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Stealing Shiloh

Page 9

by K. A Knight

  Using my finger and thumb, I zoom in on her. She’s lying with her back towards the camera, the outline of her ass visible through the thin nightgown she wears. I startle when she shifts, rolling onto her back, her arms splayed above her head, pushing her tits out. Hard nipples poke at her nightgown, making my cock ache and my mouth water.

  Tearing my gaze away, I trail my eyes down her long, splayed legs. If I squint, I can just make out the outline of a slit in the shadows between her thighs.


  I wrap my fingers around my cock and give it a squeeze as desperation to fill my mate almost consumes me. But I won’t vekk my hand. No. I’m holding out for my mate.

  The pull to go to her is overwhelming. I know she needs rest, but I just need to see her and not on a damn screen. Grunting, I shut off the projection and the shower and grab a towel, rubbing it through my messy dark hair before tying it around my waist.

  Not bothering to dress, I walk past my bed, through my living room, and to the secret door leading into her suite. Shiloh doesn’t know this yet, but her room is situated in the center of all of ours. Ours line the exterior of this floor while hers sits dead center. Each of us has access to Shiloh’s room…just in case she needs us.

  Or we need her.

  I take a deep breath and place my hand on the scanner which quietly slides the door to Shiloh’s room open. Her scent hits me like a punch to the gut, sweat mixed with the musk of her arousal. Even dirty I find her alluring. How I’m ever going to resist her once she’s clean, I’ll never know. I might have to stay away from her. Once my obsession overrides my normal thinking, there’s nothing I can do.

  Gently, I walk over to her bed and hover above her. She’s shifted again, twisting to her other side. Her movements have her nightgown hiked up from her legs, giving me a perfect view of the lower half of her ass.

  And what an ass it is.

  I think I might throw out any panties in her wardrobe and ensure her ass is naked under anything she wears at all times.


  I think the guys will like this idea.

  Well…all except Nul.

  But saying and doing are two different things. While in my head I can be bold and brave, when she’s awake and staring at me I get all flustered, hoping I don’t sound like an idiot.

  The discarded blanket dress I custom made to fit her curves lies crumpled on the floor. The urge to pick it up and remove it makes my hands twitch.

  Vekk it.

  Using the tips of my fingers, I pluck the grime-covered garment off the floor, toss it through the chute leading to the laundry, and quickly wash my hands. Though equipped with many of the same amenities our rooms are, Shiloh’s is less vast. For example, her bathroom is not in another room, it rests against the right wall. Glass walls make up her traditional shower—she hasn’t been given the option for an auto-wash. Opposite the shower is a small pantry stocked with snacks and bottles of water.

  We don’t really need to outfit our rooms with much sustenance because of the replicators, but because she’s new here, and she’s gorgeous, she gets snacks.

  Drying my hands, I tiptoe around the perimeter of her room, taking in all the decor we hand-picked. A human website called Pinterest was most helpful in finding the perfect items for a young girl’s room.

  Everything in here is pink, and though that’s not my favourite colour, it’s all uniform which eases my mind. One wall houses a four-story dollhouse, and just next to it are shelves of what humans call stuffed animals. It took hours to convince Trov that stuffed animals were not actually dead animals with stuffing shoved inside them. That mishan was ready to go hunting.

  Can you imagine her horror as she walked into her bedroom and saw dozens of carcasses resting on shelves? It almost would have been worth it just to see the look of defeat on Trov’s face at her repulsion.

  Trov hates being wrong.

  Grinning, I count the animals. Two bears. Two unicorns. Two dogs. Two owls. Three piglets.


  I swallow down my cry for order and hurry to the rogue piglet. It takes all my concentration not to rip it to shreds right where I stand. But I don’t want to wake Shiloh, and I sure as shit don’t want to scare her. So I do the mature thing and toss it down the garbage chute next to her bathroom.

  I explore her wardrobe next, looking at each and every outfit, picturing her body filling out the limp material…and then I find it.

  The panty drawer…

  Ten panties made from delicate fabrics equipped with bows and lace line a drawer. In one quick movement, I snatch them all in one hand and grip them tight.

