Diver's Heart
Page 18
They all laugh. “I would have won too,” he mutters.
“Bro, you lost to an octopussy,” I taunt as I keep swimming.
“I’ll give you pussy,” he snarls.
“I think you already had the pussy,” Riggs quips, making us all freeze and then howl in laughter. Oh God, did he actually just say that?
“Fuck, I can’t believe you said that!” I laugh so hard, I have to stop and regulate my breathing.
“Oops,” he replies, but I hear the smile in his voice. Riggs is finally stepping into the game. It’s about time, especially after I used to have to listen to how much he loved that girl. Apparently, he’s decided he’s not holding back anymore.
I just don’t think she’ll be ready for what he was hiding from her.
He’s going to destroy that girl, and she will love it.
“Concentrate,” Tyler snaps, his tone filled with jealousy. It’s going to be hard for him to share, but it all pales in comparison to the situation we’re in now.
Hell, we could have a chart, like a reward chart for pussy, I think as I swim, the tunnel angling down slightly.
It starts to open up, and I hesitate for a moment before diving forward in case those bitches are waiting to pounce. I stop at the edge of the tunnel, popping my head up, when I realise the water is draining and I can breathe without my mask. I stare into the opening with a whistle.
“Found an opening,” I call, slipping to the edge before I dive down, holding my mask as I plunge into the water. With a kick, I reach the surface and head towards the raised rock, which protrudes above the water. I drag myself up and out, tugging off my fins as I stand and stretch.
There is a whole bloody cavern in here. The pool is only a fraction of the area. Above are pinpricks of light from bioluminescent bugs in the ceiling, the floor is rocky but smooths out, and there is a flat area to rest on. There are no other entrances over this way, so I relax. It’s not likely the bats can get in here.
“Nothing here,” I murmur. There isn’t a bag, blood, or any other sign of Peyton ever coming through here.
It’s just another dead end.
Just then I hear a splash. I spin, raising my knife as I step back, searching the water for those creepy little bats. I want to kill some of those bastards for hurting my brother and my girl. Instead, I see bubbles fizzing to the surface of the water. Frowning, I hesitantly step closer to the edge, peering into the depths below. The water is clear enough that I can see straight down.
Straight at Peyton.
Chapter Thirty-Three
She’s desperately struggling to get to the top.
One second is all it takes. My heart skips a beat, and my entire body lights up with excitement that she’s alive, but then I notice her movements are turning sluggish. She needs help, she needs air.
She’s alive, but not for long if we can’t get her to the surface. She doesn’t even have a tank on.
Forgetting the knife, I dive in and swim right for her. Peyton’s eyes catch on mine as she punches through the water, trying to reach me. I extend my hand as she slows further.
No, fuck that.
I didn’t just find her to lose her again.
With a grunt and a huge kick, I manage to grasp her hand and drag her to me. We flip in the water, and I start to kick to the surface. Her legs wrap around me, but her eyes are panicked, darting from side to side as she shakes her head. She’s telling me she won’t make it.
I don’t hesitate, don’t wait. I will give her every breath in my lungs if that’s what it takes. And so I do. I seal my lips to hers and blow air into her mouth and lungs. She pulls herself closer as I carry on swimming to the surface, sharing air with her. Even when my own lungs start to scream and she tries to pull away, I refuse to stop. I thread my fingers into her hair, holding her to me.
I will never lose her again, not ever.
She can take it all.
My air, my heart, my body.
Whatever she needs.
We break through the surface, and she tears herself away as I gulp in air. My heart is racing so fast, it feels like it may just break through my chest, but it isn’t just from the lack of oxygen. It’s because my girl is back in my arms.
“Fin,” she whispers, her voice cracking.
Uncaring about anything else, I draw her closer and smash my lips to hers. She groans into my mouth, climbing higher on my body as I hold her. I pull away to breathe, pressing my forehead to hers, and she shakes in my arms.
“I didn’t think I would see you again,” she whispers brokenly.
