy, to find love again. She loved the letter because it was as if Creed was talking to her from beyond the grave, but she hated to even think of moving on. It simply wasn’t possible. How did you move on from the perfect man for you?

  Milo was studying her, so she finally mumbled, “He wants me to be happy.”

  Milo nodded. “He was always so proud of you. Do this for him. Dance your heart out. Be happy. Find love again.”

  It was impossible to not notice how he squeezed her hand as he said the last sentence. Kiera’s heart had no room to love again, but she felt Milo’s words deeply. She could plunge herself back into dance, and though she doubted true happiness existed without Creed, she could be successful for him. That much she could do, and she knew Creed would be proud. Maybe someday, years in the future, happiness and love would come again, but for right now, she would focus on hard work and success, keep herself busy enough to hopefully dull the pain.

  “I’ll work hard for him,” she said, the mere words giving her strength. “I can do that ... for Creed.”

  Milo grinned and rubbed his thumb along the back of her hand. “That’s my girl.”

  She was not his girl and never would be, but she had no energy to debate anything right now.

  “We’ll do it together,” Milo said. He released her hand and wrapped his arm around her shoulder. “I’ll never leave your side.”

  Kiera thought that was a little dramatic, but she couldn’t deny she needed his encouragement and friendship right now. She let herself lean against his shoulder, and she kept repeating one thing in her mind: “For Creed. For Creed.”

  Chapter Two

  Kiera could not do this tonight. She stormed out of the fancy dressing room in the Bellagio and into the wide hall with the obnoxious carpet and walls that were papered with fake gold accents. Other performers milled around or rushed by to get ready for the performance. She should be focused mentally on her upcoming performance, but she had to get away from Milo and his constant attention. Milo had been respectful and stayed by her side since Creed died three months ago, playing the part of loyal friend. Unfortunately, the façade hadn’t lasted near long enough for her. A few weeks ago, he’d started putting on the moves again, sometimes showing up at her condo door early in the morning or ridiculously late at night. She had to constantly tell him sorry but no. She appreciated and liked the guy, and they were perfect as dance partners. She clung to the words in Creed’s letter about finding happiness and being successful, but she couldn’t imagine ever moving on to another man. No matter how sneakily Milo tried to pretend that they had a relationship deeper than dancing partners, she didn’t know if she would ever be ready for that.

  There was a loud disturbance and sounds of fighting down the hall. She turned to look, but Milo was suddenly there. He grabbed her and pulled her in, smothering her with his hot lips. Kiera stood absolutely still. She felt angry. Well, at least it was some emotion. Since Creed had died she’d felt absolutely nothing, except for the desire to succeed for him. The hard work and long hours had been exactly what she needed to keep getting out of bed each morning. She was glad she had a purpose. If only she could keep Milo at a distance. She’d heard he and his agent were pushing for him and Kiera to have a romantic relationship. She knew the media was having a heyday speculating about their status and what a great couple they would make.

  Milo finally stopped pushing a kiss that she wasn’t returning and simply held her close.

  She heard her name being screamed, and the voice almost sounded like … Creed. Now, she was definitely going crazy. She thought she’d retained her sanity these past months as she worked nonstop and only sobbed for Creed late at night. Clearly, she was wearing down. Even succeeding for the love of her life had lost its appeal. She didn’t know how much longer she could keep up the celebrity lifestyle. She’d recently talked to her agent about doing an international tour or going back to Broadway. The work would be demanding but not as high profile as television and stage shows featuring her and Milo. The other benefit was she could get away from Milo. Being on her own sounded very appealing right now.

  She turned to look at the man who had yelled for her, but all she could see was two security guards with some guy pinned down.

  Milo hurried her back into her dressing
room, shut the door, and locked it. He smiled possessively at her. “There are too many crazies who want you.” He took a step closer, and she backed up. “Lucky for me, I’m the one who’s got you.”

