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Bitter Wars- Ashes

Page 13

by Kerriann Burns

  ‘Get your hands off him he’s just a boy!’

  ‘Yeah, a boy staring at the tits of a human woman, sit back down and shut up!’ without any hesitation she punched the man in the face which took him by surprise and made him release Arthur. Before she knew it Adonia was in yet another brawl, but with one hand made things a lot harder. Arthur backed off in a panic, but he had to help her, with every ounce of his courage he launched himself at the large man but was quickly punched in the face which sent him flying into the table behind.

  ‘Arthur!’ she screamed and went in for another blow forgetting her hand which the man grabbed and twisted. She screamed out but forced herself not to fall and thought of the trick Fenrir used, she looked at his legs, they weren’t anchored down so he wasn’t expecting it. Adonia pulled her arm away and dropped to the floor swiping her leg as she went which sent him to the floor. She ran to Arthur and pulled him up with her good hand and stood in front of him, ready to defend the boy. A fist went to strike but was halted in mid-air by someone else, Fenrir. How the man knew he was in trouble now.

  ‘Shit, shit I heard about you.’ The man backed off.

  ‘You alright?’ Fenrir asked without even moving, his gaze fixed on the man before him.

  ‘Been better…’ Adonia winced as her hand throbbed. Without a response he took a step forward which made the man back off even more.

  ‘L-look I didn’t know they were with you, he your brother? Your son? Kid I’m sorry I didn’t know…’

  ‘How did you hear about me?’

  ‘Fuck everyone knows about the killer elf with white hair up in the north, I thought it was just a stupid tale but…I’m sorry.’

  ‘What’s my name?’

  ‘W-what?’ he took another step forward. ‘I-I don’t know! I’ve never heard of a name just an elf with white hair, t-there’s lots of those though right?’ Fenrir gave a slow nod before offering out his hand, the man gave a sigh of relief and took his hand to shake but as Fenrir clasped onto his hand he immediately pulled him forward and slammed his knee into his abdomen then wrapped his arm around the man’s neck and squeezed.

  Adonia watched as she knew he was prepared to kill again but she grabbed his shoulder.

  ‘Fen stop.’ He paused for a moment and glared. ‘This scum isn’t worth it.’ He squeezed tighter for a moment before throwing the man to the floor.

  ‘You better thank the lady for saving your life.’ The man nodded and scrambled away, running for his life out of the inn. As the commotion was over the patrons continued their drinks as such violence was common here. Fenrir brushed past her and inspected Arthur.

  ‘I’m fine Fen.’ He said as Fenrir examined his face, especially his eye that was bruised and swollen.

  ‘What happened.’

  ‘I was just talking to Addie and he came out of nowhere told me not to stare at a human woman, she tried to help me, but she was in trouble I couldn’t just stand there.’

  ‘Arthur listen to me.’ He firmly held Arthur’s shoulders. ‘Don’t ever play the hero, if there’s a fight you know you can’t win don’t try it, you’ll get hurt or worse.’

  ‘I’m not a fucking baby Fen!’

  ‘You’re still just a boy and I will not lose you to some low life thugs.’

  ‘I live in the Badlands there’s nothing but thugs here, teach me how to be strong like you.’

  ‘Out of the question.’

  ‘Then how am I supposed to defend myself?’

  ‘Keep your head down and don’t get involved in things that can get you hurt.’

  ‘So, I’m not allowed to talk to Addie now?’ he glanced over at Adonia.

  ‘We’re elves Arthur, people don’t like us, and they never will…’ he gave a sigh. ‘When you’re older I might take you to the city you might meet some-.’

  ‘Screw that!’ he yelled as he pushed Fenrir away slightly.

  ‘Just because I’m an elf does not mean I get to be segregated, that I have to go away to meet someone, if I met a girl here that I liked and she liked me than I’m going to marry her human or not, my father’s a dwarf my family here are humans, you’re the only elf I’ve ever met…So don’t tell me who I can talk to just because of what I am.’

  ‘You. Will. Get. Killed.’ His words were firm and almost angry, Arthur tried to put on a brave face but was irritated by his words. He angrily brushed past Fenrir and held Adonia’s injured forearm careful as to not touch her wrist.

