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Angel Sands Collection Books 1 - 3

Page 68

by Carrie Elks

  “I only said what I knew to be true.”

  And what did he think now? The way he was looking at her – with dark, narrowed eyes – left her reeling. “Sometimes I find it hard to believe you’re really back,” she whispered. “Like maybe you’re a figment of my imagination.”

  He swallowed, his throat undulating in the gloom. “I can’t believe I stayed away for so long.”

  She pulled the soft skin on the inside of her lip between her teeth. “I’m glad you’re here now.”

  “So am I.” He reached out, running his hand down her arm. The same way he had on the boat. But this time it was the two of them and the ocean, and she allowed the shiver he caused to wrack her body. “I never should’ve left.” He traced the inside of her wrist with the pad of his finger.


  “No, hear me out.” He’d reached the delicate skin on her wrist, tracing the tangle of blue beneath her flesh. “I left for the right reasons – what I thought were the right reasons – but I should have refused. I should have fought harder for you. For us. I should have told your father where to go.”

  “We were so young, so afraid. And you had your mom to think about. I’m glad you protected her, and kept her safe. That proves you’re the man I always thought you were.”

  He ran his fingertips along the lines on her palm, stroking each finger in turn. Lifting her hand to his mouth, he kissed it. She gasped as she felt the warmth of his lips brushing against her sensitive skin. Slowly, he kissed his way up her arm, setting her nerves alight, and she froze, waiting to see where he’d go. His mouth brushed her wrist, the inside of her elbow, making her gasp.

  “Do you ever think about that night?” He looked up at her, his eyes heavy-lidded.

  “Our last night?”


  “All the time,” she admitted. “I wonder what would have happened if my dad hadn’t been out so late. If he hadn’t been driving past the beach. If he hadn’t seen my car there.”

  “I still remember what you were wearing.”

  “I wasn’t wearing much by the time he found us.”

  Aiden smiled. “I remember that, too. I’ve never seen anything as beautiful as you were that night. Your skin lit by the moonlight, your body warm against mine.”

  They’d been close, so close, and it had taken her breath away. Over the years she’d tried to rationalize it. To tell herself that all teenagers feel those heightened emotions. But she could never forget the way his muscled thighs had felt between hers, or the way he’d asked if she was sure about a hundred times.

  She’d been certain.

  “I was so in love with you,” she whispered.

  Pulling at her hand, he moved her closer until her thigh was pressing against his. With his free hand, he reached out, brushing her curtain of blonde hair over her shoulder, exposing her neck, her shoulder, her chest. The moment he pressed his lips to her throat her body responded. He moved his lips upward, kissing her jaw, her cheek, the corner of her lips. His mouth lingered there, his breath warm, his lips soft. She opened her eyes to see him staring at her, eyes still as dark as coal. She tried to swallow but the dryness of her mouth stopped her.

  When she was sixteen, their kisses had been plentiful. They’d given and taken without knowing their relationship had a sell-by date. But now, as his lips moved slowly, achingly along hers, she knew this kiss couldn’t last forever.

  Aiden cradled her jaw in his palm, and pressed his lips to hers. His kiss was slow, exploring, his tongue sliding slowly against hers. Her heart began to pound as he pushed her backward, until her back was against the rock. He slid his hand underneath, protecting her skin from the rough edges, and kissed her again. He moved with her, his body hard and muscular when he pressed into her, her thighs opening as he slid his hard, thick leg between them. She looped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer, needing to touch him, feel him, taste him. She couldn’t get enough of him. It was as though something inside her had been unleashed, and it was aching to be fed. She kissed him back, hard and needy, her soft moans leaving him in no doubt how he was making her feel.

  Holding her breath, she felt his mouth against the sharp jut of her clavicle, and the soft dip of skin below her throat. His lips brushed over the swell of her breasts, making her nipples hard and achy, and when he reached up to brush the fabric covered peaks with his thumb, she sighed out loud.

