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Bitter Wars- Ashes

Page 7

by Kerriann Burns

‘…What will you do?’

  ‘Fight as always.’ Arthur looked down at the floor slightly as they walked before looking back up at him.

  ‘…Why do you and Adonia always fight?’ Fenrir gave him a look of bewilderment. ‘I mean…I wouldn’t dare hit a woman.’

  ‘Doesn’t matter to me, someone carries a sword like that and can throw a fist like she does I’ll soon fight back, just because she’s a woman doesn’t mean I can’t fight back if I need to.’

  ‘She’s just the only person I’ve ever seen that is still willing to fight you.’ Fenrir leaned forward and let the limp body from his shoulder flop over into the pit while he pulled the other body that he dragged along into the hole with the others, his silent attempt to ignore Arthur’s comment. As they returned to the tavern for another body Fenrir noticed something on the floor, an old coin attached to a broken piece of string, he picked it up and examined it before putting it into his pocket and resuming his work. Finally, there was only one last body to move. Fenrir looked over and saw the untouched corpse of Lady Dukan, many probably didn’t touch her out of fear. He approached the body and stared, he felt nothing as he saw her corpse no remorse, anger or even satisfaction. Fenrir looked down at the woman once more before intentionally dragging her body across the floor into the pit. Many watched, they thought with such hatred toward her he would have done something much viler to her corpse, he just simply wanted to get rid of her for good. As the bodies were cleared a fire bellowed out, covering the sky in a haze of black smoke. No one exited their houses since, they stayed indoors to hide from the stench of the burning dead as well as the ash that fell like snow, even with the pit far from the town, they still felt the effects.

  The atmosphere within the inn was gloomy at best, for the first time there was no music, people sat silently as they drank, hardly muttering a word. Fear crept over some faces, they knew Lord Dukan was an extremely powerful man, they knew he would come one day. Others were angry, no one here apart from Barmic really liked Fenrir and many thought because of his actions he should be given up to Dukan when he finally comes for him. Adonia sat quietly with her drink away from everyone, she only came here for one thing, to confront Griffiths, now to only find that her family had another secret enemy. She gently swirled her tankard, looking down at the dark liquid, hardly ever taking a sip until something was dropped onto her table. She quickly looked over at the corner of the table and saw the coin, Adonia quickly reached for it and saw it had a new leather string, hardly as delicate and feminine as the original but someone had cleaned and fixed it for her. She quickly looked around and saw Fenrir walking away from her table. She clenched the coin in her hand as she watched him walk away.

  ‘Thank you.’ Adonia quietly whispered to herself.

  Chapter 4


  True to their nature the elves travelled north, much further north than they usually would out of fear of the south.

  ‘Shouldn’t we stay? Mama might not know where we are.’ Argonar sighed as he lightly jogged up beside Ebony and held his hand.

  ‘She’ll find us Argonar.’

  ‘But we never come this far north.’ He gave a sigh and looked to his brother for some reassurance who only gave a nod of acknowledgement.

  ‘Game is scarce, if we have to travel north, we have to travel north.’ Argonar gave another sigh before leaving his uncle’s side and ran to the front of the group with his great grandmother and elder.

  ‘Misses his mother, doesn’t he?’

  ‘I think we all miss her; we don’t even know if she’s alright Ivory…What if something happened to her?’ Ivory gave a sigh as he continued on, silently agreeing with him.

  ‘Then, we push on as we always have.’

  Suddenly there was a loud crash at the back of the group, a wheel had fallen off one of the wagons. The entire group halted to assist; the mages helped too in order to keep the group moving. Ebony looked over his shoulder to keep an eye on Argonar as he helped to lift and saw him playing with several other children. He saw the innocent smile and even through his hard times found a way to find happiness, but it made Ebony think as he looked around the camp members. People are hungry, a lot of the men have only eaten scraps, himself included, there must be a better way, a better life for Argonar.

  ‘Ebony?’ Ivory nudged his shoulder to grab his brother’s attention.


  ‘Seem to be in a drift there, what’s the matter?’

