Scoundrel (McCallan Brothers Book 3)

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Scoundrel (McCallan Brothers Book 3) Page 4

by Lea Hart

  “You’re welcome,” he replied. “I want my girl to have some fun before she leaves town and I’m hoping you’re the man who can give it to her.”

  “Garrett, please for the love of all that is good and right in the world, stop pimping me out to the first man who happens to stop by.” She picked up her coffee cup and took several gulps. “I do not need that kind of help.”

  He threw up his hands and let out a dramatic sigh. “You kind of do, but I suppose that’s not anything we need to let a prospective fling know since it makes you appear slightly desperate.”

  “Stop. Talking. Before. I. Kill. You.”

  “Fine,” Garett replied with a fake smile. “So, is this op going to call for any wet work?”

  Choking on his coffee, Seth sucked in a breath. “Excuse me?”

  Garrett grinned and lifted a shoulder. “Tessa and I watched a couple of movies, and I noticed the term was bandied around a lot.”

  “The U.S. government doesn’t do wet work.”

  “Yes, they do,” Tessa replied. “We just don’t hear about it.”

  “Watch any show on Netflix or network TV for that matter, and it’s all spelled out,” Garett said before drinking his coffee.

  Deciding a debate would get them nowhere, he chose to change topics. “How long have you two been friends?”

  “Almost five years,” Tessa replied. “I thought we might be more at one point, but Garrett decided he definitely preferred men.”

  Letting that little nugget of gold roll around in his head, he looked between them and didn’t have one appropriate response, so he held his mug out to Tessa. “Can I have some more coffee?”

  “I should get to work,” Garett said as he stood. “Tessa, text me this afternoon and let me know how things are going. If you two don’t end up on a stakeout or knocking boots, we can grab sushi.”

  “Will do,” she replied, walking him to the door. She gave him a kiss on the cheek and smiled. “Have a good day and play nice with the others.”

  “I’ll try but make no guarantees.” Leaning back, he waved. “Seth, make sure and take care of my girl today, and I don’t just mean keeping her alive.”

  Lifting his hand, he nodded and silently corrected his wording. If she was anyone’s girl, she was damn well going to be his, and there was no question he would be taking real good care of her. “Breakfast?” he asked as he caught her hand before she could breeze past.

  When she stilled, he moved closer. “Are you mad about my surprise visit or something else?”


  “Just tell me, so we can deal with it.”

  “It’s all hitting me.”

  “I need more words.”

  “Everything. The day, my impending move across the country, leaving my best friend. I’ve had coffee with Garett almost every day for three years, and that’s about to stop.” Snapping her fingers, she frowned. “By next month, my life as I know it will all be gone, and I’ll be in New York City.”

  “Why are you going across the country and not staying in LA? The possibility of blow-back from the op is fairly low, and I imagine you can go on with your life without a problem.”

  “I know that, but it’s time for me to see if I can become a working actress.”

  “I thought that’s what you were.”

  “Not really. If I didn’t have a day job, there would be no way to support myself off my acting money. I’m not pretty enough to make it in this town, so I’m going to try becoming a stage actress.”

  “If you’re not pretty enough, then this town is fucked up.”

  “Well, I won’t argue with you there. Unfortunately, I may just be a competent actress and missing the it factor.”

  None of the things she was saying were computing in his brain because, as far as he was concerned, she was a fucking knockout. And as far as the it factor went…she had it in spades because his mind hadn’t been right since he set eyes on her. “Then Los Angeles doesn’t deserve you.”

  “That’s a very sweet thing to say.”

  “I mean it, Tessa.”

  “Well, I’m going to try my luck in the Big Apple and see what I can come up with.”

  Sliding his hand on her hip, he gave her a smile. “I don’t know shit about acting, but my gut tells me there isn’t a person in the world who wouldn’t enjoy seeing you do your thing.”

  “You are either the best man in the world or a scoundrel with the gift for saying the perfect thing.”

  “Let’s go with the perfect man thing since it’s a lot more fitting.”

  Laughing, she stepped back. “At least you don’t suffer from a lack of confidence.”

  “There was a minute back in 2003, but I don’t like to talk about it.”

  “Probably wise,” she replied before walking toward the bedroom.

  “Indeed,” he said quietly. “Shit like that does not need to be dwelled on.”


  Tessa walked through her maze of packed boxes and saw Seth sitting on the couch with one of her albums. “Doing a little research?”

  “Yes, and I need you to tell me about 2009 and this orange bikini you wore on some beach in Mexico.”

  Sitting next to him, she pulled the album over to her lap. “I’d just graduated college and spent a week in Tulum with a bunch of friends.”

  “Any chance you might still have that bikini somewhere?”

  “We went skinny dipping in a cavern, and I lost it.” Seeing his frown, she let out a laugh. “Are you scandalized?”

  “No, just pissed that I missed it.”

  “Where were you in 2009?”

  “I was a Marine Raider by that point and stationed at Camp Lemonnier in Djibouti. The war in Somalia started that year as well as the Boko Haram insurgency, so I spent most of the year transecting the Trans Saharan region.”

