Scoundrel (McCallan Brothers Book 3)

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Scoundrel (McCallan Brothers Book 3) Page 5

by Lea Hart

  “The one Trojan might not be enough, so we’re going to have to come back at some point to finish the job.”

  “Guess we’ll have to hang loose and see when the next opportunity presents itself.”

  “Bet we can figure out a few ways to keep ourselves entertained.”

  “I’m going to ignore that comment.”

  “Figured you would but couldn’t stop myself from throwing it out there.”

  “I respect that,” she replied as she watched the scroll of data disappear from the monitor. Their phones buzzed again, and she guessed that Ian’s car had cleared the front gates. “He’ll be here in three minutes.”

  “Done,” Seth announced as he wiped down the keyboard.

  She gave the room a visual check and decided there wasn’t anything out of place and walked toward the door. “He’s going to be surprised that I brought you here and will probably be more of a jerk than he usually is, so don’t react and we should be fine.”

  Pushing in the desk chair, he grinned. “We’ll be fine no matter what kind of shit he pulls.”

  “He’s an insecure egomaniac, and I don’t want his rash behavior to derail the assignment.”

  “Not possible,” he replied as he took her hand and walked out of the office. “I’m not planning on getting into a pissing contest with the guy; I just wanted you to know that I’ll handle him.”

  “He could provoke Mother Theresa herself, so please don’t let him bait you.”

  “Honey, I’m as cool as a fucking cucumber and completely under control.”

  “Hope so,” she replied as the door to the garage swung open hard enough to bounce off the walls. The sound of Ian’s footsteps filled the hall as she and Seth walked into the kitchen, and she watched Ian’s mouth drop open at the sight of them. “You’re back early; did you have a lousy front nine?”

  “Who the fuck did you bring into my home, Tessa?”

  “Nice manners, Ian.” Lifting the folder that outlined the details of the dinner party he was throwing on Saturday, she walked over and handed it to him. “This is my boyfriend, Seth, and we’re going to dinner as soon as I’m done here.”

  Stepping forward, Seth dropped his arm over Tessa’s shoulders and smiled. “Nice to meet you, Ian; my girl has told me all about you.”

  “Well, I can’t say the same since I didn’t know she was even seeing someone.”

  Shocked did not begin to describe the way the statement made her feel. He’d never once concerned himself with her personal life and she, in turn, never shared more than the barest of facts. She could’ve been dating a hundred men, and he never would’ve had a clue since the only thing that ever interested him was his own needs.

  Deciding that ignoring the comment was the best strategy, she made her face devoid of any emotion. “Everything is set for your dinner party tomorrow night, and all the details are in the folder. The cleaning service did their usual exemplary job, groceries have been delivered, and the summary of the company’s weekend flight schedule is in there as well.”

  “How long have two been seeing each other?” Ian asked as he dropped the folder on the counter.

  Weirded out by his interest, she shifted her weight closer to Seth. “A couple of months.”

  “I knew the moment I saw her that she was someone special and made sure to make her mine as soon as I could,” Seth said.

  A warm mushy feeling filled her heart, and she allowed herself a second to roll around in it. When it started to take root, she quickly reminded herself it wasn’t real and pushed the fantasy away. “He swept me off my feet.”

  “Ian, do you mind if I use the restroom before we head out?”

  Frowning, he pointed to a door across the hall. “You can use that one.”

  “Thanks, man.” Bending down, he kissed Tessa lightly. “Be right back, sweetie.”

  A two-second peck on the mouth had never been so delicious. “Okay,” she mumbled as she let her eyes track his biteable ass.

  What would the man do to her when he kissed for real?

  “Wipe the lovesick look off your face before I puke.”

  Whipping her head around, she glared at her employer. “That was rude, Ian, even for you.”

  “I’ve never seen you behave this way; what the hell has gotten into you?”

  She wanted to turn the question around and ask him the same thing but knew the answer would be too damn long. “This is what happiness looks like. I know you’ve never seen it in the mirror when you stare at your visage, but don’t be an ass because I’ve found mine.”

  Ian threw his hands up and closed his eyes. “Spare me your illusion that something like that exists.”

  The doorbell rang, interrupting her response, and she knew it was Ian’s friends. “You’re all set for the weekend. Drake is having a party on Sunday, so prepare yourself for the noise and usual ruckus.”

  “I assume my name is on the guest list?” he asked before walking toward the door.

  “Of course,” she replied with what little civility she could muster. Watching him disappear around the corner, she let out a low growl.

  “Everything okay, sweetie?”

  She looked over her shoulder and nodded. “Yes. Just the usual nonsense.” Picking up her bag, she gave him a nod. “Ready?”

  “Yes.” Taking her hand, he pulled her against his side. “I un-jammed the signal in the house, so we’re good to go.”

  “Ian’s buddies just arrived, so I’d love nothing more.”

  “Let’s linger a minute, so I can get a read on them.”


  “Yeah, nothing is better than live intel.”

  “I’ll follow your lead.”

