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The Escort

Page 4

by Lynn, Sandi


  I climbed into the car and took in a deep breath. This reminded me of the first time I saw a client. I grew out of my nervousness over the years because I was always in control. But somehow, I didn’t feel in control of tonight and I wasn’t sure why.

  Ben pulled up to the Chatwal Hotel, opened the door for me, and helped me out.

  “You look beautiful, Brielle. Have fun tonight.”

  “Thanks, Ben. I’ll try.”

  “If you need me, just call. I can be here in a flash.”

  “I will, but I don’t think it’ll be necessary.”

  I walked through the opened door of the hotel, where I was greeted by the doorman with a nod and a smile.

  “Good evening, Miss. I hope you enjoy your stay.”

  “Thank you. I’m sure I will.”

  “May I help you?” A tall man with a cheery smile approached me.

  “I’m meeting Mr. Chamberlain in his suite.”

  “Very good. Just take the elevator up to the top floor.”

  I gave him a smile and he pushed the button to the elevator for me. Once the doors opened, I stepped inside and nervously took it up to the top floor. Once I approached his room, I lightly knocked on the door. When it opened, Caden handsomely stood there, his eyes raking over me as the corners of his mouth curved upwards.

  “You look absolutely stunning,” he spoke as he held out his hand.

  “Thank you.” I placed my hand in his and stepped inside. “This is really nice.” I looked around. “I’m going to place my bag in the bedroom.”

  “Of course,” he spoke.

  After setting my bag down, I walked out into the living area, where he was waiting for me with a glass in his hand.

  “I had the bar make this for you.” He smiled as he handed it to me. “Just how you like it.”

  “I appreciate that. Thank you.”

  This was definitely a change for me. I was always the one offering my clients drinks. Not the other way around. I took a sip to try and ease the nervousness that was inside me. A nervousness that shouldn’t have been there.

  “Your eyes are blue. An incredibly beautiful shade of blue. Don’t get me wrong, they were beautiful green, but I think blue suits you best. By the way, I was secretly hoping you’d pick that dress. It looks beautiful on you.”

  “Thank you, Caden. And thanks for the dress and the shoes.”

  “You’re welcome. I have a question for you. Do you tell people what you do for work? I’m suspecting you don’t, considering you disguise yourself.”

  “As far as anyone outside my very small circle is concerned, I’m a freelance marketing consultant.”

  “Excellent. So if anyone asks, we met through my company. If you’re ready, we should head downstairs.” He held out his arm.

  I hooked my arm around his and we went to the ballroom where the event was being held. It was a fundraising event for a new wing at Mount Sinai Hospital. When we walked in, all eyes turned to us as if we were royalty. Men smiled and nodded at Caden as the women stared me up and down.



  “Caden, how are you?” A man approached, and I froze.

  He was a client of mine that I hadn’t seen in about a year. The nervousness in my belly intensified as I feared he would recognize me.

  “Jim. It’s good to see you. I’m good. How about yourself?” They shook hands.

  “I’m good. Couldn’t be better, in fact. You heard that Dee and I divorced?”

  “I did, and I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be. That money-sucking bitch was worth every penny I paid her to get out of my life.” He smiled. “And who is this beautiful woman on your arm?”

  “Hi.” I smiled as I held out my hand. “I’m Delilah Winters and I’m a marketing consultant for Mr. Chamberlain’s company.”

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Delilah.”

  When I gave my fake name, Caden glanced over at me with a narrowed eye.

  “If you’ll excuse us, Jim, we’re going to go find some drinks,” Caden spoke as he patted his shoulder.

  “Of course. We’ll talk later.”

  “What was with the fake name?” he asked.

  “He’s a client of mine. Except I haven’t seen him in a about a year.”

  “And he didn’t recognize you. So is Delilah your real name, then? Because I know damn well Emmy Pine isn’t.”

  “And how do you know that?”

  “Someone who disguises themselves for their job goes to great lengths to protect their identity and they wouldn’t be foolish enough to use their real name.”

  “You’re very observant, Mr. Chamberlain. Why are we here? Does your company donate to the local hospitals?”

  “My father is on the board at Mount Sinai, and since he’s in Europe, I step in when needed.”

  “Why is he in Europe?”

  “He oversees our offices there while I tend to business here in the states.”

  “I see. So you run that big multi-billion-dollar company all by yourself?” I smiled.

  “I have an excellent staff that helps. My brother was supposed to be in charge, but since he decided to leave the company and open his own restaurant, I was next in line.”

  “Why would he leave the company?”

  “Because his passion is food. My passion is being in charge and running a multi-billion-dollar company. Just like your passion is providing sex to strangers for money.”

  “Believe me, it is not my passion. I do it for the money. And not every man that hires me wants sex. Sometimes all they want is to go to dinner and talk.”

  “Foolish men, as far as I’m concerned. There would be no way I could just take you to dinner and talk.” He smirked.

  “No. You’re just foolish for paying thirty thousand dollars for one night with me,” I spoke with an arch in my brow.

  “Touché, Emmy.”

