Hawk Brothers Romance Collection

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Hawk Brothers Romance Collection Page 57

by Cami Checketts

  Thomas, Caroline, and Cambree all stood close by, looking down at her with concern.

  “Bridger?” she managed to squeak out as the contraction receded.

  “I’ll call him.” Thomas finally pulled out his phone, but he turned away so she couldn’t hear the conversation.

  The ambulance pulled up and they transferred her onto a different bed and let Caroline ride with her. The ride to the hospital was a blur. She could only remember the pain of contractions, the soothing sound of Caroline’s voice, and the soft touch of her hand on her forehead. She wanted Bridger and her own mom, but she appreciated Caroline being here.

  A feeling of despair and homesickness filtered over her. She had no home, no place to nest and raise her child, and at the moment she didn’t even have her beloved husband by her side. Why had she been so driven to just keep working and not stop to consider her baby’s future, where they would live, where they would put down roots? Bridger had been her safe spot, her sense of home. Was she freaking out because they had no permanent home or simply because he wasn’t here when she needed him desperately?

  “Bridger?” she murmured a few times.

  “He’ll be here, sweetheart, I promise,” Caroline reassured her.

  Avalyn prayed she was right.

  They rushed her into the hospital and transferred her to a bed. The hospital didn’t look as state of the art as an American hospital would be but it was clean and they seemed confident in their abilities. Avalyn prayed the baby was okay.

  They hooked up some monitors to her, but it was all hazy as the contractions were coming on top of each other and the anguish seemed never ending. Thomas, Caroline, and Cambree were close by but nobody but Bridger could soothe her, could take away this pain.

  Her insides burned like they were on fire and the pain was intense. The nurse examined her and pronounced she was at a ten and could push as soon as the doctor came. The doctor rushed in but Avalyn didn’t want to push. She could deal with the nonstop, excruciating pain. She could not deal with having her baby without Bridger.

  “Okay.” The doctor smiled reassuringly at her. “You can push now and the baby will come very soon.”

  “No.” Tears leaked out of the corners of her eyes and pooled in her ears. “Not without Bridge.”

  “Oh.” She heard Caroline quietly sobbing. “Where is he?”

  Avalyn didn’t know that she’d ever heard Cambree this quiet. A contraction had her in its grips and she couldn’t even cry out the pain was so intense. The need to push was overwhelming. She bit at her lip and tasted blood and grabbed on to Thomas’s hand and squeezed hard.

  “You need to push,” the doctor instructed. “The baby is crowning.”

  “No!” she managed to pant out. Bridger had to be here. She needed him. Their baby needed him.

  “Ava!” she heard the deep yell and turned. Relief and happiness slid over her as the contraction passed and Bridger pushed through medical personnel and reached her side. “Ava!” He bent down close. “Oh, love. I’m so sorry.”

  “You’re here,” she managed.

  He kissed her forehead. “I’m here.”

  The pressure was building again. She needed to push and she wanted to have her baby now. Bridger was here and that’s all that mattered.

  The pain and pressure intensified and the doctor commanded, “Push!”

  Avalyn clung to Bridger’s hand and obeyed this time. She felt immense pressure and burning but then the doctor yelled, “The head and shoulders are out!”

  The baby slid out and Avalyn cried out with happiness. Their baby was covered in blood and white, filmy stuff, and she was absolutely gorgeous.

  “It’s a girl,” Thomas was the first to say.

  “She’s beautiful,” Bridger whispered, awe in his dark eyes and all over his handsome face.

  The nurse cleared out the baby’s mouth with a syringe and their tiny girl gave a hearty cry. Avalyn’s body filled with love for this little one. She was instantly head over heels for their child. The nurse wiped the baby’s face, swaddled her quickly, and brought her to Avalyn, placing her in her arms.

  The doctor said something about pushing and there was slight pain as the afterbirth was delivered and another nurse covered Avalyn with a sheet and helped her reposition on the bed, but Avalyn was too focused on their baby girl to care about much else.

  Bridger wrapped his arm around Avalyn and lifted her up slightly, sheltering them both. “She’s so beautiful,” he repeated.

  “I guess I was right for once,” Avalyn said.

  “You’re always right, love. You chose me after all.”

  Avalyn laughed and cradled her baby close. She heard more voices, exclaiming over the baby, the fast delivery, Bridger never doing anything traditionally. She smiled as she looked over at Bridger’s brothers and sisters-in-law. The entire family was squeezed in the small room. She should’ve been embarrassed to have them all in her delivery room but she liked sharing this moment with family.

  “Of course Bridger had to win the race,” Cambree said, cradling her own abdomen.

  “Always about winning.” Bridger grinned. “And you can bet your baby girl won’t be as pretty as mine.”

  “For sure because I’m having a boy,” Cambree shot back at them.

  Avalyn smiled at the banter and touched her baby’s soft cheek. The baby turned toward her finger, rooting around for something to suck on.

