Book Read Free

Working Back

Page 21

by BJ Harvey

  So, Bryant Cook, will you marry me again?

  Love, Faith Cook

  P.S. Yes, I full-named you, but it’s allowed when it’s a matter this important.

  I look around my brothers and catch Abi standing at the top of the back stairs, smiling at me.

  “I love you,” she mouths.

  “Love you too,” I mouth back.

  I turn to Jax. “Let’s go get me married… again.”


  I look down over everybody from the upstairs bedroom window. The same bedroom where I saw Bryant again for the first time. Where he told me to marry him. Where he challenged me to kiss him. When I knew I’d do everything in my power to eliminate every doubt he ever had about me, us, and our future together.

  After Bryant’s heartfelt confession in the bath, I knew what I had to do. Weeks of planning and covert calls and appointments. I wouldn’t have been able to pull any of this off without the help of our families. They stepped up and helped me pull everything together.

  And today, we’ll renew our vows in front of our friends and family in the way we always said we wanted to, not at City Hall where we were like strangers in love but still, not like the us either one of us thought we would be.

  Four months of being thrown in the deep end—marriage, roommates, and living in a shack that turned into a masterpiece—and now, I’m wielding the wrecking ball. I’m making sure that once and for all, the love of my life knows without a shadow of a doubt that he is—and forever will be—the only man for me.

  I look down and smooth my hands over the beautiful ivory wedding gown I chose a few weeks ago during a secret shopping trip with Delilah, Abi, and the moms. It had been love at first fitting.

  It has a low V-neck bodice, and it’s fitted down to the waist and covered in contrasting panels of French lace and silk chiffon. A full skirt falls to my feet with a meter-long train with a finger loop for ease of movement.

  I lift my head when there’s a soft knock at the door, finding the moms standing there, arm in arm, their glassy eyes locking with mine in the floor-length mirror in front of me.

  “Oh, my,” Mom says, moving into the room.

  “That dress warrants more than an ‘oh my,’ Patricia,” Marcy says with a giggle.

  I smile at both of them. “As long as I take his breath away at first sight, then my job is done.”

  “And considering this is my third son to get married in four months, I’m almost glad Cohen is single. There’s no way he’s going to surprise me with another wedding anytime soon.”

  I snicker, and Mom just shrugs because I don’t think my mother-in-law is wrong—about the dress or Cohen. He may not be in a relationship, but I’ve seen him with Skye—there’s so much more to those two than ‘work partners’—even if they’re not willing to acknowledge it yet. Work wives have been known to turn into real ones.

  The moms come up behind me, one on each side, both resting a hand on one of my shoulders. “You had him at eight years old just as much as you have him at thirty-five. Today is just the icing on top of a long-time-coming cake that you both took your sweet-ass time eating,” Marcy says.

  Not exactly how I’d say it, but it’s true nonetheless.

  There’s another knock at the door. This time, it’s Dad standing there, and his eyes aren’t just glassy—there’s a tear falling down his cheek. Marcy and Mom step back, giving me room to turn around to face my father.

  “Daddy,” I say, my voice cracking. My dad’s eyes sweep down to the floor and back up again.

  “I never thought you could get more beautiful but standing here right now, you’re proving me wrong, Bakes,” he says gruffly.

  “Don’t make me cry,” I reply. I bite my lip to quell my almost overwhelming emotions. “You’ll ruin my makeup, and then I’ll be walking down the aisle to the man I love with raccoon eyes. He might run the other way.”

  “That man is not going anywhere. He’s in so deep I swear he’s got cement shoes.”

  “I know. It’s not me who needs convincing. I need him to know that I’m not going anywhere. I’m a wrecking ball, ready to knock away all his doubts.”

  “Pretty fucking gorgeous piece of machinery,” Ez says, leaning against the doorframe, his eyes shining with pride. He pushes off the wall and walks past Dad, then pulls me into his arms and gives me a huge hug. He lowers his mouth to my ear. “The eagle has landed and is ready whenever you are,” he whispers, letting me go and shooting me a wink.