  Well, maybe she can have them, we’ll just tell her not to wear them like normal. Maybe…

  With my free hand, I remove one pair and try to fit it on my head, stuffing my ears where her legs would go. Yes, this would be acceptable. Just as I’m snapping the elastic to my forehead, another secret door opens and a bewildered Trov walks in. He stops, frozen in his tracks, and his wide face contorts in horror and shock.

  I stand there like a mishan while he stares at me, shaking his head and backing away through the door behind him. “Not today,” he mutters, before walking back out.

  Shrugging, I pull off the panties and take one final look at my mate. She’s rolled onto her back again, her ruby hair covering one half of her perfect face. I take a tentative step down one stair, then the second and third until I’m right next to her.

  I long to touch her, to swipe the hair off her face, to roll her pert nipples between my fingers, to sheathe myself inside her until she moans.

  But today is not that day.

  For one, she needs to sleep, and two, she’s dirty as vekk.

  “Soon, tiny mate,” I whisper, before leaving her room accompanied by a handful of stolen panties and my rock-hard cock.



  “Uhh!” I yawn audibly and stretch my arms above my head. When my hands don’t graze the headboard of my bed, I startle. Then the memories of the previous day break through the fog of my exhaustion, and I remember…

  I’m not at Harvest House.

  I don’t have a headboard.

  The spicy smell of a familiar alien general infiltrates my nose, I would recognise it anywhere. Any of them for that matter. Each scent is as familiar to me as my own face now.


  “How long have you been in here?” I grumble, not even opening my eyes.

  “Does it matter?” he counters, his voice a low rumble, sending a shiver of arousal through me. “Long enough to drink in every curve of your body that damn nightgown of yours will allow. I hear those things can be quite cumbersome. Perhaps you should sleep naked?”

  “Perhaps I will.” I can’t even hide the grin on my face when I hear his short intake of breath. Cryk is many things, but first and foremost, he’s a sexual deviant. It’s like he eats, sleeps, and breathes dirty thoughts, and is completely unable to control himself.

  I open my eyes and search the room for Cryk. I spot him sitting at a pink vanity on a tiny, frilly, white stool which looks like it might break under his weight. He looks hilarious sitting there, surrounded by glittery hair accessories and copious amounts of makeup. Forcing myself into a sitting position, I carefully cross my legs while keeping the nightgown’s material between them. I’m not as shy as Daisy or even Harlow, but I’m also not ready to flash my crotch—my dirty crotch at that—to a stranger.

  I mean, I know he’s my mate and all that, but I still don’t know him. Cryk’s yellow eyes connect with my emerald ones, pulling a gasp from my mouth. When our gazes lock, I can almost feel our connection. I don’t know how to explain it, but it has me shaken. Needing a reprieve from the intensity of his stare, I look around my room.

  It’s like my mates googled ‘little girl’s room’ and mimicked mine off whatever they found. I have to laugh to myself because to them, I am a little girl. Those guys are over a hundred years old, and I’m over here at the young age
of twenty. I notice the blanket dress is missing and wonder if Cryk cleaned up while waiting for me to wake up. My stomach takes that moment to growl loudly, reminding me I haven’t eaten for over a day.

  Cryk smiles, and if I had panties on, they’d have melted off with a look like that. Cryk is gorgeous with neatly styled dark hair, roguish good looks, and dimpled cheeks, and I know he’s super well-built as I got a great view of his body yesterday. His large wings sit proudly behind his back, his yellow orbs bright and inviting. “Hungry?” he asks, a sparkle in his eye.

  Nodding, I lick my lips. “Yes, I’m famished. You?”

  “I’m feeling ravenous…but not for food.” He winks at me, his scales flashing yellow, and I feel my cheeks heat. “Come on, little flyer, let’s get you dressed and fill your tiny belly.” Cryk stands and offers me his hand. I move to place mine in his when I realise for the first time that he only has three fingers instead of four.


  “Only have three fingers. I know. Weird, right?” He chuckles as I slip my fingers into his palm. With a swift yank, Cryk pulls me from my bed and right into his arms. “Gotcha.”