  ‘Let’s get this fixed up.’ He ignored Fenrir almost out of spite as they went away to the staff room, Adonia looked over her shoulder to Fenrir who stood just as angry, if not at her then at the situation she had unknowingly put Arthur in. The inn had better materials for bandaging, he bandaged and secured her hand tightly but lose enough to keep blood flow and gave her a makeshift sling to keep her more comfortable.

  ‘Arthur I’m sorry.’

  ‘It’s not your fault at all…Even Barmic tells me to keep away from the girls around customers…People just really don’t like it, but I can’t see why, I was just talking to you.’

  ‘Sometimes that’s all someone needs to see…But Fenrir is right you know, you can’t throw yourself in dangerous fights.’

  ‘But you fought in a war.’

  ‘…I wasn’t supposed to, Greymire had me sent away to safety but when I saw that Kinlan was retreating…I couldn’t bear the thought of Greymire being in danger I thought that I could help I thought-.’ She paused her words and looked directly at Arthur then gave a smile. ‘I guess that makes me a hypocrite doesn’t it.’ Arthur returned the smile.

  ‘I know Fenrir is just looking out for me but…I’m not a baby.’

  ‘I know Arthur, how about another game of Capture?’ she giggled which made him smile and return to the tavern. Adonia followed close behind but stopped as a voice spoke to her.

  ‘Be careful around him.’ Fenrir said coldly, he leaned up against the wall and stood silently, Adonia turned and knew she had to defend the boy.

  ‘Arthur’s not a child Fenrir, he should learn to defend himself.’

  ‘Not here, you see that boy? The Badlands will chew him up and spit him out in a second if I wasn’t here, this isn’t the place for him. And I won’t let anything happen to him.’

  ‘If it’s so bad why stay?’

  ‘Because Barmic won’t leave, this was his family’s home and as far as Arthur’s concerned Barmic is his father, so where Barmic goes he goes.’

  ‘You admire him a lot.’

  ‘Of course, I do.’ He pushed himself from the wall and approached her with his arms folded. ‘That kid is the only light left in my life, no matter how much to shit everything goes he just goes on with a smile…He’s so innocent in this abyss of an existence.’

  ‘…My son is like that too; I know I haven’t seen the world as harshly as you but if we live on it our outlooks will never change.’ He gave her his usual unsatisfied glare. ‘…Fen, aren’t you scared?’

  ‘Of what?’

  ‘That man, he said he heard about you, doesn’t that worry you that people will look for you?’

  ‘Nothing scares me, if I die, I die…It’s the boy I fear for.’ Arthur turned with a smile which quickly faded as soon as he saw Fenrir. ‘Just look after him, will you?’

  ‘That’s something I can promise you.’ With that Fenrir retreated back upstairs again allowing her to join Arthur again.

  ‘What did he have to say?’ he asked as they sat down again.

  ‘Only to promise to look after you, which I will.’ She smiled as she ruffled his hair.

  Adonia’s hand was quick to heal, quicker than most expected in the following weeks, but she took Fenrir’s advice and attempted to work with her other hand. She stood out in the clearing of the village, practicing with a makeshift dummy she made from old sacks and wood. Adonia darted and shifted her weight, struck with precision and swiftness.

  ‘Right foot again.’ She looked around quickly but there was no mistaking the
voice, yet he was nowhere to be seen. Adonia tried to ignore it and practice her training with her opposite hand but was finding it hard. It threw her off rhythm and messed with her pattern all to which Fenrir would heckle from his hiding spot.

  ‘Divines’ sake Fenrir go away and leave me be to practice!’ she yelled out to the open air as she took her position again. This time Adonia thought about it more, the urge to move her right foot first, it angered her more than anything to force herself to do something that felt completely unnatural to her body even if it was completely subconscious. She practised again and the heckling continued, Adonia grew so frustrated with a final swing she struck the bucket atop the dummy’s head which sent it flying over the roof of the inn which led to Fenrir’s hiding spot. ‘What in the Divines’ good name are you doing up there?’

