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Bitter Wars- Ashes

Page 18

by Kerriann Burns

  ‘Noo whit the fuck did ye just.-’ but he saw the horror in Fenrir’s face, what he had said and done, he regretted everything, in a drunken fury he threw his bottle of ale against the wall, shattering it into a thousand pieces before falling to his knees in tears. Adonia quickly removed Midnight from the stable without any equipment, Barmic rushed out to her but by the time he reached the outside she already raced out into the darkness.

  She was in hysterics as she wailed in the darkness, Adonia forced Midnight to ride faster and faster until he could run no more, Adonia knew that this time of year if they continued their migration they would not be too far. He whinnied and reared back forcing Adonia from his back, as much as he cared for his master, he could not handle her hysterical behaviour.

  ‘Midnight please!’ she yelled out. ‘I have to get away! I have to get to Argonar!’ Midnight trotted away but still kept close to her, she staggered to her feet with tears streaming down her face but looked up to the forest, through her hazy vision she saw something, smoke, a thick cloud of black smoke rose from the forest which sent a new fear in her heart, so much so she didn’t even call for Midnight, she only ran as fast as her legs could carry her. She dashed into the forest, jumping over logs and undergrowth until the smell started to fill her lungs, the forest was on fire. Adonia forced her body to run faster to the point where she was in physical pain, the smoke started to envelop her as embers flickered through the forest. Her true fear came to her as she came to the clearing of the forest, an elven camp lay dead surrounded by flames, several families laid slaughtered or burned, even children never survived the onslaught. ‘ARGONAR!!’ Adonia screamed out as she checked the bodies of the deceased. ‘Argonar! Ebony! Ivory!’ she continued to scream as she franticly searched.

  ‘A-Adonia’ a voice choked. It was the elder Marelya, she was covered in burns and blood, she had tried her hardest to save her clan, but failed. Adonia held her up from the ground, the elder winced in pain and struggled to breathe.

  ‘Marelya! What happened?!’ she yelled.

  ‘T-Tainted…Didn’t…Didn’t stand a chance.’ Adonia could that every word was painful.

  ‘Where’s Argonar?’

  ‘Argonar…He.’ her eyes welled up with tears as she tried to repeat her words, but the pain was all too much, and she succumb to her injuries. Adonia shook at her shoulders but nothing, she was dead, and Argonar with her.

  ‘ARGONAR!!’ she screamed out to the death that surrounded her.

  Adonia had nothing. She walked alone in the forest as the fire raged on behind her, her family was gone, her husband gone, the man who she thought could show her love again broke her heart and now her son. She had never felt this broken, this lost, she only had one last option. She salvaged some rope from the campsite and threw it over a branch and began to create a noose. She looked at the loop of rope coldly, but there was nothing in her life now, nothing to fight for, nothing to care about, everything was for nothing. Adonia slowly slipped her head into the loop and looked out into the empty forest then down at the floor. Just one step and it will all be over.

  ‘So, is this how it ends?’ Adonia looked over and saw the spirit that stalked her, she was unfazed and barely cared about his presence.

  ‘Be gone spirit…You are not wanted here.’

  ‘Your family was built on strength and this is how it ends?’

  ‘I am one person just because I am a Hardgrave does not make me a god! I bleed the same as another person, I feel the same and I die the same…I am not special.’

  ‘I cannot tell you your fate, if this is your desire I can only watch.’

  ‘I know your tricks spirit; you’ll try and convince me out of it but know that I have nothing now…Everyone I love is gone.’ he slowly approached her and stood just before her death spot.

  ‘I know…But know this Adonia, if you take that step, the Mother has won.’ She stared at the faceless spirt then gave a heavy sigh before taking one last breath before taking her final leap. But it did not go as expected, the branch was more flexible than she thought, instead of breaking her neck, the branch bent causing her now to die a more slow and painful death of suffocation. Her body panicked for air as her legs uncontrollably kicked even though she wished for death, in this moment her mind was only filled with one thought, regret. Her movements were frantic and erratic as her body tried to fight even though her heart was already dead, she tried to reach for the rock she stood on, but the tip of her boot would slip away unable to reach. Her face turned purple as her air supply was cut off, her time was coming it was not the sweet release she hoped for, but death would soon offer its embrace.

