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Which Witch is Willing? (The Witches of Port Townsend Book 4)

Page 19

by Kerrigan Byrne

  The cheerfulness slipped from Violet’s face, and her expression turned serious.

  “Just take out my soul,” Claire said in encouragement. “And then if you can also put it back, that would be great.”

  Violet continued to stare, and Claire kept her gaze trained on the child’s purple eyes.

  Do it, she thought. Do it.

  Knowing if one was immortal or not was nothing to be trifled with. If she couldn’t die, then that changed everything.

  The door to the attic burst open, causing Claire to shriek and Violet to wail. Dru strode in looking wild-eyed and angry with Kai hot on his tail. “What the hell is going on here?”

  Kai marched forward and stared at her with accusing eyes.

  Claire pulled the crying child to her chest. “Look what you did? You made Violet cry. You big bully.”

  She kept her head down, unable to look Dru or Kai in the eye for fear she’d give herself away.

  Dru crouched next to them. “Claire. Look at me. Tell me what you were doing and don’t lie because I’ll know.”

  She steeled her gaze and tilted her face upward. “I was playing with Violet until you barged in.”

  “No,” he said in a commanding tone. “You were in danger.”

  She wrinkled her brows in disagreement. “Violet wouldn’t hurt me, and there’s no one else here.”

  “Tell. Me.”

  She huffed and turned Violet toward her so she could pat her back. “Fine. I thought maybe Violet could try to temporarily borrow my soul like she did with Aunt Justine. If she managed it, then I would know if I’m immortal or not.”

  Dru shook his head in disbelief. “Are you insane, woman?”

  She frowned at his insult. “No, I am not. No harm came to Aunt Justine when it happened, and I have a safety measure in place.”

  Just then, Aerin appeared in the doorway. “If you’re wanting me to take a turn babysitting, sorry. Children and I have a mutual dislike.”

  Violet sniffed and turned to Aerin. Her face immediately split with a huge smile, though tears still stained her cheeks.

  Claire frowned at Dru but answered Aerin. “No, I wasn’t going to ask you to watch her. I needed your help with something, but Dru showed up instead.”

  Dru held her gaze, his own expression supremely unhappy.

  Aerin’s phone rang, startling Claire all over again. Aerin answered and then shifted her gaze to Dru and Claire. “Nick’s back. I’ll get Tierra and Killian and meet you guys downstairs.”

  Claire headed for the door, but Dru blocked her way. “Promise me that you’ll never attempt anything like that again.”

  She huffed in disgust as Kai pressed hard against her leg as though admonishing her, too. “I can’t live my whole entire life not knowing if it is my entire life.”

  “And you won’t have to,” Dru said. “But it might take ten years before you realize you’re aging or not.”

  “Ten years? Think of all the crazy things I’m going to miss while riding my bike.”

  He snorted and shook his head. “Promise me.”

  She stared at him for a long moment and then sighed. “Fine. I promise not to ask Violet to steal my soul again. Now, let’s get downstairs. We have more important issues at hand.”

  Though she wasn’t about to promise that if another viable opportunity presented itself, she wouldn’t take it.


  By the time Nick arrived, the crowd outside had lost their patience and the ability to maintain the peace. Cries of Angel Baby echoed into the house as the four horsemen and four elemental witches gathered in the parlor. The horsemen, with the exception of Killian, remained standing, while Claire and her sisters sat.

  Claire had returned Violet to her mother, and she’d dozed within minutes. The precocious baby lay sleeping in her mother’s arms, oblivious to the commotion outside, all because of her. Killian sat next to Tierra, holding them both closely.

  Worry glistened in Tierra’s expression as she glanced to each of the occupants in the room. “I don’t like this. Not one bit. I don’t feel Violet’s safe.”

  Killian hugged her tighter. “She’s safe here, my gazelle. Look around you. The power that resides in this room is unmatched by anything they have out there.”

  Moira crossed her arms protectively over her belly. “I agree with Tierra. They’re creepier than a two-headed clown. I can handle the negativity we’ve been living with. But back home, when someone started bein’ all nice and stuff, that’s when I knew it’s best to beware.”

