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Scoundrel (McCallan Brothers Book 3)

Page 7

by Lea Hart

  “I do. You have one that’s only going to get better, and I imagine when you hit your fifties your milkshake is going to be the best in town.”

  “I thought that was a song about a woman and her yard.”

  “It is, but the idea is the same. You’ve got it, it’s only going to get better, and women are never going to stop wanting it.”

  Seeing his confused expression, she realized once again that keeping one’s thoughts private wasn’t a bad idea. “Anyway, this room is fab.”

  “No way, Tessa.”

  Wiggling her hips, she felt his cock stiffen and let her fingers move over his warm skin and smiled. “Please, tell me you have a condom.” Feeling his fingers, gently pinch her skin, she looked down. “What?”

  “You have something to say, so just spit it out.”

  Knowing she didn’t want to get into anything heavy, she leaned forward and ran her mouth over his chest. “Nothing to say, except…show me.”

  “What?” he replied as he flipped her over.

  “That you’re more incredible than I imagined.” She traced the intricate tattoos that covered his arm and chest, sighing with pleasure as his muscles rippled under her fingers.

  “Are we done with the milkshake conversation?”

  “So done,” she replied, pulling his massive body against hers. Now wasn’t the time for mental gymnastics; now was the time to let this brutal, beautiful man show her what the stars looked like.

  “You ready?”

  “I hope so.” A dangerous smile crossed his face as he crawled down her body and she knew payback was about to be doled out. And the first swipe of his tongue against her clit suggested he didn’t plan on showing any leniency.

  Moaning louder than she thought possible, she gripped the sheets as he devoured her. He lapped at her juices and made her go to the place where thinking disappeared, and only delight was allowed.

  The pleasure was almost too intense and, before she could do a thing, her orgasm struck, sweeping her under its power. Wave after wave of ecstasy washed over her as her cries filled the room.

  Nothing was left as he gentled his touch and took her down slowly.

  Not a speck of who she was remained.

  And before she could understand what the thought meant, the man who’d gentled her down from the high she was flying on turned feral.

  “My turn to do what I’ve been thinking about from the moment I laid eyes on you.”

  Sinking into the bed further, she jutted out her chin. “Yeah, what’s that?”

  “Fuck you until there’s nothing left of us.” He leaned over, grabbed the condom he’d placed on the nightstand, and ripped it open with his teeth. “You ready?”

  “Is anyone ever for something like that?”

  “Don’t know, but I guess we’re going to find out.” He slid the condom on and threw her a smile. “If I’m not imprinted on your skin when we’re done, then I’m going to keep coming at you until I am.”

  “Really?” Seeing his eyes darken, she knew there was no give in his words. He took her wrists in his hand and pinned them above her head and drove himself in with one long thrust.

  She was stretched to the limit and sucked in a breath, feeling him everywhere. “Sweet Lord, give me a minute.”

  Letting his face fall, he ran a string of small kisses over her cheeks as he rocked his hips slowly. “Better?”

  “Yes.” Letting her hips open, she smiled. “I’m ready, now.”

  “You sure?”

  “No, but when you’re given the opportunity to ride the Matterhorn, you don’t back down.”

  Laughing, he ran his nose along her cheek. “I was going to take it slow, but you feel too fucking perfect for that, so hold on, Tessa, and let’s see what the view looks like from the top.”

  “Are you going to let me see the stars, Seth?”

  “Going to do my best.”

  Moving her hands to his arms, she held on as his powerful thrusts sent ripples through her body. Experiencing not only an onslaught of physical pleasure, but something more, she wondered why he was the one who made it possible.

  Could this be more than two people pleasing one another with their bodies?

  Was a real connection possible?

  Did it matter since he was driving into her body, hitting a place that sent shards of impossible joy? Certainly not since something impossible glimmered on the horizon…a second orgasm so bright and sharp, it left her breathless.

  “Seth, what have you done?” He slowed immediately and held her gaze, letting his tight grip on her ass loosen. “I didn’t mean for you to stop.”

  Huffing out a breath, he nodded and pressed his forehead to hers. “Everything good?”

  “I think you found the spot.” Another stroke and she canted her hips. “Okay, you definitely did, so don’t you dare stop.”

  “Wasn’t planning on it,” he ground out.

  “I didn’t think I had one.”


  “Yes,” she howled out as he hit the spot again and again.

  “Come for me then and own me like no one ever has.”

  He worked his hips in, and she answered with her own moves. Closing her eyes, she concentrated on the way he held her and the scrape of his beard against her cheek and realized the elusive orgasm had slipped away. No way to catch it now. “Play through, Seth.”

  “No. Fucking. Way.”

  He flipped her over in one motion, and suddenly she was on top. “What are you…”

  Gripping her waist, he grinned madly. “Make yourself come.”

  “I don’t know…”

  “Do it,” he growled. “I dare you to take what you need.” He leaned up and gripped her hair and nodded. “Show me what you’re made of.”