  We had dinner, mingled with some guests, and then it was time to go back to the suite. Over the course of the night, I only saw three people who were clients of mine. One that I was just with two weeks ago. He was with his wife and I couldn’t help but feel sorry for her. If she only knew what her husband was up to in the afternoon when he was supposed to be at the office.

  Caden and I stepped into the suite and I set my purse down on the table in the entranceway. He pushed a button on the wall and the curtains began to slowly close throughout the room. Walking over to me, he ran his finger down my cleavage.

  “I know you’re probably used to being in control, but tonight, I’m in control. Understand?”

  “If you say so. It’s your money.” I smiled.

  He leaned in and softly brushed his lips against mine as his hand slipped inside my dress and he cupped my bare breast.

  “I will be the best you’ve ever had. That I can promise you,” he softly spoke.

  After our lips tangled for a moment, he broke our kiss, unzipped my dress, and watched as it fell to the ground. He took a step back and studied every inch of my body.

  “Turn around,” he commanded.

  I stepped out of my dress and did as he asked, standing there in my black heels and black string panties embellished with rhinestones. I heard the intake of his sharp breath.



  My cock hardened at a rapid speed. She was perfect. Her hourglass shape was to die for with abs that were tightly toned and visible. Her ass was tight and round. Not too small and not too big. I turned her around and stared at her natural C cup breasts that were perky with taut nipples that were begging to be plucked. My eyes made their way down to her pussy as my fingers delicately made their way up her inner thigh until they reached her slick opening. She was already soaking wet and I’d barely touched her.

  I pulled away, took a step back, and told her to go into the bedroom and sit on the edge of the bed. As I watched her walk away in just her black heels and sexy panties, I took off my jacket and bowtie, unbuttoned my shirt, and thr
ew it on the floor before making it into the bedroom. She sat there on the bed in front of me, feet planted on the ground as I took off the rest of my clothes. The only thing I could think about at the moment was her beautiful lips wrapped around my hard cock. I stood in front of her as the corners of her mouth curved upwards. I didn’t even have to tell her what to do as she wrapped her fingers around me, and with a firm grip, gave my cock a few tugs. Her tongue lightly swept across me and I gasped, almost losing my breath when she took me completely in her mouth. My god, I had never felt so good. As astounding as her mouth felt, I needed to stop her because I was about to lose all control.

  I pulled away from her and she looked up at me with those incredible blue eyes.

  “That was fantastic, but I told you I was in control tonight,” I spoke as I got down on my knees in front of her.

  “Then by all means, take control.” She smirked and I nearly lost it.

  My hands fondled her breasts as she lay back on the bed while my tongue swept up her inner thigh. She let out a pleasurable moan as my mouth devoured her. With each flick of my tongue, her sounds became louder. I took my time and explored every inch of her. She was delectable and tasted sweet, just like I fantasized she would. Different positions soared through my head. Little did she know this wasn’t going to be the only time we’d have sex. I was going to fuck her until she couldn’t walk. I would make sure I got my thirty-thousand-dollars’ worth.

  As soon as an orgasm tore through her, I stood up and stared down at her.

  “Are you on birth control?” I asked.

  “Yes. Why?”

  “I know you’re clean because, in your line of work, I’m sure you get tested frequently.”

  “I am clean, and I do get tested, but I don’t ever let a man not use a condom, if that’s what you’re saying.”

  “I’m clean too and I have the doctor’s report to prove it in my bag. I always use a condom, but with you, I don’t want to. I’m paying for this and I want to feel you naturally with no barrier between us.”


  His voice was more commanding than simply asking. If the men I was with refused to use a condom, then I walked. It clearly stated in the terms of agreement that a condom must be used. Caden knew that. He read it, and yet, he stood in front of me demanding not to use one. I believed him about being clean. A man like him would never compromise his sexual health. But then again, he did hire an escort for the night. He trusted that I was clean, and somehow, I found myself trusting him.

  “Okay. No condom,” I softly spoke.

  The corners of his mouth curved up into a smile as he hovered over me. Not once during our conversation did he lose his erection. I was impressed. Dipping his finger inside me, I gasped for air as he explored me. Not only was his mouth magnificent, his fingers were magical.

  “You’re ready for me,” he whispered as he brushed his lips against mine.

  With one thrust, he was buried deep inside me and my entire body trembled. Our lips locked while he slowly moved in and out. His tongue slid over my throat and across my neck as the warmth of his breath paralyzed me. My heart raced and my skin began to sweat. He picked up the pace for a moment and then rolled me on top of him. Our eyes locked as my hands planted themselves firmly on his muscular chest and my hips moved back and forth. His hands latched on to my breasts as he fondled them, tugging at my hardened peaks. Another orgasm was coming, and I couldn’t control myself.

  “Fuck, Emmy. Oh my God,” he loudly voiced. “Come for me. Come right now.”

