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Bitter Wars- Ashes

Page 16

by Kerriann Burns

  ‘It’s still hard to imagine Dukan, or anyone for that matter willing to do that to anyone. He always seemed so kind on the outside, no one would have ever expected him to hide such a dark secret.’

  ‘I heard about your servants.’ Adonia recoiled slightly.

  Not now after so much progress, her mind echoed nervously.

  ‘People said they had the best lives an elf could ever hope for, homes, food, school. Was that true?’

  ‘All of it.’ She exhaled in relief. ‘We used to have a huge servants quarter just as big as the castle, the families all had their own homes, father made sure they had decent meals and not just the scraps, and for as long as I can remember they had a school in the quarter.’

  ‘Can I ask why?’

  ‘Well father always believed that if a worker was fit, happy and healthy they make much better workers, and…We’re not different, just because we look a little different doesn’t mean we can’t treat each other the same.’

  ‘Hm, if only it were that easy.’ He gave an almost unsatisfied smile before eventually retreating back to his room.

  While Barmic and Arthur were away Adonia took the opportunity to tend to the horses in the stable. The work was long and hard, but she became used to it after a day or too. The sun was starting to set as she was just finishing feeding and watering the horses, she looked up at the surrounding fence and saw a familiar figure. She leaned out of the stable to get a better look, it was Fenrir hunched overlooking over at the open world beyond the fence. Adonia looked at him bizarrely, she didn’t even notice him pass or how he even got up there in the first place, she knew there was a ladder for patrols which she used to join his side. As she walked up to him, she looked over at saw the open world touched by the golden sun, it was beautiful. The rolling hills crept up the giant mountains that surrounded the area all touched and consumed by the gold that laced the area, the orb in the sky slowly sinking into the mountains with a fine layer of pink dancing through the sky, after she had taken in the beauty she looked down at Fenrir and saw what he was doing, he was drawing.

  ‘…What inspired you to draw?’ she asked as she leaned against the fence. He gave a short exhale followed by a small smile as he gently rubbed some lines with his thumb to give a more shadowed affect.

  ‘When I was first captured, my mother dead and my sister gone for what I thought was forever, I just cried. I cried so much my eyes burned and my body ached, I’ve never shed a tear since. I called out to the world outside my cell for help which followed in a beating, after the tears I just laid there and listened. I could hear seagulls, the bustling crowds outside, the daily grind of the harbour…One day I picked up a loose rock and started drawing what I thought was outside from what I could hear.’ Adonia listened to his story in astonishment as she slowly slipped down the fence to sit next to him. ‘Of course, when they found me drawing on the walls, they’d beat me again and quickly washed it away, I wasn’t allowed that freedom. But I carried on in secret, everything I heard I drew, creating a world that I never saw, drawing faces I never met. Before they came to inspect me, I would quickly wash it away but start all over again. Drawing made me feel…Free.’ she could see the overwhelming look of relief in his face, she held one of her legs up so her face leaned against her knee while the other loosely hung off the edge.

  ‘It’s hard to imagine someone like you as an artist.’

  ‘…I’m no artist, I do it because it makes me feel at peace, what I draw is for myself, no one else.’

  ‘As long as it makes you happy.’ he looked at her briefly then offered a quick smile before returning to his drawing of the landscape. ‘I’ll let you get back to it.’ she quickly stood up while he offered a nod of acknowledgement. As she disappeared back to the inn Fenrir looked over his shoulder to make sure she had gone before flipping back the picture of his landscape to a drawing of Adonia. He gave a soft smile as he gave the finishing touches to her picture, it was one of his finest works, every detail was on her innocent features, her shy smile and large eyes. It was hard for some to see this side of her with her own walls of protection she had to make for herself to survive here, but Fenrir saw those moments, the little cracks in her armour. But he admired each feature in his own personal way.