  Sitting back, she closed the album. “That puts a whole lot of things in perspective.”


  “While I was frolicking naked on a beach in Mexico, you were putting your life on the line half-way across the world. I feel so…”

  “Can’t compare, Tessa.”

  “I was contributing nothing, and you were giving everything.”

  “Not everyone can be a soldier, and it’s not an apple and orange equation.”

  “I’m going to disagree.” Taking his hand, she ran her finger over his scarred knuckles. “I want to apologize for my crankiness earlier.”

  “Apology accepted. At least now I know that I need to hand you a vat of coffee before speaking.”

  Laughing, she let go of his hand and stood. “You won’t have to worry about that since we’re going to be done by tonight.” Opening one of her boxes, she put the album inside.

  “I’ll be staying at least through the weekend, so I imagine the whole morning coffee thing will come up again. Unless…”

  “What?” she asked as she leaned against the stack of boxes.

  “I find another way to start your day off right.”

  She felt her face heat and didn’t know if she was ready to see if reality lived up to the fantasies she’d conjured up. “That’s very…”

  “Guess you weren’t ready for me to turn the heat up quite yet, so I’ll change the subject.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Did you decide to move before Daisy got you to cooperate or after?”

  “After. I gave myself until I was thirty to do something in LA and since that birthday is looming, it’s time to move on and give it one last go.”

  “When’s your birthday?”


  “Me too!”

  “Mine is May fifth.”

  Grinning, he stood and walked over. “Mine is May fourth.”

  “No wonder I like you.”

  “We should celebrate our birthdays together.”

  “We’ll be on opposite sides of the country, so I doubt it would work out.”

  He put his arm over her shoulder and pulled her close. “
It’s hard to predict the future, so you never know.”

  “I’ve got a magic eight ball around here somewhere, so I may be able to tell your fortune if I can find it.”

  “I already know what my fortune is since I laid eyes on you yesterday.”

  “That’s a very charming thing to say.”

  “I mean it and look forward to our weekend together.”

  “You really think getting everything done at Ian’s is going to take more than a day?”

  “Not sure, but I know getting you interested is going to, so I plan on hanging out.”


  “Is that an oh, I’m so happy we have more time to explore the freaky chemistry we have or an oh, please leave as soon as you can?”

  “Definitely not the second one.”

  Bending down, so they were looking into each other’s eyes, he grinned. “So that’s a hell yeah to exploring?”

  “I thought we were going to let it simmer.”

  “Honey, that pot is about to boil the hell over, and there’s not much we can do to stop it.”

  Giving him a hip bump, she stepped away. “I’m perfectly under control.”

  He threw his head back and barked out a loud laugh. “The person who says they’re in control is the person who isn’t.”

  “Don’t try and nab my blanket of denial since it’s the only thing keeping me from…”

  “Jumping my bones, climbing me like a tree, and making me your love slave?”

  “I was going to say misbehaving, but your description, unfortunately, seems a little more accurate.” She watched him pump his fist and grin like a fool. “You could’ve been a little more low-key in your response.”

  “No way, Tessa. A moment of triumph should never be wasted, and this is a damn fine one.”

  She flipped her hair and then her hand and twirled toward her room. “I’m grabbing a jacket, and then we can go.”

  He threw out his arms and raised an eyebrow. “We’ve got time if you want to give me a little kiss now.”

  “I can wait.” She heard him grumble something and decided whatever it was could be ignored, just like the desire that was burning its way through her body.

  Fantasy and reality were two very different things, and she needed a minute to determine if she was ready to see how the two stood up to each other.


  Seth parked the SUV in front of Ian’s mansion and checked the audio and visual gizmos the tech guys had kitted him up with earlier. Glancing over at Tessa, he noticed her frown. “What?”

  “Why didn’t I get any?”

  “Didn’t know you wanted some.”

  “What spook wouldn’t want all the fancy toys?”

  “Honey, you know that you’re not an actual employee of the CIA.”

  “If the acting thing doesn’t work out, I may decide to apply.”


  “Don’t say it like it’s a preposterous idea.”

  “I’m just surprised.”

  “Because a retired Disney princess can’t kick ass and save the world?”

  “I’m up to my ass in alligators with this conversation and have no idea how to escape.”

  “There isn’t a way.”

  “Can we start over?”

  “I guess.”

  “Tessa, you can be anything you want and far be it from me to suggest otherwise.”

  “Much better.”

  “Yes, dear.”

  “Where did you learn that phrase?”

  “Both of my brothers have recently fallen in love, and I’ve been hearing them use the phrase on a semi-regular basis. Cole, who’s the oldest, uses it with his fiancée, Kelly, at least twice a day, just as insurance, and Zach, who’s my middle brother, seems to as well. They’ve both said that winning a fight with your woman means you’re losing in life because proving you’re right makes the woman you love wrong. Nothing good is going to come out of that.”

  “That shows a lot of wisdom.”

  “Or a strong desire not to lose their conjugal rights.”