  Nick dropped a hand to Moira’s shoulder, and she leaned her head against him. “I don’t have the patience for this madness. Dru and I have taken out bigger armies. I say we let loose and dispense with them.”

  Julian shook his head. “This is not a matter of conquering the believers, Nicholas. Aerin and I discussed this at length upstairs. We believe the issue is that Lucy has lost a significant amount of her power, which has left the world unstable. The last time any of us saw Lucy, she’d lost half her face and was barely more than a corpse.”

  Aerin stood and took Julian’s gloved hand. “With the world having very little dark power now, the light has tipped the scales. While light might seem better than dark, a world out of balance is detrimental either way. If we dispense with everyone outside, others will replace them.”

  She pointed at Moira. “We need that baby now, too.”

  Moira rubbed her stomach. “You’re preachin’ to the choir on that score. I feel like ten pounds of possum crammed into a two-pound sack.”

  Dru claimed Aerin’s space on the couch and draped an arm around Claire. “Maybe we need something to induce labor. If he gets any bigger, Moira’s gonna burst.”

  Moira sighed and dropped her head. “Been trying everything I can think of to break my water, but nothing’s workin’. I thought about asking Uncle Sal to take me out on his boat when the water is really rough.”

  Nick shook his head. “Not happening.”

  Claire shot her a sympathetic smile. “If anyone could cause her water to break, a Water witch should be able to.”

  “Unless,” Julian said, “the baby can’t be on earth at the same time as Lucy. Maybe he has to wait for her departure before he can completely enter this realm.”

  Nick walked to the cabinet and poured a glass of scotch. He downed it in one swallow and refilled the glass. “Looks like we have one option. Remove Lucy from this planet.”

  Tierra frowned. “I thought you guys weren’t supposed to say her name. That doing so would draw her attention.”

  Killian shook his head. “With as diminished as she is now, I doubt she can do much more than crawl. Even if she could hear us, she wouldn’t be a threat. Her reign is over.”

  Tierra shook her head. “You say that, but someone switched out Aerin and Moira’s gift and replaced it with brimstone. You’re the one who said it was Lucy. She has to have some power, or one of the coven is working against us and with her. No one was hurt, but I feel like it was a warning. We need to be careful.”

  Claire considered Tierra’s thoughts. “Maybe Lucy somehow convinced another witch to do her bidding. It wouldn’t be the first time. Or maybe she overtook someone’s body like she did with our sister.”

  Aerin eyed the group. “We definitely need a plan to get rid of her. Then if there’s still a threat remaining with one of the coven members, we’ll move on to that.”

  Moira shifted and then rubbed her belly where it protruded from her tank top. “If we could somehow get her inside the Standing Stones, I bet she’d be even weaker there.”

  Claire liked the idea, but… “She’s not dumb enough to go there. The bait to lure her in would have to be something she’s desperate for.”

  Aerin turned to Tierra and focused on the baby sleeping in her arms. “I think she might risk it if she could gain control of Violet.”

  “No!” Killian and Tierra said in unison, and Killian jumped to his feet.

  Julian looked to his brother
horseman. “Hang on a minute, Killian. Let’s consider this more fully. Obviously, we’re not going to put Violet’s life in danger.”

  Insight blew through Claire’s mind. “No, but there is the portal between the Stones and our mother’s room upstairs. Lucy can’t enter that room.”

  Tierra tilted her head to the side. “So, you’re thinking of luring her there with Violet, but Violet doesn’t stay. She goes immediately through the portal to the room.”

  “That’s an interesting idea,” Aerin said.

  Moira blinked in surprise. “I can’t believe y’all are considering it, Tierra.”

  Tierra flashed a quick look in her direction. “Then you obviously don’t know how badly I want Lucy gone. Until then, Violet will never be safe. Your baby won’t be either.”

  Nick agreed. “Lucy will go after Violet until she no longer has breath in her lungs. If she has Violet on her side, she’ll be unstoppable.”

  Moira lifted a questioning gaze to Nick. “If y’all think she’s weak, how could she even consider attempting this?”