  ‘It’s Argonar.’ He sighed. ‘Well not just him but all of the children here, we’re going hungry and winter has barely started.’

  ‘I know, I know.’ Ivory held his own hips and shook his head.

  ‘We have to keep going.’

  ‘What about…Harim?’ he sparked as the idea came to him.

  ‘Harim? That’s still to the west of here.’

  ‘But it’s the closest city for miles, we could trade.’ Ivory gave a small nod.

  ‘We’ll talk to the elders, better if we go, not big on elves there.’

  ‘Will you be alright?’ Ivory gave a quick smile which offered some small comfort.

  ‘I might stand out but they’re not as bad as they are in Nebine.’

  The twins were in agreement and offered their idea to the elders.

  ‘It’s not too far.’

  ‘We’re thinking for the benefit of the camp.’ The elders looked at each other briefly then back at the twins before giving a sigh.

  ‘We will settle in the nearest clearing, then you both are free to travel there, take as much as you think you need.’ It didn’t take them long to find a suitable clearing as the further north they travelled the sparser the forests became. The brothers began to pack away pelts and other small items such as potions, but they had to be careful, with winter approaching they needed all the pelts they could get especially from larger animals, but everything was becoming so scarce.

  ‘What are you doing?’ Argonar asked innocently as he sat on a rock close to his uncles.

  ‘We’re travelling to a place called Harim, then were going to see if we can trade for food.’

  ‘Can I come?’

  ‘It’s a bit of a trek Argonar.’ Ivory said with a smile.

  ‘You can.’ Ebony responded quickly which took his brother by surprise but left Argonar with a beaming smile as he went to collect his own belongings for the travel.

  ‘Are you sure Ebony?’

  ‘He’s managed this far mostly on foot, I’m sure he can manage Harim.’

  ‘He’s never been to a city before.’

  ‘First for everything right?’ he said as he slung a heavy pack over his shoulder. Something seemed off about Ebony to his brother, it was mainly since Adonia left his attitude slowly started to change, the boys had always looked at Argonar as their own nephew, but Ebony seemed to grow increasingly protective of the boy.

  ‘Ebony a moment!’ Ebony quickly looked over his shoulder to see Ashryn’s husband lightly jogging to him.

  ‘What’s the matter?’

  ‘I heard you were travelling to Harim and…It’s Ashryn’s birthday soon and I was hoping you could find her something, I’ve got these, hopefully it can fetch a good price.’ He handed over some fine deer pelts, cleaned and excellent quality. ‘I know they don’t like elves in Harim otherwise I’d go myself but.’

  ‘It’s alright.’ Ebony said as he took the pelts and put them with the rest of his belongings. ‘Any ideas?’

  ‘Well…She’s been asking for a new dress, I thought maybe something from the city would be something she wouldn’t expect, her favourite colour is red.’ Ebony gave a smile and gave a nod of agreement.

  ‘I’ll keep a lookout.’

  ‘Thank you, brother.’ He smiled as he returned to the camp. Ebony was happy enough to go through the task but knew to keep it quiet from his brother, even after all these years the subject still struck a nerve.

  Ebony pondered the thought as they travelled, the men took the heavier equipmen
t for trade while Argonar was already ahead jumping over rocks and swinging on low hanging branches.

  ‘Somethings bothering you, I can see it clear as day.’

  ‘Just thinking.’

  ‘About what?’

  ‘Just what to do about things…It’s just been getting harder and harder and with the Tainted blocking us in I…I don’t know what to do or how long we can keep him safe for.’ He said as he looked onward at the playing Argonar.

  ‘We’ll manage Ebony, we have for years.’

  ‘Adonia’s uncle is from Harim.’

  ‘And?’ he glanced at Ivory and the thought slowly began to seep in. ‘You’re thinking of giving Argonar to him?’

  ‘I don’t know Ivory.’ He sighed. ‘He’ll be with family, he’ll be in a castle protected at all times, and he’ll be safe.’

  ‘But for how long? I mean looked what happened to Adonia’s family.’

  ‘No one knows what happened that night…But at least now they’ll be on high guard especially if they knew they had Argonar.’