  “Time for the Mama to feed baby,” the nurse said, shooing the family out. “You all come back later.”

  Calls of congrats and see you soon accompanied everyone filtering out. Avalyn smiled up at Bridger and then down at their beautiful daughter. This might not be the time to ask but she had to know. “Where will we live, Bridge?”

  He smiled at her. “It doesn’t matter, love. We’ll be together. We can strap our baby on our chest just like the people we help and keep working for them or we can buy a house by your mama and settle down. All that matters is I have you.”

  Avalyn smiled. She liked the image of their baby in a carrier on Bridger’s broad chest as they helped people throughout the world, but maybe they’d buy that home in the suburbs as well so they had a spot to build a future and put down roots.

  “I love you,” he murmured, kissing her softly and then kissing their daughter’s cheek.

  “I love you.” Avalyn was exhausted but so happy. Their baby girl was here, she appeared healthy, and Bridger was holding them both close. Feelings of love for Bridger and their daughter intensified. Avalyn didn’t know that this much happiness and love were possible. They might live in a shack and never live a traditional life but she was just fine with that. All that mattered was she had Bridger and her daughter close by. They were all the home she’d ever need.

  I hope you’ve enjoyed reading the Hawk Brothers Romances as much as I’ve loved writing them. Thank you so much for the fabulous support!



  About the Author

  Cami is a part-time author, part-time exercise consultant, part-time housekeeper, full-time wife, and overtime mother of four adorable boys. Sleep and relaxation are fond memories. She’s never been happier.

  Join Cami’s VIP list to find out about special deals, giveaways and new releases and receive a free copy of Rescued by Love: Park City Firefighter Romance by clicking here.

  Read on for short excerpts of Cami’s first Navy SEAL Romance, The Protective Warrior and Cami’s latest Texas Titans Romance, The Devoted Groom: Quinn Family Romance.

  Happy reading!

  [email protected]


  Excerpt - The Protective Warrior

  “This seat taken?” a nicely timbered voice asked.

  Ally glanced up and took her time looking over him before she answered.

  He arched an eyebrow and smiled. “Did I pass muster?”

  “How do you do?”

  He cocked his head to the side. “I’m good. You?”
  Ally laughed. “I’m glad you’re good, but ‘how do you do’ is more like ‘hello.’”

  “Hello.” He smiled, and ooh, he was cute. “So I do pass muster?” He moved to sit down.

  Ally held out a hand. “Not so quick, chump.” His dark hair was short, military or missionary short, but it was nice—clean and thick and would probably feel good beneath her fingertips. His face was lean and proportioned with a firm jaw, a straight nose, and smooth, tanned skin. She liked the crinkles next to his eyes and mouth as he smiled at her, awaiting her perusal. He’d had some experiences in life, good and bad, if those crinkles told her anything. He was a big guy—broad and at least six-three with lots of lovely muscles peeking out from underneath his T-shirt and board shorts. It was his eyes that finally convinced her to accept his request. Their deep brown sparkled at her, though she could tell he could be very serious.

  He tapped the edge of his tray. “How about now?”

  “Okay, no harm in sharing a table.” She grinned. “But I’m not keen on taking you home … no matter how appealing those puppy-dog eyes are.”

  His eyebrows both went up at that. He set his tray down and slid into the seat. “Do you regularly take men home?”

  “Don’t get your hopes up.” She winked at him and picked a bite of rib off the bone, savoring the tang of the barbecue sauce and the heartiness of the meat. No, she never took men home, only selectively dated those who passed her intuition test. She trusted her intuition completely and she could have fun with this hot, tough-looking guy.

  He laughed and dug into his brisket. “Mm. This place is good.”

  “One of my favorites.”

  “Have you been on the island long?”

  She wished. “A few days.”

  “Oh. You act like a local.” He ate a bite of beans and took a drink of water before asking, “Which part of England are you from?”

  “London. Kensington, to be exact. You?”

  “Long Island originally. I like your accent a lot.”

  “I’ve been in the States for over six years, so it’s faded.”

  “Don’t let it fade.”

  That made her smile. “So, I’m Ally.”

  He nodded. “Pleasure to meet you.”

  “And you are?” He didn’t seem to reveal much, but he was super attractive and was putting off good vibes. She prided herself on being able to read people, and this good-looking man had a great aura—confident and strong but mindful of others. Ally had no problem making a new friend.


  “And what are your plans today, River?”

  “Besides eating lunch with you?”

  She smiled. “Yeah, besides that.”

  “I was hoping to go on a hike. You know any good ones?”

  “For sure. Fancy a buddy?” She took a bite of the chunky chili.

  “I’d love one.”

  Find The Protective Warrior here.

  Excerpt - The Devoted Groom

  Bree reached the ten-foot wooden door and squared her shoulders. Raising a hand to knock, she jumped when the door swung open. “Balls of pelican poop!” She put a hand to her chest. “Sorry, you scared me!”