  “Ez,” I say with a giggle. “You don’t need to speak in code anymore, you know?”

  He smirks. “Where’s the fun in that?”

  “What about the rest?” I ask quizzically, earning curious looks from Marcy and my parents.

  “Oh, yeah. Delilah has it all in hand. Everything is ready for launch.”

  “And Jamie, is he—”

  “Yes. I thought your not-so-covert spying from the window would’ve answered that question,” he says, shaking his head.

  “I love you, you know?”

  He grins. “Well, someone’s got to.”

  “You’re such a nerd,” I say with a laugh.

  He gently shucks my shoulder. “Not as much as you, Bakes.”

  “Should it be Cooks now?” Marcy teases, making us all chuckle.

  Dad looks around the room. “Okay, everyone out. It’s go time, and since I’m the one with the honor of walking my baby girl down the aisle, I get to call it and say we’re getting this show on the road.”

  “Or the beautifully blushing bride down the aisle,” Mom says, stepping in front of me and kissing my cheek. “Knock him dead, gorgeous girl.”

  “That’s the plan.”

  She nods and reaches down, grabbing my hand and giving it a gentle, reassuring squeeze before letting me go and walking out of the room. Marcy takes her arm, and Ez follows closely behind them.

  “Faith Marie Cook, are you sure about this?” my father says, stopping in front of me.

  “Um, Dad, you know I’m already legally married, right?”

  He shrugs, a smirk playing on his lips. “I felt it was my fatherly duty to at least ask, even though I’ve known the answer for decades.”

  “You’re the best dad I’ve ever had,” I say, wrapping my arms around his shoulders and hugging him tight.

  “That’s good since I’m the only dad you’ve ever had.”

  “Rick was a pretty good back-up when needed.”

  “Him and Marcy both,” he says.

  I pull back and lower my arms to grab hold of his hands. “It’s always been Bry.”

  “I know.”

  “You know why I had to wait till now, right?”

  “We all did. We also knew it would always end like this.”

  “A City Hall ceremony followed by a backyard wedding?”

  “If anyone would do things backward, it was bound to be the rebel of the family.”

  I scrunch up my forehead. “Me? The rebel?”

  “Well, the most determined individual of the bunch anyway.”

  “I’ll take that as a compliment,” I say dryly.

  “I meant it as one,” he replies. “But now, let’s get you married.”

  “I’m actually nervous. My stomach feels like it’s full of butterflies ready to take flight.”

  “You sure it’s butterflies?” he asks, arching a brow.

  I narrow my eyes. “You’re terrible, you know?”

  He holds his hands in the air. “I’m completely innocent. Your mother, on the other hand…”

  Laughing, I loop my arm in his. “Take me to my destiny, Daddy.”

  He dips his head and brushes his lips against my temple. “It’ll be my honor, baby girl.”

  After carefully moving down the Cooks’ stairs to the ground level, Dad and I make our way down the hallway toward the backyard.

  A giggle escapes my lips, earning a puzzled look from my dad. “What are you laughing at?”

  “The last time I was going out of this
door, I had a panic attack and ended up in Bryant’s childhood bedroom. Now, I’ve just gotten dressed in my wedding dress in the same bedroom, and instead of feeling panicked, I’m fighting the urge to run outside to be with him.”

  Dad grins and kisses my cheek. “I better not keep my girl waiting any longer.”


  As instructed, I’m standing at the end of the makeshift aisle with my back to the house, staring at a smirking Jamie.

  “I’ve been where you are, brother, and I know you’re dying to look, but this is one of those moments that’ll be burned in your brain until the day you die. So believe me when I say you really want to wait until I tell you to turn around.”

  I nod, tightening my hands into fists as a softly strummed guitar begins to play. Axel grabs hold of my arm and tugs it free so he can slide his small palm into mine. I glance down at him, wondering when he got to be so damn smart.

  His gaze is aimed behind me, his face transformed by a huge grin. He looks back up at me. “Now, Uncle Bry,” he whispers, letting go of my hand.

