Captain Alatriste
Page 19
Like an eagle, certain of his prey,
But found a troth, alas! will have no weight
When abrogated by affairs of state.
Thus Charles learned about diplomacy:
In the rough seas of the Spanish court
The most dauntless pilot may be brought up short.
As a dashing prince, similarly,
Will not wear upon his brow the wreath
Unless he persevere to his last breath.
To the Lord of La Torre de Juan Abad
with Similes from the Lives of the Saints
Rhymed octave
Behind good Roch, lame supplicant,
Behind Ignatius, chivalrous and valiant.
Behind Dominic, in combating a Protestant,
Behind John Chrysostom, so famously eloquent,
Behind Jerome, in learning and Jewish cant,
Behind Paul, the tactful and prudent,
Finally comes Quevedo, behind even Thomas,
And for every target, he brings his harquebus.
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