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You die; I die - Love Poems - Part 3

Page 7

by Nikhil Parekh

  Love is not just a spark,

  It is an everlasting desire which astonishingly proliferates as time passes; transcending over the worst of boredom; misery and pain .

  Love is not just a titillation,

  It is an enchanting caress which makes you feel the richest entity alive; embracing all religion and mankind; in the swirl of its Omnipotent aura .

  And love is not just a dream,

  It is an immortal reality which has been there even before this earth was created; bonding hearts all across the trajectory of this boundless Universe in its enthralling entrenchment; giving them a reason to beat .


  The most disgraceful thing for the skies; was to have their gorgeously fathomless periphery; savagely encrypted by a battalion of ominously heinous clouds,

  The most disgraceful thing for the dog; was to have its handsomely harmonious body; brutally kicked by its charismatically revered master,

  The most disgraceful thing for the deserts; was to have their boundlessly celestial carpet of glistening sands; inundated with Herculean tons of capriciously insipid water,

  The most disgraceful thing for the discotheque; was to have its bombastically sleazy interiors; holistically invaded by blissfully sacrosanct prayer and painstakingly persevering rhyme,

  The most disgraceful thing for the forests; was to have their mystically romantic and profusely scented surroundings; heinously perpetuated by obnoxiously acrimonious gas; become a commercial warehouse for monotonously vindictive business magnates,

  The most disgraceful thing for the sharks; was to impregnate their preposterously mammoth mouths with diminutively worthless vegetables; slither incessantly

  on frigid soil amidst a mountain of; lackadaisically nonchalant seaweed,

  The most disgraceful thing for the cow; was to perennially ooze opulently spurious wine from its overwhelmingly divinely teats; replenish its stomach with parsimonious garbage left overs; left by the uncouthly barbaric society for its nocturnal meal,

  The most disgraceful thing for the ocean; was to have its ravishingly undulating and timeless expanse of waves; salaciously pervaded upon by hideously gargantuan tankers of morbidly murderous oil,

  The most disgraceful thing for the birds; was to have their rhetorically nimble and flamboyantly boisterous demeanor’s incarcerated behind appalling prison bars;

  being treacherously bereft of galloping flight,

  The most disgraceful thing for the old; was to have their devastatingly ailing bodies being treated like pieces of insanely threadbare shit; being opprobriously castigated from their own dwellings; by their irascibly impudent kin,

  The most disgraceful thing for the corpse; was to have its dolorously dreary interiors sagaciously infiltrated by vivaciously sparkling life; bloom into miraculous resplendence; the very word which was a lethal venom for its perilously sinister ears,

  The most disgraceful thing for the teacher; was to be belligerently rebuked by his unsurpassable horde of immaculate students; being boycotted with the tag of

  “Liar”, for ostensibly no fault of his,

  The most disgraceful thing for the athlete; was to disastrously stumble into obdurately mortifying soil; the instant he alighted his robustly sparkling foot;

  in electric exuberance from the starting line,

  The most disgraceful thing for the writer; was to have his most pricelessly countless volumes of spell binding literature; menacingly excoriated apart into a trillion specks of lackluster dust; the very alphabets which he had so ardently harnessed with his very own; crimson blood,

  The most disgraceful thing for the stomach; was to meaninglessly puke out even the last iota of food synergistically entrapped within; after consuming the most harmoniously blessed ingredients of Mother Nature,

  The most disgraceful thing for the shadow; was to have its stupendously enigmatic contours lecherously punctured by maniacally concrete civilizations of rigidity; have its silken grace manipulatively trespassed by greedy tycoons,

  The most disgraceful thing for the conscience; was to be incomprehensibly burdened by a dungeon of blatantly abhorrent lies; wholesomely vanquish its spirit of irrefutably godly righteousness; at the slightest of greedy provocation,

  The most disgraceful thing for existence; was to be indefatigably enshrouded by precarious hurricanes of stagnating death; perpetually relinquish its Omnipotent aura; to the deplorable hell of non-existence,

  And the most disgraceful thing for love; was diabolically bellicose betrayal; being viciously slapped by the person it had uninhibitedly devoted its countless lifetimes; being left to wander with solely a remorseful heart; but sadly no beats .



  Gruesome carpets of despairing blindness had set upon her magnificently sparkling countenance; enveloping her perennially in a world of bizarre darkness,

  But it was my eyes that had veritably lost every iota of sight; as I stumbled like an insane lunatic in every sphere of life; tragically devastated in whirlpools of ghastly depression .

  Gory leprosy had descended lecherously upon her marvelously blissful demeanor; brutally incapacitating her in wholesome entirety; for the remainder of her life,

  But it was my hands and feet that had veritably lost even the most tiniest of ability to hoist; as I haplessly staggered in a tornado of doom; for centuries immemorial .