  ‘Fixing the roof.’ He said as he threw the bucket back down to her.

  ‘Can’t you concentrate on your work instead of annoying me?’

  ‘It’s funny.’ He slid down from the thatched roof and leant just on the edge. ‘You get so riled up so easily, yet that’s when you show cracks.’

  ‘For someone who’s not interested in teaching me, you give me a lot of pointers.’

  ‘I’m just saying, how’d you manage in a battlefield if you get flustered?’

  ‘I was not flustered back then, I didn’t have Tainted heckling my steps, you’re just doing it to annoy me.’ He gave a deep chuckle before jumping down from the roof.

  ‘If that’s all it takes.’

  ‘Considering what you told me how you were riled to get you to fight.’

  ‘There’s a big difference in that, they didn’t try to annoy me they tried to get me furious…You’ve seen what happens.’ She looked away quickly which made him clear his throat and examine the dummy she had made. ‘You’re using a practice dummy?’

  ‘I used one all the time with Greymire.’ She said as she almost affectionately placed the bucket atop her creation’s head.

  ‘But targets don’t stand still for you to swat at.’ She glared at him unsatisfied then stood to face him.

  ‘Why your sudden interest in my actions?’

  ‘Don’t flatter yourself, you didn’t follow my instructions when we first met, and you’ve been quite the troublemaker since.’

  ‘That doesn’t answer my question.’

  ‘Fine, the kid likes you and he doesn’t want to see you get hurt.’

  ‘Hm.’ she gave a sharp exhale out of her nose.

  ‘That kid you’re talking about Arthur, or you?’ he approached her suddenly and looked her dead in the eye.

  ‘Don’t flatter yourself.’ He looked up at the inn again as he stood back and prepared to walk away then gave a sigh before turning back to her. ‘Come with me.’ Adonia raised her eyebrow. ‘Do you want to know about the secret exit or not?’ in some sort of childlike excitement she quickly joined his side as they left the village together to the neighbouring forests.

  ‘What gave you the change of heart?’

  ‘Because I know what you’re like, you won’t leave me alone.’

  ‘Sounds familiar doesn’t it?’ she smiled sarcastically which Fenrir replied with a quick exhale out of his nose.

  ‘I’d rather you not but it’s the only way in, the tunnel leads to the castle’s dungeons underground directly into one of the cells and because it’s an emergency exit the cell door is always unlocked.’ ‘And he hasn’t figured out that you use it?’

  ‘Not to my knowledge, as far as I know nobles tend to have a lot of exits just in case, am I right?’ she gave a nod in agreement remembering the multitudes of exits in the castle, just the easiest to get to at the time was the barracks. They came to the foliage that hung over the opening, Fenrir pulled it to the side but did not enter, he was there purely just to show her.

  ‘No wonder I missed it.’

  ‘Took me years to find this, I was just like you, searching every day for an opening, I just stumbled on this and went through. At the end of the tunnel is a metal grating to the cell above.’ He quickly looked at her and gave a smile. ‘But I’m not sure you’ll reach by yourself.’

  ‘One more joke about my height Fen I swear.’ He chuckled as he let go of the foliage and went to walk back to the village.

  ‘Just to make you aware, the celebration is tonight.’


  ‘Today marks the day where the slaves rose up and liberated themselves from Griffiths’ rule.’

  ‘I’ve never heard of such a celebration.’

  ‘Exclusive to this village, but I’m not one for parties.’ With that he went on his way, Adonia took one last look at the foliage that covered the exit, memorising its location before finally joining his side once more and making their journey back to the village.

  As they returned to the tavern Fenrir immediately went to his room, avoiding the crowds but that’s when Adonia saw the several decorations being hung up by the staff, a banquet of food was being prepared and Barmic stacked the tavern up to full capacity.

  ‘I heard about the party.’

  ‘Aye! Best excuse for a pissup A’ve ever heard; kickin’ a noble’s arse.’ Adonia gave a snigger as she joined him by the bar.

  ‘So,’ She propped herself up by her elbow then leant on her hand. ‘You and Jenny I see.’ Barmic chuckled.