  She’d never let someone challenge her without meeting it full on, and the bite of his hands in her hair was enough to get out of her head. Bending down, she gripped his face, pressed their mouths together, and lifted her hips, moving against him.

  He answered every one of her thrusts with his own and the lost orgasm found its way home. She lifted her mouth away and let out a moan.

  “Come on, beautiful. You’ve got more than that. Howl if you want to. Let everyone know how good we are together.”

  Dropping her head, she felt his hips meet hers and stilled. “Seth, you’ve…”

  “Made you mine,” he replied with a growl.

  His thrusts changed, and the rhythm shifted, and the shudders of pleasure were almost enough to make her black out. His grip tightened on her hips, and the sounds coming out of him were guttural and animalistic.

  “Look at me, Tessa.”

  Lifting her head, she did as she was told as the world exploded and they came together.

  Turns out, the stars were more beautiful than she’d ever imagined.


  Tessa heard the hotel door open and wondered how awkward the day ahead was going to be. Staring into the bathroom mirror, she gave herself strict instructions to behave as normally as possible.

  Just because she had mind-blowing sex with an almost complete stranger was no reason to act strangely.


  So what if she rode him like the rodeo queen she never was and knew parts of his body better than probably his urologist.

  “Tessa, quit giving yourself a pep talk and get that beautiful ass out here and have coffee with me.”

  Rolling her eyes, she twisted her hair into a knot and opened the door. She leaned against the doorframe and gave Seth a smile that any queen would be proud to wear. “Don’t bellow like a beast.”

  “You liked the beast last night.”

  Feeling his eyes crawl over her body like a slow caress, she lifted her chin up and ignored the pitter-patter of her heart. “Be that as it may, I do not appreciate you…”

  “Come and have your coffee before you start a quarrel you have no intention of finishing.”

  “You don’t know…” His finger went up, a
nd she swallowed the rest of her words. “Fine.”

  He set the two cups of coffee down and held out his hand. “Come here and let me love on you a little.”

  She moved her foot back and forth across the carpet and tried to decide if she could survive another round. “Having one night of shameless sex can be written off, but…”

  “Having it during the day would mean something you’re not ready to deal with?” he asked.

  “Sort of.”

  Seth held out his hand. “Maybe we should just see what happens and deal with things as they come up instead of writing the final scene before we’re done with the first act.”

  Walking over slowly, she took his hand and swung it back and forth. “I like knowing what happens and having a plan.”

  “Sometimes, that’s not possible.”

  Letting out a breath, she did her best to ignore how good his large calloused hand felt. “We might not have the time. Don’t we have hacking to do and places to break in to?”

  “We do, but a couple of screaming orgasms before we get to it will just make accomplishing them a whole lot easier.” He pulled her into his arms and walked backward until he tumbled them back on the bed.

  Not able to resist his embrace, she hugged him tight and buried her nose in his neck. Warm musk and his very unique scent made all her niggling fears seem less important.

  “You find your special spot?”

  “I did,” she murmured against his neck. Feeling his hand slide inside her robe and trail across her stomach, she let out a little giggle when his big fingers covered her breast. “Did you find your special spot?”

  “I’ve got several mapped out, but I’ll be happy with this one for now.”

  “Thank you, Seth.”

  Looking down, he raised an eyebrow. “For what?”

  “The romantic, raunchy, night of life-changing love-making you gave me. I couldn’t have asked for a better way to say goodbye to this town, and I really do appreciate it.”

  “My fucking pleasure.”

  “Yes, the fucking was definitely a pleasure.”

  Laughing, he shook his head and pulled her tight. “My Disney princess has learned to curse, and I don’t know if taking credit would be wrong.”

  “Believe me; I was quite skilled long before you came along.”

  “Good to know since I don’t want to be responsible for your slide into debauchery.”

  “And how do you know that I don’t, in fact, live a debauched life already?”

  “Well…your underwear is cotton, you don’t carry condoms in your purse, but instead have a small mending kit, tissues, Tylenol, and wet wipes.”

  “That could just be excellent planning on my part and absolutely no indication of how much of a degenerate I actually am.”


  Pushing him away, she rolled over and grabbed a coffee cup. “Whatever.”

  Seth sat up and pushed himself against the headboard. “Can you pass me a coffee, my dear wanton princess?”

  “It would be my greatest pleasure,” she replied, handing him a cup. She tucked the robe around her legs and hoped the caffeine would clear her mind.

  “Come over here and sit close, so I can cop a feel while we figure out our day.”

  Crawling over, she settled next to him and crossed her legs. “I teach a children’s acting workshop in Santa Monica, so I won’t be available for any spy work this afternoon. I can call you after I’m done and see if going to Ian’s makes sense.”

  “I wasn’t planning on being apart until this gig is done.”


  “A) It’s not safe since we were tailed yesterday; B) I like your company and want to get at you as much as I can, and C) We’re not going to give Ian any reason to doubt our relationship.”

  “I get the first two, but not the third.”

  “He looked at you like a possession yesterday and was plenty pissed when you told him I was your boyfriend. Let’s not give him any reason to act out before you leave town.”

