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You die; I die - Love Poems - Part 3

Page 9

by Nikhil Parekh

  Paint ungainly devilish and insanely cold blooded parasites; with an eternally everlasting fragrance of benevolent mankind,

  Paint the insidiously maverick and doggedly diabolical rocks; with ecstatically tangy spray of the ravishing sea’s,

  Paint the squeamishly distorted and deplorably cowardish traitors; with brazenly intrepid winds of patriotically scintillating bravery,

  Paint the obsoletely dilapidated and turgidly monotonous walls; with vivacious streaks of fabulous color and overwhelmingly sporting frolic,

  Paint the rambunctiously unruly well of stinking frogs; with the curtainspread of blissfully tranquil peace and harmonious synergy,

  Paint the souls of all those tyrannically commercial; with symbiotic fountains of uninhibitedly gratifying relationships,

  Paint pugnacious arrows of satanically evil; with irrefutably priceless elements of honesty andastoundingly opulent humanity,

  Paint the morbidly sullen and remorsefully obnoxious cradle of atmosphere; with an unimaginably Herculeanvalley of tantalizing sounds,

  Paint truculently dictatorial and stringently treacherous brains; with passionately romantic flames of graciously seductive fantasy,

  Paint the inevitably guilty and ghastily lying walls of the conscience; with the perpetually blistering fabric of sagaciously glittering truth,

  Paint insurmountably vast graveyards of sordidly dead; with poignantly iridescent waterfalls of vibrantlytingling life,

  And paint my fanatically wandering and relentlessly restless heart O! Almighty Lord; with the divinely immortal and the most celestial religion existing in this world; called UNASSAILABLE LOVE .



  Fathomless carpets of voluptuous forests; might be ruled by the royally roaring lions,

  But it was her ingratiatingly seductive cocoon of compassionate smiles; that irrefutably and immortally ruled; every iota of my scorchingly parched lips .

  Boundless winds of vividly free space; might be ruled by the blazingly uninhibited eagles,

  But it was her voluptuously tantalizing aroma; that invincibly and immortally ruled; every cranny of my frigidly dithering senses .

  Astronomically towering summits of the mountains; might be ruled by fantastically sweltering and golden sunlight,

  But it was her impeccably everlasting shine; that unassailably and immortally ruled; my drearily beleaguered and sagging eyes .

  Unfathomable expanses of the ravishingly salty oceans; might be ruled by handsomely gargantuan; and scintillatingly silver striped sharks,

  But it was her perennial river of enchanting fantasy; that tangily and immortally ruled; every space of my maniacally deprived brain .

  Countless kilometers of blistering desert mud; might be ruled by the indefatigably stout and adorably humble hunch backed camel,

  But it was her astounding kaleidoscope of spell binding newness; that endlessly and immortally ruled; every path of my indolently painstaking existence .

  Immeasurably colossal sheets of immaculately white canvas; might be ruled by the rhetorically dexterous artist,

  But it was her intricately divine fingers; that timelessly and immortally ruled; every part of my languidly stooping flesh .

  Unsurpassable blankets of tingling darkness; might be ruled by the Omnisciently milky and mesmerizing moon,

  But it was her melodiously enigmatic voice; that blissfully and immortally ruled; every dwindling wave of my impoverished soul .

  Countless trajectories of civilizations and synergistic townships; might be ruled by the

  righteously Godly fireball of unending truth,

  But it was her impeccably Omnipotent conscience; that miraculously and immortally ruled; every element of my lugubriously lecherous survival .

  Unimaginably ecstatic walls of paradise; might be ruled by seductively silken and stupendously exhilarating fairies,

  But it was her vivaciously boisterous breath; that astoundingly and immortally ruled; every vein of my timidly extinguishing countenance .

  And the entire Universe boundless and limitless; might be ruled by the grace of the Omnipresent Almighty Lord,

  But it was her passionately everlasting love; that relentlessly and immortally ruled; every beat of my capriciously disappearing heart .






  Not a single cloth to camouflage my devastatingly tottering body; as I trespassed like a ghoulishly grotesque ghost; through the uncouthly chilly winds of vengefully freezing winter,

  Not a single penny in my brutally bedraggled pockets; as I insanely loitered like a barbaric lunatic; through the lanes of overwhelmingly stinking poverty;

  and depraving cowardice,

  Not a single sound in my satanically rotting throat; as I groped like a parsimoniously dumb rat; through the painstakingly debilitated corridors; of dolorous

  doom and deprivation,

  Not a single hair to envelop my penuriously gleaming scalp; as I became an unsurpassable mountain of deplorable ridicule for the rich and rustically

  impoverished; alternatively and alike,

  Not a single shade to entrench my hopelessly deadened facial contours; as I pathetically stumbled on every step; into a dungeon of ghastly depression and

  horrendous prejudice,

  Not a single blush encompassing my haplessly beleaguered cheeks; as I frigidly slithered like colorlessly asphyxiated water; through the deserts of sweltering solitude,