  She put a hand on his chest. “We need to talk.” She was fired up about all the rumors of her and Milo. The latest was that he’d moved in with her and the pictures of him leaving her condo at all hours were exactly what the media needed to feed those rumors. Though Milo didn’t seem to be getting the message, she had explained very carefully that she would never sleep with him before marriage, and she’d also explained that her heart had been gouged out when Creed, the only man she’d ever truly loved, had been killed three months ago.

  She had no heart left to give, and though she didn’t mind being around Milo, sans rumors of living with him and having to repeatedly turn him down, she felt nothing but friendship for him. Him trying to kiss her had been pathetic and empty.

  Her phone rang, and she ignored it.

  Milo walked past her and picked it up, extending it to her. “It’s your mother, sweetheart.”

  She could see it in his eyes. He knew she was done with their shallow relationship, and he wanted to put off “the talk” as long as possible. She was pretty sure he or his agent were the ones instigating the rumors. The media twisted a lot of things, but why would they make up her and Milo living together and a story about him buying a huge engagement ring. The thought of either made her stomach squeamish.

  She took the phone from his outstretched palm. “Hola, Mama.” Her mama was from Spain and her papa from Nigeria. They’d met at NYU and settled in America after they fell in love.

  “Mi amor. Have you heard? Have you heard?”

  “Heard what Mama?”

  Milo was studying her, and she gave him a fake smile and turned away.

  “Creed is alive! Oh mija, mi querida. Creed’s alive!”

  Kiera’s entire body seemed to freeze. The room started spinning and then everything went black.

  Creed Hawk couldn’t run fast enough along the busy sidewalk and up the ramp toward the massive Bellagio resort, dodging tourists and high-dollar escorts. He ignored the crowds, the water shows, the dry heat, and the filth that was Vegas. Four months without Kiera. Three months of everyone he loved believing he was dead. He’d spent the last two days being debriefed, interrogated, de-bugged, de-wormed, fed, and showered. Then he was finally allowed to travel home to see his family. Some English chap had gotten into their barracks before they’d disbanded and asked SEAL Team 2 to work for him. Creed thought it sounded great and had said he was in, but he needed a few days to see his family and Kiera and figure out what he wanted in his future. He didn’t need money, but working undercover with the other former SEALs, righting wrongs and protecting the innocent, definitely held an appeal. He’d be like Batman, only better-looking and buffer. As long as it didn’t interfere with time with Kiera. She was his future now.

  Last night, he had finally made it home to Long Island and got to simply sit and hold his mom close. When her sobs slowed to sniffles and he was able to disengage without too much guilt from her desperate clasp, he shared manly hugs with Callum, Bridger, Emmett, and his dad and was introduced to Emmett’s new fiancée, Cambree. He got a kick out of Cambree, she had no filter and was funny and obviously in love with his brother.

  After they talked into the early morning, his mom never leaving his side, he explained to his family he needed to fly to Vegas the next day and find Kiera. He’d written her a Dear Jane letter that was only supposed to be delivered if he died. He’d died, but he’d come back, and now, he was finally free to find Kiera. To marry her and be with her like they’d always dreamed. Maybe he should’ve called her as soon as he’d been allowed to, but he needed to see her in person, explain that the Dear Jane letter encouraging her to find happiness and move on with her life was only written because of how much he loved her. All he needed now was to hold her close.

  He grinned as he saw a huge banner of his beautiful girlfriend splayed across a walkway, ignoring the blond man also in the picture. Milo was only her dance partner. Creed didn’t like any man putting their clammy hands on his girl, but he could respect that was part of her career and knew Kiera was a complete professional.

  He focused on her gorgeous face. She was the most perfect mix of her tall Nigerian papa and her petite Spaniard mama. He’d never seen a more exquisite woman than Kiera. She had won America’s Got Talent: Just Dance the week before he’d gone on the mission that had ended in three months of misery and torture. She was amazing. From what he understood, she was in high demand performing across the world. He was proud of her and couldn’t wait to watch her perform and cheer obnoxiously. But right now, he simply needed to hold her. Nothing would be right until she was in his arms.

  He followed the signs to the O Theater where she would be performing tonight. He had half an hour until the show. Just enough time to hold her and kiss her and let her see he’d survived for her, just like he told her he would.

