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Bitter Wars- Ashes

Page 28

by Kerriann Burns

  ‘You have nothing to fear here, we will protect you.’

  ‘…Thank you.’

  The more allies they had the better, Adonia learned that a lot of them were all from different clans that were either separated because of the Tainted for captured by Kinlan’s men. A lot of the older elves accepted that they probably would never see their families again so looked to support the youngest of the group. One thing was certain, they all looked to Adonia and her men as their saviours and even in their weakened state they felt in debt to her. Slowly they began to follow her lead and took refuge in the castle, building up their strength and giving back to the cause where they could.

  Chapter 11

  Another silent night

  The villagers settled well into the castle and word soon spread that the mysterious leader was Adonia Hardgrave herself. Many soon flocked to the Griffiths castle either to see the legend itself, to find another safe haven or as Adonia hoped; to join her fight. The Tainted felt like a bad memory as the time continued to pass with no retaliation, even from Kinlan. Adonia knew that it wouldn’t take long for him to find out, but perhaps he no longer had the men to fight. But Adonia had much more important matters to attend to.

  ‘Were you this nervous?’ Jenny asked as she fluffed out her simple white dress.

  ‘I’ll admit.’ Adonia giggled as she handed her a bunch of wildflowers. ‘It was sprung on me at the last second but, it was the most amazing moment in my life…Followed by the birth of my son.’

  ‘Addie can I ask you something personal?’ she asked as she continuously picked at her hair and preened the flowers.

  ‘Go ahead.’

  ‘Greymire was your husband, from what I heard he was a really good man, and Fenrir…He’s no prince charming and I guess you guys have your spark but…Are you comfortable with it?’ Adonia gave a sigh and joined Jenny’s side by the mirror.

  ‘I loved Greymire more than I could ever image, our time together was short but…As much as I love him Greymire has been dead for almost nine years now, I never expected to love Fenrir, not in a thousand years.’ She chuckled. ‘Things change.’

  ‘Well I do commend you on one thing Addie, all these years without a man how did you survive?’ the women laughed. ‘From what we heard in the tavern Fen must be quite the stud.’ Adonia laughed as she playfully shoved her friend. ‘Let’s get this going.’

  The castle was decorated as best they could, given the short time, they covered the walls and courtyard in white drapes and cooked to the best of their abilities. Barmic eagerly awaited his bride in the courtyard underneath a handmade arch with the chapel worshiper and the fellow villagers. As Jenny came through the doors with Adonia by her side she was more excited than nervous as she saw her love, she almost wanted to run to him like a child but quickly rushed to his side almost bouncing as the vows started to take place. As they watched the simple wedding Adonia was taken back to her time with Greymire, how she was filled with so much love for one person, she remembered clinging onto every word as she gazed into the eyes of her future husband, the remembrance of her fluttering heart as they prepared for their most meaningful kiss. Without even thinking she reached to Fenrir and gently locked a couple of her fingers with his. He looked at her briefly, but her gaze was still on her friends, in reply he simply moved his hand more into hers so they could hold each other properly. Jenny eagerly knelt down and held him tightly as they were joined together as husband and wife. Those who attended gave their applause and threw the dried petals of wildflowers in the air as they walked hand in hand through the crowds of people. Barmic made sure to stack the castle full to the brim with his family’s brew, as much as it gave a strong ordure, the familiar stench was welcoming as they celebrated.

  As the evening came to and the celebrations were taken to the inside of the castle, Fenrir walked alone out into the courtyard where Barmic and Jenny wed, he stood underneath the handmade arch that was covered in an assortment of white drapes and wildflowers that hung gracefully. He looked up innocently at the display before looking back down at the floor and pacing slightly.

  ‘Needed a break from the brew?’ Adonia chuckled as she leant against a wall with her arms folded.

  ‘All those years I’ve drank that stuff I’ll never get used to it.’ He smiled.

  ‘What are you doing out here by yourself?’

  ‘Just thinking.’

  ‘What about?’ Adonia said as she lightly pushed herself from the wall and joined his side.

  ‘Nice little ceremony wasn’t it?’ she could feel that he tried to avoid her question.

  ‘Fen.’ She said with a smile and nudged him slightly. ‘Something you’d like one day?’ Adonia asked as she looked up at the display, he lightly scoffed but shook his head until his gaze finally met hers.

  ‘I can only dream.’ Adonia watched as his features softened as he looked down at her, she could only imagine what things were going through his head. ‘…I bet you looked so beautiful when you were wed.’ he said as he lightly brushed her cheek with the tips of his fingers.

  ‘I didn’t even have a dress Fenrir.’ She chuckled. ‘I’ll be honest with you…I’ll never forget that day, the world around me was a complete blur but the only thing that was in focus was…Greymire.’ Adonia pursed her lips nervously as she looked away until she felt Fenrir hold her hand, pressing the palm of his against hers. She looked at their hands briefly, her fingertips just reaching the first joint on his own even at full length. Slowly he slipped his fingers in between hers, interlocking their hands before giving her a gentle yet passionate kiss under the wedding arch.