  Barbaric dumbness had salaciously entrenched upon her majestically royal countenance; ruthlessly chopping every cranny of her robustly melodious cadence; into a countless pieces of insipid nothingness,

  But it was my tongue that had veritably lost even the most remotest of ability to speak; as I pathetically slithered on remorseful spit; without the slightest sound emanating from my tyrannized throat .

  Diabolical sadness had fathomlessly enveloped upon her sparklingly robust stride; penalizing her immaculate grace for absolutely no fault of hers,

  But it was my lips that had veritably relinquished all smiles; as I drunk tears of horrendous solitude each unfurling instant of the treacherous day; trespassing

  through a battlefield of vindictive prejudice soaked in ghastly blood; all my life .

  Ominously irascible cancer had cascaded down upon her blisteringly flamboyant visage; murderously asphyxiating all her glorious happiness in destined life,

  But it was my body that veritably puked everything that I tried to ravishingly swallow; with a tinge of lecherously debilitating yellow; proliferating astoundingly; upon my hopelessly extinguishing senses .

  Savage termites had crawled upon from all sides upon her magically glistening persona; barbarically attacking her with contemptuously opprobrious lechery,

  But it was my veins that veritably lost every ingredient of scarlet blood; as I incessantly floated like a lifeless skeleton; through the corpse of gory death and in the graveyard of malicious abhorrence .

  Overpowering darkness had viciously infiltrated upon her gorgeously delectable reflection; crippling her invidiously of all those blissfully romantic moments;

  in euphorically vibrant life,

  But it was my dwelling that had veritably abnegated all traces of dynamic light; as I couldn’t find even my own silhouette; decaying into wisps of worthlessly

  horrific oblivion .

  Perfidious paralysis had vindictively gripped her enamoringly scintillating scent from all sides; treacherously overtoppling her from Omnipotent realms of blissfully blessed sleep,

  But it was my heart that had veritably ceased to function; ludicrously dissolving all its passionate reservoir of beats with domains of penalizing hell; ruthlessly massacring even the most priceless of emotion; and the chapter of immortal love .

  And devilishly unforgiving death had stooped perilously upon her daintily tinkling royalty; rendering her meaninglessly at the last stage of her most fabulously priceless existence,

  But it was my breath that had veritably snapped in wholesome entirety from my deplorably ble
eding nostrils; as I reached heaven even before the most ethereal of her shadow could creep through; to welcome her as her unassailable lover; eternally and once again .




  I wanted to dedicate my diminutive eyes; solely to her majestically blooming cisterns of poignant empathy; sleep in her voluptuous eyelashes; for centuries immemorial,

  I wanted to dedicate my abraded lips; solely to her aristocratically tinkling smile; be profusely assimilated in the silver saliva that she slurped; every time she compassionately pursed her mouth,

  I wanted to dedicate my withering cheeks; solely to her profoundly crimson blushes; rejoicing in her ebullient whirlwind of happiness; as she ecstatically tread on satiny soil,

  I wanted to dedicate my penurious palms; solely to her fabulously enigmatic destiny; rhetorically maneuvering every element of my existence; to the vivacious tunes

  of her magnetic life,

  I wanted to dedicate my distraught scalp; solely to her ravishingly tantalizing hair; become the marvelously scintillating swish of air that resonated; whenever she seductively swayed her head,

  I wanted to dedicate my pecuniary chin; solely to her nostalgically titillating reflection; blending every iota of my holistic spirit in entirety; to her overwhelmingly magnetic persona,

  I wanted to dedicate my fatigued chest; solely to her melodiously unassailable soul; coalescing every cranny of my pathetically dwindling senses; with the Omnipotent magic in her crimson blood,

  I wanted to dedicate my mutilated feet; solely to her impeccable stride; wholesomely becoming every step that she trespassed on; to evolve a magnificently scintillating tomorrow,

  I wanted to dedicate my famished hunger; solely to her perennially augmenting yearning for voluptuously charismatic desire; become every ingredient of her

  piquantly replenished and marvelously alluring grace,

  I wanted to dedicate my nomadic ears; solely to her ingratiatingly rhapsodic sound; bounce with stupendous exhilaration in the garden of her perpetually ravishing enchantment,

  I wanted to dedicate my rustically wandering neck; solely to her sensuously drifting and captivatingly euphoric aura; relentlessly cuddle in the ferociously tangy warmth of her divine countenance,

  I wanted to dedicate my mercurial teeth; solely to her vibrantly nubile back; igniting fireballs of tumultuous longing in every iota of her flesh; as I nibbled tenderly; till the very last of my veritable breath,

  I wanted to dedicate my countless bones; solely to her irrefutably impregnable cause for philanthropic righteousness; become every vein of her never ending tenacity; to mitigate inexplicable suffering from planet earth,

  I wanted to dedicate my dolorous shadow; solely to her astoundingly enigmatic and benign voice; eternally tracing the euphorically fantastic cadence; in her gloriously vivacious sounds,