  Lifting her easily, he brought her down to the ground, her hair splaying out on the golden sand as he leaned into her. His legs were between hers, his hands holding his weight above her. When he kissed her again, she wrapped her legs around his waist, her hips undulating to the rhythm of need he was building inside her.

  “Is this okay?” he murmured, his fingers stopping at the thin straps on her shoulders.

  She nodded, and he pulled at them, letting them dangle over her arms as he dipped his hands beneath the fabric, cupping her swollen, tender breasts, the warmth of his hand radiating through her bra. Brooke arched into him, her breath short, telling him with her body what she couldn’t say with her lips. Then he pushed her dress down, and her white lace bra with it, exposing her pale skin to the night. His lips followed his hands, kissing the swell of her breasts, the dark red of her areola, and finally the hard, needy peak of her nipples. She let her head fall back, moaning louder as he sucked her in, her fingers grabbing at his hair as he sucked her into his warm, velvet mouth. She rocked her hips again, feeling him hard and thick against her, needing the friction it created.

  Blood rushed through her ears, drowning out the sound of the ocean. Aiden moved his hands down, stroking her waist, her stomach, her hips, pushing the hem of her dress up, exposing her smooth thighs and white lingerie. His fingers were touching the damp scrap of silk covering her core, eliciting another loud moan from her lips.


  “Shh, let me touch you.” He kissed her again, swallowing her sighs as he stroked her, his fingers maddeningly gentle as he moved them back and forth. She arched her back, pressing herself into him, begging with her body for more.

  “Please don’t stop.”

  He pushed his hand beneath the light fabric, his fingers pressed against her warmth, skimming against her as he pulled her panties aside. She could feel the burn begin, deep in her belly, swirling and growing until it was impossible to ignore.

  Her breath was escaping in tiny gasps, a staccato burst that echoed her pulse, as the pleasure inside built into an unstoppable force. She tightened around him, her body arching until she was barely touching the sand, her toes digging into the smooth grains, trying to keep her grounded. She was flying, convulsing around him, the ecstasy lighting her up like a beacon in the night. He held her as she soared, his lips capturing hers, tasting her pleasure he coaxed from her.

  She never wanted him to let go.


  Though the candles were still flickering, they were almost burned down to the wick. The flames turned her face orange and yellow, a contrast to the blackness of the sand and sea beyond her. He could see the sparks in her eyes as she stared up at him with the same innocent yet sexy-as-hell look she always had. The one that made him want to protect her from whatever hurricane was coming.

  And there was always a hurricane.

  “It’s getting late,” he said, his voice low. “We should go.”

  There was disappointment in her eyes. “I guess. I don’t want to, though. I’d happily lay here with you for hours.” She smiled at him, her lips pink and swollen from their kisses. He loved the way she looked right now – content, sated. As though every muscle in her body was relaxed.

  He did that to her and it made him feel ten feet tall.

  “We might have a bit of explaining to do if we stay here.” He winked. “Let me take you home. We can come back another day.”

  “But you didn’t…” She looked down, biting her lip. “You know.”

  “This wasn’t about me.” He was still hard, but under control. The
re was a cold shower back home with his name on it.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to be like that. So quick. It’s been a while.”

  He was amused at the way she was talking around the subject. As though she was afraid to say the right words. “How long?” She’d piqued his interest.

  She blinked, her eyelashes sweeping down as a frown formed on her face. “Um, yeah. Quite a long time.” She laced her fingers together. “Like a really long time.”

  Now he was curious. A half smile formed on his lips. Normally, he wasn’t the possessive sort, but the thought he’d reawakened something in her made him want to do it all over again. “A year?” he asked.

  She shook her head, still not meeting his gaze. “Longer.”

  So she was making this a game of higher or lower. He could handle that. “Two?”


  He tipped her chin up with his fingers, needing to see her eyes. “How long?”