  It’s as if the world grinds to a halt as I slowly turn around and literally stop breathing. I lock eyes with Faith’s vibrant green ones. The look of absolute love I find in them has me locking my knees in case I fall down at her feet. She has never looked more beautiful than she does right now, a feat I’d thought was damn near impossible considering she was already the most stunning woman I’ve ever known.

  I can’t tear my eyes away from her as it sinks in that I completely understand why Jamie made me wait. This is a moment I’ll never forget. On my death bed, even if I’m unable to speak, this is one of the memories that will stay with me.

  It’s her smile. It’s big and blinding. Then there’s the dress that makes me want to drop down and kiss her feet. She was gorgeous in her red dress at City Hall, but this wedding gown is a work of goddamn art.

  She’s wearing her hair down, gathered on one side and swept in loose curls over her shoulder. A mix of lace and silk clings to her curves before falling to the ground. I never imagined this would feel so good. My dreams never even came close. They weren’t even in the same stratosphere.

  I bite the inside of my cheek to try and quell the overwhelming emotions, but the moment I see her own eyes filled with tears, I give in to everything I’m feeling. I hold out my hand and chuckle when she speeds to get to me.

  I struggle against the large lump in my throat as Mr. Baker turns to his daughter and murmurs something for her ears only before placing Faith’s hand in mine.

  The moment we touch, I know that everything that led us here was worth it. Would I do it again? Hell no. Knowing what I know now, I’d have married her at twenty and gone wherever she wanted to go.

  There is one regret I have that Faith’s surprise wedding has now granted me the opportunity to rectify. It’s something I set in motion as soon as I realized what Faith had done today. My wife deserves a wedding night she will never forget, and tonight, once the festivities here are over, we’ll be having a very long, very late, well overdue celebration of our own.

  Because I’d move heaven and earth for this woman. I’d do anything to make her happy. I’ll take her back when she needs me. I’ll encourage her always. I’ll love her forever.

  She’s not the only one who knew they’d only ever get married once.

  There is—and only ever will be—one woman with my ring on her finger, who belongs at my side, whose taken my name and when the time comes, who will build a family with me.

  The same woman stands opposite me, her eyes wet with tears, her hands shaking in mine, and her ruby-red lips curved into a smile I desperately want to taste right now.

  “Fuck it,” I mutter before stepping forward, wrapping my hand around the back of her head and slamming my mouth down on hers.

  Everyone else ceases to exist. The only thing that matters is Faith’s hands on my hips holding on for dear life and her breathy moans echoing in my head. When I tear my lips from hers and lean my forehead down, nothing could be more perfect than this moment right here. Right now.

  “If you’re quite finished, maybe we should get the vows out of the way before you two start up again?” Jamie muses, earning a laugh from our family and friends.

  “Talk quick,” I say, my eyes still locked on my wife’s hooded ones.

  “Impatient much?” Jax retorts from behind me.

  I smirk. “Have you seen how beautiful my wife is? Would you wanna wait?”

  “Point taken,” he says with a laugh.

  “Right. If Tweedledee and Tweedledum here would control themselves for a few minutes, we’ll get this show on the road,” Jamie says, garnering everyone’s attention. “Since these two crazy cats are already legally married thanks to my brother and his crazy plans, we aren’t required to abide by any of the normal formalities. With this in mind, Faith would like to say a few words to her husband.”

  “Actually,” I say, surprised I still have the ability to speak. “I have one thing I’d like to do.” Faith’s eyes widen, her lips parting.

  I run my thumbs over the top of her knuckles. “I know you’ve organized everything, but I need a do-over.” She scrunches up her nose, and it takes everything I have not to kiss her breathless.

  “Well then, looks like these two crazy cats are determined to keep us guessing,” Jamie says, his voice full of amusement.

  “Thanks, Jay,” I say with a chuckle, before shutting out everyone around us. I take a slow, deep breath, not once taking my gaze off my beautiful wife. “The first time I asked, it was the right thing at the wrong time. The last time, it was so much less than you deserved. So now, I’m gonna make sure I do it right.” Without breaking eye contact, I lower myself on one knee, still holding her left hand. Her other hand goes over her heart. I’m going to take care of you, babycakes because you’re mine and I’m never letting you go again.