  Chapter 7

  Blood and chains

  Barmic and Arthur returned after a couple of days, their wagon filled with fresh stock and pouches full of gold from their trades. Adonia sat with Arthur in the tavern drinking peacefully and asking of his travels. She loved how the young boy spoke of his adventures, wide eyed and innocent he recalled the events as if they were still there. The situation in Nebine was still hazy, many people did not agree with Kinlan on the throne as he was not a Hardgrave, however the city did seem to be in a better state. The city slowly began to grow as money flowed into the kingdom, perhaps Kinlan truly was the better ruler after all. But it wasn’t all prosperity, tensions between Alexander and the neighbouring kingdom of Reckson started to rise, Kinlan was known for his despise of the country, he lived through Alexanders struggle under Reckson occupation and fought hard to regain its independence.

  ‘With the Tainted in the south the last thing we need is the Black army at our doorstep.’

  ‘I can’t agree with you more, I’ve never been to Reckson, but I heard they’re pretty advanced, the conscription doesn’t help, were you and Barmic safe enough?’

  ‘Some soldiers did ask if Barmic was a blacksmith, he called them out for making stereotypes which made them move fast but let us get away quicker, especially before they noticed me, no doubt they would have taken me to the army. They shouldn’t be allowed to just force men to be soldiers.’

  ‘He must be desperate; I’ve noticed a few more soldiers lately.’

  ‘Hey Addie, can I ask you something?’

  ‘Of course.’

  ‘So, I know a few things in elvish, erm.’ His cheeks flushed a light shade of pink as he scratched the back of his head.

  ‘Can you teach me how to say, I love you?’

  ‘Aww Arthur, meet someone you haven’t told me about?’

  ‘Not exactly.’ He chuckled. Adonia smiled as she leant her arms on the table and looked fondly at the boy.

  ‘Gi melin.’ Arthur repeated her words making sure to pronounce them correctly even though he was sure it wouldn’t exactly matter.

  ‘Mind if I sit with you?’ the pair quickly looked up and saw Fenrir towering over them.

  ‘Free country.’ Adonia said with a smile as she gently kicked out the spare chair.

  Even Arthur had noticed Fenrir’s gentler demeanour, his appearance still intimidated those around him, but he was approachable to those who knew him, the young boy could see a change in the elf, especially as his gaze met Adonia. Arthur could tell he admired her in his own way, he lingered on her every word, watched her movements but gazed at her with his illuminating green eyes in complete satisfaction.

  ‘Arthur!’ Barmic called form the bar. ‘Can ye give the horses the new feed?’

  ‘Sure thing, be back in a minute.’

  ‘Might even give you a game, see if my skills have got any better.’ Adonia replied with a smile before Arthur stood up but he gave a sweet smile as he walked behind Fenrir then wrapped his arms around his neck.

  ‘Gi melin, Fen.’ Fenrir was taken back by the boy’s sudden affection but smiled and leaned over to hold the boy with one arm while he still continued to squeeze him before finally letting him go to do his work.

  ‘And what did you teach him to call me?’

  ‘Actually, he asked how to say I love you. I thought he might of met a girl, wasn’t expecting that at all.’ She smiled.

  ‘Kid’s full of surprises…He likes you.’

  ‘He’s a wonderful young man…He’s everything I hope Argonar will be.’

  ‘Argonar the great dragon? That name holds a powerful title…You must miss him a lot.’

  ‘Every day.’ she sighed. ‘But he’s in a good place I know
he will be kept safe.’ Fenrir gave a soft smile of reassurance. Conversations and music echoed throughout the tavern, people laughed, people enjoyed themselves. But something didn’t feel right to the elf, his blood turned cold as he looked around. ‘Fenrir? Fenrir what’s wrong?’

  ‘Something’s not right.’ she grabbed hold of his wrist and shook it lightly.

  ‘What’s not right?’

  ‘BLOOD ELF!!’ a voice from the outside bellowed out which shook Fenrir to the very core. He threw himself up from the chair and ran outside, both Adonia and the entire tavern behind him. As they came outside the village was completely surrounded by soldiers, a man in the finest robes stepped forward, Lord Dukan himself.

  Adonia held onto Fenrir’s arm, she could feel his very anger radiating from him.