  There was something going on behind those pretty eyes – a struggle that made him want to reach out and calm her. Though he couldn’t tell in the candlelight, he thought she was blushing. “I can’t.” She shook her head again, her lips twisting together. “It’s so embarrassing.”

  “Don’t be embarrassed. It’s just us. Nobody else. I don’t care about your past, though I’m interested in it. I want to know your story.”

  She relaxed against the sand, pulling her hands apart. “I haven’t had sex since I got pregnant with Nick.”

  He tried to keep his shock under control, but failed miserably. His eyes widened. “Seriously? You haven’t had sex in nine years?” Damn, so much for not caring. He tried to temper his tone. “Why not?”

  “It’s hard being a single mom. Even getting to go out was a miracle, and don’t forget I lived on my parents’ estate. I couldn’t exactly bring guys home, even if I’d wanted to. Which I didn’t.”

  The way she looked away from him made him sense that wasn’t the entire story. “Okay. That’s understandable. You had Nick to think of.”

  “And I guess, you don’t miss what you haven’t had.”

  He tipped his head. “Can you explain that? I don’t quite understand.”

  “I’ve only had two experiences of sex in my life, and both times ended with consequences. There was us that one night that we got caught…” She waved her hand. “And then you left.” Her voice trembled. “Then there was Jamie.” She sighed. “Which led to me being pregnant.”

  His stomach tightened. He hadn’t expected that. “You’ve never had a good experience of sex.” He shook his head, trying not to frown too hard. “That’s terrible.”

  “As I said, you don’t miss what you haven’t had.” She shrugged. “Though if tonight was anything to go by, maybe I should miss it.”

  “Tonight was a only a taste. Sex isn’t only about orgasms or even about the act itself. It’s about connecting, loving, wanting to give each other pleasure. It’s about feeling naked skin on naked skin, warm and delicious. It’s about the two of us and nothing else.”

  “You sound like you’ve had a lot of experience.”

  “Some.” He didn’t want to talk about other girls. Didn’t want to talk about his past. He was too busy thinking about hers. “Enough to know how good it can be.” He traced his finger along her jaw, lingering at her mouth. “Let me show you.”

  Her eyes widened. “Here?”

  He chuckled. “No, not here. When we make love it’s going to be under a roof, maybe in a bed, where nobody else can see us.”

  “Maybe in a bed,” she repeated. “Where else would you want to do it?” He could feel her muscles form into a smile. Her eyes were sparkling.

  “We’d start off in bed, but maybe we’d need a shower, or maybe we’d lean against the wall. I can promise you once we’ve done it the first time, it will never be enough.”

  It never would be for him. The thought of showing her what she was missing, of teaching her things that would rock her world, was enticing. It took every piece of self control he had not to start right here, right now.

  Her chest hitched. “When?”

  “When what?” He raised his eyebrows.

  “When can we see each other again? When can you show me what I’ve been missing out on?”

  Her enthusiasm gratified him. “As soon as you arrange for a sitter. An all night one. Because once you’re in my bed, I’m not going to want to let go of you until morning.”

  She nodded slowly, braver now, keeping her eyes on his. “In that case, it’s a date.”

  “Are you guys free on Saturday?” Brooke asked. “I need a sitter for Nick, and I was wondering if he could stay over.”

  Ember raised an eyebrow, pouring cream into her coffee. Behind them she could hear Ally talking to a customer, taking his breakfast order. “Yeah, we haven’t got anything planned. What are you up to?”

  “Aiden’s asked me out again.” Brooke couldn’t stop the smile from pulling at her lips.

  “Mmhmm.” Ember nodded. “This is the guy who isn’t interested in you, right?”

  “You can stop it. I concede. You were right and I was wrong. Happy now?” Brooke’s tone was teasing.

  “I can tell you’re happy, which is the most important thing. So I’m guessing the first date went well.”

  “It was heaven.” She sighed, a smile pulling at her lips.

  Ember leaned forward, her elbows on the formica table. “Heaven? Tell me more.”