  ‘But…Adonia didn’t want that.’ They pressed on trying to keep up with Argonar. ‘Besides, what if everything goes to shit and the Tainted take over Harim, then what? Will he get shipped away and we’ll never know what’s happened to him?’

  ‘I just need more time to think.’

  ‘You know Argonar won’t like it one bit.’

  ‘If it’s to keep him safe…I’ll do anything.’

  ‘…What about the college?’ he stared at his brother almost angrily.

  ‘You know we can’t go back there...We’ll just…Keep pressing on, like we always do.’

  The three boys set up camp as the skies turned to orange, Argonar was already asleep in his bedroll before the fire was even started, he was exhausted from the travel. The twins remained silent and sombre, neither thrilled of the idea of giving Argonar away, but the more Ebony pressed on the thought the more he warmed to the idea. Of course, Harim was nowhere near the size of the capital but it was certainly big enough, plenty of guards there, walls, protection. There was even the merchant’s pier, if the worst came to the worst Argonar could be shipped to Lyrine, Adonia’s uncle had good trade relations, not to mention Argonar had family ties there.

  It wouldn’t be hard to find Lady Faleena’s family, woman that could marry a Hardgrave must have been very high status. Ebony pondered. But would they accept Argonar now that someone else is on the throne?

  The empire of Lyrine was a confusing country when it came to their leaders, usually run by an emperor or empress or both and was usually passed to their children. However, the slightest mishap can deny them rule, especially if it was a matter of reputation. The empire was seen as the highest of status and their rulers had to act accordingly, if all their heirs were denied rule it would first be passed to aunts or uncles, cousins but if there were none or their reputation tarnished then it would be the next high ranking noble family that would take rule.

  ‘You’re thinking about it again, aren’t you?’ Ebony quickly flickered up from gazing into the fire for so long, his eyesight blurry for a moment but soon adjusted when he looked at his brother.

  ‘Thinking of Lyrine actually.’

  ‘He’s not going to Lyrine Ebony.’

  ‘It was just a thought, his aunt Faleena was from their family of that status won’t be hard to find.’

  ‘Taking in Argonar would tarnish them and you know it, regardless of whether or not he’s a Hardgrave.’

  ‘How?’ he argued irritated.

  ‘First off Argonar grew up without a father.’ Ivory said counting his fingers with each point.

  ‘That’s a big issues for nobles that way, second, Kinlan’s on the throne not his mother, Faleena’s dead so as far as they would be concerned he has no ties while he’s not royal and lastly they’d kill their own children if it meant saving their reputation, they’re not going to take in a little boy who’s been raised in the forest especially with a scar like that on his face. Divine, you get glares for just having stubble.’ Ebony gave an irritated sigh but had to agree.

  ‘I’m just worried Ivory.’

  ‘If he’s anything like his parents, he’ll be fine. Come on get some sleep still got a way ahead of us yet.’

  By the time the sun had crept over the mountains the trio had already set off on their journey, no doubt awoken by Argonar who regained his youthful energy.

  ‘Stay close Argonar!’ Ebony called out as the forest thinned revealing a dirt road to the city ahead. The boy obeyed and joined the pair as he saw the city walls slowly growing taller and taller until they reached the gates. Argonar stared up in awe at such an enormous structure but quickly followed the heels of his uncles as they traversed through the city. ‘Keep your eyes out, hopefully we should have enough.’ Ebony said in a hushed voice as he hoisted his pack over his shoulder. Argonar rushed through the cobbled streets more excited than ever, he looked into the glass windows of the shops, listened to the shouts of merchants and bewildering chatter of the people around. Many stared at the boy and gawked at his face, no doubt the scar, but it never fazed him as he continued to explore with wonder.

  ‘A farmer.’ Ivory pointed out. The twins approached the elderly farmer, it was unusual to see farmland within castle walls, but it wasn’t a huge amount of land, but they could see he was harvesting a collection of fresh vegetables, probably has some meat too.

  ‘Excuse me sir.’ Ebony said with a welcoming smile which made the man look up and stare at the unusual pair before him. ‘We’re looking to trade for food, we’ve got plenty of pelts, potions-.’