  ‘By the Divine help!’ a man’s voice echoed but Adonia could barely hear as the blood pressed against her face. Suddenly she was surrounded by several worried soldiers who quickly cut her down, she coughed violently as her vision was a blur, she couldn’t see the men, she couldn’t even stand.

  So close.

  ‘Quickly she needs to see a medic!’

  ‘Have faith good lady, we’re here to help, you’re safe now.’ her brush with death caused her to lose consciousness, she didn’t care where she went, she just wanted to die. But in her final moments of vision whether it was a hallucination or real Adonia could swear she saw the dark figure of the Mother hidden by the surrounding trees. The Mother smiled and shook her head.

  ‘Not yet.’

  Adonia awoke in the embrace of a finely made bed, her body still weak from her ordeal.

  Where am I? She thought but barely had the strength to sit up.

  ‘You say she was found in the forest?’ she heard a voice echo though the marble halls.

  ‘Yes your majesty, our scouts saw a fire in the neighbouring forests and found her hanging by her neck, there was a gruesome attack on an elven camp nearby, soldiers said it was awful, they were completely butchered.’ her eyes twitched at the conversation but she felt paralysed in the bed that held her.

  ‘You’re certain it’s her?’

  ‘No denying it.’ the large door opened to a familiar yet unexpected figure, Kinlan himself.

  ‘Kin…Kinlan.’ she tried to speak but the words alone took all her remaining energy.

  ‘By the Divine it truly is you, leave us.’ the door closed but Adonia was too weak to see who he was talking to. He approached her bed and sat close by her side, the years were not kind to him as more grey hairs started to take hold of his darkened head and wrinkles formed by his eyes.

  ‘I thought you died with Greymire.’


  ‘Hush now, this is wonderful news that you are alive and well even after all these years, as soon as I heard you were here I rushed from the capital to see you.’ her eyes were heavy and she was too tired to continue to speak. ‘Take all the time you need to recover Adonia, I will speak with you when you are ready.’ he stood up from the bed and looked at a small rope by her bedside. ‘When you feel rested, please pull that rope and the servants will be here to help you with anything you need.’ she gave a wispy gasp of acknowledgment before he left her alone in the grand room that held her. In her haze she tried to look around, the room was miraculous, marble floors and pillars, books and paintings lined the walls, but the darkness soon clouded her mind and she was forced to sleep once more.

  Her head was filled with nightmares and demons, she felt an overwhelming guilt for the death of her son and those who swore to protect him. She should never have left, Argonar was dead because of her. Adonia slowly awoke again after her inner torment of sleep, she felt she had more strength now even if she was unwilling. She forced herself to sit up and looked toward the small rope by her side, Adonia reached out and gave a gentle pull, then waited. Not minutes later the doors were pushed open by several women that followed a more beautifully dressed middle-aged woman. Her golden platted hair elegantly sat over her shoulder, though she did not smile her presence seemed welcoming.

  ‘Greetings my Lady Hardgrave.’ she gave a low and graceful cur

  ‘My name is Celine of the Fermone family, I was our late Queen’s lady in waiting and I am here to serve your highness by request of our King.’

  ‘…Your Highness?’ she asked puzzled as the several servant girls readied a bath in the far end of the room.

  ‘My lady, it has been several years but you a still a Hardgrave.’ Celine approached her and helped her out of bed, Adonia realised she had been dressed in a fresh nightgown, like the one she used to wear in her own castle. ‘His majesty Kinlan was overjoyed to hear that you still lived, we thought we had truly lost the Hardgraves.’

  Adonia was guided to the marble bath where the women gracefully undressed her and began to wash her body. It was a bizarre feeling, yes back in the castle she may have had a servant assist in bathing her but that was so many years ago, the sensation had been lost through gaining her own independence.