  “Ugh, I swear this day can go take a jump off the boardwalk.” Ally pulled a chair out, slumping dramatically on the table. “How the hell am I supposed to serve breakfast when we don’t have any eggs?”

  “No eggs?” Brooke winced. “There goes our order.”

  “What happened?” Ember frowned. “Did your delivery not come?”

  “Nope, and Nate’s spitting buckets. I heard him on the phone earlier, reaming out the supplier.” Ally sighed. “I had to remind him I’m the manager of this place and it’s up to me to do the reaming.”

  Brooke tried not to grin. Despite Ally’s shaking head, she and Nate made a great team. He owned coffee shops all down the West Coast, but it had been her idea to brand the beachside ones differently. She’d even thought of the name – Coastal Coffee – and from the looks of how busy the shop was, her idea was going down a storm with locals and tourists alike.

  When Nate had asked her to come and manage the shop, he’d promised that she’d have free rein. After all, he had a huge business to run. But he was also hugely protective of Ally and looked after her the way she deserved. Including ranting at suppliers when they didn’t do their job.

  “Talking of spitting buckets, your mom came in to the café yesterday.” Ally raised her eyebrow at Brooke.

  “She’s back from vacation? I didn’t know.”

  “I’m surprised they haven’t been camping outside your door,” Ember murmured. “They’ll want to see Nick, won’t they?”

  “I’d guess so.” Brooke frowned, and looked down at the table. She wasn’t ready to have a conversation with them yet. Especially not when she had to tell them the truth about Nick’s father. They were going to go crazy when they found out he was related to Aiden and his family. Squeezing her eyes shut, she tried to get the image of her father’s angry red face out of her mind.

  There was plenty of time to tell them. Maybe she’d find the guts to do so over the next week.

  “There’s no need to look so scared,” Ally told her. “She wasn’t that bad.”

  Brooke finished the last of her coffee, feeling the warm liquid slide down her throat. “What’d she say?”

  “She wanted to know about your new place, asked me if I’d seen it yet. Whether it was as ‘low rent’ as she was led to believe.”

  “Did you give her any answers?”

  “I told her you and Nick were doing fine. Then she asked me if I’d noticed something…” Ally lowered her voice, “different about you. Whether you were having some kind of breakdown.”
  Well that was a new one. “She thinks I’ve lost it?”

  “She can’t understand why you won’t come back home.” Ally shrugged. “I told her you’re happy, and that’s all that mattered.”

  “You’re a good friend.” Brooke reached out and squeezed her hand. “When did our parents get so complicated? I swear they’re causing us more trouble now than they did when we were teenagers.”

  “Are you sure about that?” Ember winked. “They were pretty difficult when we were younger, too. And so was Ally’s dad. We’ve grown up. We’re strong enough to stand on our own two feet. I don’t think your folks like that much.”

  Brooke shot her a smile. “I guess they’ll have to learn to live with it.”

  “I know they drive you crazy, but they love you,” Ember said. “They’ll adjust to your new situation.” She shrugged.

  “Yeah, I guess.” Brooke closed her eyes and breathed in, tasting the salt in the air. The sound of the ocean echoed the beating of her heart.

  “Don’t worry,” Ally said, reaching for her hand. “They’ll come around. They love you and Nick. But sometimes they forget you have your own lives to live.”

  Brooke tried to smile. “Yeah, sure.” They’d only been away for a week but she’d already felt freer than she had in a long time. Now that they were back, she felt a feeling of wistfulness wash over her – the same feeling they used to get as kids when summer started to fade into fall, school started back up, and they had to leave the beach and their school vacations behind.

  Things were changing, and her life was moving on whether they liked it or not.

  If only she could find the strength to tell them that.


  Brooke pulled her car into the driveway leading to Aiden’s rented house. Once she turned off the ignition, she leaned forward on the steering wheel to rest her head. Looking down she could see her bare legs stretching forward – her feet still touching the pedals – and the hem of the pink dress she’d taken hours in choosing.


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