  I wanted to dedicate my vanquished head; solely to her bountifully sacrosanct feet; intransigently following her sagaciously Omnipotent footsteps; to every cranny

  of the globe that she went,

  I wanted to dedicate my flirtatious shoulders; solely to her supremely princely visage; hoisting her grandiloquent body to beyond the land of infinite infinity; at the most infinitesimal of her Godly command,

  I wanted to dedicate my golden sweat; solely to her untamed wave of unrelenting perseverance; mesmerizing each disastrously exhausted pore of my skin; with the

  celestial river of humanity fulminating profusely; from her eclectic persona,

  I wanted to dedicate my truncated breath; solely to her tranquilly bequeathing life; forever become the fragrance of humanitarian righteousness; which she ubiquitously wafted; on her every mystically proliferating step,

  And I wanted to dedicate my throbbing heart; solely to her immortally bestowing love; bond every beat wailing in my indiscreetly trembling chest with her Omniscient

  essence; to tower unequivocally as the ultimate messiah of humanity .








  In the bizarre wilderness of the relentlessly dense forests; I intransigently felt as if I was being profoundly devoured; in a world of unending mysticism and uninhibited enigma,

  In the dolorously dooming graveyard; I incessantly felt as if I was being morbidly devoured; in whirlpools of remorsefully disastrous depression,

  In the heart of the resplendently ravishing ocean; I euphorically felt as I was being tanigly devoured; by unfathomable spurts of frosty exuberance,

  In the satiny cover of the opalescently majestic night; I tranquilly felt as if I was being ebulliently devoured; by impregnably enamoring and fabulously fascinating peace,

  In the unsurpassably redolent garden of gorgeously scarlet roses; I enchantingly felt as if I was being fragrantly devoured; by insurmountable fireballs of royal scent,

  In the monotonously manipulative domains of the corporate office; I unrelentingly felt as if I was being malevolently devoured; by endless waves of horrendously stagnating boredom,

  In the entrenchment of discerningly scintillating mirrors; I optimistically felt as if I was being candidly devoured; by the innermost voices of my righteously entrapped conscience,

  In the ghastly pool of horrifically diabolical crocodiles; I insidiously felt as if I was being salaciously devoured; by gruesomely acrimonious savagery,

  In the panoramic kaleidoscope of the gorgeously blooming gorge; I timelessly felt as if I was being bountifully devoured; by a whole new civilization of astounding newness,

  In the impeccably bustling kindergarten of new born infants; I rhapsodically felt as if I was being blissfully devoured; by incomprehensibly compassionate tornado’s; of magnificently divine energy,

  In the branches of the inscrutably rustling tree; I intriguingly felt as if I was being profusely devoured; by seductively tantalizing carpets of perennially escalating desire,

  In the flames of the unremittingly blazing fire; I dynamically felt as if I was being ardently devoured; by flames of eternally fathomless passion,

  In the wings of the overwhelmingly zipping aircraft; I ecstatically felt as if I was being spell bindingly devoured; by a majestically volatile fervor to gallop resurgently; throughout the tenure of my diminutively impoverished life,

  In the light of the tantalizingly flickering candle; I ardently felt as if I was being uxoriously devoured; by cisterns of intimately infidel electricity; clinging fanatically close to the visage of my blossoming dreamgirl,

  In the disdainfully abominable pigs hutch; I abhorrently felt as if I was being devastatingly devoured; by sordidly forlorn filth and rotting piles of worthless nothingness,

  In the land of poetically celestial justice; I romantically felt as if I was being fascinatingly devoured; by limitless caverns of harmoniously tingling contentment; an insatiably philanthropic desire to wholesomely blend with the threads of priceless humanity,

  In the midst of the vivaciously gregarious rainbow; I magically felt as I was being splendidly devoured; by holistically iridescent beams of voluptuous innovation; as sparkling hurricanes of fresh energy enveloped each cranny of my; beleaguered countenance,

  In the boundless fountain of mesmerizing breath; I Omnisciently felt as I was being miraculously devoured; by infinite more blessed lives; of my very own amiable kind,

  And in the unassailably vivid eyes of my ravishing beloved; I immortally felt as I was being beautifully devoured; by the Sun of unequivocally bequeathing love; the rays of a perpetually everlasting relationship; which vehemently refused to die .



  The most priceless thing that my mother could ever have bequeathed upon

  me; was her unconditional support and compassion; even in my times of

  acrimoniously devastating survival,

  The most priceless thing that my sister could e
ver have bequeathed upon me;

  was a kaleidoscope of astoundingly intriguing mischief; making me perennially feel that I was that; unscrupulous child once again,

  The most priceless thing that my father could ever have bequeathed upon me;

  was an unrelenting dynamism to propel forward come what may; blaze more

  ferociously than the midday Sun; even in the heart of the perniciously insidious midnight,

  The most priceless thing that my grandmother could ever have bequeathed upon

  me; was a fabulously ingratiating tale of my sparklingly revered ancestors; an unparalleled urge in me to trace back my aboriginal rudiments; till the last breath I that I inhaled,


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