  ‘No one will trade with you lads, sorry.’

  ‘Why?’ the farmer only responded by pointing to a nearby poster. It was easy enough to make out, the royal army asking or more likely demanding for men to join the fight.

  ‘Lucky you two haven’t been noticed, they’re conscripting every young man in sight to join that stupid war.’

  ‘Reckson?’ The farmer nodded.

  ‘I’ve already lost three sons, I curse the Divine if they take another, my boys have only ever worked a field, never held a sword in their dammed lives.’ He drove his shovel into the ground to talk properly. ‘Whatever the people here make, food, clothing, the army takes we’ve barely got enough to last the winter so trade ain’t possible.’

  ‘What if we worked for it?’

  ‘Ebony!’ his brother hissed as he pulled his arm.

  ‘Work?’ the farmer considered as he scratched his chin. ‘I’m not getting any younger, you lads worked a farm before?’

  ‘No but we’re used to living out in the wilderness, give us work and we’ll do it.’

  ‘If you’re both sure as long as a stable is alright for you to stay in.’

  ‘It’ll be fine.’ The farmer gave a thankful smile and a wave to show them the stable. ‘You go on ahead, I’ll find Argonar.’ Ebony said as he patted his brother on the shoulder and went on his way.

  ‘The last ship is prepared?’

  ‘Yes sir.’

  ‘Excellent.’ The young man said as he gave a final adjustment to his armour as he walked through the grand halls of the Harim castle. An elderly figure stood before a portrait of none other than the Hardgrave family, a gentle tear rolled down his check, it was Adonia’s uncle. ‘Father I’m about to head out, I just wanted to wish you farewell.’ He didn’t even turn from the portrait, even after all these years he never forgot. ‘Father.’ His son sighed before joining his side and looked up at the portrait.

  ‘No family has been more loving of that than a Hardgrave.’

  ‘They were good people father, that is why I chose to fight, I won’t let Reckson get away with this, I promise you that.’ He said as he clutched at his father’s arm which made him finally turn to his son.

  ‘I’d rather you not fight my son but yes, Reckson cannot get away with such brutality, Divine protect you.’

  ‘And you father.’ They gave each other a final embrace bef
ore the son finally left the safety of the castle to journey to Reckson by sea. He was just as determined as the rest that joined the fight willingly, all eager to bring down Reckson for the vengeance of their monarchy, all completely blind to the true threat before them.

  Argonar continued to explore the cobbled streets until the crowds started to part by the shouting of men.

  ‘Make way for the lord!’ but the child stood still until a large white horse came close enough to knock him over but suddenly halted. ‘Are you deaf boy?! Make way for the lord!’ the same soldier yelled as he went to physically move Argonar, but he just stared at the young man, as he did to Argonar.

  ‘Wait.’ He said as he jumped from the horse and knelt down to the boy.

  ‘You look like you could have been my cousin.’ He said with a smile as he examined Argonar’s face.

  ‘Argonar! Argonar where-.’ Ebony’s yells were cut off as he found his adoptive nephew before his own family. ‘F-forgive me my lord.’ He stuttered as he pulled Argonar back.

  ‘Your son?’

  ‘Nephew sir.’

  ‘Ah.’ He smiled as he stood up. ‘It’s…Well he looks so much like a Hardgrave; I can only dream I suppose.’

  ‘But-.’ Argonar’s words were silent as he could feel ebony squeezing his shoulders all while continuing to smile at the lord.

  ‘He gets it a lot.’

  ‘His parents?’

  ‘Dead I’m afraid, we came up from the south.’ The smile left the lords face as he gave a more respectful and understanding expression.

  ‘Divine watch over them.’ As they continued their neutral conversation, Argonar stared up in confusion why Ebony was so dismissive of him being a Hardgrave.

  That man looks important, maybe he knows mother?’

  ‘Do you know Adonia Hardgrave?’ Argonar blurted out which made the young lord smile again.

  ‘She was my cousin Divine watch her soul.’ Argonar could feel Ebony squeeze tighter, enough to make him flinch.


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