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Heart of Eon: Eon Warriors #3

Page 16

by Hackett, Anna

  Wren smiled. “Excellent.”

  Suddenly, a flash of heat washed over Malax. As dizziness hit him, he thought he was going to stagger. He felt like his skin was burning.

  “Malax?” Wren leaned into his side, looking up at him with a frown.

  He grabbed her, pulling her closer. He wanted to feel her skin against his, and he wanted her away from all the other males in the room. Without thinking, he leaned down and sniffed her hair. He loved the scent of her.

  Wren looked over at the others. “Something’s wrong.”

  Caze and Davion were both smiling.

  “It’s the mating fever,” Davion said.

  Wren’s sisters started smiling, too.

  Malax needed to get his mate away from the bridge. Away from all the males surrounding her. He scooped her into his arms and she let out a gasp.


  “He’ll be fine, Wren,” Eve said. “In a day or two.”

  “I’m sorry to inform you that we will miss the dinner.” Malax headed for the doors, calculating the quickest route to his cabin. “I’ll be busy with my mate.”

  Wren’s mouth dropped open, then she shivered, heat igniting in her eyes.

  “Airen, take care of our guests.” As soon as the doors closed, the only thing that existed for Malax was his mate.

  She nipped his ear. “Hurry, my warrior.”

  Chapter Twenty

  “I’m almost there.”


  “I’m so close.”

  “Cren, get there.”

  Wren thrust her hips down, just as Malax bumped his up. She was filled with his thick cock, sensations firing all through her body. Her orgasm hit in a blinding rush.

  She sank her nails into his chest, her back arching. She cried out his name.

  “By Eschar’s embrace, you’re so tight.” His voice was a deep growl. “All mine, my mate.”

  Wren threw her head back farther, her hands digging into his rock-hard pecs. A second later, he surged up, and flipped her onto her back.

  He thrust inside her. “Cren, cren.” Then he buried his face in her neck, his body surging into hers one last time. His hips bucked as he groaned through his release.

  Malax rolled off her and collapsed on the bed. They were both breathing heavily.

  She snuggled into him. After a full day of glorious, energetic, out-of-control sex, Wren felt pretty boneless, a little achy, and two hundred percent happy.

  His hand sifted through her hair, and she pressed a kiss to his damp skin. “I love you, Malax.”

  “I love you too, shara.”

  She lifted her head and she saw the soft look on his rugged face.

  “I know we haven’t known each other long,” she said. “And things got off to a rocky start. It’s been a wild ride, but I’m crazy about you.”


  She snuggled closer. “I like your hot body, your bossiness—”

  “I’m not bossy. It’s called leadership.”

  She snorted. “I love your eyes, and the way you look out for me—”

  “You need a protector,” he said. “You have a habit of finding trouble.”

  She smacked his chest playfully. “I like that you like me for me. Just as I am.”

  His hand slid down her body and cupped her ass. “There are a lot of things about you to love.”

  “Well, I like everything about you. The way you keep your word, the way you talk about your family, how you care for your warriors. You’re a good man, Malax Dann-Jad.”

  He rolled, pinning her beneath him. “And you’re very cute.”

  Her nose wrinkled. “Women don’t want to be cute, Malax. They want to be sexy, gorgeous—”

  “You’re those too, Wren Traynor. Or I should say Wren Dann-Jad.”

  Dann-Jad. They were mated. Just the look on his face was enough to make Wren a little teary.

  He was everything she’d secretly wanted.

  He kissed her nose. “I love that you care about everything and everyone. You do what’s right, even when it’s difficult. You love your sisters. You have a sweet, gorgeous ass—”

  She rolled her eyes.

  “Beautiful breasts.” He cupped one.


  “I also love your smart brain.” His thumb brushed across her lips. “I love all of you.”

  Wren let her legs fall open and felt his hard cock brush against her.

  “Can you take me again?” he murmured.

  “Oh, yes.”

  As he slid inside her, she did feel tender, but just like him, she was hungry again. He kissed her and Wren opened her mouth, kissing him back. She slid her hands into his thick hair. God, she loved his hair. She wrapped her legs around his hips and he started surging inside her.