“I never doubted you for a moment, darling. Not one fucking moment. Do you hear me?” I demand, and she nods, opening her eyes, which pierce straight to my soul. “I always knew you would come home to us.”
We both know I’m referring to more than just today.
She swallows and looks around. “There aren’t any of them here. I don’t think they could get through,” I assure her, and she settles a bit. “Are you hurt?” I ask, noticing there are cuts on her cheek and head.
“My shoulder was dislocated, but I popped it back in. It’s just my head, really, and some cuts on my side.” I flip her, holding tight, as I begin to swim us to the rocks so she can rest her body. Who knows how long she’s been swimming? She must be exhausted.
When we reach the raised area, I help her out, and she stumbles across it to the flat section and drops to her ass. “Fuck, that was not fun,” she comments as I crouch in front of her, searching for injuries. I run my hands over her, desperate to touch her and reassure myself she’s really here.
“I want you to tell me everything, but we might as well wait for the others.” I sigh and reach for the comms to let them know.
Staring into those tired eyes, I press the button, my voice coming out as a croak. “I’ve got her.”
There’s a moment of silence, and then they all talk at once. I wait for them to slow down before I speak. “She’s okay, I promise. We’re going to rest here for a bit before we come back. She’s exhausted, and I need to dress a cut on her side. We’ll meet you in three hours at forward base, I promise.”
“I can come through—” Kalen starts.
“You won’t fit, no offense. I promise she’s here. Darling, talk to them before they bust through the cave,” I murmur.
She leans against me, snuggling into my chest. “I’m okay, guys.”
Again, there is a moment of complete silence, and then Kalen’s broken voice comes through. “Promise me, baby?”
“I promise,” she replies.
“Pey?” Tyler whispers.
“I know. I’ll see you soon, okay? Get some food ready, and let Michael know,” she says and then hangs up as she leans into me, closing her eyes.
“Darling, I need to look at your side,” I murmur as I lay her down and pull my bag closer.
“Do it, undress me, I don’t fucking care. Just don’t ask me to move,” she whines, making me chuckle and pop her on the thigh.
“Stop whining, that’s not my Pey,” I admonish, and she rewards me with a grin.
“Fin, look after me,” she whispers, pouting.
“Always,” I vow, and kiss her softly before peeling away the bandage she made. I don’t need to take her suit off. Luckily, there is a huge hole around the slashes themselves. The wound looks clean but harsh—three long, deep furrows from claws. I glance up at her, but I think she’s asleep. What the fuck happened down there?
We are lucky she’s alive. No, luck had nothing to do with it.
Peyton Andrews is a goddamn monster killing badass.
I clean the wound, causing her to wince before she settles—we don’t want her getting an infection—and then I dry and redress it before lying down next to her and pulling her against my chest, ready to protect her while she rests.
My heart has never been so full. She’s back in my arms, nothing else matters.
I will never let her out of my sight
I wake her an hour later to drink something and take in some nutrients. Straight after, she curls back into my arms and sighs. “Fuck, I missed this,” I murmur, kissing her head.
“Yeah? Didn’t replace me right away?” she teases.
“Darling, I could never replace you, you know that,” I murmur. Even though she was teasing, I need her to know that. “No one could ever compare to you, not ever. Not in a million lifetimes. Peyton Andrews, you own me, always have. I never should have fallen for you, but I did,” I confess.
She lifts her head and meets my gaze. “We both tried not to,” she replies, and I nod, stroking along her cheek.
“You just made it too damn easy to love you.” I give her a teasing grin.
Her smile grows as she stares at me. “So was that kiss an ‘I’m glad you’re alive,’ one-time thing?” she murmurs, dropping her eyes to my lips. “Because I have to admit, feeling you pressed against me has me thinking of just how alive I really am.”
“You need to rest,” I rasp helplessly, staring at her lips as I groan and try to restrain myself. “Rest.” I grunt. “Yup, rest.”