  Ryder Quinn stood on the threshold, holding a towheaded little boy in one arm and smiling at her as if she were a circus performer.

  Bree took a step back. He was bigger than she’d envisioned. At least six four, and every line of his body was defined. She prayed he was as kind as everyone claimed, otherwise the sheer strength of him was a huge warning flag to her.

  She took a deep breath and forced a smile, fluffing her hair before sticking her hand out. “Bree Stevens.” That sounded professional, right? Not like she was barely out of college and not sure how to present herself?

  Ryder’s eyes swept over her. She’d heard he was sought after by many women but he never gave anyone a second look. The speculation was he still mourned his wife. It was hard to blame the women for trying though. His blue eyes were framed with long, brown lashes. His face was sculpted and shadowed by a trimmed beard a few shades darker than his short sandy-blond hair. His lips were almost as incredible as his eyes, a slightly-bowed upper lip with a fuller lower lip. She could imagine the women fought for the sheer hope of tasting those incredible lips.

  Those lips she was staring at turned up, and he shifted the little boy higher as he offered his hand to Bree. “Welcome.” It was just one word, two syllables. How could he draw it out and make it all warm and appetizing? As if he were welcoming her to be part of his life, to privileges and blessings she’d never dreamed of.

  Snap out of it. She tried for a professional smile and put her hand in his. Wowie, wow, wow! His warm and slightly rough palm felt so manly and perfect against hers she wanted to just hold on. His gaze sharpened on her as if he felt the same connection that was racing through her. For some insane reason she felt like this man would protect her rather than objectify her. She had to remind herself that she didn’t know him and she needed to tread carefully.

  “Ryder Quinn,” he murmured.

  Bree pulled her hand back and chuckled uneasily. “I know who you are.” She put her usual sass in the syllables. She’d acquired a lot of sass and some decent fighting skills to keep her mostly safe in foster care, rough schools, and college.

  He smiled deeper, and she tilted to the side, needing something to lean on. Unfortunately, there was nothing, and her heels had her tilting even further. She would’ve fallen into the flower bed if Ryder hadn’t grabbed her with his free hand and steadied her.

  “You okay?” He arched an eyebrow, clearly thinking she was a bit unstable.

  Be professional. Be professional. Bree smoothed down her silky floral shirt and blue pencil skirt. “Yes, thank you.” She focused on the adorable boy in Ryder’s arms. “And who is this handsome little man?”

  Find The Devoted Groom here.

  Also by Cami Checketts

  Quinn Family Romance

  The Devoted Groom

  The Conflicted Warrior

  The Gentle Patriot

  The Tough Warrior

  Her Too-Perfect Boss

  Her Forbidden Bodyguard

  Hawk Brothers Romance

  The Determined Groom

  The Stealth Warrior

  Her Billionaire Boss Fake Fiance

  Risking it All

  Navy Seal Romance

  The Protective Warrior

  The Captivating Warrior

  The Stealth Warrior

  Texas Titan Romance

  The Fearless Groom

  The Trustworthy Groom

  The Beastly Groom

  The Irresistible Groom

  The Determined Groom

  The Devoted Groom

  Billionaire Beach Romance

  Caribbean Rescue

  Cozumel Escape

  Cancun Getaway

  Trusting the Billionaire

  How to Kiss a Billionaire

  Onboard for Love

  Shadows in the Curtain

  Billionaire Bride Pact Romance

  The Resilient One

  The Feisty One

  The Independent One

  The Protective One

  The Faithful One

  The Daring One

  Park City Firefighter Romance

  Rescued by Love

  Reluctant Rescue

  Stone Cold Sparks

  Snowed-In for Christmas

  Echo Ridge Romance

  Christmas Makeover

  Last of the Gentlemen

  My Best Man’s Wedding

  Change of Plans

  Counterfeit Date

  Snow Valley

  Full Court Devotion: Christmas in Snow Valley

  A Touch of Love: Summer in Snow Valley

  Running from the Cowboy: Spring in Snow Valley

  Light in Your Eyes: Winter in Snow Valley

  Romancing the Singer: Return to Snow Valley

  Fighting for Love: Return to Snow Valley

  Other Books by Cami

  The Loyal Patriot: Georgia Patriots Romance

  Seeking Mr. Debonair: Jane Austen Pact

  Seeking Mr. Dependable: Jane Austen Pact

  Saving Sycamore Bay

  How to Design Love

  Oh, Come On, Be Faithful

  Protect This

  Blog This

  Redeem This

  The Broken Path

  Dead Running

  Dying to Run

  Fourth of July

  Love & Loss

  Love & Lies

  Cami’s Collections

  Cami’s Military Collection

  Billionaire Beach Romance Collection

  Billionaire Bride Pact Collection

  Billionaire Romance Sampler

  Echo Ridge Romance Collection

  Texas Titans Romance Collection

  Snow Valley Collection

  Christmas Romance Collection




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