  ‘There he is, my little Blood Elf. My how you’ve grown.’ he said with a smile as he took a few steps forward. ‘Still the monster, it’s been a good few years hasn’t it, nearly the same age as little Melda weren’t you when I last saw you?’ Fenrir shook with anger and Adonia could feel it as she held onto him. ‘You are to come with me.’

  ‘He’s not going anywhere Dukan!’ Adonia yelled out as she held Fenrir tighter.

  ‘Adonia Hardgrave? My little angel what are you doing in such a pit as this?’ his demeanour became gentle and loving, as he always treated her.

  ‘Shut up Dukan, you’re not taking Fenrir anywhere he’s not a slave and he’s not your property!’

  ‘Oh, dear look how the mighty have fallen…’ he sighed. The residence of the tavern and town stared at the young woman who angrily clung onto the elf, this was Adonia Hardgrave?

  ‘Addie?’ Jenny quietly called. ‘You’re Adonia Hardgrave?’ her eyes were large, almost hurt rather than shocked.

  ‘Jenny, I wanted to tell you, but it was so dangerous.’

  ‘These people do not even know you, look at how they stare, you are nothing in these worlds Adonia.’ it was true that everyone knew who the Hardgraves are but many did not know what Adonia even looked like, portraits always influence the image and many had never even seen such images of the monarchy. ‘Come back to the world where you belong my dear.’ she stared at him angrily and clung onto Fenrir tighter and tighter. ‘I see, well I’m here to collect what’s mine, it’s time to return your little friend.’

  ‘Leave or I’ll kill you Dukan!’ he yelled out.

  ‘I don’t think so.’ Dukan took a few steps back and waved his hand, a soldier pushed forward, in his grasp he clutched onto a terrified Arthur. Tears streamed down his face as his hair was pulled back and a blade was forced against his throat.

  ‘Arthur!’ they pushed forward but the blade was forced harder against his throat with their sudden movement.

  ‘Da!’ Arthur cried out, his screams ruptured his father’s heart but even he daren’t take another step forward, but none was more terrified than Fenrir.

  ‘You come with me Blood Elf, or the boy dies.’ Fenrir swallowed hard as he stared at the terrified boy. Adonia still grasped onto him, but no longer out of fury, she was terrified to let him go. ‘He has very pretty eyes, doesn’t he?’ Dukan asked as he squeezed Arthur’s face which terrified him all the more.

  ‘…Let me go Adonia.’


  ‘Let me go.’ he looked down at her with heavy eyes, her hands trembled as he slipped away from her, he slowly approached the soldiers, defenceless. Dukan gave a swift head movement and Fenrir was surrounded by several cautious soldiers, shackles were placed over his surrendered wrists which made him shudder and another shackle with several chains was placed around his neck, each soldier surrounding him took a chain and pulled at it hard, making sure he could not escape.

  ‘You have me Dukan, now let the boy go.’ Dukan gave a smile as he signalled the soldier to step forward with the boy still in his grasp.

  ‘You know Blood Elf it’s been a long time; I need to make sure my investment still works.’ as quick as his words finished the blade was swiftly slid against Arthur’s throat. Arthur’s eyes became wide with fear and terror as blood splattered from his throat, as he was released, he clenched at his throat in vain and fell to the floor, right at Fenrir’s feet.

  ‘ARTHUR!’ Barmic screamed out in horror as his son was killed in cold blood.

  ‘Take the slave and burn this place to the ground, if you get the chance bring the Hardgrave alive.’ Dukan said as he turned on his heel and walked away. Fenrir stood completely still, staring down at the innocent boy who laid in a pool of his own blood, his eyes still in a permanent state of horror.

  ‘Move Elf!’ one of the soldiers shouted as he pulled at the chain, but Fenrir stood completely still. There was a powerful scream from the crowd as Barmic rushed forward, brandishing his hatchet which he plunged into the back of a soldier. With this outcry the village erupted into a state of pure chaos, the soldiers lit the thatched houses ablaze while the inhabitants fought with anything, they could get their hands on, pitchforks, rocks, anything that could kill a human. While the chaos around him unfolded, Fenrir continued to stare down in horror while the soldiers furiously pulled at the chains forcing him to move, but even the combined strength of five men could not move him. He stared down at Arthur and images of his sister being tortured and finally killed flashed in his mind. He could see her face her dead expression as they took her life away, how he was bound and powerless to save her, just as he was with Arthur.