  I let out a soft scream as a roaring orgasm tore through my body. I was out of breath as I collapsed on top of him. He rolled me on my back and our lips collided. He thrust in and out of me like a wild beast, unable to be tamed. It was hot. He was hot and I found myself not wanting him to stop. He halted, let out a long moan and exploded inside me. He rolled off me and lay on his back, placing his hand over his heart while he tried to regain his breath. I rolled on my side and placed my hand on his. He turned his head and looked at me.

  “I think you may have given me a heart attack.” He smirked.

  I let out a laugh.

  “I’ve never had a client die on me, so please, don’t do that.”

  “There’s a bottle of champagne chilling. Would you like some?”

  “Sure.” I smiled.

  He climbed out of bed, pulled on his underwear, and left the room. I lay there, taking in a deep breath as my body was still on a high. More often than not, I had to fake orgasms with my clients, but not with him. With him, they came naturally and very quickly.

  “So tell me how you got into escorting,” he said as he handed me a glass of champagne.

  “It’s a long story. So I’ll spare you all the boring details. My mother got sick with cancer and got fired from her job just as I was going off to college. Her medical bills were piling up and she needed me to take care of her. I was a waitress and I met a woman who was an escort but retiring. We talked, she took me under her wing, and sent her clients to me. The money is good and a little hard to give up. I live a good lifestyle.”

  “And now, with my thirty grand, you can live an even better life.” He winked.

  I let out a long yawn and then finished off my champagne.

  “You’re tired and so am I. We should get some sleep,” he spoke as he took my glass and set it on the nightstand.

  He lay down and held his arm out. I snuggled against him with my head on his chest.

  “Don’t be alarmed if you’re woken up in a few hours with me inside you.”

  “Thanks for the heads up.” I laughed.

  His arm tightened around me as I closed my eyes and prayed that he kept true to his word.



  She was incredible and worth every penny like I knew she would be. I fucked her again and hard before the sun rose. I lay there, one arm wrapped around her and the other behind my head, thinking and struggling with the fact that this woman satisfied me more than any other woman ever had. It had been years since I felt like this and it caused me a great deal of anxiety.

  I looked down at her and she opened her eyes. She stirred out of my arms and lifted her head off my chest.

  “Good morning.” She smiled. “What time is it?”

  “It’s eight o’clock. How about we order room service before we part ways?”

  “Sure. That sounds good.”

  I reached over and pulled the room service menu from the nightstand as she sat up next to me and laid her head on my shoulder while we decided what to order.

  “Eggs Benedict sounds good,” she spoke.

  “It does. I’ll order us that and some fruit.”

  She climbed out of bed and went into the bathroom while I dialed room service. Suddenly, I heard the shower turn on, so I got out of bed and joined her. Might as well get one last fuck in before she left. I opened the glass shower door and stepped inside. She stared at me with a seductive look and took my rising cock in her hand.

  “I was hoping you’d join me.” She smiled as her lips tenderly brushed against mine.

  “The thought of fucking you one last time was too tempting not to.”

  My hands fondled her breasts as my thumbs rubbed her hard nipples. She moaned as did I when she stroked my balls with her fingers.

  “Get down on your knees and take me in your mouth, but don’t make me come. I want to save that for when I’m buried inside you.”

  She got down on her knees and wrapped her lips around the tip, slowly making her way down until I was fully immersed in her mouth. I threw my head back as a moan rumbled in my chest. While the warm water beat down on us, she sucked my cock even better than last night, which I didn’t think was possible. The feeling was euphoric as I placed my hands on each side of her head. She was too good at this and I couldn’t hold back. The buildup was there and I was about to come.

  “Oh my God!” I threw back my head and exploded in her mouth. “Fuck.” I strained.

She stood up, looked at me, and wiped her lips with the back of her hand while staring into my eyes. I forcefully grabbed her and pulled her into me while our mouths smashed together, and our tongues made their way down each other’s throat. Suddenly, I heard a knock at the door.

  “Shit.” I broke our kiss. “Room service.”

  I stepped out of the shower, wrapped a towel around my waist, and opened the door.

  “Good morning, Mr. Chamberlain.”

  “Morning. Just set everything up over there.” I pointed.

  I walked back into the bathroom, finished drying off, and put on one of the hotel robes. Taking another out of the closet, I hung it on the hook next to the shower for her.

  “You may want to hurry up before breakfast gets cold,” I said.

  She turned off the shower and opened the glass door.

  “I’m done.” She grinned.

  I walked out to the living area, poured us each a cup of coffee from the carafe, and took the lids off the plates. When I looked up, I saw her emerge from the bedroom, wrapped in the white robe with her wet long blonde hair.

  “I’m starving,” she spoke.

  “Me too. I think we both worked up quite an appetite. Do you shower with your other clients?”

  “No. It’s never been an option. With my wig, I can’t.”

  “But with me it was?”

  “I’m not in disguise, am I?” She smirked.

  “No. You’re not.” I smiled.

  “Tell me about you, Caden.”

  “You already know what I do and that’s basically it.”

  “How is a super sexy thirty-year-old billionaire not taken?”

  “Because it’s the way I want it. How is a gorgeous twenty-seven-year-old not taken?”


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