  ‘A have tae admit Addie, A never thought A’d see the day.’ Adonia gave a soft smile. ‘Fine lass she is…Very fine.’

  ‘Wife material?’ Barmic scoffed and continued to fill his bar with drink.

  ‘Maybe one day when all this shite blows over.’

  ‘I hope it will.’

  ‘A toast!’ he slid her a tankard and held up his own to her. ‘Tae stoppin’ this war, kickin’ Griffiths’ arse fae good n a bloody good night tonight.’ She smiled and tapped her tankard against his and drank.

  The evening came to and the celebrations were in full swing, patrons came from all over the north to celebrate, the bands played cheerfully, singing stories of the fall of the Griffiths’ name. People danced and others clashed their tankards together in glee, Adonia joined in with the festivities happily clapping with the music and having her fair share of drinks. Arthur happily approached Adonia and gave an exaggerated but respectful bow.

  ‘May I have this dance my lady?’

  ‘Of course, my fine sir.’ she replied as she placed her tankard down, stood up and gave a graceful curtsy while pulling up the corner of her tunic to mimic that of a dress. She took his hand and he pulled her to the dancing area where they playfully danced, which was more like skipping and swinging each other around, but she laughed along with him as they enjoyed the evening together as friends.

  ‘We got to do the spin.’ he laughed as they held their hands together and attempted to spin around by still holding hands over their heads and trying to turn each other around, as they were roughly the same height and clearly had enough to drink the spin was hardly graceful but they still laughed it off and continued to dance throughout the joyous songs, the crowd clapped as the band finished their songs.

  ‘Why naw sing us a tune Addie!’ Barmic called out. ‘It’s been many a year since we heard a bonnie lass’ voice in this place.’

  ‘It’s been a few years.’ she laughed.

  ‘Give it a go!’

  ‘Alright, alright.’ she giggled as she approached the band and asked for the lute. The band stood away from her as she sat down on a stool and tuned the instrument, she thought for a moment of a song to play until her choice finally came to her. The crowd barely took any notice of her, until she started to sing. The picks of the strings were melodic and gentle, the entire tavern became silent as they watched her, everyone stopped their celebrations all to listen to her beautiful voice.

  I long for you by the fields every morning

  Fields of crimson

  Where have you gone? My dearest love

  Please come home to me

  The battle called for you,
my dearest

  But I called for you too

  Only in my dreams you hold me dearly

  Where have you gone, my dearest?

  To the crimson fields

  I know you will come to me one morning

  Dearest I have faith in you

  Promise me that you’ll return

  From the crimson fields

  The battle called for you, my dearest

  But I called for you too

  Only in my dreams you hold me dearly

  Where have you gone my dearest?

  To the crimson fields

  Couples came together as she continued to sing the song of the Crimson Fields, a song of a woman desperately calling out to her lover that went out into the Great War, and never came back. Even Arthur gently swayed at the music, Jenny approached Barmic from behind and gently held his shoulders and swayed. He gave a smile and held her hand, an affectionate touch only amplified by this beautiful song. But the melody soon caught the attention of someone else. Fenrir slowly removed himself from his room and walked across the walkway, looking at Adonia with each footstep. Eventually he came downstairs and leaned against a wooden beam, watching her from a distance.

  I travel to the crimson fields my dearest

  All to search for you

  No one has seen or even heard from you

  Where are you my dearest?

  At the crimson fields

  The battle called for you my dearest

  But I called for you too

  Only in my dreams you hold me dearly

  Where have you gone my dearest?

  In the crimson fields of roses?’

  She continued to play the beautiful melody before looking up into the crowd, but instead of seeing a field of strangers’ faces, she looked right into the eyes of Fenrir. She swallowed slightly as she realised he was staring right at her, his stare was intense as always but there was something different, something gentle like she had never seen before, and for the first time she didn’t want to look away, she kept her stare until he quickly looked her up and down and gave an even quicker nod before quickly disappearing into the crowd. Rather embarrassed Adonia gave the lute back to the band even as the crowd applauded her beautiful performance, she hastily returned to her table and continued to drink where she was reunited with the boys.


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