  “Or that,” she replied with a laugh. “Is Vegas where you call home?”

  “Yes, as a matter of fact. My brothers and I have a security company together and also live on the same street. We were all in the Marines and promised each other that if we didn’t come home in a box, then we’d create a business we could be proud of.”

  “So, the contracting work isn’t your regular job?”

  “No, and as a matter of fact, this is my last gig. McCallan Security is thriving, and it needs all three of us involved to make it succeed. We’ve got more business than we can handle and taking time off to chase adrenaline-fueled missions doesn’t make sense anymore.”

  “Was the thrill what drew you to contracting work?”

  “I spent ten years on the front lines and coming home wasn’t easy. The contracting work let me keep a foot in the fight and gave me a way to ease into civilian life.”

  “And now?”

  “I’m working hard not to be drawn to it.”

  “Any particular reason?”

  “Getting shot up and having my ass hanging out for something the government doesn’t want to claim isn’t a great strategy if I plan on living past forty. I have to find another way to get my need for adrenaline satisfied.”

  “And a regular nine to five job isn’t doing that?”

  “McCallan Security is a lot more than a desk job, and we’ve got a lot of cool clients, so the day-to-day is hardly ever the same.”

  “You’re lucky then because a lot of day jobs can suck the very soul out of a person.”

  “Has being Ian’s executive assistant done that?”


  “Was the guy more than verbally abusive?” He watched her turn away and felt his gut clench at the idea of anyone bothering even one of her feelings, much less her person.

  “Ian is a narcissist with an inferiority complex. His father built the business up from the ground, and I’ve gotten the impression he never thought much of his son. And Ian is never going to prove him wrong since his dad passed away before he could. I ignore most of his stupidity because the job gives me the flexibility to audition when I want and pays me enough so I can live above the poverty line.”

  “That didn’t answer my question?”

  Looking up, she gave him a faint smile. “When Daisy approached me and asked if I’d be willing to cooperate, I didn’t hesitate a minute. And it wasn’t because I’m a patriot.”

  “Maybe you should think about law school instead of the CIA because you still haven’t answered my question.”

  “He never raised a hand or made me feel physically threatened, but his assholery has been off the charts for the last year.”

  “Then this is sweet vengeance.”

  “I abhor the guns and drugs he’s allegedly trafficking, and if he’s really going to use the business his father built to traffic in bioweapons, then rotting in a jail cell will be too good for him.”

  “You are a patriot.”

  “No, I’m just a person who tries to do the right thing because it’s preferable to being an asshole.”

  “Same thing.”

  Tessa checked her phone. “The cleaning service should be just about done, so we can go in if you want.”

  “I’m more than ready because taking down this scumbag just got personal.”


  “Because I don’t abide someone bothering my people.”

  “And I’m your people?”

  Grinning, he leaned forward and brushed a kiss across her cheek. “You sure as hell are, honey.”

  “Well, that’s…”

  “Damn good news?”


  “I bet by tomorrow there will be no maybe about it.” When her mouth tilted into a smile, he knew there was a better than average chance it would actually happen.


  Tessa walked into Ian’s office to check on Seth’s progr
ess and handed him the empty bag. “I distributed the audio discs throughout the house and placed them nearest to where he usually hangs out.”


  “How’s it going in here?”

  “Almost there. I’ve got one Trojan installed, and it’s working its way through the system.”

  “Do you want me to leave you be, so you can concentrate?”

  “No,” he replied as he took her hand. “All I’m doing is waiting for the thing to take root.”

  Pressing a kiss to her hand, he grinned. “Tell me how you figured out Ian was up to something.”

  “I wasn’t the one who did; it was Wallace over at the hangars who was the first to notice something wasn’t right.”


  “The planes were requiring more fuel than they should have based on the number of passengers traveling. At first, he thought it was due to an inordinate amount of luggage the clients were traveling with, but once he checked the luggage on a half-dozen flights and did the math, he knew something else was up.”

  “And he took his suspicions to Ian?”

  “Yes, and he was fired within days. A couple of his friends couldn’t find hide nor hair of him a couple of weeks later, and I still don’t know what happened to him.”

  “What happened next?”

  “One of the accountants asked him about a million dollars that was run through the accounts with no client invoice, and then a pilot asked about men who were hanging around the planes. Both have disappeared.”

  “So, you got curious and started digging?”

  “Pretty much. I talked to a friend who’s in the LAPD, and he talked to a friend and so on and so forth until I got a call from Daisy one day.” She heard her phone buzz and knew immediately Ian was likely on the move. Pulling it out of her pocket, she saw the notice that he’d left the golf course and was headed in their direction. “He must’ve blown the first nine holes.”

  Seth’s phone buzzed as well, and he typed a response on his phone and then returned his eyes to the monitor, letting his fingers fly over the keyboard. “I guess he’s not only an asshole but a quitter too.”

  “He’ll never play all eighteen holes if he’s whiffed the front nine. He fakes some work emergency, so he doesn’t have to turn in his score.”


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