  He skirted the theater and found the backstage entrance that Blaine had helped him scope out. Creed had studied the blueprints on his taxi ride from the airport. Blaine was big on never taking Uber or Lyft because then someone could track your information. Creed teased him about it, but he also followed the advice.

  Two well-built security guards in suits with obvious earpieces stood in front of him, blocking his access to the performers. There was a long hallway behind them with lots of doors and people in sparkly costumes rushing in and out.

  “Hey, how are ya?” He tried for laidback Western appeal when what he wanted was to take them both out and sprint for Kiera. “I’m meeting up with Kiera Richins before the show.”

  The taller guy grunted. “Yeah, right. Don’t we all wish we could ‘meet up with Kiera Richins.’”

  His bald partner nodded. “Get lost, dude.”

  Creed’s gut tightened. Okay, so he’d have to take them both out. Not that he minded a good fist fight, but he didn’t want to get in the middle of a security issue while he could be holding Kiera. He should’ve taken that Sutton guy up on his offer to get him into Kiera’s dressing room, but he’d wanted to do this on his own. Sutton had acted a little awkward about him needing to see Kiera in person to tell her he was alive when Creed had explained the situation in Syria. Creed brushed it off. Not many people could understand the depth of his and Kiera’s relationship.

  “Yeah, here’s the thing.” Creed dodged at the taller one first, getting in a quick uppercut to the abdomen and a jab to the ribs before he felt the big baldy coming. He popped his elbow back and connected with the guy’s jaw. Creed put the first guy in a headlock and turned and jammed tall guy’s head into baldy’s abdomen.

  People down the hall were crying out in dismay. Creed glanced up, and suddenly, there she was. Kiera stormed out of an open doorway, not even glancing his way. The graceful beauty of her movements, her perfectly-proportioned face, and the long, dark hair trailing down her back knocked Creed’s breath from his body. His memories of her didn’t do her justice.

  A tall blond guy followed her out of the door, grabbed her, whirled her around and pulled her in tight. He kissed her like he owned the right to her lips. Creed cried out and his arms went slack. The guy he was holding slipped out of his grasp and the baldy tackled Creed to the ground. The tall guy added his weight, and they both pinned him down.

  Creed looked up, and Kiera was still in the blond idiot’s arms. They weren’t kissing, but he was clinging to her, and she hadn’t even glanced in Creed’s direction.

  “Kiera,” Creed hollered. She pulled back and turned his way, but the two guys dog-piled him. One of them repeatedly smacked him in the back of the head, and he couldn’t see her. With a roar, he threw them off, but Kiera and the blond man were gone. Kiera. And that loser Milo. She hadn’t resisted the guy. She hadn’t slapped him. All the fight went out of Creed.

  The guys wrestled him back to the ground, and he didn’t even re
sist. He laid on the industrial carpet. The weight of the two men on top of him didn’t hurt nearly as much as his dreams going up in smoke. Kiera was with someone else? His brain couldn’t process it, but his heart was aching enough for his entire body.

  Four more security guards appeared, and they all worked together, ripping him to his feet and hauling him off. Creed just stared down the hallway where he’d seen his dream woman being kissed and hugged by another man, not even responding to his call for her. He’d survived months of torture for this?

  Kiera opened her eyes to Milo standing over her, grasping his cell phone. “She’s coming around now,” he said then dropped to his knees. “Are you okay? Kiera? The paramedics will be here any second.”

  Kiera pushed past him and stood. “Paramedics? I don’t need paramedics. Creed’s alive!”

  “Creed Hawk?” Milo’s brow furrowed, and his blue eyes darkened. “That’s not possible.” He shook his head at her, all sad and understanding. “I’m sorry, precious. I know it’s been hard, but you have to accept the truth. Creed’s gone, but I’m here for you.”

  “Argh!” She half-grunted, half-yelled at him. “My mama wouldn’t lie to me.” She searched the floor and found her phone, pressing it to her ear and ignoring Milo. “Mama, are you there?”

  “Are you all right?”


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