  Not a single jewel embellishing my capriciously dithering flesh; as I got inevitably spat upon; by even the most despicably nonchalant of pigs,

  Not a single smile encapsulating my unfathomably cracked and sleazy lips; as I fulminated into an unending volley of remorseful tears; even in the most

  vibrantly ecstatic moments of vivid life,

  Not a single fantasy in my lecherously manipulative brain; as I parasitically sucked whatever I could lay my hands upon; to holistically survive,

  Not a single line on my insidiously lackadaisical palms; as I maniacally groped without the slightest of direction; destiny and ambition; for centuries immemorial,

  Not a single twinkle in my treacherously withering eyes; as I invidiously sighted nothing but hideously commercial corruption; even in the most majestic land

  of the handsomely divine,

  Not a single muscle in my abominably delirious arms; as I got wholesomely pulverized by even the most minuscule ants; the instants that they nimbly brushed

  by my disgustingly flailing side,

  Not a single morsel of food in my tyrannically famished stomach; as I approached veritable extinction more vociferously by the unfurling minute; with a cloud of abhorrent darkness incorrigibly lingering around my bizarrely annihilated persona,

  Not a single shadow emanating from my profusely penalized countenance; as I aimlessly wandered without an entity of my own; through the lanes of murderously

  crippling doom,

  Not a single cheer in my severely deprived demeanor; as I embraced the walls of lugubrious nonchalance; to be worthlessly squelched to piles of inconspicuous

  ash; on every path that I tread,

  Not a single fortification in my savagely strangulated senses; as I disappeared into wisps of non-existent oblivion; at the tiniest puff of air that wafted; from the irascibly pertinent mosquitoes mouth,

  Not a single enchantment in my devilishly maimed veins; as I blended with threadbare granules of insipid dust on the baseless streets; devouring

  obdurately dreary stones hurled at me by the entire planet; and from every possible side,

  Not a single breath in my sullenly constipated nostrils; as I relinquished even the most infinitesimal desire to survive; even as I was in the pristine prime of everlasting youth,

  But still the most richest man on this Universe; as I had her pricelessly invincible heartbeats; the immortal river of her Godly love; perpetually imprisone
d in the inner most arenas of my chest; fulminating like a princess unassailable; and forever

  mine .



  Her unsurpassable voice; was as tangy as the melodiously swaying oranges; drifting every element of my devastatingly sagging countenance; towards a world of fantastically spell binding enchantment,

  Her timeless shadow; was as ravishing as a voluptuously seductive cistern of mesmerizing fern; inundating each cranny of my slitheringly monotonous

  soul; with unparalleled exuberance to gustily surge forward in vivacious life,

  Her intricate eyelashes; were as silken as the enigmatically swirling clouds in resplendent cosmos; fanatically propelling me to chase the entrenchment of

  beauty and inexorable charisma; for times immemorial,

  Her fiery nostrils; were as piquant as boundless farms of ingratiatingly poignant chili; insatiably triggering me to intrepidly leap into the valley of ebullient adventure; be the untamed warrior of philanthropic patriotism; whenever the dungeon of diabolical lechery took its debilitating toll,

  Her marvelous eyes; were as impeccable as waterfalls of innocuously cascading cotton from the heart of the fathomless skies; nostalgically instilling in me the unprecedented euphoria; to be that untainted infant once again,

  Her incomprehensible odor; was as redolent as the tantalizingly crimson rose; profusely titillating me into a paradise of blissfully blossoming and perpetually gratifying prosperity,

  Her nimble toes; were as vibrant as the astoundingly iridescent rainbows; filtering beams of optimistic hope; in my existence plagued with horrifically despairing and inexplicably hopeless gloom,

  Her pristine lips; were as incredulously rubicund as the blooming apples; splashing every arena of my impoverished existence; with an unfathomable kaleidoscope of color and fabulously eternal charm,

  Her magnificent fingers; were as scintillating as the flamboyantly ferocious fingers; incinerating fireballs of everlasting passion; even in the heart of my every

  insidiously deadened night,

  Her golden perspiration; was as enchanting as gloriously celestial honey; enshrouding each pore of my overwhelmingly bedraggled demeanor; with the lantern of jubilantly melodious happiness,

  Her bedazzling stride; was as heavenly as the boisterously rhyming sparrows; engendering me to forever march ahead in my times of immeasurable

  ecstasy; and dolorous doom; alike,

  Her intriguing memory; was as fantastically charming as the milky moon; inexorably transpiring me to irrefutably remember; the most benevolently divine

  contributions; of my revered ancestors,

  Her delectable belly; was as mystically rejoicing as the poignantly undulating oceans; igniting thunderbolts of flirtatious lightening in every ingredient of my bones besieged with; morbidly despicable sadness,