  “I like the sound of that.”

  Smirking, she moved toward the front of the house. “Not surprising.”


  Zach drove away from Hidden Hills’ gates and checked his mirrors. “Looks like we’ve got a tail.” He saw Tessa start to turn and shot his hand out. “Don’t turn around.”

  “Of course,” she replied, letting out a snort. “That was a total rookie move.”

  “Lean over and kiss me when we hit the light, so the guy gets a good visual.”

  “Do I have to?”

  “Can I say yes and not be a douche?”

  “Not a real answer.”

  Pressing his foot against the brake, he slid to a slow stop at the light and glanced over, pursing his lips. “Give me a good smack, so he can report to his boss that we’re just two crazy lovebirds.”

  “And why is that important?”

  Seeing the light change, he let out a sigh and pressed his foot on the gas. “We missed it.”

  “Answer my question.”

  “We don’t want the syndicate to think we’re anything more than two people who can’t keep their hands off each other.”

  “Because if they think otherwise, they’ll follow us all weekend and make the assignment doubly difficult?”

  “Exactly.” Lifting her hand, she pointed toward the freeway on-ramp. “Hop on the 101 and head North, so we can take our friend on a little adventure.”

  Doing as she instructed, he took the on-ramp and kept an eye on the guy doing a crap job of following them. “And where exactly are we going?”

  “We’ll cut across one of the canyons and head to the beach and grab dinner at Malibu Seafood.”

  “I like the way you think, woman.”

  Smiling, she shook out her hair. “Why, thank you. I thought the restaurant would be a good choice since there isn’t much around it. The location should make it hard for our tail to stay close and we’ll get an unbeatable view of the sunset.”

  “Sounds like a great idea, partner.”

  “The place is a fish market with picnic tables, so it’s not fancy, but I figure grilled fish, French fries, and a beer is the best way to end this day.”

  “I couldn’t agree more, and it will give the techs plenty of time to give us intel on the men that s
howed up at Ian’s.”


  “The pin on my shirt is a camera, and I activated it when the doorbell rang. I got a clear shot of everyone who showed up and fed it into the face rec software. When that’s combined with the audio devices you placed, we’ve given Daisy’s team plenty to work with.”

  “I feel all buzzy and excited. Is that weird?”

  “No, that’s just the adrenaline letting you know you did some cool shit.”

  “FYI, I def enjoy the spook game.”



  “You could be addicted before all is said and done.”

  “I can’t decide if that’s a good thing or not.”

  “Guess it depends on how invested you are in the acting thing.”

  “Guess so,” she responded quietly.

  He watched her head turn as she stared out at the scrubby hills and knew there was more to the answer. Would they have enough time together for him to discover the answer?

  He had no idea.

  But he sure as hell was going to do his best to make it possible.

  “Why do you think we warranted a tail?”

  Pulled out of his thoughts, he glanced over. “Guessing it’s because I’m a new face and anyone in the syndicate worth his salt is going to find out what that means.”

  “I wonder how big their file is on me?”

  “Probably fairly small since Ian seems to trust you completely.”

  “Which will be his greatest downfall,” she replied with a small smile.

  “If you want to let out an evil laugh and rub your hands together, now would be a good time.”

  “That’s only for villains, and since I’m the girl who saves the day, I need to break out in a rousing song of celebration.”

  “And what is my role in this thing? Are you gonna let me help save the day too, or are you plannin’ on executing a superhero move all on your own?”

  Sliding her eyes over, she smiled. “I believe in the team approach, and since you’re the one with all the skills, the superhero feats will be up to you.”

  Taking her hand, he grinned. “May have to teach you a few, just in case.”

  “I like the sound of that since I’ll probably need a few once I’m in New York.”

  “Might be helpful since that town could chew you up without them.”

  “That’s what I’m worried about,” she mumbled quietly, lifting her hand to shade her eyes. “Take the next exit, and we’ll wind our way over the mountains and end up in Malibu.”

  “Got it,” he replied as he cut across two lanes, making the exit just in time. “I just lost the asshole following us, so it looks like our first date vibe is safe.”

  “And why do you think our evening together is going to be a first date?”

  “Do you sleep with a man and not have a first date?”

  “No, and it usually takes several before I even consider it.”

  “That answers your question about the first date.”

  “Can we be on an assignment and have a fling?”

  “I’m sure as hell going to try, and why does it have to be a fling and not something more?”

  “Because we’re probably opposites in every way and don’t live close to one another.”

  “Opposites often work.”

  “Interesting point to focus on.”

  “Both my brothers have given me a hell of an example of how it’s possible, so don’t dismiss the possibility.”

  “All right.”

  Letting out a chuckle, he shook his head. “You didn’t even try to make that believable.”

  “Sorry, I thought I had my spy hat on and not my acting one.”


  “You strike me as a man who enjoys a good fling, so I can’t figure out why you’ve now argued twice against it.”

  “I’m not disputing the advantages of a good shag, but…”


  “For some reason, I want more with you.”