  The communicator beside the bed pinged.

  “It’s a call for Wren,” Sassy’s voice said.

  Wren groaned. “Sassy, I—”

  “Hey, sis.” Eve’s voice. “Just checking you’re still alive.”

  Oh, God. Malax was deep inside her and her sister was on the line.

  “Yes.” She hoped Eve didn’t notice that her voice was squeaky. “I’m good. Really good.”

  “I bet,” Eve replied dryly.

  Malax moved his hips, pulling out and thrusting back in. Wren bit down to stifle her moan and smacked his shoulder.

  “Well, I drew the short straw to be the one to interrupt you guys.” Eve’s voice turned a little dreamy. “I remember how good the mating fever is.”

  Malax gave another firm thrust and Wren pressed the back of her head into the pillows. “Eve—”

  “Right. Look, a call has been set up with King Gayel. You’re both required.”

  “Oh,” Wren managed.

  Malax slid a hand between their bodies. A moment later, he was rolling her clit between his big fingers.

  “We’ll be there in ten minutes,” Wren choked out, electric sensation arrowing through her.

  “Twenty,” Malax said.

  Eve laughed. “See you soon. Have fun.”

  The call ended and Wren dug her nails into Malax’s scalp. “Hurry.”

  * * *

  Malax strode through his ship, smiling. He was flanked by Airen and Sabin.

  The Rengard’s repairs were progressing well. He was mated and in love. His helian pulsed, and he felt very, very pleased.

  He’d left Wren to get ready for the call with the king, and she’d been a little panicked, tearing through her clothing options.

  Moments later, he stepped onto the bridge.

  Ahead, Eve and Davion stood with Lara and Caze. A large creature was sniffing around Eve’s feet. He frowned at the woolly, brown-and-white beast.

  “Uh, that’s Shaggy,” Airen said. “Eve’s…pet.”


  Airen lowered her voice. “It’s actually a synthesized beast from Hunter7. She…befriended it.”

  Malax shook his head. No one in Eon history had ever befriended one of the deadly creatures on the Eon’s synthetic hunter planets. Unsurprisingly, he didn’t find himself shocked that a Traynor sister had achieved this feat.

  Captain Borden was also standing with the group. Her interesting blonde hair was pulled up in a high tail behind her head. Brack stood beside her with his brawny arms crossed over his chest.

  The doors opened behind Malax and Wren rushed in, face flushed. She was fiddling with her curls.

  “Do I look okay?” she asked.

  “You look gorgeous. Why are you nervous?”

  “I’ve never met a king before.”

  Malax tugged on a curl. “He’s just a man.”

  She slapped his hand away. “Don’t ruin my hair, I spent forever getting it right.”

  She quickly hugged her sisters. Then there was a deep woof, and the canine leaped on her. The animal planted his front paws on Wren’s chest and licked her face.

  “Eek, you must be Shaggy,” Wren said.

  Malax stepped f
orward, ready to pull the animal away, but it dropped down on its own, tongue lolling.

  Wren laughed and rubbed the dog’s head. “Aren’t you cute?”

  Malax shook his head. Only Wren would think a deadly alien canine was cute.

  “The king’s call is coming through,” Airen announced.

  Turning, Malax watched the viewscreen change, and the face of the king of the Eon Empire appeared.

  King Gayel Solann-Eon was a warrior’s warrior, with broad shoulders and a powerful body. His aristocratic face held a sharp edge and he had the typical long, brown hair of an Eon warrior. He wore a sleeveless shirt in a rich blue, and a gold cord circled one of his biceps.

  “I’m very happy to hear that everyone is okay,” the king said.

  “Thank you, your majesty,” Davion said.

  “That’s your king,” Wren whispered. “He looks like a movie star.”

  The king’s gaze moved to Captain Borden. “And thank you, Captain Borden, for your timely assistance.”

  The woman nodded. “Happy to help.”

  The king’s gaze moved back to Malax and Davion. “I hear the Kantos have been driven off.”

  “For now,” Malax said. “But they’ll be scheming.”

  King Gayel nodded. “And all the Rengard’s helians have been secured…except one.”