  Her magical hair; were as ravishingly delightful as satiny angels frolicking in walls of invincible heaven; perpetuating me to perennially philander in the most grandiloquent palaces; fortified with the religions of ubiquitous humanity and tenacious solidarity,

  Her twinkling palms; were as magnanimous as the blessedly torrential showers of majestic rain; irrefutably teaching me the art of disseminating the art of ever-pervading mankind; to even the most infinitesimally remote parts of this astoundingly

  fragrant Universe,

  Her wonderful cheeks; were as joyous as the virgin shores of shimmering righteousness; indefatigably telling me to solely follow; nothing else but only the

  inner most fulminations of my passionate heart,

  Her Godly neck; was as priceless as those droplets of water amidst the acerbically sweltering desert sands; unequivocally encouraging me to wholesomely become;

  the sounds of those tyrannically deprived,

  Her tumultuous breath; was as compassionate as the royally roaring lions of steaming romance; embracing every iota of my disastrously trembling visage; with the tornados of an unassailably vivid existence,

  And her passionate heart; was as immortal as the countless pathways of Omnisciently bequeathing heavens; not only reinvigorating every space of my persona with the unconquerable fortitude to lead life; but bonding me forever and ever and ever; in the

  flames of miraculous love .

  37. DIVORCE 


  There was a time when you welcomed me with untamed passion in your eyes into our redolent dwelling; magically applying the ointment of your stupendously ingratiating melody on my; disastrously frazzled forehead,

  While today there was belligerent viciousness in your eyes as you sighted me; ominously kicking me like strands of orphaned broomstick; into the mountain of

  baseless shit outside the kitchen window .

  There was a time when you incessantly chanted my name; all brilliantly Sunlit day and even more euphorically in the heart of satanic midnight; ardently waiting for me to transit into a celestial reverie before you dared to shut your eyes the slightest,

  While today you ruthlessly ripped apart every cherished possession of mine; left me to devastatingly wander on the uncouth streets; without even a single cloth on my impoverished body .

  There was a time when you tirelessly fantasized about the contours of my fanatic persona in despicably solitary gloom; and even the center of the boisterously bustling and overwhelmingly rambunctious marketplace; alike,

  While today you contemptuously spat on every trace of my fading reflection; compassionately philandering with another man; right in front of my poignantly

  staring eyes .

  There was a time when you intransigently embraced me with insatiable fire wafting from each of your voluptuous senses; following me like an incorrigible shadow; in my moments of jubilation and inexplicable distress; alike,

  While today you brutally excoriated every cranny of my flesh with your swords of pugnacious malice; roasting them to wholehearted satisfaction; before you

  sumptuously fed them to stray cats and dogs; alike .

  There was a time when you immutably stared in the whites of my piquant eyes; mystically flirting and romancing with  my drooping eyelashes; till times beyond eternity,

  While today you vindictively hurled me like a speck of frigid thread from the unfathomably towering mountaintop; pursing your lips profusely in supreme

  satisfaction; as my caricature disintegrated into a billion fragments; before eventually become an integral ingredient of the diabolical rocks .

  There was a time when you unflinchingly supported me in the course of every acrimonious impediment that I bizarrely confronted; hugging invincibly to my nimble

  demeanor like a child entwined tightly; to its mother’s bosom,

  While today I was the most debilitating parasite for you in your blessed life; as you hired dexterous gunmen from all over the planet; to lethally squelch me into my inconspicuous grave .

  There was a time when you conceived me as the most beautiful organism on this entire Universe; profoundly enthused by even the most rustically bohemian gestures

  that were an intrinsic part of my every footstep,

  While today you overwhelmingly admired even the most satanically lecherous man on the street; commanding me to scrupulously extricate every iota of abominable

  grime; from his devilish shoes .

  There was a time when you fervently waited for countless hours on the trot; just to hear even an ephemeral trace of my wavering voice; bouncing in unprecedented ecstasy; as I staggeringly stepped back from yet another heinous day in the monotonous office,

  While today you dictatorially used each part of my shivering flesh to scrub the floors of your ostentatious castle; savagely dumping me into the garbage bin; before you slapped the lid with chains of unsurpassable prejudice .

  There was a time when your every expedition was incomplete without me; as you royally frolicked on my shoulders; as I weaved us gloriously through the

  resplendently enamoring forests,

  While today you maliciously left me unguarded amidst the battalion of bellicose sharks; almost chortledevery organ of your body out; as the monsters thanked

  you for receiving the best prey of their insidious life .

  And there was a time when you were just freshly MARRIED to me; bonding your heart; soul and body in flames of immortal love; pledging to take birth again

  with my impoverished grace; everytime the planet salvaged a chance to be born; once again,

  While today you snobbishly paraded through the grandiloquent palaces of the uxorious King; ordering his guards to bury even the last of my veins alive; as

  you invidiously yelled the dreaded word DIVORCE .


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