  ‘I can clean myself.’ Adonia said nervously as she looked up at Celine who towered over her.

  ‘Nonsense, royalty should be waited on hand and foot.’ the water was fragranced with all types of oils and perfumes, it softened her hardened skin and gave her body and hair a delicate scent. She could hear the women whispering amongst themselves as they uncovered her tattoo on her back, the phoenix of Alexander.

  ‘Celine…Where am I?’ she asked as she ignored the whispering chatter.

  ‘You are in Lord Griffiths’ castle.’ a flood of emotion came to her, she was finally here in the depths of it all, she had her opportunity.

  ‘Is the Lord still here?’

  ‘Unfortunately, no. He had business elsewhere no doubt he will return soon.’ Adonia looked around the room and wondered how he could afford such expenses, the interior looked as if she was in the Kingdom of Lyrine known for its vast wealth. Something was not right.

  ‘Come now my lady, his majesty Kinlan awaits.’ the servants helped her out again, holding her by her arms and wrapping her in several towels. Adonia felt like a puppet, they controlled her movements, where she could walk, she didn’t like the feeling even in her weakened state. She was guided to a large wardrobe where they dressed her in long forgotten garments. The white clothing covered her body long before the dress was even placed on her, how she had forgotten the sensation after years of wearing clothing designed for a man. The dress was no doubt beautiful as it was placed over her like an enormous tent, the back was pulled tight, tugging and squeezing at her fragile body.

  ‘Is it to your satisfaction your highness?’ Adonia held her stomach and gave a deep exhale, the tight dress made it difficult to breathe, but she was still in a haze of uncertainty.

  ‘It’s just been so long since I have worn such a dress, it’s beautiful.’ The dress was golden in colour, lined with a mixture of pearls and shimmering threads to emphasise the embroidery and outlines of the dress. ‘This dress belongs to Griffiths?’ Adonia asked as she held up the skirt of the dress and examined herself in the mirror.

  ‘Bought for his daughter, but it brings out your true beauty your highness, such elegance should not be wasted, come now, his majesty has prepared a feast in your honour.’ Adonia was led down the hallway surrounded in a cage of servants with Celine at the lead. Everything seemed new and untouched, marble busts of the Griffiths family, freshly made portraits of the finest quality, fresh flowers overfilled every vase. Adonia never realised how wealthy Griffiths actually was, a product no doubt conceived by his greed. She was taken to the grand hall of the castle where an enormous oak table was set with the finest of meals from across Alexander, the silverware glistened, the glasses shined and the hall was filled with mouth-watering scents that made Adonia bite her bottom lip and her stomach cramp in anticipation. Such tastes her mouth had forgotten after her years of eating what she could to survive rather than to eat out of pleasure.

  ‘Your majesty I present to you our young Lady Adonia Hardgrave.’ Celine gave another graceful curtsy then stepped back to allow Adonia to step forward.

  Adonia looked forward to see Kinlan at the head of the table, he stood up in her presence and toasted her arrival with a raised goblet of wine.

  ‘Come Adonia, this feast is for you.’ Adonia nervously approached him and sat in the chair next to him, all the servants left them completely alone in the hall. Kinlan sat back down and smiled at her, something she never expected to see. ‘Don’t fear it my Lady, you must be hungry.’ she stared at the food and an overwhelming hunger came to her as she tore into the food with her bare hands. Kinlan watched her silently as he gently sipped from his goblet completely unfazed by her unladylike behaviour. As she bit down into a chicken leg, she looked over at Kinlan who only replied with a smile.

  ‘F-forgive me.’ she said as she put the meat down and wiped her face with a napkin.

  ‘No need, you’ve lost weight since I last saw you no doubt you haven’t had a decent meal in some time.’

  ‘I…I have always been able to eat, those who kept me in their company took care of me.’

  ‘Which brings me to my first question, how in the Divines’ name did you survive?’