  “I think you misread his reaction.”

  “Trust me; I didn’t.”

  Sipping her coffee, she thought about what he’d said and didn’t think Ian gave a rat’s ass about her beyond what she did for him. He was one hundred percent dependent on her to run his day-to-day life and probably didn’t like the idea of anyone coming along who might disrupt it, which meant that he was going to lose his shit when she gave notice on Monday. “All right, we’ll play it your way.”

  “Are you almost done with your coffee?”

  “I’ve only drunk half of it.”

  “Well, hurry up, woman.”


  “Because I want to ravage you and know that you won’t let me until you’ve had your shot of caffeine.”

  Setting the cup down, she turned and let the robe fall off her shoulder. “My mind is saying it’s not a good idea, but my body is telling it to shut up, and since it hardly ever gets a say…

  “You’re giving it a turn?”

  “Yes, so go ahead and ravage me.”

  “Finally!” he replied as he crawled over her and untied the knot of the robe with his teeth.

  Laughing at his expression, she gripped his arm. “Just know that whatever you do to me will be returned ten-fold.”

  “I’m countin’ on it.”

  She closed her eyes and tried to memorize the feeling of his hands brushing over her skin, so she could pull up the memory a month from now and enjoy it all over again.


  Seth held his phone away from his ear, so the piercing sound of his brother’s laugh wouldn’t break his eardrums. “Have a little dignity, man.”

  “Not possible,” Zach replied.

  Another round of snickers started, and he once again asked himself why he’d bothered checking in. “If you react this way every time I call, then I’m going to be inclined to stop.”

  “Give me a fucking break,” Zach said as his laughter died away. “You just asked my advice on how I romanced my woman. What did you expect?”

  “Why do you have to be such an asshole?”

  “It’s a God-given gift.”

  “Since you haven’t given me anything, I’m hanging up.”


  “Give me one good reason.”

  “No one wants your happiness as much as I do.”

  “What about Cole?”

  “Fine, we both want you to be fucking delirious and would do anything to make it happen.”

  “Forget I asked. I’m better off coming up with something on my own.”

  “You might be right since I don’t know much about the LA scene. If you were home, then I’d say a hot air balloon ride at sunrise would be the way to go.”

  “Unfortunately, getting Tessa to Vegas is highly unlikely since she’s headed to New York after this thing wraps up. She has plans and…”

  “You don’t want to get in the way of them?”

  “Doubt she’d let me even if I tried.”

  “And, do you want to try?”

  “I might.”

  “That’s more than you’ve ever wanted before.”

  “I’m well aware of that.”

  “I’m going to change the subject since you’re getting pissy. You’ve never been any good at denial, and until you accept that this woman could change your life, you’re going to be a pain in the ass.”

  “How long did it take you to accept what was happening with Cecily?”

  “Ten minutes. She gave me a smile and told me I could take her to the moon, and I knew right then and there I’d be happy spending the rest of my life trying to make it possible.”

  “That’s hard to believe.”

  “When it happens to you, you’ll feel the same damn way.”


  “How’s the assignment going?”

  “Couldn’t be easier. No guns have been pointed in my face, no one has tried to blow up a car I’m in, and there’s a distinct
absence of tangos wanting me dead.”

  “Is it even work, then?”

  “Doesn’t seem like it.”

  “Except the girl thing.”

  “Yeah, except for that.” Hearing the shower turn off, he let out a breath. “I’ve got to go. Tessa just finished her shower, and we’re going to head out shortly.”

  “Remember, plans can be changed, and if you want more than a weekend fuck, do something about it.”

  “Roger that.”

  “The woman you fall for is going to be damn lucky because no one has a heart more ferocious and loyal than yours.”

  “Thanks, Zach.”

  “Anytime. Just know this love thing is a motherfucker. It’s going to turn you upside down and inside out before all is said and done. But it’s worth it.”

  “You sure?”

  “One hundred percent.”


  “Keep me updated.”

  “Will do.” Hitting the end button, he let out a breath and had no idea if he was up for the task, but knew he was about to find out one way or another.


  Tessa looked around the small theater and thought about the five years she’d spent teaching the children’s workshops and knew she was going to miss it terribly. It hadn’t always been easy, but she loved that each child who participated got to express themselves fully.

  Clearing her throat, she reminded herself that the next move was the right one and getting weepy and emotional wasn’t going to do her a bit of good.

  “Are you tearing up?”

  Turning, she saw Garrett stride in wearing an outfit that very much reminded her of a young Sherlock Holmes. “You made it!”

  “As if I would miss your last workshop.”

  “You’re a good friend.”

  “I know; it’s one of the many things I excel at.”

  Throwing her hair back, she forced her mouth to lift into a smile. “So…

  “You suck up that weepy sentiment, missy, before those little monsters arrive. You know they can sniff out emotional weakness from a mile away, and the last thing you want is for them to poke and prod until you’re sobbing on the floor.”

  “I know,” she groaned as she sat in her seat. “I’m gonna boss up in a minute.”


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