  Clearing her throat, Wren stepped forward and gave a pained smile. “Um, about Sassy—”

  “I’ve been briefed,” the king said with a faint smile. “So, you’re the Traynor sister who hijacked my warship?”

  Wren shot her sisters a wide-eyed look before she turned back to the screen. “Um…sorry?”

  Malax stepped forward and rested his hand on her shoulder. “I would like to introduce Wren, your majesty. She is also my mate.”

  The king blinked. “Another warrior mated to a Terran?”

  Malax and Wren shared a smile. “Yes.”

  “I’m pleased for you, War Commander,” King Gayel said.

  “I request that Wren join me on the Rengard. She’s talented with tech and computers, and she’s linked with Sassy. Without her intervention, the Rengard would have been lost long before Captain Borden and the Divergent arrived.”

  Captain Borden frowned. “Wait? Sassy, the woman who brought my ship here, isn’t a warrior?”

  Wren shook her head. “Sassy is a helian that absorbed my tablet and bonded with me.”

  “It sounds very advantageous to our alliance.” The king sat back. “I’ll be very happy for Wren to work with our helians, and see if there’s anything we can gain from Terran technology. It seems that we’ve been writing off Terran technology for too long.”

  Wren smiled, looking radiant. “I would love that.”

  The king smiled too. “Good. I believe we should test the link you have with Sassy, see how that link could be enhanced.”

  “Cool,” Wren breathed.

  “I agree,” Sassy’s voice came from Wren’s wristband.

  “Malax,” the king said. “I’ve been told you encountered some interesting and powerful ancient tech on the planet you and Wren crash-landed on?”

  “Yes. I definitely think we should investigate it. There could be useful weaponry.”

  “Very good. I’ll assign that work to a science vessel.” Gayel nodded. “I also have many more plans to strengthen our alliance with Earth. Ambassador?”

  Eve wrinkled her nose. “I’ve asked you not to call me that, your majesty.”

  Malax raised a brow. Apparently, Eve had no trouble talking frankly with the Eon king. Although, something made him suspect that the Traynor sisters spoke frankly to everyone, regardless of rank or position.

  “You’ve been making plans as we discussed?” Gayel asked.

  Eve nodded. “Yes. I’ve put together a plan for training exercises between the Eon fleet and Space Corps.”

  Brack straightened as though he’d been stung by a Kantos bug. “What?”

  “The king wants to strengthen the tactics we all use against the Kantos,” Davion said. “Captain Borden, we’d like you and your ship to work with the Desteron and her crew.”

  The captain gave a slight jolt, her face carefully blank. “Great.”

  “You can coordinate with my second,” Davion said.

  The captain managed a nod, not looking at Brack. “Wonderful.”

  “I’m working on other ways to help ensure our alliance stays healthy and strong,” the king added. “I’ll be inviting a delegation from Earth to visit my palace here on Eon.” Then the man’s face turned serious, and it was easy to see the warrior he’d been before he’d ascended to the throne. “We will take the necessary steps to learn from each other and strengthen our alliance. Together we will take down the Kantos.”

  “Well, we’ve already done our bit for Eon-Terran relations,” Wren murmured.

  Malax leaned down, his lips brushing hers. The two of them had already forged a bond that was closer than any alliance.

  * * *

  “And then he scowled at me, all grumpy and bossy, and said—” Eve lowered her voice to a deep rumble “—‘Eve, if I wasn’t in love with you, I’d have you chained up in my brig.’”

  Wren and Lara burst out laughing. Wren wrapped her arm around her belly, happiness fizzing in her blood. It was so good to spend time with her sisters.

  The three of them were together in the dining room on the Rengard. Meal time was over, so they had the place to themselves. They were relaxed, happy, and without any immediate disasters looming over their heads.

  For so long, it had just been the three of them against the world. Now, everything had changed for the better.

  “God, I’m still starving.” Eve picked at the last remnants of the sweet cakes on the dessert plate. She’d already mowed through several of them.

  Wren reached out and grabbed Eve’s hand, then Lara’s. “I’m so glad you’re both okay. Better than okay.”