  “It must be my super operator skills that have you all agog.”

  “Possible, but not probable.”

  She turned and folded her hands. “Exactly how much experience do you have with romance and long-term relationships?”

  “I’m thirty, so are you sure it’s a question that needs to be asked?”

  “Yes, since most of the thirty-year-old men I’ve met couldn’t pick romance out of a lineup. It’s all about the hookup, the meetup, and the down and dirty shag.”


  “What, Seth?”

  “I’ve got nothing. Truth is, I’ve got no experience in the long game and have had very little reason to ply a woman with romance or ask for anything beyond a night or two together.”

  Moving her hand away, she looked out the window. “That’s what I figured.”

  Not liking the resigned tone, he let out a breath and checked the rear-view mirror. “I take it the swipe right, hook-up scene isn’t something you’re into, despite the fact all you’ve shown interest in is a hookup.”

  “I’ve chosen a career that requires me to deal with almost constant rejection, so I try and limit it in other areas of my life.”

  “I can’t imagine anyone ever rejecting anything you had to offer, and that was a hell of a non-answer.”

  “Thank you.”

  Laughing, he shook his head. “Let’s pick up this convo when we’re sitting with the sun on our faces and a beer in our hands.” He watched her head bob in agreement and wondered what it was about her that made him want more.

  God willing, he’d get an answer before they parted ways.


  Tessa pulled her sweater tighter and immediately felt Seth’s arm go around her shoulders. “Watcha doing?”

  “Sharing some of my body heat. I’ve usually got plenty to spare and, if I can’t share it with a pretty lady, then what use is it?”


  “You have no idea.”

  Moving closer, she bit back the explosive smile that threatened to break across her face and wondered if there was any way to play it cool. Ignoring his rippling forearms, she fiddled with the pile of napkins stacked in front of her and racked her brain for something innocuous to discuss. “So, where did you learn all your mad hacking skills?”

  “I’ve had a knack for it since I was a kid and, when I joined the Marines, I took advantage of the training that was offered.”

  “Did you prefer using a gun for combat or your technical skills?”

  “I liked utilizing them both. By the time I was deployed, the War on Terror had morphed from a ground assault to gathering intel and interrupting as many jihadists’ plans as possible.”

  “And do you use both in the business you share with your brothers?”


  “Seems you’re the real deal and…”

  “It’s turning you on like crazy, and any hope I had of not ending up with bite marks should just be dismissed?”

  “I wasn’t planning on leaving any marks.”

  He brushed her hair over her shoulder and then put his mouth against her ear. “Just so you know, I plan on leaving a few on you.”

  “Really?” she murmured, shivering.

  “Oh, yeah.”

  Nodding, she sat up, squared her shoulders, and decided a change of subject was needed. She studied his enormous hand cradling his beer and touched the ring he wore on his index finger. “I like this.”


  “Is there a story behind it?”

  He clenched his fist and let out a breath. “Pulled a boy out of a bombed out building in Ramadi and got him some medical care. After he had recovered from most of his injuries, he attached himself to our tank battalion and appointed himself our interpreter. He was an orphan and decided that since we’d saved him, we were his family. He stuck with us through the tour and gave each of us this ring before we shipped out. He made them out of the metal scraps he’d found an
d told us never to take them off.”

  “And you haven’t.”


  Sensing there was more, she leaned in and put her hand on his leg. “You’re lucky.”

  “Why’s that?” he asked as he ran his finger over his beer.

  “Because whatever happened during your deployment didn’t break you and seems only to have made you stronger.”

  “I’m not so sure about that on some days.”

  “Is that why you do the contracting and not stay home in Vegas living the high-life with your big business and shiny clients?”

  He lifted an eyebrow and leaned back. “I see someone spent a little quality time with Google last night.”

  “Not that it did me much good. I only found a few articles about McCallan Security.”

  “Good, because I make damn sure there’s never much personal stuff out there.”

  “You didn’t answer my question.”

  “Stasis isn’t all that comfortable.”

  A million questions.

  And she didn’t ask one of them because whatever was about to happen in the next day or so wouldn’t give her the right to know any of the answers.

  They were two ships momentarily docking in the same port.

  Nothing more.

  Which was perfect, considering she had a life to figure out. There was a fork in the road up ahead, and one of the options wasn’t a long-term thing with Seth.

  Not that he was interested in something like that.

  Taking in the view of the crashing waves and her partner, she knew there wasn’t much difference between them. Both were big, both had enormous energy, and both would leave her broken on the shore if she didn’t take care.

  Which meant the lessons she’d learned surfing these shores were likely going to be useful. Best thing she could do was think of their little tryst in much the same way she did a wave, and that meant enjoying the ride for as long as she could and dumping herself off the back when things got too dangerous.

  Hearing their number over the loudspeaker, she started to get up when she felt his hold tighten. “I’ll go get it.”

  “No, you won’t.”

  Laughing, she clapped her hands together and batted her eyelashes. “All right, my chivalrous knight. Please, go forth and bring us sustenance.”


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