  “She’ll grab another body,” Dru said. “Just like when she took over Aerin. She doesn’t have much strength physically, but I’m sure she’s still mentally capable. Another reason why we need to eliminate her before she figures a way to get stronger.”

  Tierra nodded solemnly. “If we were to somehow get the word out that I’ll be going there with Violet, to go visit my mother’s grave…”

  Killian growled his disapproval. “The only way you’ll go is if I fly you and Violet there. I’m not letting you out of my sight.”

  Aerin shrugged. “I don’t think that would scare Lucy away. Not if she wants Violet bad enough.”

  “I agree,” Tierra said.

  Seemed like a brilliant plan to Claire. “You and Killian go, but the rest of us women will wait just inside the portal. You arrive, pass the baby to us mortals.” She was really beginning to hate that word. “Moira can hold Violet and protect both babies. Aerin and I will be close by, doing what we can to fight her, too.”

  Julian nodded, excitement glowing in his eyes. “Nick, Dru and I will wait a fair distance from the Stones, but not so far that we can’t get there quickly. If Lucy shows, she’ll have to reckon with all five of us. An impossible feat, I’m sure.”

  Moira studied the rest of the group, and Claire could see she still had reservations. “I think we should all consider what might possibly go wrong before we agree to do this.”

  Nick squeezed her shoulder. “Thinking like a Conqueror now.”

  Claire wracked her brain for anything they might have missed. “I think it sounds pretty solid. Aerin? Tierra?”

  Aerin shrugged. “I’m on board.”

  Tierra nodded. “Seems good to me. I can use Aunt Justine to put the word out. I’ll say I’m taking Violet to her grandmother’s grave. Aunt Justine never could keep her mouth closed, and I’m certain Lucy is still in contact with some from the coven.”

  Dru scanned the room. “Solid battle plan. Let’s make preparations.”


  The moment Killian lifted off from the widow’s walk, carrying Tierra while she held little Violet, the sparks in Claire’s nerves roared to life along with voices from the crowd outside. Though sunshine glared brilliantly upon Port Townsend, when Claire peeked through the portal to the Stones, everything was cloaked in deep shadows.

  Calming scents of earth and flora filtered through to the room in the attic, belying the turmoil bucking beneath the surface. Claire scanned the faces of her two sisters. If anyone could take down the devil, it would be them and the horsemen.

  Their four familiars also paced restlessly, nervously waiting what was to come, with the exception of Doctor Lector who fluttered about the room, sending off waves of anxiety.

  Claire released a long exhale, trying to slow her heart rate. “How long will it take for them to get there?” she asked quietly.

  Aerin glanced at her watch. “No more than a couple of minutes, I’d guess.”.

  Claire tapped a nervous foot on the floor. “There is the possibility that she might not show.”

  Though she prayed to the Goddess that Lucy would.

  The whooshing of powerful wings stole their attention. “Killian,” Aerin whispered.

  A moment later, Tierra peeked through the opening and quickly passed her child to Moira, where she’d stay safe. Claire shoved the clothes-stuffed baby blanket meant to look like Violet into Tierra’s arms. She met her gaze for a brief moment. “Good luck, sister.”

  Tierra gave her a confident nod and disappeared.

  Aerin paced the room from side to side, waiting for Lucy to arrive, while Moira cooed and kissed little Violet.

  Claire stayed close to the opening, listening for signs of Lucy so that she could send Dru a mind message and alert the other horsemen to close in.

  Aerin paused and released a heavy sigh. “This is going to drive me fucking insane. It’s times like this that I wish I hadn’t given up smoking.”

  Moira bounced Violet on her hip. “Try not to worry none. This little girl isn’t worried, and you know how she can be when danger is around. She must have faith in her parents.”

  Claire shushed them. “I need to be able to hear.”

  She leaned her head closer to the opening and closed her eyes, hoping to give her other senses a greater advantage.

  Something sharp tore through Claire’s soul like a dragon breathing fire, and she gasped. She didn’t need to hear Lucy to recognize the evil that lurked nearby. Claire jerked her gaze to her sisters, and they nodded. They’d sensed her, too.