  “Faith Marie Cook, will you do me the honor of staying my wife, no fears, no doubts, all in and forever?” I marvel at the wonder of waterproof makeup as tears pool in her eyes and fall onto her cheeks. She bends at the waist, cups my jaw in her favorite way, and against my lips, whispers, “I’m yours. Always have been and always will.”

  I stand, taking her with me. I gently tangle my fingers in her hair, kissing her soft and sweet, taking my sweet-ass time doing it. I try to compose myself and at the same time, steal a small pocket of time just for us—even if we are in front of thirty of our nearest and dearest.

  Jamie coughs and grins wide when Faith and I slowly pull apart, and I glare at him.

  “People to remarry, food and drinks to be consumed,” he says.

  “I am pretty hungry, Dad,” my best boy says. He laughs when I narrow my eyes at him.

  Jamie winks at his son and looks to the crowd behind us. “Now, it’s Faith’s turn to say her own vows… amongst other things…” he says cryptically.

  I look back to Faith, my brows bunched, my curiosity piqued. As if sensing it, she gives my hands a gentle squeeze before opening her mouth and proceeding to blow my ever-loving mind.

  Then again, given the lengths she’s gone to today to guarantee I know I’m it for her just as much as she’s always been it for me, should I really be surprised?


  With both of Bry’s hands in mine, I take a deep breath in and slowly exhale. It’s normal to be nervous, right?

  “Bry, twenty-seven years ago I was sitting in my front yard, probably being ignored by my annoying big brother and sister—”

  “Hey!” Delilah gasps.

  “Probably true,” Ez says with a laugh.

  I frown but end up poking my tongue out at both of them.

  Bryant’s eyes are dancing when I look back at him, but he’s nodding. “Definitely true,” he mouths, and I can’t stop a snort escaping my lips.

  “You were my first best friend, my first—and only—great love, my first husband…” Bry’s eyes widen, making my lips twitch, but I don’t let it sway me.
I’ve waited long enough for this. “Now I know right down to the bottom of my soul that you’re going to be my last everything too. But before Jax hurries us along so he can hit the bar, there are two more firsts to get out of the way.” Bry’s brows bunch together, his eyes narrowing adorably, then there’s a dangerous gleam there.

  “But I thought you said it was exit only?” he whispers just loud enough for those closest to us to hear—Jamie, Jax, the wives, and the sister’s ears only. Thank God Axel is clueless.

  “Bryant…” I teasingly scold, biting my lip as I try not to burst out laughing.

  “Ez?” I ask, calling him over. He walks toward us, a white A4 envelope in his hand.

  When he reaches us, he puts his hand on my shoulder and leans in to kiss my cheek before handing me surprise number two for the day. Turning to Bry, he holds his hand out and shakes it before pulling him in for a man hug.

  “No kiss on the cheek?” Jax pipes up, a huge smirk on his face.

  “Fuck off, Jax,” Bry and Ez say in unison, earning a laugh from everyone watching the exchange.

  I wait until Ez has retaken his seat before looking down at my hands, my fingers crinkling the paper with a nervously tight grip.

  “Faith?” Bryant says, soft and low, as if for my ears only. “What is it? ’Cause if you’re about to tell me you’re moving to Antarctica to study penguins, then I guess I’m stocking up on snow gear.”

  And somehow, that’s all I need to know that whatever comes at us, whatever we have to conquer in life from this point on, we’ll make it because we’ll always do it together.

  “No penguins,” I reply with a wry smile. I lift my head to watch his face as I hold out the first surprise for him. “It’s hard to make a home if we’re living on the other side of the world.”

  He purses his lips and studies me before he opens the envelope and pulls out a folded piece of paper. His gaze drops to the page as he reads the words before his head jerks up, his eyes wide, his lips parting. His breath catches.


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