  ‘…As I said, Greymire…’ she gave a sigh. ‘Greymire gave his life to save me, I was rescued by a clan of travelling elves who took me in and nursed me back to heath.’


  ‘Yes sir…But…They’re dead now.’

  ‘Were they the elves you were found close to?’

  ‘…Yes…’ she sighed again.

  ‘You seem quite upset about their deaths.’

  ‘They cared for me like their own for years…The elder managed to tell me that they were attacked by the Tainted. Kinlan, do you know how and why the Tainted are so far north?’ Kinlan gave a sigh as he pressed his goblet against his lips.

  ‘The gates of South Realm that kept the Tainted at bay erupted one night, the entire southern region is lost, reports told me that they attacked with a brutal ferocity. Even more so than the battle we faced.’ Adonia stared at him slightly, “The battle we faced” she nervously clenched her fist then gave a small exhale.

  ‘Can you answer another question?’

  ‘Of course, my lady.’

  ‘…Why did you retreat that day?’

  ‘Not a day goes by where I don’t think about it…I tried to tell them it was a hopeless battle, we would all die but neither Talin or Greymire listened, I had no choice but to get my men to safety.’

  ‘But…What if your input made a difference? What if it saved them?’

  ‘Adonia.’ he sighed. ‘There comes a time in a leader’s life when he must question is it worth sacrificing the lives of thousands? Greymire the King’s finest fought in that battle and never made it out alive, the battle was lost.’ Adonia gave a slow, pain filled nod of acknowledgment as she recalled an exact conversation with Greymire, perhaps it was the better option, better to save some then to lose them all.

  ‘…There is something else you must also know.’ he raised his eyebrow slightly. ‘Griffiths was the one who ordered my family’s death…I was told he was away, where is he?’

  ‘Where did you hear that he was responsible?’ his expression became stern as he crossed his arms.

  ‘A former soldier I recognised at my castle told me…Before I killed him, I need you to understand Kinlan, my family deserves justice.’

  ‘Indeed, they do…If this is true then I will see Griffiths on the executioner’s block.’

  A small relief came to her heart, Kinlan gently dabbed his lips with a napkin, cleared his throat then gave several loud claps. Several servants poured into the room with several boxes, one contained that of a beautiful velvet dress and matching jewellery.

  ‘Made for the empress herself, it took quite a bit of convincing to pry it from her tailors.’

  ‘…These are beautiful, but why?’

  ‘A queen deserves the finest.’


  ‘Adonia, you alone are the rightful ruler of Alexander, it was wrong of me to take your place…However you need a st
rong ruler by your side, one that you know will protect you and your country. These gifts are yours and more, anything you desire I will give to you, all I need is your hand in marriage.’ the blood drained from her face as a cold shiver raced through her entire body. Kinlan was old enough to be her father, she stared nervously, unable to give a response. ‘I know this is daunting, but you are the only one, the people need a Hardgrave, they need a future.’

  ‘This is…Quite unexpected.’ she shuddered nervously.

  ‘But it is for the good of Alexander, together we will fight this Bitter War and bring prosperity for the ages.’

  ‘M-may I have a drink?’

  ‘Of course.’ he clicked his fingers and a young elven boy nervously approached with a bottle of wine. Her body shook with nerves as she laid her hand on her forehead. The boy trembled as he tipped the wine into the glass, but his nerves caused the boy to accidently knock the glass over and spill the wine on Adonia’s lap.

  ‘By the Divine please forgive me!’ the boy screamed as he fell to his knees in front of her, she looked at his terrified face and all she could see was Arthur, his wide eyes shone brightly but shook with fear, she could see that he had been beaten. He held his hands together and trembled, begging, praying for her forgiveness.

  ‘Calm down child it was an accident.’ Adonia smiled, but the boy continued to tremble even as she held his hands. Adonia looked back at Kinlan who held an angered expression, yet he followed it with a sigh and waved his hand.

  ‘You are excused.’

  ‘B-bless you your majesties.’ As the boy scurried away, Adonia quickly began to dab and wipe at the dress, knowing full well it was completely ruined.


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