“I don’t want to rest,” she whispers, her expression determined. “We could die in an hour, today, or tomorrow. I told myself if I made it through, I would tell you how I feel. I love you, I love you all. I do love you, Fin.” She searches my eyes, my resolve lessening with every word. “I’ve wanted you since the moment I met you, and I’m tired of fighting it. Fuck rest. I’ve spent enough years without you, I refuse to spend a moment more.”
“Pey,” I groan, pressing my head to hers, trying to ignore my rapidly hardening cock. It’s been too long since I fucked anything but my hand, years actually. Way before she ever left, I couldn’t bring myself to be with anyone else, even when I knew I would never be with her. I couldn’t stomach the idea of touching another, of her knowing I did and causing her pain.
I’ve always loved her and I always will, and right now, my girl is right—we may not make it through, and this may be the only time I ever get to have the woman I love. Am I really going to ignore that chance?
“You’re offering me everything I’ve ever wanted. I always imagined our first time together to be perfect. Special. Not like this.” I look around. “I was going to spend hours exploring you, touching you, and teasing every inch of skin I dreamed about for years. I wanted to show you just how fucking much I always wanted you, how goddamn much it hurt every time I had to pull away, to leave our cuddles for a cold shower and my hand because you drove me crazy, Peyton,” I admit, opening my eyes as I whisper her name.
“Even now, when I’m wet, bloody, and unwashed?” she teases.
Grinning, I press my lips to hers. “Even more because this is real. And my Peyton is a goddamn badass bitch who survived on her own in a cave full of monsters to get back to me…so of course even now. Fuck, Pey,” I mutter before finally…
Finally giving in to desire.
“Thank fuck,” she whispers before I slam my lips onto hers. Swallowing her moan, I roll us so she’s on her back and I’m between her thighs. I prop myself up on one arm and grip her chin as I turn her for the kiss. I show her with each stroke of my lips, my tongue, just how fucking much I want her.
Have always wanted her. Will always want her.
She moans, biting my lip before I lick along hers and slip inside, tangling my tongue with hers. Slowly, I lower myself and search along the rocky ground until I find her hand, stroking up along her arm to her wrist. I twine my fingers with hers and press it above her head before doing the same with the other, gripping them both in one of my hands as the kiss turns darker.
Deeper, hungrier.
Each of us fights for control as we try to hold out for as long as we can. I know as soon as I strip her, I’ll be lost, and I want to remember every single last detail of this moment.
“Fin,” she begs against my lips before pulling away. She turns her head as she pants, her hands clinging to mine. Chuckling softly, I glide my nose across her cheek to her ear before licking and nibbling the lobe, making her gasp.
“I can’t tell you how many times I imagined hearing your voice like that, all breathy and pleading.” I groan into her ear, grinding my cock against her stomach to show her how wild with lust she makes me. “Fuck, I had so many fantasies about the way you would cry and scream for me.”
“Yeah? Show me,” she challenges, flicking her eyes back to mine as her parted lips curve up in a grin.
“You’re on, babe,” I growl before dragging my tongue and lips down her throat, tasting the water from the caves, but it only adds to Peyton. She comes with water, with earth, and I have so many fantasies of fucking her in the ocean, of watching her come up from a dive, strip for me, and then ride me right there on the boat in the middle of nowhere.
I reach her chest, clench the zipper between my teeth, and start to tug it down, having to work it across her breasts. I end just above her pussy, placing a teasing kiss over the drying material. She groans and lifts her hips, but I ignore her body’s plea and move up. I unfasten her sports bra, freeing her breasts, and I take my time staring at them. I saw them a couple of times before. It’s not exactly easy to live on a boat and not see each other naked, but those moments pale in comparison to now. Her nipples are hard, begging for my mouth, and her chest is flushed with excitement.
Raising my gaze, I lean down and suck her nipple into my mouth as she watches. Her head falls back and her eyes close as she arches her chest higher, pushing her breast deeper into my mouth. Chuckling, I pull back, licking around her nipple before flicking it with my tongue. I lap at her flesh, teasing her before sucking it between my lips again, making her cry out before I add the sting of my teeth.