  Something inside of him irrupted, his hands shook as he was overcome with pure fury, the soldiers continued to pull which made him give a powerful yell. He pulled the chains that held him which sent several of the men off their feet, some backed away in fear as the monster inside had been freed to the world. He needed no weapon, his hands, his teeth and the chains that kept him at bay were his weapons. Swords licked his flesh but he was unfazed as he attacked, he broke bones with his bare hands, he tore away flesh with his teeth, soldiers that were armed and trained ran from this creature that was no longer human or elf. Fenrir’s eyes were trained on one target, the noble that retreated to his carriage as even he did not expect the chaos. Fenrir ran for the carriage, his injuries meant nothing to him, blood stained every part of his body, but he did not care, Dukan was to die. With a chain he whipped at the driver of the carriage which stuck his face, if it didn’t kill him it would definitely has disfigured his face. Fenrir tore open the door of the carriage and forced the noble out. Dukan tried to scramble away but Fenrir used the chains that bound him and tightly wrapped it around the noble’s throat.

  ‘How does it feel to be in chains?!’ Fenrir yelled out as he pulled the chain harder, pushing Dukan into the dirt with his foot. Every part of his anger was taken out on Dukan, so much so the chain links began to bend and warp due to the sheer force of Fenrir’s strength. His face turned purple as Fenrir pulled harder and harder. The villagers scrambled to save the burning buildings but Adonia stared on at Fenrir, watching him destroy the one who destroyed his life. With a final pull Fenrir heard the satisfying snap of Dukan’s neck, the man was finally dead. He gave several deep and heavy breaths before unwrapping the chain from Dukan’s throat and stumbling towards Arthur. His steps where heavy as he limped towards the young boy’s body, Fenrir fell to his knees before Arthur and scooped the boy in his arms. He started to rock as he clenched the limp body tighter, soon he uncontrollably started to weep which was followed by a yell of pain. Adonia nervously approached him and laid her hand on his shoulder, he didn’t even look at her, he just continued to uncontrollably rock with Arthur in his shackled arms.

  ‘I’m here Fenrir.’ she shuddered as the tears started to grasp at her throat. She crawled closer to him and held onto his back.

  ‘He had her eyes.’ he wept. Adonia pulled back from him slightly and listened to his desperate words. ‘He had her eyes.’ he wept again. ‘…I-I couldn’t tell him…He had her eyes…’ Adonia nervously crept closer to Fenrir, and saw their faces pressed together, they looked s
o similar. Arthur’s innocent features hid the face that bared the resemblance to Fenrir, then she saw it in his still open eyes, the drawing, the portrait of Melda.

  ‘F-Fenrir…Arthur was…Arthur was your nephew…?’ he clenched Arthur harder and continued to rock, Barmic joined their side and wept for the loss of his child, he held Arthur’s limp hand and held his close to his lips as the tears rolled down his cheeks and into his beard. The entire village had lost so much, many of the homes were destroyed in the fires, even more people died at the hands of another noble. The soldiers were placed in the pit where they belonged, but the loved ones of the village were placed on individual fire pyres.

  The village never had such a heavy blow by a force that wasn’t Griffiths, even so Griffiths never went this far. The people couldn’t just put their loved ones in the pit any longer, they needed to be sent off properly. As Arthur’s funeral was prepared, Barmic used all manner of tools to remove Fenrir’s shackles, he returned to his limp state, dead and emotionless as he stared at the body of his last family member. Adonia gently closed the boy’s eyes and placed a piece of cloth on his throat to hide the killing wound. She gently wiped his face clean while her tears fell on his cheeks, his face was as peaceful and innocent as sleep.

  ‘May the Divine hold you close…’ she wept. ‘…I know my family will take good care of you Arthur…’ as she welled up with tears, she held her hand against her mouth as she stood back and let another mourn. Barmic walked up to the boy and placed his hand on his shoulder before placing a deck of Capture cards by his side.


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