  Violet whimpered.

  Aerin nodded to Claire. “Let’s go.”

  Claire sent the message to Dru and grabbed her wand. Together, she and Aerin slipped through the portal.

  But they didn’t find Lucy in the circle of stones with Tierra and Killian.

  Instead, Gwen stood, regal in all black, with her platinum hair tightly coiffed on her head. She held her arm out straight, with a manicured finger pointing directly toward Tierra and Killian. Tierra clutched the fake baby tightly to her chest.

  “Don’t you two move,” Gwen called over her shoulder. “Or I will remove your sister and her precious baby permanently from this earth.”

  Her threat only angered Claire more. Lucy thought she had them fooled. The devil had to know she was up against serious power. With the eight of them now united, they harnessed far more strength than Lucy, even with her inhabiting Gwen’s body. “We know it’s you, Lucy. We know you’ve taken over Gwen like you did Aerin. We sense your vile presence.”

  Lucy chuckled and flicked a gaze at Aerin and Claire. Bright yellow eyes burned in place of Gwen’s icy blue ones, and Claire realized she’d also underestimated their opponent.

  “Yes,” Lucy said, her voice echoing, giving off vibes of power. “But I didn’t have to force my way in. Gwen, the beautiful, graciously allowed me to take the driver’s seat. She willingly gave her body to me like a good servant would, reviving my powers. I don’t think she expected she’d lose so much of herself in the process, but that’s hardly a concern now.”

  Maybe not for Lucy, but her power was of great concern to Claire. She tried to reach out and warn Dru, but her thoughts hit the Standing Stones and bounced back. That knowledge burned through Claire’s confidence.

  Lucy must have created a barrier of sorts. If it was strong enough to keep out the Horsemen, the rest of them might be in more danger than they’d realized.

  Killian stepped forward so that he partially blocked Tierra and drew Lucy’s gaze away from the rest of them. “You’re finished, Lucy. Your time on earth has ended.”

  “Certainly, you must sense that,” Tierra added. “There’s a new baby, about to be born, who will control the dark power in the world. Power that once belonged to you, does so no more.”

  “You’ve so little left now,” Aerin added. “I know because I lived with you.”

  Claire put on a brave face
and nodded in solidarity with her comrades. “Soon, you’ll have none.”

  Lucy eyed each of them and then the baby-substitute in Tierra’s arms. Then bright red lips peeled back from perfectly white teeth. “You think to trick me, don’t you? You think I don’t realize the baby is no longer here? You think I didn’t already know about the dark one growing inside your sister, Moira? You’re wrong.”

  Before any of them could respond, a violent wave of black bats surrounded them. Wings flapped in Claire’s face and bodies slammed into her, causing her to shield her eyes, blink, and duck. She tried to see the others, but the bats blocked everything.

  Moments later, when the attack stopped as suddenly as it had started, Claire sucked in a huge breath of air and realized her wand was missing. She glanced around and found Aerin and Killian as bewildered as she was.

  Lucy had pinned Claire’s wand beneath one foot and had a chokehold around Tierra’s neck with the other. “You, of all people, Killian, should know not to mess with me,” she hissed. “Or have you forgotten there’s a reason the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse have lived in fear of me for so long?”

  Killian flicked his gaze between Tierra and Lucy but didn’t respond.

  Claire knew he was calculating his next move, and she wished she could read his mind as well as Dru’s. Killian wouldn’t be worried about Tierra’s life, so she wasn’t sure why he held back. Maybe for her and Aerin’s sake?

  A rush of heat from behind warmed her, and she caught sight of Kai hurrying through the portal, his tail high in the air. A gentle flap of wings flew overhead, announcing Doctor Lector. Jinx brushed her leg, and Claire experienced a huge sense of pride as little Cheeto passed all their familiars and walked bravely into the center of the stones with his curly little tail quivering with energy.

  Moira must have sent their familiars in to help as well, and Claire silently thanked her sister for being so wise.

  Lucy released a chuckle and then all-out laughed. She turned her gaze to Killian. “This is it? This is the army you think to use to defeat me? Has love addled your brain?”


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