  “Put me down you…you…giant…alien—”

  “Okay, okay. No need for name calling.” Cryk places a chaste kiss on top of my head and sets me on my feet.

  I level him with a glare, my fingers clenched into fists. “You mentioned getting dressed. Where are my clothes?” I growl, intentionally crossing my arms under my breasts. Two can play at this game.

  He follows the movement and licks his lips before jerking his chin to a set of doors imbedded so perfectly into a wall, I didn’t even notice them.

  “Thank you.” Leaving Cryk behind me, I head over and open the doors.


  So much fucking pink.

  And a smattering of purple.

  Dangling off dozens of cloth hangers are dresses, outfits, nightgowns, and…

  Halloween costumes?

  Those hilariously naive aliens got me princess costumes. I see Rapunzel, Ariel, and even a Minnie Mouse getup.

  I wonder if they got me the ears to go along with it.

  A choked laugh pours from my lips, and I have to cover it up with a fake cough. I don’t want to hurt their feelings.

  “See anything you like?” Cryk inquires.

  “Uhh, yeah. It’s just…there’s so much to choose from.” I shuffle the clothes around and pull out all the drawers, but I find one completely empty. “What’s missing from this one?” I question, waving him over.

  “You know, I’m not sure,” he answers, scratching just behind his horn. “Is there anything not in here you would need?”

  I’m getting the feeling he knows more about this than he’s letting on as I rifle through the clothes again. “Uhh. Yeah. Umm. Underwear?”

  His brows furrow. “Underwear? What the vekk is that?”

  My cheeks flame. “You know…panties?”

  “Ohh. Yes. Why on Oxious would you need those? We don’t wear anything like that. They must be so…restrictive.”

  “Just like this nightgown, right?” I retort sarcastically.

  His eyes heat and he trails a finger just below my neckline. “Yes. Just like this vekking thing.” That slight touch has my nipples hardening and my core heating. “But really, what purpose do they serve?”

  “Cleanliness for one. Modesty…”

  To help keep the wetness pooling between my legs from dripping down my thighs…

  “Modesty,” Cryk scoffs, before lowering his voice seductively. “Who the vekk needs that when you have four mates who would prefer you to be, well, less than decent?”

  I have to look away. I can’t handle the desire, the lust in his eyes. It does things to my insides that make me not trust myself. Just a second of his gaze and the melodic tones of his voice have my heart racing, every nerve in my body lighting up. Turning my attention back to the clothes, I select an outfit and walk away from Cryk, looking for a space to change.

  “Uhh. Don’t I have a bathroom or place I can get ready?”

  “Look around you,” he says, presenting the areas of my room to me like he’s a fucking used car salesman. “This entire room is just for you. You may get ready wherever you wish.”

  “That’s great.” I try to hide my dislike for the lack of privacy in here and remember to be thankful. They didn’t have to create a room for me. They didn’t have to give me my own space, forcing me to stay in one of their rooms with them.

  But they did.

  “Do you mind spinning around while I change?”

  Cryk narrows his eyes and crosses his arms over his huge chest, almost like he’s challenging me.

  “Please?” I add, batting my eyes at him.

  He deflates. “Fine. But only because you’re still new here. I won’t continue denying my needs for long. You are mine. My mate. If I want to see your body, then I’m vekking going to.”

  “O-Okay,” I sputter. “Thanks.” My mind is whirling. He’s not wrong. As he spins to give me privacy, I also turn, keeping my back to him. Wrapping my fingers around the hem of my nightgown, I tug it off in one movement. Goosebumps erupt on my chilled skin, reminding me to ask them where the heating controls are. Quickly, I slip into a top, which has a collar and short sleeves, and shorts that cover my ass…barely.

  The shirt is laughable. I fasten the rainbow buttons but struggle with the one across my boobs. I have huge boobs, and this shirt was clearly made for someone smaller or younger than me.

  I know this fucker is gonna pop.