  “Not that long ago, I was locked in prison, certain my life was over.” Eve smiled. “And here I am, happier than I’ve ever been.” Her nose wrinkled. “Except when people keep on addressing me as ambassador.”

  “You are an ambassador,” Lara said.

  Eve pointed. “Say that again and I’ll punch you.”

  Lara popped a small fruit in her mouth. “You could try, little sister.”

  Used to the byplay, Wren grinned.

  “I am so damn thrilled for my sisters,” Eve said. “Everything worked out. Better than I ever imagined.”

  “Amen, sister.” Lara’s blue gaze landed on Wren. “Your warrior’s treating you right?”

  Wren felt heat in her cheeks. “Oh, yeah.” Especially in their bed, wrapped up in each other’s arms. “He’s amazing.”

  “You’re sure?” Lara said.

  Wren huffed out a breath, used to overprotective older sisters. “Just because I’m not a badass space marine doesn’t mean I can’t handle an Eon warrior. Believe me, I handle him just fine.”

  “I don’t think she’s talking about on the bridge.” Eve shoved another bite of cake in her mouth and waggled her eyebrows.

  “No sex talk,” Lara groaned. “Wren’s the baby. I can’t handle it.”’

  Wren smiled. “He loves me, just as I am. My body, my brain, my smart mouth.”

  Her sisters both smiled.

  Eve gripped Wren’s arm and squeezed. “Good.”

  Lara nodded. “I won’t murder him in his sleep, then.”

  “Incoming warrior alert.” Sassy’s voice came from Wren’s wristband.

  “Thanks, Sassy,” Wren said.

  Eve eyed her wrist. “I like your new friend.”

  “Me, too.”

  “And I like being one of the girls,” Sassy added.

  Lara rolled her eyes, but was smiling.

  The dining room doors slid open and their warriors strolled in.

  Oh, wow. Every time Wren saw Malax, her heart went pitty-pat. She suspected it would still happen even when they were old an
d gray.

  She remembered when this had all started, when she’d first hijacked the Rengard, how she’d thought the warriors all looked the same. Now, they all seemed so different. Of course, they were all impossibly hot, sexy, and gorgeous.

  “We are so damn lucky.” Wren’s eyes locked with Malax’s.

  “We sure are,” Eve agreed.

  “Captain Borden returned to the Divergent,” Davion said. “They’ll rendezvous with the Desteron in a week for the training exercises.”

  “Allie is top-notch,” Eve said. “She’s a damn good captain.” Then Eve pressed her tongue to her teeth. “Brack seemed…less than thrilled with his upcoming exercises.”

  “I got the same feeling from Allie,” Lara said.

  “He will do as ordered,” Davion said.

  Suddenly, Eve and Lara rose.

  “So, Malax…” Eve began.

  As her sisters converged on her man, Wren stiffened.

  “We want assurances that you’re going to take care of our baby sister,” Lara said silkily.

  Wren scowled. “Hey, I’m an adult—”

  “We want assurances you’ll put her happiness and wellbeing first,” Eve said.

  “Hel-lo.” Wren threw her hands in the air. “Fully grown woman here.”

  Davion and Caze looked amused, crossing their brawny arms over their chests.

  “We could take you,” Lara said in a tone that raised goosebumps on Wren’s arms.

  “No, you couldn’t,” Malax said. “But there’s no need to test that theory. I want nothing but Wren’s happiness. I’ll do everything in my power to ensure it.”

  Wren melted. “Malax—”

  Black-gold eyes met hers. “I’d die for her.”

  She moved straight to him, burying her face in his chest. “I’d prefer you didn’t die.”

  “I love you, Wren. As do your sisters. You will always belong with me, by my side, in my arms, and in my heart.”

  Happy tears welled in her eyes. “Don’t make me cry.”

  “It’s the truth. Remember, a war commander never—”

  “Lies. I remember.” She went up on her toes and pressed her mouth to his.

  Nearby, she heard a sniffle. She pulled back and froze. Eve had tears in her eyes. Her tough-as-nails sister never cried.

  “Don’t mind me…” Eve waved a hand in the air. “Clearly my war commander is making me soft.”


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