I turn and give the other the same treatment, laving it with my tongue, coaxing it into a harder point. Her hips keep rolling against me, begging for more, and her muffled cries reach my ears, urging me on. She clenches her hand, squeezing mine as she holds on for whatever I have planned for her.
Releasing her nipple, I free her hands after squeezing in warning. “Keep them there. This is my time to explore, to touch you,” I order, then sit back and look over her heaving chest, her swollen lips, and her wild, lust filled eyes. Wrapping my fingers around the zip, I decide to tease her.
“Want me to pull this down?”
She nods and then licks her lips. “Do it.”
“No going back then, darling.”
“There never was for us, so fuck me already,” she purrs.
“So demanding, Peyton. Did you kiss Tyler with that mouth?” I tease as I yank the zipper down. Working together, we get her out of the suit. I sit back and take in her curvy body before leaning down and kissing the shark bite scar. I remember that, it was one of the scariest days of my life until now. We thought she had been seriously hurt, but she just laughed it off and downed a beer while we dressed the wound. I run my lips across the slight scar on her kneecap, which she got when the guideline snapped on a dive in the Caribbean.
Working my way up her body, I kiss near her wound where her latest batch of scars will be before finding the one on her shoulder from debris in a blowhole. I kiss each one, worshipping their beauty, because they make Peyton who she is. Each holds a story of us falling in love, of our life together, and I have never been so thankful for them as I am now.
“Strip,” she demands, but stays put like a good girl.
I shift back so she can watch, and then I yank down my own suit and remove it. I place a knife near her head for protection, in case any of those creepy bat fuckers come while I’m taking my girl. Though I’m betting it’s not the type of protection most concern themselves with in these situations.
Her eyes run down my body, leaving heat like an actual caress, lighting each nerve on fire with just one look as she lies splayed on the ground before me. When she meets my eyes again, she smirks and parts her thighs teasingly, making my hard cock bob against my stomach.<
br />
I wrap my hand around my hard length and stroke once, then twice, as she watches. She groans, sinking her teeth into her lower lip. “Shit, Fin.”
“Yes, Pey?” I grin. “Like what you see?” She nods as I pump my hand down my cock again. “Hmm, what, no words? Does my big cock make you speechless?”
She grins, giggling softly as I smile. “Such a corny line. We aren’t in a porno, so get your fine ass back down here.”
Moving to my knees, I kiss along her leg. “So demanding,” I whisper against her skin before dragging my tongue up her thigh to her pussy. “What if I have other plans, like tasting this pussy that’s whipped both Kalen and Tyler?”
“I’m all for that,” she rasps, widening her thighs and exposing her pink, wet sex for me. Licking my lips, I stare, unable to help myself. It’s such a pretty pussy, and if she tastes half as good as I think, it’s no wonder she has them both following her around like dogs in heat.
Groaning, I drop to my belly and bring my hands to her thighs, massaging the muscular flesh before pulling them over my shoulders to give me better access. I drag my fingers along the length of her wetness, part her lips, and stare greedily at her cunt, watching her hole pulse. She reaches down, and I snap my eyes back to hers. “Hands up, Peyton,” I demand, and she complies with a huff. In reward, I flick her clit with my tongue.
She moans and pushes her pussy closer to my face. Chuckling, I run my tongue down her core and back up before flicking her clit. I lash her, over and over, until she’s moaning continually and lifting her hips to fuck her pussy against my face.
And goddamn, her taste.
She tastes like the ocean, fresh and so sweet, I can’t help but dip my tongue inside, searching for more of her cream.
Her eyes stay locked on mine as I gaze up her body. I can hardly believe this is happening. I’ve been waiting for this for so long, and now she’s here. She’s mine. Her pussy drips under my mouth, and her body is almost thrashing from her desire. My cock begs me to fuck her, claim her, and make her scream my name like she has my brothers’. But not yet. I want to watch her come all over my tongue first.