  After buttoning up, I see a giant rainbow is strewn across my chest ending in raised, puffy clouds on either side. It makes my tits look like giant, white cotton balls. I feel like a goddamn Care Bear. The seam from the light pink shorts rubs against my slit, and I wonder if someone can get vagina rug burn from not having panties on.

  Is vagina rug burn even a thing? I guess we’re going to find out.

  Note to self for the future…don’t ever, ever, let my mates go shopping unless I want to look like Disney and Barbie had a kid.

  Now that I’m changed, I tell Cryk, “Okay, you can look now.” I don’t turn to see if he’s looking, since I’m confident he is. Instead, I walk over to the bathroom area and open a cabinet under the sink, searching for a toothbrush and floss. I don’t find any. All that’s under here is cleaning supplies and a bottle that looks similar to mouthwash. “Uhh. Can I have a toothbrush and some floss please?”

  “No need,” Cryk replies, walking over and snatching the bottle of mouthwash looking liquid. “You’ll use this instead.” He holds up the bottle and offers me an award-winning smile, displaying all his sparkling white teeth—and fangs.

  Why do I find those damn fangs so fucking hot?

  “Inside this bottle are nanobots. They are programmed to rid the mouth of all living things like bacteria responsible for decay, loss of bone, and gum inflammation. They will also incinerate any food particles left behind,” he rattles off proudly. “Dental disease has been eradicated from Oxious for decades, little flyer. Here.” He holds out the bottle for me to take. “Try it for yourself.”

  My fingers twist off the lid, and I bring my lips to the rim before allowing the green liquid into my mouth.

  “Go ahead. Swish it around,” he encourages.

  So, like a good little mate, I do.

  I instantly feel…something. It’s like a weird tingling, buzzing sensation. But it’s not uncomfortable at all. I can almost see the little bots, fighting the germs in my mouth. I have to suppress a laugh when I imagine them holding little weapons as they battle big, bad, cavity germs.

  “Has the feeling subsided yet? The vibrating?”

  Did he just say vibrating?

  My mind just fell into the gutter.

  He looks at me like he’s waiting for something. Did he ask me something?


  “I think they’re done now. Spit it out into your sink and rinse it down the drain.”
/>   As the bots leave my mouth and enter the sink, I notice the once green liquid is now brown and nasty.

  “Eww.” I cringe at the change of colour. “Bleh.”

  “Gross, right?” Cryk agrees, laughing. “That’s all the funk the nanobots took out of your mouth.” Cryk wraps his large hand around my upper arm, reminding me how big he is and how small I am compared to them. “Come on, let’s get over to the cafeteria. I know the others are waiting.”

  Cryk tugs me into the elevator thingy and taps on a screen inside. The ship is so advanced, I can barely detect movement. Moments later, the doors open, and I find myself back in the cafeteria. Trov and Joss are already sitting at the large table with half eaten plates of food in front of them, while Nul is rattling off some words I don’t understand into the replicator.

  I see Trov’s nostrils flare, and his eyes light up as he slowly turns his head towards Cryk and me. The others do the same.

  Can… Can they smell me? Do I need a shower that badly? I resist the urge to lift my arm up and smell my pits. Fuck, I need a shower.

  Cryk stands behind me, lowering his head to my ear. His breath warms my skin, smelling fresh and clean. “You can walk in there, you know. They won’t bite unless you ask them to.” He pats my ass and urges me forward.

  I stumble into the room, and quickly chirp, “Hey.” Ignoring their hungry stares, I walk over to the replicator and stand beside Nul.

  “Hey, Nul,” I greet while looking at his plate. It doesn’t look that bad. Something resembling eggs, some type of meat, and bread steam from his dish. “That looks good.”

  Nul’s face reddens an even a darker shade, and I wonder if that’s how he blushes. “H-Hey, Sh-Shiloh.” We lock eyes, but he quickly looks away before hurrying over to the table.

  Maybe he doesn’t like me?

  I can’t blame him. They are a fierce Klan. Generals, for fuck’s sake. I’m no one. Just some girl with no life experiences that could even compare to theirs. I probably seem ignorant and stupid to someone as brilliant as Nul.


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