  ‘…Run away with me.’ He whispered as he parted his lips from her but kept his forehead lightly pressed against hers.


  ‘If you forever fear the leap, you’ll never know if you can fly.’ She looked into his tender green eyes and understood what he meant, how desperately Adonia wished she could just up and run away with Fenrir, especially once Kinlan and the Tainted were defeated. How she loved the idea of a small rustic wedding like this, just the two of them surrounded by their friends. The idea of a little cottage by a lake with children clinging to their heels. She loved the ideas, but knew they could never be that perfect, but she still knew to hope.

  ‘We will find a way Fen, no matter how long it takes us…We’ll find a way.’

  Adonia sat in her new room while the castle still continued to celebrate the new wedding even after the event had passed, she held her fist close to her lips while she examined the crow on her desk. While it acknowledged her presence, it continued to preen and peck as a normal bird.

  ‘There you are.’ Fenrir said as he came into the room and approached her. ‘People have been asking for you.’

  ‘I know it can understand me.’ She sighed as she looked at the crow, it let her touch it, stroking its feathers and even allowed her to run her finger down its beak. ‘I wanted to try something.’ Fenrir laid his hand on her shoulder and leaned in close to her and the crow. She looked at the animal in front of her once more before sitting back straight in her chair. ‘I want to ask you some questions, but to make things simple; caw for yes, remain silent for no. Do you understand?’ the crow hopped slightly and tilted its head but just as Adonia was about to let out a sigh it let out a single, clear caw. ‘Okay, are you here to protect me?’ the crow cawed. ‘Is your name Xander?’ it tilted its head again slightly as if it was contemplating the answer before giving a small caw. ‘Are you and that spirit, that man the same being?’ it cawed. ‘Will you help our fight?’ but this time the crow remained silent which made Adonia glance over at Fenrir slightly. ‘Do you know the Mother?’ the crow cawed. She nervously bit her lip at the knowledge. ‘…Do you know why she’s after Alexander’s daughters like myself?’ it took a moment, but the crow gave another caw. ‘…Can you tell me why?’ the crow remained silent but gave her a look as if it wanted to explain but physically couldn’t. ‘I don’t understand.’ She sighed. ‘It coul
d speak before, why can’t it speak now?’

  ‘Hey.’ He comforted as he rubbed her shoulders. ‘Don’t worry about it, come back downstairs we’ll try again tomorrow.’ She gave an unsatisfied sigh but couldn’t help but smile as he kissed the side of her head. Adonia took his hand and followed his lead back downstairs to the celebrations while the crow began to preen its feathers like a natural creature would.

  That night Adonia awoke to a haunting memory, the beautiful yet haunting voice that she hoped she would never hear again. She shot up from her bed, but Fenrir was nowhere to be seen.

  ‘Fen?’ she gasped, quickly she dressed herself and grabbed her sword and a candle, the castle was eerily quiet and dark. ‘Fen?’ she called out again, but her voice only echoed through the halls. As she went past a candle on the wall, she would light them to help illuminate her way as she slowly side stepped through the hallway, following the voice. Suddenly there was a brisk gush of wind from an impossible source which extinguished all light. Adonia’s heart raced as she pressed herself up against a wall so no creature could attack from behind. It took her a moment, but she threw the useless candle to the floor and clutched her sword handle with both hands before continuing forward. The voice led out to the courtyard, Adonia took in a nervous inhale before kicking the main doors open only to see the dark figure standing alone in the night only illuminated by the moon and her glowing eyes.

  ‘You’ve grown stronger than I ever could have imagined my dear, it’s time for you to finally come with me.’

  ‘You’ll have to kill me first.’ Adonia raised her sword in a defensive manner as she slowly walked down the stairs.

  ‘So much like Alexander it’s frightening.’ She smiled. There was a sudden squawk as the crow that followed Adonia swooped down and landed in front of Adonia, its wings spread wide, its feathers puffed and beak open aggressively, but the Mother took pause at this creature. She stared, her face an unreadable emotion, the Mother knew this creature. ‘You, are but a memory.’ With just a simple flick of her wrist the crow disappeared into a flash of smoke and feathers, Adonia stood in the courtyard, nervous but ready for the fight.

  ‘Where are my friends?!’

  ‘Safe as long as you come with me.’


  ‘Very well.’ She raised her hand and suddenly the courtyard was no longer empty, the Tainted had the entire castle surrounded, her friends and followers pinned to the ground by horrific weapons but Adonia glanced behind the Mother to see a monstrous creature in black armour towering over Fenrir. He was on his knees with his hair violently pulled back with the creature’s blade at his throat, he gulped nervously as he saw Adonia but still tried to put up a fight.

  ‘Don’t listen to them Adonia!’ the blade was held tighter to his throat which made him hiss as a small trickle of blood fell down his skin.

  ‘Fen! Let him go, let them all go!’ Adonia tried to take another step forward but was unable to, as if her feet were locked into the ground which made the Mother smile.

  ‘Only if you finally agree to come with me my dear.’ The Mother smiled as she began to circle her. ‘I could have taken you in your lowest point.’ She traced her sharp fingertips across Adonia’s throat. ‘But I could see something in you. That spark, the same Alexander had. Even when he faced death, he faced it with pure determination. That torture made you stronger, made you a leader, fine skills to have.’ Adonia stared angrily but let the Mother explain. ‘You see when I absorb you, I absorb your every being, every desirable trait becomes mine, it was hard with the generations that used to lock the girls away, but a bargain was a bargain. You on the other hand became something a Hardgrave never has, but I believe you’ve met your peak and belong to me now.’

  ‘I will never go with you monster.’ Adonia snarled.

  ‘Very well, kill them.’ The monsters prepared to draw back their blades and attack but as the Mother had her back turned Adonia yelled.

  ‘Stop!’ the Mother smiled and turned to her again. ‘…If I go with you, this will all end?’

  ‘For now.’

  ‘But…I’m the last.’

  ‘It’s a shame for you.’ The Mother chuckled as she looked to the elf. ‘That your lover isn’t that potent, but I see why you like him Adonia, he’s very handsome isn’t he? Perhaps I should turn him to the Taint and have him all to myself.’ The creature that held him growled and pulled at him tighter which was enough to make Fenrir yell out in pain. ‘Now, now commander, don’t take it out on him, after all Adonia encouraged it.’ The creature continued to give a low growl. ‘How would Greymire feel Adonia? He loved you enough to give his life and this is how you repay him? Find an elven lover?’

  ‘Greymire is dead you monster, he died fighting your creations!’ the Mother gave one last smile, a smile that cracked into Adonia’s very soul. With a snap of her fingers that echoed throughout the entire castle, the creature that held Fenrir began to roar in pain as it plunged its sword into the ground then clutched its helmet with one hand while he continued to hold onto Fenrir’s hair. The roaring continued as the creature painfully convulsed until the roars turned into the yells of a man, with a single painful movement it tore off the helmet which caused Adonia to drop her sword. She trembled at the sight as her entire body shifted to a deathly cold, she felt as if she could vomit, tears streamed down her face while her mouth was agape. The creature panted slightly as it lifted its head, its long black hair slightly covering its face, it pulled the black blade out of the door and resumed its threatening stance, all while never taking its eyes off her.

  ‘…G-Greymire…’ she gasped as her legs buckled and finally gave way and fell to the floor still shuddering.

  ‘Oh, he died, but he managed to kill my commander, a feat no mortal has ever come close to accomplishing, I couldn’t let such power go to waste. It’s good the elves don’t burn their dead; he was still fresh.’ Adonia couldn’t even hear anymore as she continued to stare stunned at what she saw. It was him, but his skin was as white as death, just like the Mother and his once beautiful eyes now shone the same blood red. He stared at her angrily, he looked as if he was fuelled by an untameable hatred. ‘All he wanted was to see you again Adonia, to be with the woman he loved, and what does he see? His wife underneath this elf, I made him see everything, I made him hear every cry of ecstasy again and again. He was a bit resistant at first, but that night with your elf finally let all of the Taint in, let his very being be consumed to it, and I can safely say Adonia, I have never come across a more powerful Tainted.’ She smiled as she traced her sharpened fingertips against Greymire’s face, he didn’t even flinch, he only continued to hold his hateful glance.

  ‘A-Adonia don’t.’ Fenrir hissed as he could feel his airways being crushed.

  ‘What will it be Adonia? Come with me and all the suffering will end, your loved ones will be safe.’

  ‘You…Promise.’ Her mind was clouded, the shock of Greymire in the flesh and the threat of her loved ones, she couldn’t bare it.

  ‘Addie naw!’ Barmic yelled out but was swiftly hit by a Tainted.

  ‘You have my word as a Divine.’ It took every ounce of strength before Adonia could stand to her feet, she wobbled slightly and gave nervous breaths. ‘Embrace me as your mother.’ The Mother said affectionately as she held out her arms to Adonia, she was hesitant at first especially as she met the hateful gaze of the man she once loved but slowly embraced the Mother. It took only seconds, but she was soon sent into a world of unconsciousness, the Mother held her in her arms and gave a smile as the deed was done. Her friends and lover screamed out to her as Adonia’s body went completely limp in the Mother’s arms. Fenrir desperately struggled against the behemoth of a man that kept him down even with the blade still pressed dangerously at his throat.

  ‘Come, I have what I want.’ Greymire went to strike Fenrir but the Mother soon halted his advance. ‘Stop, I have made a deal, no harm comes to these people.’ Greymire snarled as he threw Fenrir to the s
ide and went to walk away with her.

  ‘ADONIA!’ Fenrir yelled as he grabbed her sword and went to strike Greymire. He barely even looked over his shoulder but with a single movement his sword was already unsheathed and outstretched and Fenrir was already sent flying backwards but now with a massive gash across his chest.

  ‘Fen!’ Barmic raced over to Fenrir and held him up as he watched Adonia disappear into the unknown darkness of the abyss held by both the Mother and the fabled Knight Commander himself.




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